Sunday, September 20, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Sunday into the Evening - September 20

Liz sleeping

I really don't have much for you tonight. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Prolonging the Agony:
  • They napped a lot.
  • They ate a lot.
  • They did not fight.
  • They played cards.
  • Liz did the cooking again.
  • Vanessa and Steve ate Liz's cooking.
  • No one died.
  • Vanessa and Liz did facials.
  • Steve doesn't like potatoes nor fish.
  • Now, there's some deep insight, eh?
  • Vanessa is still playing physically injured although having playing cards available perked her up some.
  • No real game talk.

Vanessa sleeping

Playing cards

Scary Vanessa

Scary Liz

Big Brother 17: Final HoH Part One, Season Review Show Blog Party - September 20

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo photo BB-09-smJackieMA28497852-0002.gif

Good evening! Ready for a blog party? While many of us already know the results of the final HoH Part Two comp, tonight's episode will focus on the reveal of the HoH winner from Part One. I suppose they might show the second part, but I think they'll do the review of the season (ah, the memories of the way they were!) instead. 

Off BB17 for a moment -- if you want in on the Survivor blog pool, please sign up on the pool sign-up post. (Don't sign up on this BB17 post, please. We might miss your name.)

The show is running late due to football here. I'll be posting this at the regular 8pm ET although word verification won't come down until it starts here (about 8:27pm ET). I'll be updating this entry with the major happenings as it airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Although 60 Minutes just ended here (8:26pm ET), obviously the show started on time elsewhere as seen in the comments at the party below! 

And ... we're starting! Recap, recap ...

Vanessa has made final two deals with both Liz and Steve. They celebrate with the champagne. Vanessa denies making a final two Liz deal to Steve. She's telling him what he wants to hear, but he doesn't really seem to be believing what he's hearing.

More champagne and the fancy reminiscing breakfast segment now. The twins exposed by Da'Vonne comes first. Jeff downfall with the Vanessa set-up for it. Audrey calling out Vanessa. Lots of fingers pointing at Vanessa, crocodile tears and Vanessa on defensive. Ew ... Austin/Liz segment. Ah, the Zing was worth it.

Ah, onto James and Meg. They were more fun to watch, for sure. To the Nerdmance -- Steve and Johnny Mac. Shelli and Clay now. (Along with their ten-year age difference.)

Becky hit in the face by the train re-tell. Clay's mumbling and Audrey's transgender thoughts. Then onto the real weirdness of Oddrey ... the lies she spread to create dissent in the house. James's pranking, WhackStreet Boys ... okay, I'm just about reminisced out.

The Diary Room segments with Audrey are a hoot, though.

Finally, to the Part One of the HoH comp. Carnival set-up. "How 'bout them apples" is the name of the comp. They have to sit on hanging giant candy apples being dipped into red liquid and slammed into a wall. They won't show the end of this until during the finale on Wednesday night. It's a good thing we already know.

Survivor: Cambodia Second Chance Pool is OPEN!

Come one, come all! Yeah, yeah ... I know BB17 isn't over yet, but Survivor is coming! That Lovable Lifeguard Laurie has once again volunteered to watch the pool for us. If I've never mentioned it before, she rocks. Right?

If you want in on the blog pool for this season, please leave your name in the comments on this post only! If you comment elsewhere, it could very well be missed. We're once again giving a free pass for the first boot as that person hardly gets to play.

The season premiere is Wednesday, September 23 at 8pm ET/PT. The deadline will be Friday (September 25) at 6pm ET. The random match-ups will be announced before the second episode airs. There will be a blog party for the season premiere leading into the BB17 season finale ... just no pool for the premiere.

How it all works:

  • Lifeguard Laurie makes random picks for us.
  • We cheer on our random pick until their torch gets snuffed or they go on to be the sole Survivor.
  • There is no wagering nor passing of monies in this blog pool! 
  • The winner(s) reserve the bragging rights for eternity ... or, at least until the next season starts.
  • If you're posting anonymously, you do need to come up with a sign-off name for your comments. 
So ... who wants to jump in the pool? The water's fine -- no poisonous snakes yet!

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - September 20, 2015

Good morning! Welcome to my weekly off television topic reflection of the past week in both words and photographs I've taken along the way; This post is a year 'round "feature" on the blog. If you're looking for Big Brother posts, they can all be found at this link right here. If you're not interested in this particular post, please feel free to skip on by it. I'll be posting a Big Brother blog party post coinciding with the East Coast airing of the show and, late this evening, another live feeds post. That is, if they actually do anything worth reporting! Stay tuned.

I was on a staycation from work this week. I had a slew of things I planned to get done. Alas, only some of the things on my list were finished. But I also needed to relax and I did get a lot of that done!

Here are some random bits from the week:
  • I went to the Feast of San Gennaro in Littly Italy (NYC) where I took many photos, ate some (expensive) fried chocolate ice cream, stopped for an espresso and chocolate dessert, ate fried calamari and drank a $7 beer ($8 with tip). 
  • I don't go to the city often enough.
  • I'll have to go back soon. I still have money on my MetroCard. So, I need to go back before I misplace it.
  • I also visited Mindowaskin Park in Westfield, taking photos.
  • Despite getting a Peapod grocery order this week, I ended up picking up some things at Trader Joe's anyway.
  • I bought alcohol this past week, first time in a while. I'm not a huge drinker kind of person. I bought craft beers, some of those little bottles of interesting flavored liqueurs and a bottle of strawberry vodka.
  • Now I can predict I won't be by a liquor store again for months to come!
  • I went to a Farmer's Market.
  • The weather this week was beautiful, albeit a bit warmer than I like for this time of year. It's drizzling as I write this, but the week was free of rain until today.
  • Coming back from the city on the bus Monday, I ended up with an old friend who takes the bus for work. His first words to me ... "I hear you had some excitement at your building." -- referring to the gunshots a week or two ago.
  • My neighborhood is back to its quiet self.
  • On Thursday I saw big hubbub (and took photos, after the jump) of a huge investigation into the fire scene on East Second Street. There were state fire marshals (with dog), county fire investigators and Plainfield Fire Department people there. I don't know if someone rekindled the fire or whether it was just some delayed reaction investigation.
  • Google has finally updated its Plainfield street view map. Despite the fact I photographed a Google truck a few years back, the map is now really recent -- August 2015. It has the East Second Street construction going on and the two fire houses intact ... shortly before the fire.
  • About time they updated us. Plainfield 2007 is way different from Plainfield 2015!
Onto the photos for the week. There's a whole bunch of them. If you click on an image it will open a larger version.

Eek! There's a large man there!

Now, I've arrived in the city numerous times via NJ Transit bus to the Port Authority Bus Terminal. I've taken photos of these buildings before. But I've never noticed the giant Peeping Tom dude! He has to be new. I didn't notice him this time until I was going through the photos I took.

Turn around, dragonfly!

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna ...

Krishna, Krishna, Rama, Rama. I have my personal doubts about this gentleman's whole gimmick. He approached me and I just shook my head no to him. He tried to give me something. I'm sure, had I taken it, he would hit me up for money next.


Big Brother 17: Live Feeds into Sunday - September 20

Will someone take her to the Final Two?

They are stretching this out way too long! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Biding Time:
  • Vanessa says her pain pills (from the comp the other night) make her feel loopy.
  • I'm wondering if it all might be an act heading into the final part of the HoH on the live show Wednesday night.
  • Due to Vanessa being loopy and napping a lot, Steve and Liz have spent a lot of time together.
  • Steve keeps giving us hints that he's ready to turn on Vanessa if he wins the final HoH part. 
  • Lots and lots of small talk.
  • BB gave them playing cards and Vanessa came to life.
  • They also have the yard once again and will probably have it until Tuesday night or Wednesday morning when it will need to be set up for interviews.
  • Thankfully, Steve won the second part of the HoH comp as there would be controversy had Liz won -- she told him that BB gave her a clue because she kept saying she wasn't in the house (Julia) when a certain comp answer happened. BB told her it was the one she won.
  • Hmm.
  • Of course, that went to fish and we got blocked.
  • Liz remains the main cook for the crowd.
  • Well, they do say three's a crowd, right?
  • Vanessa told Steve he's the most buff guy in the house.
  • Heh.
  • That's like when my father used to tell me I was his favorite daughter.
  • Steve is the ONLY guy in the house now and I was the ONLY daughter.
  • Not much game talk at all.
  • Three more days of this.

Brief foray for Mistress of Pain

Feels better with pain meds

Will he turn on Vanessa if he can?

Thankfully, usually has a shirt on