Friday, July 15, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds Bulletin - Road Kill Winner - July 15

It's a shocker!

Welp, after several hours, the live feeds returned.

And, Tiffany is mumbling to herself about winning the Road Kill Comp and pondering who she'll put up. Remember, the Road Kill winner cannot nominate anyone in Category 4 this week. So ... Paulie, Michelle, Bridgette and Frank are off the table for noms.

BB18: Live Feeds Friday, Nominations - July 15

Morning primping

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Misfit Toys:
  • As I expected, Paulie's nominations were Tiffany and Natalie.
  • His target is Tiffany.
  • He really, really, really wants her out.
  • Really.
  • Tiffany's speech last night on the live show didn't help her in the game.
  • Now she feels all kinds of betrayed.
  • So, she cries.
  • Nicole is scared of her.
  • @@
  • Now, that's going a bit too far.
  • But, the latest is that now Tiffany wants to work with Frank to go after those who led her along.
  • Oh, geez Louise.
  • Da'Vonne tried to tell her that aligning with Frank wouldn't be good for her at all. 
  • Tiffany went through several "I want to self-evict" rants.
  • But she's still there as I type this up.
  • Or, at least, I think she is. The feeds are blocked (probably Road Kill) right now.
  • Paul tried to console.
  • She hates this game.
  • Hey, she knew better than many what she was getting in to coming into the house!
  • All Tiffany is doing is solidifying the animosity towards her in the house.
  • Paulie is feeling all kinds of smug in an "I told you so" sort of way.
  • Da'Vonne think that Paulie, Corey, Nicole and Zakiyah are running the house and need to be split up.
  • Um. Yeah, this week they are. Last week Frank and Bridgette ran the house and it backfired on them.
  • It's BB and those things happen.
  • What's James doing in all of this?
  • Probably playing all sides a bit too much. He's kind of in with everyone and no one (except Natalie) all at the same time.
  • That's probably going to catch up with him.
  • The 8-Pack split its seams. The Fatal Five had a fatality (the divide between Nicole and Da'Vonne keeps growing wider). 
  • Paul is in with both Frank and Paulie.
  • Paulie wants Frank out, but Frank doesn't really know that.
  • This might be an interesting week ahead!
  • I've been trying to wait out the Road Kill before posting this.
  • But the feeds have been blocked about five hours. I'll post a later announcement when (if) we hear the Road Kill results.
  • Of course, if the person keeps it secret, we won't know until the nomination comes in.
  • So ... right now, it's Tiffany and Natalie on the block and I need to eat a late dinner.

Morning pimping? Nah.

Dazed and confused

It's good to be Paulie's girl

Home alone? Nope!

Let's hear it for Rutgers! (It's near me.)

BB18: Live Feeds into Friday - July 15

But she has James!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Pain:
  • Frank is all in a tizzy? 
  • Who flipped on him? (They all deny it.)
  • "What? Dictator? I never acted like a dictator!"
  • He told Da'Vonne the only reason he was ever after her was because Nicole said she was after him.
  • Da'Vonne told Frank that Nicole was too scared to flip.
  • And on.
  • And on.
  • Meanwhile, Paulie has found out that Tiffany did try to get an all girls alliance going.
  • Of course, he can't nominate any one from his own team (Category 4).
  • So, that means that Frank, Bridgette and Michelle are safe.
  • Everyone else is fair game.
  • Frank did his finger-pointing well into the night.
  • Paulie told James that he isn't all that tight with either Frank or Bridgette.
  • If not for the teams twist (which needs to go away!), I think that Paulie might strike out in that direction.
  • Alas.
  • Paul is sure he'll be on the block again. He said, if he isn't and he wins Road Kill, he'll put himself on the block.
  • Heehee.
  • Frank told Da'Vonne the only one he really trusts is Bridgette. 
  • Frank and Da'Vonne surface make up and hug.
  • But that's not real.
  • She's still after him and he knows she was lying to his face.
  • Paulie was one originally after Tiffany to go. He voted for Tiffany to go.
  • So, will he put Tiffany on the block?
  • Hell, yeah!
  • Plus, using her as a target doesn't put him in the position where he gets major blood on his hands ... or something that goes awry like the Frank/Tiffany thing last night.
  • He told Tiffany he doesn't want her coming in his HoH room. He's sure she'll be butting into every conversation.
  • Then again, she just might sleep a lot!
  • Among the doubts cast, James and Natalie's names came up.
  • Now Paulie is leaning towards getting Natalie out.
  • Corey tried to convince Frank it was all Bronte's fault she got voted out -- she caused her own demise in the house.
  • Yeah, you had nothing to do with it, Frank. :::cough:::
  • Paul again pushes an anti-Tiffany agenda.
  • After all, he wants someone to have a much larger target on them than he does. Even though he's made a point of mingling, he's still a remainder (and reminder) of the Jozea/Victor fiasco.
  • Nicole is once again running scared. She's in the middle of the Frank/Da'Vonne rift. She doesn't handle the stress well and she's such a sucky liar!
  • Corey is really trying to rationalize the anti-Frank movement to Frank and why people turned on him.
  • He's doing it in an effort to fix things.
  • I didn't really expect that from Corey. Huh. A bridge over troubled waters. Who woulda thunk it?
  • Meanwhile, back in the HoH room, Paulie and Nicole talked. He still wants Frank out, but cannot do it.
  • He doesn't know that Nicole agreed to a Corey/Frank/Bridgette final four alliance.
  • It appears that Nicole is safe from Paulie's noms.
  • Tiffany cried.
  • She told Nicole she feels everybody is talking about her.
  • Well, YEAH. They are. That speech was a bit much too much and now you're staying in the house and you're stuck with it, Tiff.
  • Of course, Frank himself has himself believing that that speech swayed a few people Tiffany's way.
  • He's wrong on that. They already were swayed.
  • Tiffany is now getting on everybody's nerves with her crying, odd behavior and accusations.
  • She's guaranteeing that she will be the target this week and her people who had been behind her are now wishing they'd voted her out.
  • So, I'd say one of Paulie's nominations will definitely be Tiffany. The second is still up in the air -- Natalie's name came up a lot -- but that would be the pawn.

Their fate is in his hands

Maybe safe? Maybe not.

Will the tables turn on her this week?

Safe through circumstance

Thursday, July 14, 2016

BB18: Live Eviction, HoH Show Blog Party - July 14

Are we ready for this? I know I'm SO ready!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area!

Here are the blog pool picks going into tonight's show:

Tiffany Rousso - meb, SueGee, David, Jessica UNderwood
Natalie Negrotti - Sharon N, Jackie P, QuixoticElf, Orkmommy
Bridgette Dunning - Brian, Indiana Jane, Caela, Chauncey, Paula Bell
Paulie Calafiore - Joel, Chacha, Sally, Ed In Ohio, Buzzmaam
Bronte D'Acquisto - Jean in Tampa, elee86, Russ, Cheryl, Donna in FL
Zakiyah Everette - Tilde, Jo C, Jenng326, Ayana, jennifer
Corey Brooks - Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Barbara B. W., Dierdre, Cheryl in NC
Paul Abrahamian - Jackie, Arf Barf, WolfpackRed, chrob61
Michelle Meyer - Rich, Chase, Glenn, Anonymouse, Delee
Nicole Franzel - Kelsey NY, Grove Wiley, Nickelpeed, Sharon C  
Frank Eudy - Dr_Celine, Dennis Comfort, Stephanie in Baltimore, PDX Granny
Da'Vonne Rogers - Donna in Alabama, uncartie, MarthaLight, Donna NY
James Huling - Becky, Donna in Alabama, Sharon S, Willie J

Jozea Flores - Sasha, Merrilee, Tammy, Petals, JonMD1267
Victor Arroyo - Helenann2K, RBennie, Janice, Monty924

Let's get this show AWN!

Before going into recap, Julie told us Frank and Da'Vonne were two "powerful players, each with their own agenda."

The action resumes after the PoV meeting and Frank gloating about it. Paul feels secure. Bronte thinks that Tiffany is the target because the "whole house" wants to vote her out. Da'Vonne thinks Tiffany staying might be the best option. She tells James. He thinks, if they had enough votes, it might work. He's not happy with Frank's behavior. They need five votes. Michelle thinks it would be better send Bronte packing. Nicole is agreeable to it. Zakiyah says okay.

Uh-oh. Zakiyah suggests Bronte out to Paulie. He thinks it's not a good idea. He thinks Tiffany can win things. (What has she won so far?) Corey feels along the same lines as Paulie.

Going into commercial, Julie tells us the returners have started to turn on each other. Well, duh.

Frank tries to drag Nicole in to say who she wants targeted. She thinks he wants Da'Vonne out. Frank tells Nicole he has her back.

Frank tells Bridgette they'll go after Nicole and Corey down the road, but maybe an alliance with them ...? Frank tries to get Michelle on the anti-Da'Vonne Train.  He tells Michelle that Nicole is also in on getting Da'Vone out. Michelle tells Da'Vonne and Nicole denies it. Da'Vonne sees through Nicole.

Back in the Bronte Out Plan, they look like they're getting Corey and Paulie.

Time to vote! The nominees speak ...
Paul - Have not, block three weeks, time of my life, want to stay.
Tiffany - Dictatorships rarely work out, talks about dictator (Frank), cow manure, gas ... would target dictator and Cabbage Patch Kid
Bronte - Not in the habit of being mean, thank you all.

Votes to Evict:
Frank - Tiffany
Natalie - Tiffany
James - Tiffany
Into commercial ...
Michelle - Bronte
Nicole - Bronte
Zakiyah - Bronte
Corey - Bronte
Paulie - Tiffany
Da'Vonne - Bronte

Five to four, Bronte is evicted. Frank and Bridgette both visibly cringe when Julie announces it.

I think Bronte got the first laugh out of me from her all season. When Julie told her about the Battle Back, Bronte said, "I'm glad I wasn't snooty on the way out!"

HoH Comp time. Yesterday they saw, sixteen photos of the evicted hamsters in "Europe." They had to study them.

Euro Tripping is the name of the comp. True or False questions. Last HG standing, new HoH with team safe.

Corey, James, Natalie, Zakiyah, Paul out on first question.
All right on second.
Tiffany, Michelle, Da'Vonne out.
Paulie wins HOH!

So much for getting Frank out. Frank, Paulie, Bridgette and Michelle are all safe.

BB18: Live Feeds into Thursday Morning - July 14

Corey cannot do those bumper cars!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Waffles:
  • Oh my. Call in the crowd ... it looks like the waffle might be done!
  • And ... it's ... now ...
  • ... looking like a BRONTE eviction!
  • Y'see, the main herd of hamsters realized that, while they can't get Frank this week, they can cause him issues.
  • Tiffany might be a bit annoying at times, but she's no mastermind, nor much of a threat in any way.
  • But, Bronte, on the other hand, is someone Frank nominated, thinking she wouldn't go home. His Bed Buddy Bridgette is besties with her and knows he's the one who nominated her.
  • Bronte is also annoying.
  • Bronte thinks she's a competition beast and they all think she's more of a threat than is Tiffany (I'm not really seeing all of that).
  • By ousting her, they get rid of Bronte and hurt the Frank/Bridget duo.
  • The others we're talking about include Paulie, Corey, Nicole, Michelle, Zakiyah, Da'Vonne ... certainly enough to rock the vote.
  • Or, as they say, flip the script.
  • Oh, Tiffany is still on their radar. They've just put her on a back burner for the time being.
  • I think they all expect her to suddenly become Vanessa. From watching her, she has some of Vanessa's worst traits such as emotionally playing, but she doesn't possess the talking in circles and making people do opposite what they planned while making it look like it was their own decision stuff. THAT was what made Vanessa such a dangerous player.
  • Meanwhile, they all kept quizzing each other on the videos they saw for HoH prep.
  • At least, they think that's what it's for. I'm hoping it is, because I don't feel like staying up for an endurance comp tonight!
  • They went and told Tiffany she'd be safe.
  • I'm not sure that's a great idea. They had been humoring her all along. I personally would have kept it that way and not let her in on any grand plan. It's bad enough more than half the house knows.
  • Heck, why don't they go and tell Bronte she's going and blow the plan all to bits?
  • James is left out of the loop with the main group. They must think he's too close with Natalie, would say something and it would get back to Bronte.
  • James is actually aboard the Get Rid of Frank Train.
  • Everybody but Bridgette is on that ride.
  • Not that there aren't rifts in the main group, mind you.
  • They're all fairly suspicious of each other.
  • Ah, if this latest waffle stays and Bronte goes tonight, this should be a very interesting week ahead.
  • Yes! As hamster-watchers, we need interesting! 

Has his built-in crumbcatcher

Will she stay or will she go?

Sometimes you have to scratch the itch

If she were dangerous, she would be.