Saturday, September 12, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Into Saturday, Nominations - September 12

The likely Final Three talk

Well, instead of being down until merely the middle of the night here on the East Coast, the live feeds were down until almost dawn! Okay, about 5am ET they came up. Geez. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Scampering Scamperers:
  • Vanessa chose a side despite her unwillingness to finally make up her mind.
  • Steve and Johnny Mac are on the block.
  • The big trip out of the house for Liz was a trip to an Ariana Grande show and hanging out with Frankie.
  • Ick. Certainly not my cuppa! 
  • Liz chose Vanessa as her guest, not Austin. They apparently had to wear disguises because they're just that darn almost famous.
  • Austin was jealous. Oh, not about Vanessa. He was just worried that other guys might have flirted with Liz.
  • @@
  • Not too controlling and creepy, right?
  • Johnny Mac is the likely target this week because of more than a few reasons -- he was already evicted and came back, no one can really figure out what he'd do in different scenarios AND ... he went and told Liztin that he'd throw the veto to Austin if he would blow Vanessa's deal. Um. This isn't the time to be doing that stuff! Of course, Liz and Austin went running to Vanessa with that news!
  • Meanwhile, Steve has his own downfalls in their eyes. (By "their" I mean the most likely Final Three -- Austin, Liz and Vanessa.) He has been sneaky at times, he gets nervous and tries to cover stuff up and they think he's too popular with the jury.
  • Just a side note -- Austin needs to stop shoveling food so quickly into his mouth. It gets all over his bottom lip. Thankfully his facial hair doesn't grow that close to the lip. It's really poor manners and quite disgusting.
  • A lot will hinge on the Power of Veto later today.

On the block again

Dead man walking?

Ew, bottom lip grossness

Friday, September 11, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Overnight into Friday - September 11

What will I do?

September 11 -- a day we'll never forget. Fourteen years have passed and the wounds don't heal. But, life does go on.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Indecisive Decisions:
  • As you know from the HoH comp update post previous to this, Vanessa won HoH with Johnny Mac on her heels and Austin not far behind. Liz was so far behind the others that she took the luxury prize when she got egg #4 across.
  • We don't know what that prize is yet. But, we can predict that if she can take a guest, she'll take Austin.
  • Although Vanessa kept saying she didn't want to win before the comp, she said paranoia took over and she didn't want the chance Austin would win if Johnny Mac dropped an egg.
  • Paranoia? Vanessa? You don't say!
  • The Vanessa rounds were all about "incentives" and how Vanessa is "incentivized."
  • I'm tired of that word this season. It can go away like the old "that's what she said" of a past season.
  • In talking to Austin/Liz, she told them in the long run a bit of what they wanted to hear, but also confronted them with various betrayals (real and perceived) by Austin.
  • In talking with Steve, she also brought up what she thought were some moments of weakness against her in his game, yet told him a lot of what he wanted to hear.
  • In talking to Johnny Mac, she didn't mention betrayals and seems to be favoring him.
  • With him, she talked about maybe putting up one from each side (for example - Austin and Steve) and letting the chips fall where they may.
  • But the hitch is that only two people vote this week -- in her scenario, Johnny Mac and Liz would vote. Normally, Liz would keep Austin, JM would keep Steve. Vanessa asked Johnny Mac if he'd vote the way she tells him. He agreed.
  • If she puts up one from each side and the other from each side votes their buddy, Vanessa would be the tiebreaker.
  • She'd have to make up her mind.
  • Oh noes!
  • Then Steve comes in and Vanessa confides in him about all the bad points from her talk with Johnny Mac. 
  • Hmm. 
  • I do get the feeling that she's leaning more into going forward with Steve and Johnny rather than Liz and Austin.
  • She claims to be in the middle of two couples -- Austwin and Rockstars.
  • The Have Not room is shut down and some sort of construction is going on inside.
  • They're also on an inside lockdown the house, so something is going on in the yard.
  • There's a ticker going across the top of the feeds screen saying they will pause from 9:45am PST to 11:30pm PST. I would guess for 9/11, but I question the times. Unrelated, wouldn't be Daylight time, not Standard? Second, could it be 11:30am, not 11:30pm? The times just aren't making sense. I suppose it could be all day. I guess we'll find out.
  • Back to Steve and Vanessa, they crunch numbers and scenarios.
  • Now it's to Austin and Vanessa. She mocks her talk with Johnny Mac to him, telling him that JM said he hates him all and she will never win more than second place.
  • Maybe she is with him.
  • Heck, I have no clue what she's going to do. Every other time we've known clearly from the get-go who she wants out. This time the future is cloudy.
  • I personally think she needs to get rid of Austin first as he's the most popular with everyone else in the house. But I'm privy to more private conversations and evicted hamster interviews than she is.
  • At this point, he would need to go first. Then Liz. Then it's a toss-up between Johnny Mac and Steve because they both have detractors on the jury.
  • But now, in her talk with Austin, it looks like Johnny Mac will be her target to go, then Steve.
  • Gah.
  • I guess we'll find out later today (or real late tonight if the scrolling marque is right time-wise).
  • This will go 'round in circles until nominations.
  • I'm getting dizzy.
  • Maybe I should go bowling.

Steve overlooks all the quiet

Making the rounds

Making the rounds

Are those times right?

Maybe I'll put up one from each side

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Big Brother 17: HoH Endurance Comp Updates - September 10

Once the live feeds return, this post will be updated with the happenings!

Austin and Vanessa tied for the lead with three eggs each. 10:10pm ET

All seem to be going for the HOH and saving the Luxury for last.

10:13pm ET - Vanessa has four, takes the lead. (Thanks to Steve for the announcements!) A minute later, Liz got her second egg in.

John now tied with Vanessa

Austin in pain and slowing down.
10:16pm ET - Vanessa in the lead again, got 5th egg.
10:17pm ET - Austin gets 4th egg in.
Fishcam interlude.

Counting the eggs before they hatch

Another fishcam break. Steve thought Vanessa was starting egg #7.

10:24pm ET - Austin 5, JMac 6, Vanessa 7
10:26pm ET - JMac gets 7, Austin up to 6, Vanessa is still a bit ahead of Johnny Mac. Liz might as well go for the luxury -- she just finished 4.

Vanessa's slight edge over John

10:35pm ET - Austin gets his 8th egg. But either Vanessa or John will have this.
10:37pm ET - Johnny Mac gets 9, but Vanessa is already on her way to ten.

Liz, far behind, got the luxury prize.

Big Brother 17: Live Eviction, HoH Show Blog Party - September 10

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo photo BB-09-smJackieMA28497852-0002.gif

Good evening! Ready for a blog party?

Before we get going, here's the latest update on the blog pool:

Austin - Petals, Tammy, marthalight, Dr_Celine
John - Sasha, lynn1, clover
Julia - No pool people due to being announced late in cast
Liz - Skyriverblue, jo Chapman, monty924
Steve - KelseyNY, Carrie, K
Vanessa - Chacha, Heather Reyes, T-Town Chick

Shelli - Delee, Sharon N, chrob
Jackie - No pool people due to being announced late in cast
Becky - Glenn, Jackie, Indiana Jane, Brian
Meg - Sharon S, Merrilee, MikesGirl
James - uncartie, Marlo, Jackie~juju, ML 

Jace - Becky in TX, CherylinNC, JOKATS, CaelaXO
Da'Vonne - jessica UNderwood, SueGee, Ed in Ohio, Nickelpeed
Jeff - No pool people due to being announced late in cast
Audrey - David, Chase, Orkmommy, Nicole K
Jason - Witt, Sharon, WolfpackRed
Clay - FairieGoddess0714, QuixoticElf, DonnaNY, JonMD1267

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

But, first ... previously on Big Brother ... 

Yes, Julia, we know Vanessa is running the house. The twins cry. Poor twins. Now the twins think it's their decision which one will leave. Both feel sorry for each other. Austin wants Liz to stay; Johnny Mac wants Julia to stay. Vanessa is thrilled to be the swing vote.

Austin and Liz talk about all of Vanessa's final two deals.

Now the twins and Austin have decided that Liz is staying. It's nice that they get to decide, right? Austin works on Vanessa. Vanessa thinks it might be best for her game -- less people mad at her -- and deals with Austin/Liz. She's asking the world. They agree with her (but won't follow through on the deals).

Julie shows up on the living room screen and asks questions, then shows videos of loved ones. Steve cries. 

Jury segment. Heh. James sneaks up and scares them. They're not happy to see him. Well, maybe Shelli is. Shelli thinks that Vanessa is playing a good game and deserves to win. James thinks Austwins are running the house. 

Eviction time:
Liz -- Obviously memorized speech about her sister. Love, love, etc.
Julia -- Same kind of speech.

Votes to evict:
Austin - Julia
Vanessa - Julia
Johnny Mac - Julia

Idiots. They're keeping the bigger threat this late in the game. 

HoH comp time. "Under the Rainbow" - maneuver eggs through the course and over the rainbow into their holder. Ten eggs in wins. Also a luxury prize trip out of the house. Both HoH and luxury must be won before it all ends.

I have a separate post looming ahead to cover after the show airs and the feeds go live if it goes past the show. I'm assuming it will.

Austin and Vanessa in the lead. It's a net thing, similar to the chicken wire of the past egg comps. I'm surprised Austin's big fingers are doing this well. Austin has one egg in.

The comp coverage will be continued on this post linked here.

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Overnight into Thursday - September 10

Practicing speeches

Wake up and smell the hamsters! Ew. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dubious Deals:
  • Steve proposed a deal with Liz that if he and Vanessa are on the block and she (if HoH) has to break a tie, she'd vote for him.
  • She agreed.
  • But she told Julia and Austin she has no intention of doing so.
  • Austin also agreed and claimed he controls Liz's actions in the game, so it's all good.
  • He also has no intention of honoring the deal or getting Liz to honor it.
  • But, he did point out that maybe Steve would vote Vanessa out if Liz and Vanessa were on the block and he (Steve) was the sole vote. That is, if he thought he had a deal with Liz.
  • Doesn't he have a deal with Vanessa?
  • Hmm.
  • The twins are acting like they've never been separated since birth.
  • They don't live together in real life.
  • They'll live.
  • Julia said when she first saw Meg's Memory Wall photo, she thought Meg had to be really old ... like in her 30s or 40s.
  • @@
  • I'll be happy when one twin is out. They're way too loud when they're together. They randomly scream much too often.
  • Austin promised to keep Steve next week if he's on the block with anyone other than Liz.
  • Meanwhile, Steve lied to him and told him that Vanessa had nothing going with Johnny Mac -- the only reason she didn't put JM on the block is because she wanted to be sure Meg got evicted.
  • Hmm.
  • Steve and Julia roughhoused, Liz and Julia taking Steve's stuff and him trying to get it back.
  • They played PotBall.
  • Austin told a ghost story to the twins.
  • He needs to keep his day job; he's no writer.
  • Wait.
  • He doesn't have a day job!
  • Steve, alone in the HoH room, said he deliberately kept Austwins up late so they'd be tired for the HoH comp.
  • Vanessa and Johnny Mac turned in early.
  • Steve was up latest of all. But, then again, he can't compete.
  • It still looks like they're going to be foolish enough to send Julia home instead of Liz.


Twins beating on Steve