Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds into Wednesday Evening - September 9

The twins pack

Oh, I'm so ready for tomorrow night to get this thing moving along! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of One Twin to Go:
  • Although they spent some time in the yard, it was shut down rather early to prep for tomorrow's HoH comp. 
  • Of course, if they got up at a decent time in the morning, they could have enjoyed the amenities longer.
  • Even though they're going to bed earlier these days, they still sleep about 18 hours a day like cats.
  • The twins brought way too much stuff into the house! To give them credit, with the exception of the Loyola shirts, they don't wear the same things all the time. There has to be over a dozen bathing suits between them.
  • Maybe two dozen.
  • They both packed up everything and Julia vowed to make Meg give her back her little Zingbot robot.
  • Austin claims that he saw her take it, but didn't realize what she was doing at the time.
  • I didn't see her do it. I don't think the evidence would hold up in a court of law.
  • The twins talked for some time about Vanessa and how she's been playing them all.
  • Well, duh.
  • It now seems like they've decided Julia (once again) would be the twin voted out.
  • We'll see how Vanessa and Johnny Mac go along with that ... or not.
  • Julia is thinking of blowing up Vanessa's game to Johnny Mac as she goes out the door.
  • Hmm.
  • I know Steve and Johnny Mac have talked about Vanessa. But it's hard to read Johnny Mac and how much he may or may not realize Vanessa is everybody's final two deal.
  • Julia became the reincarnation of Audrey, draping herself in sunglasses and the grey blanket.
  • However, she did it jokingly, not quite as bizarre as the original.
  • The kitchen ants have had enough of this group of hamsters. They marched into the freezer and committed mass suicide.
  • That's about it for now.

Johnny Mac awaits the yard closing

Jus' hangin' out

They're onto her, yet she remains

Julia calls up her inner Audrey

Big Brother 17: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - September 9

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo photo BB-09-smJackieMA28497852-0002.gif

Good evening! Ready for a blog party?

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Aw, Liz cries and cries. Life just isn't fair. Steve promises us we'll see him change into an aggressive player. Liz cries some more. 

lIz and Austin think if they throw the veto to Julia, all three will survive.

Time for the veto comp! Excitement abounds! They're in tutus, Bowlarina comp as we've seen before. Sigh. Jesse Godderz (Mr. Pectacular) -- gag -- is there in a tutu. Jesse is himself in a pink tutu. They spin around 15 times to get 15 seconds of bowling time.

Liz, Julia, John, Vanessa, Steve and Austin is the order of the players Jesse picks.

Liz challenges Steve. Liz wins. 
Heh. Vanessa whispers for Julia to pick Austin and SHE DOES!
Austin wins and Julia is out. There goes safety for three!
Johnny Mac challenges Liz. Liz is out.
Vanessa chooses Austin. Vanessa is out.
It's Johnny Mac against Austin. Austin wins, shouting stupid things about Judas being there and Austin is gone. He's acting whacko, probably to impress Jesse.

Austin tells us he's going to find out who set him up. Liz asks Julia why she chose Austin in the second round. Austin is sure everybody is trying to take him out. They are ... well, not the twins, but everybody else. Vanessa has to do damage control. Vanessa tries to convince the twins that Austin wants to break them up. Vanessa cries.

Austin just can't take off that PoV necklace, even as he goes to talk to Liz. He denies he wants one of the twins out. But, he says he had to play ball. Liz cries that she's over it and if it's her time to go, she will. More tears. 

Will Austin ever stop wearing that necklace? Then he argues with Vanessa. Liz an Julia "hate" him. Vanessa spins it to him that had Julia won, she would be up against him. He claims he loves Liz but he has to play to win. It's much later and he's still wearing the necklace as he tells Liz he loves her. She's cynical.

"I ruined my life for you! I left a girl at home for you!" he cries. Heh.

Julia asked him if he was going to wear the veto all day. He said, "Yes." She throws all his stuff into the corner and says how ugly he is while Liz watches and agrees. 

Oh geez ... they kiss and make up. Yes, feel free to throw up a little in your mouth. It's understandable. 

Time for the veto meeting. His heart tells him to save Liz, but his head tells him to save himself. Austin saves himself. Steve puts Julia up on the block. Julia cries. One of them will go home. Of course, they never should have been allowed to play together in the house. They had plenty of warning to stop that before it got in motion weeks ago.

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds into Wednesday - September 9

No, he didn't carry her over the threshold

Yep, I'm still here! I just got caught up between life, work, live feeds and catching Stephen Colbert's debut. The live feeds lost out a bit because they've been in the BB Doldrums for the past few days. But I'm caught up now and here ya go -- the latest from inside that Big Brother House of People Not Welcome at My Dinner Table:
  • Steve got his HoH camera yesterday.
  • Unlike some other seasons in which there's a lot of animosity at this point, they all had fun with the camera.
  • Even though Austin was in a Grumpy Cat mood and didn't want to don his tutu, that is.
  • The biggest news of the day is that the twins finally realized that Vanessa has a final two deal with everyone in the house.
  • Well, duh.
  • It took them long enough to figure that out!
  • Julia thinks Vanessa will throw the HoH comp because she's good with everyone.
  • Well, yeah. Duh. Johnny Mac is on the slate to win that one.
  • Can't get any blood on her hands!
  • Vanessa continued to make her rounds and talk how much she's hated by the jury.
  • She really wants to get herself in the position in which someone will choose to take her to the final two because she says she won't win.
  • Vanessa got Johnny Mac to agree to make Steve a renom and tell him no promises were made if he gets HoH. That's assuming he nominates Austin and Remaining Twin and one takes him or herself off.
  • Of course, Steve and Johnny Mac have their own final two deal.
  • This begs the question: If you have six people in the house and each person has several final two deals, how many final two deals are possible? It's kind of like the math question about two trains heading at each other at different speeds, when will they collide?
  • It keeps going between Liz and Julia which one will stay this week.
  • Liz and Austin want to blow up Vanessa's final two deals to Johnny Mac.
  • They think JM in the finals with them would be less risky than Steve.
  • Vanessa continued to tell Johnny Mac and Steve they would be the final three.
  • Oh. And Austin would be in the final two with her.
  • Now, how's that gonna happen?
  • Mind you, she didn't tell her boyz that. I said it.
  • The latest seems to indicate Liz will be the one to stay this week.
  • Steve is getting frustrated that Austin has been talking a lot to both Vanessa and Johnny Mac (separately). He fears he will be targeted.
  • Remember, his initial target this week was Austin until that fell through with the veto win.  
  • As an observer, it's easy to see what Vanessa and Austin are doing. Steve tells us his thoughts when he can. The twins just don't really know the game and will go the angry/emotional route rather than any sort of strategy.
  • Then there's Johnny Mac. I think he sees through Vanessa. I think he's more loyal to Steve.
  • But, who knows?
  • Oh ... and they finally got their last take-out dinner, a Chinese food delivery.

Taking a skyway shot

Having tutu much fun

Austin was Grumpy Cat

What? She has final two deals with all?!?!

Steve hangs out with twins

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds into Tuesday - September 8

Austwins and he who nominated them

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Maybe the Ants Should Win:
  • I really don't have much for you. I just didn't want you to worry if I didn't post an update.
  • Hmm ... let's see.
  • They played chess.
  • They played pool.
  • They ate.
  • Vanessa made her usual rounds, being both the listener and the instigator.
  • Austin and Liz sucked face.
  • Ew.
  • Vanessa and Austwins had a discussion about how Steve should have thrown that last HOH to John.
  • Heh. Vanessa knew the plan to throw it to Steve so John can compete in the next one which is most likely physical.
  • Austin thinks if Johnny Mac gets HoH, he will put him (Austin) and Steve on the block.
  • Well, he's half right.
  • They all think that Vanessa is playing all sides.
  • Yet they all keep going along with it and actually listen to her advice.
  • That's all for now. We have another two days of this ahead of us.

No swimming! Shark warning!

One twin gone soon

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Monday into the Evening - September 7

Bein' a goof

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Move Along, Nothing to See Here:
  • See the renom was already known before the PoV ceremony, the twin tears subsided for most of the day, just a few intermittent bouts. That is, after an extended bout of crying as they (the twins themselves) decided who should go home. Like it's their decision, y'know.
  • Austin, who fancies himself as an aspiring comedian, actually made me smile at one point today.
  • Yep, you heard me.
  • He was cooking and told the the twins there were ants all over the spoon-uhhh.
  • Of course, that humor would only fly in the BB17 environment.
  • Today was a whole lotta nuthin' going on -- excercise, pool playing, lounging about, talking about how hot it is ... and such.
  • I wonder why they didn't get a grill this year. No tie-dyed shirts, no dollar store toys. Hmm. 
  • Steve told us he trusts Johnny Mac more than he trusts Vanessa. 
  • Well, that's smart.
  • The BB voice actually told Austin (over the PA system) that he didn't wash his hands after using the bathroom.
  • Heh.
  • Of course, I saw one of the twins biting her nails as she prepared food.
  • BB gave them alcohol. They either hope to pep them up or poop them out, I guess.
  • Get braced for this one ... Johnny Mac is planning on returning to school to get his orthodontist certification.
  • Braced, orthodontist ... get it?
  • Okay, I'm bored.
  • Vanessa told Steve she would put up Austin and Julia if she wins HoH.
  • That tells me two things -- they will keep Julia this week and Vanessa has no plans to win HoH.
  • That's it for now.

You can't hide

Lovin' a teddy

We're on the block-uhh

Claws. I tell ya. She's got claws.