Monday, July 11, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Monday Evening - July 11


Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Boring Buffoons:
  • The big news of the day is that they finally had the PoV Meeting.
  • Surprise, surprise ... Bridgette did not use the veto.
  • So, her noms -- Paul and Tiffany -- and Road Kill (Frank) nom -- Bronte -- remain on the block.
  • Frank went and told Bridgette that he did the Road Kill noms twice, including this week's Bronte nom.
  • Since Ms. I Have a Relationship at Home is suddenly smitten with Mr. Frank Flirtsalot, it's all good with her. 
  • @@
  • Michelle badmouthed Natalie to James.
  • Say what?
  • Can't she see they have a thang goin' on?!?!
  • Frank continues his inappropriate ways, this time commenting on Natalie's nipples.
  • What is wrong with that guy?!?
  • Bronte and Bridgette are sure that Natalie will be loyal to them.
  • Tiffany still thinks there's a chance she might stay.
  • Poor deluded gal.
  • Paulie told Tiffany that just about everybody's plan for next week is to backdoor Frank.
  • I'd say that's probably not Frank's plan!
  • Da'Vonne is getting to like Paul ... not that that would stop her from sending him home.
  • He is just better to deal with for the women than Frank!
  • Frank continued making inappropriate comments to the women.
  • Zakiyah doesn't believe that Bridgette is a traveling ER nurse.
  • Lots and lots of small talk and "If I get HoH" stuff.
  • Yawn. 
  • Move along.
  • Nothing to see here.

Danger, Will Robinson

Corey looking real Corey-ish

BB18: Live Feeds into Monday Morning - July 11

Staying up late

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bodacious Busybodies:
  • They still haven't had the PoV meeting! Remember, Bridgette holds the PoV. She doesn't know it's Frank who put her Spy Girl buddy Bronte up. If she takes her down, it's very likely Frank will put Natalie up there.
  • They haven't had it because (A) a group had a blocked to live feeds Outback feast and (B) it's Zakiyah's birthday.
  • Oh, they danced.
  • They celebrated.
  • They partied.
  • They had a lot of fun.
  • But, to me ... that's not what BB is all about!
  • May I have a kerfuffle, please? A brouhaha would be very entertaining, too.
  • Sigh.
  • There was some scheming going on.
  • Frank has turned his Tiffany focus (since he assumes she's an automatic out on Thursday) to Da'Vonne.
  • But, the main problem with that is that even the guys see that Frank himself needs to be gone and he's going to have to go out via a true backdoor. He can't be able to compete in a PoV.
  • Frank doesn't think James would ever put him up.
  • I beg to differ. I bet James would put him up in a second as a renom. James likes big moves and that would be epic!
  • Of course, James would have to have the power to do so.
  • Everything is speculation.
  • Frank thinks Da'Vonne is playing a "floater" game.
  • Little does he know!
  • Michelle apparently imbibed quite a bit during their Outback dinner.
  • She was the drunkest dancer of the night.
  • They think she should get drunk more often because she's a funny drunk.
  • I'm surprised they don't get more alcohol sponsors for the show.
  • I'm also glad I'm not there. I would be known as the sick, grouchy drunk because I don't like getting drunk.
  • Bridgette and Frank are getting awfully close despite both having significant others outside of the house.
  • Their fellow hamsters can't help but notice that, too.
  • Besides Tiffany and Da'Vonne, Frank also wants Paulie out as soon as possible.
  • Not if someone gets you out first, SON!
  • One person Frank does feel he can trust (other than using Bridgette for his own means) is Nicole.
  • Heh.
  • Meanwhile, Nicole totally sees through him.
  • Paulie and Zakiyah still have their friendship/flirtmance going on. They talked about Tiffany going home this week, then (hopefully, if it can get done) Frank out the door.
  • Aw, poor Corey's tummy is hurting. It's probably not as serious as Paul's nose ring infection.
  • Then Michelle got sick to her stomach ... but her illness is alcohol-related. Hopefully she'll learn these lessons while she's young.
  • Corey and Nicole stayed outside talking general stuff until BB called for an indoor lockdown.
  • And, that's where we are right now.

Chef Girl

Now, there's flowers in your hair!

I wouldn't mind seeing him win it all

Unlikely pairing

Let's do the Time Warp again!

Hey, Bridgette ... he's using you!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Sunday Evening - July 10

Lovin' his muffins

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Rowdy Ruffians:
  • James and Corey talked. James said that both Natalie and Bronte wanted to make it to jury. Corey told James that Tiffany going was a go this week.
  • Michelle and Da'Vonne talked about Tiffany going. Michelle is worried she might say something that could damage their games. Da'Vonne doesn't think so. Michelle thinks that Tiffany thinks she's staying.
  • I don't think she does. I think Tiffany HOPES she's staying but knows that Frank is manipulative and wants her out.
  • Interesting ... in a talk about dreams, Frank mentioned he had to quit his job to come on the show.
  • I guess he needs the stipend as much as any of them ... maybe more!
  • They only had the yard for a short time as BB wanted to set up the Outback dinner won during the PoV.
  • Natalie found out that some were calling the Spy Girls, the Powderpuff Girls. She doesn't like that.
  • Frank doesn't think Da'Vonne will target him. Paulie or Corey, but not him.
  • Ha.
  • Frank kept trying to get Corey to think that Da'Vonne needs to go before long.
  • Corey says he understands the Tiffany target, but doesn't agree with going after those in the alliance.
  • Then Paulie, James and Paul got together ... James thinks they should wait until the time is right, then tell Bridgette that Frank is the Road Kill winner who nominated her buddy, Bronte.
  • They think the Powderpuff Girls are basically clueless.
  • Paul has overcome his Victor/Jozea ties and is getting in with Paulie and others. He's in-ish with Frank, but knows that Frank is only doing whatever advances his own game.
  • Michelle and Frank had a kerfuffle over Dan Gheesling. Michelle likes his and thinks he's fantastic at BB. Frank disagrees.
  • Frank's probably jealous, methinks.
  • Zakiyah, Da'Vonne, Paul, Paulie, Michelle, Bridgette and Frank are the ones attending the Outback dinner in the yard.
  • Natalie, James, Corey, Tiffany, Bronte and Nicole are left inside.
  • Again, a lot of "if I win HoH" talks, Frank is still falling out of favor with all and Tiffany is most likely going to get evicted this week.
  • The PoV meeting didn't go down.
  • But I don't think it will change much. IF Bridgette takes down Bronte, the one Frank puts up would likely be the third Powderpuff Girl, Bridgette's other friend, Natalie.

Watching television

First rays of sun in days

Will everything catch up to Frank?

Da'Vonne must have Frank on her mind

BB18: Nominations, Road Kill Show Blog Party - July 10

Hamster watchers ready? Let's get this show going! 

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area!

Recap, recap. Tiffany is trying to work on the girls. She knows Frank wants her out. Hey, the announcer used MY "Evictored" bit! I want royalties.

Okay, cut to just after Bridgette wins HoH. Her gameplay is "friendship," don'tcha know? Frank reminds us that Tiffany is his biggest target. Da'Vonne says that Bridgette's HoH might as well be Frank's. Zakiyah is worried because she's never had much to do with Bridgette.

The "Spy Girls" seem to think they're safe ... at least, Natalie feels that way. Frank tells Da'Vonne he's going to try to get Bridgette to put up Tiffany and Bronte. If she doesn't go for Bronte, Paul. Bridgette herself is leaning towards Corey and Nicole. Frank pooh-poohed that.

Ah, a Frank being inappropriate segment. About time! 

Who wants to see my HoH room? Gah. 

Frank being more inappropriate to Da'Vonne, he apologizes but she's not happy.

Nominations time -- Paul and Tiffany (Frank's noms!) "Just a game move. We can talk about it over hot Cheetos." 

Road Kill has them matching eight horn sounds in the proper sequence -- Horn Star. And ... the winner is ... Frank!

Frank tells Nicole and Corey he won it. Then he tells James, Zakiyah, Da'Vonne  and Michelle. He wants to put up Bronte. He knows Bridgette won't like it. But he thinks if Bronte comes down, Natalie can go up.

Bronte is revealed as the Road Kill nominee.

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - July 10, 2016

I have very little for you this week in my weekly off television topic reflection of the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way.

There wasn't much "along the way" to my week. I was on a staycation from work and it turned out to literally be a STAYcation. Since Tuesday we've had heat wave type temperatures and humidity. The older I get, the less I do well in that kind of weather. I honestly haven't gone anywhere except for a quick run into neighboring Scotch Plains on Tuesday and around the corner to the local bodega one day. I've stayed inside in air conditioning.

  • I found the news this past week extremely depressing and horrifying. 
  • I read a lot.
  • I napped a lot.
  • I cooked decent meals.
  • I paid attention to a certain cat.
  • I napped some more.
  • I did some housekeeping.
  • I did not take hardly any photographs.
  • I didn't get done much of what I wanted to get done.
  • Tomorrow I return to work.
  • Sigh.

Growing by my apartment fence

Most of the day lilies have already passed. But the ones along my apartment building fence were late-bloomers.

In blossom now, around the corner

Pretty pink on Berckman Street

How I've felt all staycation

Vincent is caught in a yawn. Every time I look at this photo, I yawn. Maybe I need a cat nap.