Wednesday, July 13, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Wednesday Evening - July 13

Corey on alert

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Phonetic Phonies:
  • Those race cars in the Have Not Room didn't take a person Corey's size into consideration. It's painful to watch him sleep in one.
  • Bridgette thinks Frank is safe because "everybody needs him"
  • @@
  • Natalie cleaned the kitchen floor. Wow.
  • I could barely contain my excitement!
  • Nicole thinks Frank trusts Bridgette more than the 8-Pack.
  • Well, he's in control of her. Of course he trusts her. She would be like Trashy was to Randall Flagg in The Stand. "My life for you!"
  • Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit.
  • But maybe not!
  • It still should be Tiffany going out this week.
  • But it's putting a strain on her buddies as no one wants to tell her.
  • She still thinks she has a chance.
  • James thinks that Paul is playing the entire house.
  • I think Paul isn't the only one doing so.
  • Frank told Da'Vonne that Bridgette is a soldier for them.
  • Gag me now.
  • Frank and James talked about how they wouldn't have to even backdoor Da'Vonne -- they could just put her straight on the block and be sure she wouldn't win PoV.
  • The only bad thing would be that she would act out all week leading up to eviction.
  • The biggest news of the day came with a feeds block. The hamsters were shown video clips of Jozea, Glenn and Victor. They were trying to memorize them, thinking it would have something to do with the HoH comp.
  • The Spy Girls seem to be the only ones really loyal to each other. However, with Bridgette's Frank infatuation, she could betray them and not even realize she did it until the deed got done.
  • Tomorrow's another day ...

Always so mellow, so laid-back. Not.

The bunny hat reappeared

She has wings!

His mandana fell down

BB18: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - July 13

Hamster watchers ready? Let's get this show going! 

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area!

Gee, let's start off with "Previously on ..." for a change!

Okay, the show picks up at the end of the Road Kill reveal. Bronte thinks it's Paulie who did it. We know it's Frank, as does all of Frank's 8-Pack.  Bridgette doesn't know it's Frank and is angry. Frank tells Paul he's safe. Paul doesn't trust him. 

Bronte cries. We needed to see that. She wants to tell her Spy Girls a HUGE secret. She tells them that she's an aspiring mathematician. Oh boy, what a shocker!  

Frank tells Bronte that he thinks people want Tiffany gone. He doesn't let on that he's Road Kill. He also asks for her to choose him for PoV player if she can.

James wants to warn Natalie that Frank's the Road Kill and, if Bronte comes down, it's likely the renom will be her (Natalie). He tells her without coming out and telling her. He tells her the target is Tiffany. She promises not to tell the Spy Girls.

Natalie tries to hint at the fact that Frank can't be trusted, but Bridgette is blinded by the blight.

PoV Players pick: Bronte gets to choose Natalie. Paulie is the second one to play (in addition to the nominees and HoH). 

The Fatal Five are willing to sacrifice Corey if one of the 8-Pack has to go on the block. That's thoughtful of them, right? 

Veto comp -- Chef in Training in the BB Test Kitchen. Pour ingredients as tested into measuring cups, wrong will go very bad. Winners get an Outback meal. Bronte and Natalie get the goop exploded on them in the first round. Paulie is out on the second round. Tiffany out in the third. Paul out in the next and Bridgette wins the Power of Veto!

Frank tries to do a back-to-back congratulations jump with Bridgette. She falls and hurts her ankle, thus taking attention away from the colorfully doused PoV comp participants. 

Bridgette isn't crying about her ankle.

Tiffany is crying about losing the comp. 

Because Bronte wants to come down, Natalie said she knows she'll go up. The Spy Girls know that Natalie must know who won Road Kill. Bronte runs to James. He does not tell her.

Time for the Outback Steakhouse private dinner in the backyard. Category 4 gets to go, Bridgette also picks Big Sister to join with them.

Natalie wants Bridgette to open her eyes and see Frank for what he is. Good luck with that! 

Drunk, Frank tells Bridgette he won Road Kill and nominated Bronte because he knew she would be safe. He tells us that he wants Bridgette in his pocket. He also tells her he put her up the first week.

Time for the PoV Meeting. Bridgette lets them each speak, but has no intentions of using it. Paul talks about friendship. Tiff is extremely brief as is (thankfully) Bronte. Bridgette keeps the nominations as they are. 

Da'Vonne talks about flipping the script and keeping Tiffany, partially to spite Frank. We'll see about that.

BB18: Live Feeds into Wednesday Morning - July 13

Workin' it

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Myopic Maniacs:
  • Y'know ... these doldrums periods get really trying when you're attempting to make this stuff entertaining on a blog!
  • At least, when they're doing "secret" comps, I can try to give you some breaking informational news.
  • But, when we're in times like this, it all tends to be a lot of "what ifs." What if so-and-so wins HoH? Who will I target? It all goes by the wayside because the scenarios rarely go down in actuality.
  • I always label these posts as spoilers.
  • It's just a habit.
  • Forgive me, America.
  • Okay ... let's just see what I've got for you ...
  • Paulie is getting almost Frank-ish on getting Tiffany out this week.
  • I guess there's no solidarity between the We Have BB Siblings Duo.
  • Nicole is irked at Michelle because she thinks Michelle put a target on her back.
  • I'd personally like to see these hamsters walking around with literal targets on their backs when they think they have one. They could all then turn and target the few without the physical targets on their backs.
  • That makes sense. Right?
  • More than a few people are telling Paul he's safe this week.
  • Well, duh. I'll be surprised if anyone votes to evict Paul. He's the survivor of the Three Stooges and seems to have overcome his early bad decision to jump in the Jozea Boat.
  • Corey wants a boy to win HoH this week. Hmm. I guess there are no real men in the house, huh?
  • Michelle claims that Tiffany's latest tactic of wearing sunglasses all the time is a Vanessa tactic.
  • I recall, sometime last week, Bridgette asked Paul to take his sunglasses off as they talked.
  • Judge Judy never allows sunglasses unless they're prescription ones. People do hide a lot behind them.
  • Nicole thinks that Da'Vonne has just been trying to make Frank mad. She doesn't want Frank to be mad ... even if she and many others want him out.
  • Corey is getting leery of Da'Vonne. She wants everyone to throw HoH to her. But she rarely talks to him, spends a lot of time sleeping ... how does he know what she'd do with it?
  • Frank and Nicole talked about sending Da'Vonne out.
  • Hmm.
  • It seems the less targeted of the returnees would be Nicole and James.
  • Their solidarity has definitely fallen apart on short order!
  • Paul is workin' it. He thinks he needs to get closer to Bronte and Natalie (for the good of his game). He's adapting much better than I thought he ever would.
  • Zakiyah is getting a bit hung up on Paulie, but wonders if it's mutual or not.
  • James thinks that Paulie is getting a bit Frank-like and, as I would say, too big for his britches.
  • Da'Vonne is also leery of Paulie as well.
  • Paul told Nicole that he thinks Natalie is taking advantage of James and is using him. Paul thinks James is a nice guy and feels sorry for him.
  • Michelle told Nicole that Frank and Bridgette want her (Nicole) and Paulie out.
  • Oh, yeah ... let's just fuel the fire.
  • I want a brouhaha!
  • I don't get one.
  • Wah.
  • Michelle also said that Frank wants to backdoor Da'Vonne and that Corey and Nicole were in on it.
  • Oh my, Michelle. 
  • Keep all of this up and it's YOU who will get the boot.
  • They all talk together, y'know.
  • Michelle also said that Paulie referred to himself, Paul and Frank as kind of like the Hitmen -- Cody and Derrick.
  • Keep it up, Michelle.
  • Paul solidified his alliance more with Da'Vonne and Nicole. He said he survived the "Messiah" bit and needs to support more level-headed because he's not an idiot.
  • Heh. He was in the beginning of the season!
  • I expect we'll just see more talk go 'round and 'round until we find out tomorrow night who will be the Head Hamster for the week.
  • Tiffany is still the likely one out this week.

Can't wash that BB off of you, Z!

Pillow support

As if she posed just for us!

Sweet baby James? Nah.

Late night pancakes look good!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Tuesday Evening - July 12

Oh Mylanta, looks like Frank has gas!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of the Fickle Finger of Fate:
  • While they didn't have waffles for breakfast, there sure was some waffling going on in the house.
  • Oh, let's keep Tiffany, get rid of Bronte.
  • Oh, let's keep Tiffany, get rid of Paul.
  • Oh, let's keep Tiffany; she'll target Frank for us.
  • But, in the long run, the more things change the more they remain the same -- Tiffany should be the one going out the door this week.
  • I think she made some major mistakes which have done her in. First, like Paulie did about Cody, she should have told people about Vanessa -- the family resemblance is very strong and, if you close your eyes, she even SOUNDS like Vanessa. Most of the recruits saw that season only. Her second major mistake was emotions and sleeping/not mingling in the start of the game.
  • James warned Da'Vonne that keeping Paul around as the weekly pawn just might pawn his way into the finals.
  • But Da'Vonne still has Frank in the crosshairs, as does much of the rest of the house.
  • One mark against Michelle in Frank's book is that she idolizes Ian Terry.
  • Ian Terry was the one who got Frank out in his season.
  • Frank also seems to have disdain regarding Dan Gheesling's BB abilities. 
  • He claims that he tried to get them to target Dan, but Boogie talked him out of it.
  • @@
  • I don't know. To me, the more he talks about those two (Dan and Ian), the more it seems that he's upset that they were hailed as great at the game and he was more known as a constant pawn and competition beast. (AKA -- non-thinking.)
  • Paulie gave Corey some incentive to win HoH. Corey's a Have Not and, if he won HoH, they let the winning HoH break Have Not.
  • Tiffany still thinks she's staying. No one really wants to tell her otherwise.
  • She thinks they'll vote Bronte out.
  • To be honest, I personally don't care whichever one goes between Bronte and Tiffany. I guess Bronte annoys me more. But I feel let down by Tiffany. I never expected much of Bronte. I did of Tiffany.
  • The talk kept going back and forth to keep Tiffany or not.
  • Talk about a vicious circle!
  • They enjoyed the yard while they had it because inside lockdown lasts for more than a couple of days for their comp stretch.
  • Oh geez ... as I get this finished up for you, they're now talking keeping Tiffany again.
  • And on and on it goes.

Those Califiore boys are nicely put together

Telepathically sending out vibes to oust Frank

Like we really needed outdoor chess, too.

BB18: Live Feeds Overnight into Tuesday - July 12

Discussing Frank's ongoing demeaning ways

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of A Misogynistic Male:
  • Frank and his marionette Bridgette sat around discussing how Paul only wears one tank top and Paulie rarely wears a shirt at all. 
  • Meanwhile ... Paulie, Paul and Zakiyah sat around listing the many ways that Frank has treated others inappropriately, both the men and the women.
  • But, especially the women.
  • Bronte says she would never date Paul because she doesn't like his "image."
  • Paul probably wouldn't date a woman who wears little girl hair bows and usually speaks in a fake voice reminiscent of Minnie Mouse on helium.
  • Or, maybe it's a chipmunk. I just can't think of a female chipmunk.
  • Although they celebrated the night of the Outback dinner, Zakiyah's actual birthday is today.
  • She would like them all to wear pink.
  • Oh my. And here I thought I liked Zakiyah. I might have to rethink things a bit. I don't own any pink.
  • Frank doesn't want Michelle to win HoH because she's too "emotional."
  • He probably thinks she would put him on the block!
  • But ... Michelle also can't stand Bronte and wants her gone.
  • Can't blame her there. That woman has to be incredibly annoying to be stranded with all summer.
  • Tiffany tried to scare James the same way he leaps out of places to scare others. It didn't phase him at all.
  • Frank thinks he might come across as "bossy" sometimes. Bridgette says it's more like abrasive. I say it's more like: GO HOME SON, YOU'RE STARTING TO REALLY IRK ME.
  • Bridgette, for a nurse, isn't taking good care of her sprained (?) ankle. Instead of using the crutches, she's hopping and hobbling around. If she had to participate in HoH this week, her chances of a win in anything physical would be nil. 
  • Aw, Paulie and Zakiyah think each other is cute. Why, it's like we're back in grade school!
  • Bridgette thinks that Paul and Corey (both recruits) are only there to promote their own businesses/causes -- walking advertisements.
  • I don't know. The more I see Paul, the more I see a rather intelligent and well-rounded kind of guy who's hiding behind a bearded "tough" persona. He doesn't bother me. And, for the most part, with the exception of a few things, Corey no longer irks me. He's trying his best. At least both treat the other house hamsters decently without constantly offending them.
  • Da'Vonne would like to save Tiffany this week but doesn't think she'll be able to get the votes.
  • Who would she rather go?
  • Frank!
  • But, since Frank isn't on the block, she prefers Bronte go.
  • Paulie thinks it's a good time to move on the Oust Frank because Frank is so sure he has everybody in his pocket.
  • But it would have to be a true backdoor. If Frank can save himself, he will. That's just about a given.
  • Paul told Paulie and Zakiyah that, just because he hangs out with Bronte and Natalie, doesn't mean he wants to be grouped with them.
  • Paul seems to make his rounds, hanging out with practically everybody.
  • James is willing to throw a comp to get Frank out.
  • Paul said that if he slapped a woman's butt in the house, he would expect a punch in the face.
  • Good. Men should think like that!
  • Paulie thinks that James would never betray Natalie, but Natalie would throw James under the bus without caring.
  • He's probably right. 
  • With all the talk and scenarios of what might be down the line, it's still looking like it's Tiffany out this week.

Not playing like I thought she would

Gossiping about Paul and Paulie

Just a puppet?

This must be Wooden Spoon season

Give me strength