No, he didn't carry her over the threshold |
Yep, I'm still here! I just got caught up between life, work, live feeds and catching Stephen Colbert's debut. The live feeds lost out a bit because they've been in the BB Doldrums for the past few days. But I'm caught up now and here ya go -- the latest from inside that Big Brother House of People Not Welcome at My Dinner Table:
- Steve got his HoH camera yesterday.
- Unlike some other seasons in which there's a lot of animosity at this point, they all had fun with the camera.
- Even though Austin was in a Grumpy Cat mood and didn't want to don his tutu, that is.
- The biggest news of the day is that the twins finally realized that Vanessa has a final two deal with everyone in the house.
- Well, duh.
- It took them long enough to figure that out!
- Julia thinks Vanessa will throw the HoH comp because she's good with everyone.
- Well, yeah. Duh. Johnny Mac is on the slate to win that one.
- Can't get any blood on her hands!
- Vanessa continued to make her rounds and talk how much she's hated by the jury.
- She really wants to get herself in the position in which someone will choose to take her to the final two because she says she won't win.
- Vanessa got Johnny Mac to agree to make Steve a renom and tell him no promises were made if he gets HoH. That's assuming he nominates Austin and Remaining Twin and one takes him or herself off.
- Of course, Steve and Johnny Mac have their own final two deal.
- This begs the question: If you have six people in the house and each person has several final two deals, how many final two deals are possible? It's kind of like the math question about two trains heading at each other at different speeds, when will they collide?
- It keeps going between Liz and Julia which one will stay this week.
- Liz and Austin want to blow up Vanessa's final two deals to Johnny Mac.
- They think JM in the finals with them would be less risky than Steve.
- Vanessa continued to tell Johnny Mac and Steve they would be the final three.
- Oh. And Austin would be in the final two with her.
- Now, how's that gonna happen?
- Mind you, she didn't tell her boyz that. I said it.
- The latest seems to indicate Liz will be the one to stay this week.
- Steve is getting frustrated that Austin has been talking a lot to both Vanessa and Johnny Mac (separately). He fears he will be targeted.
- Remember, his initial target this week was Austin until that fell through with the veto win.
- As an observer, it's easy to see what Vanessa and Austin are doing. Steve tells us his thoughts when he can. The twins just don't really know the game and will go the angry/emotional route rather than any sort of strategy.
- Then there's Johnny Mac. I think he sees through Vanessa. I think he's more loyal to Steve.
- But, who knows?
- Oh ... and they finally got their last take-out dinner, a Chinese food delivery.
Taking a skyway shot |
Having tutu much fun |
Austin was Grumpy Cat |
What? She has final two deals with all?!?! |
Steve hangs out with twins |