Sunday, July 17, 2016

BB18: Nominations, Road Kill Episode Blog Party - July 17

Hamster watchers ready? Let's get this show going! 

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area!

But first ... let's have recaps of what's happened.

After HoH, Frank goes off on Nicole, blaming the girls for the voting flip. Everybody is denying responsibility for saving Tiffany. He's freaking. Natalie's crying because her BFF Bronte is gone. Wah. Bridgette is upset that her buddy Bronte went home on her HoH.

Tiffany confronted Frank and told him she was never coming after him. Frank told her Da'Vonne told him that she started a five girl alliance targeting him. So, now he confronts Da'Vonne.  

Da'Vonne realizes she's blowing her own game and tries for damage control with Frank. He's not really buying it. He's still her number one target, she tells us. 

Paulie wanted Tiffany out last week. So, this week she's his target as HoH. 

Now, the whole crowd who saved Tiffany is regretting it. Tiffany walks in the room and everybody shuts up and slowly leave. 

Natalie, who voted for Tiffany to go, is the only one reaching out to help her in her time of need. She cries. She cries some more. 

Tiffany goes to talk to Frank ... crying. He tells her he was against her because Da'Vonne told him she was targeting. She decides she want to work with Frank and, if she goes out, she'll go out with a bang. She spills the beans on everybody to Frank -- Paulie and Corey want him out and on and on. 

Da'Vonne walks in on them, then walks out. She reports back to Paul and Nicole.

Da'Vonne meets up with Tiffany alone. They're talking in circles at each other. Zakiyah walks in. Tiffany goes off on them about being alone in the game. She cries some more. Paul eavesdrops outside.  

Nominations time! Tiffany and Natalie. He says that he, Frank and Bridgette wanted her out last week, cited similarities between her and Vanessa and that she's dangerous. He said he has never really connected with Natalie. 

The Road Kill RV is there! The smells inside are disgusting. Must eradicate the odor by hanging up the most air fresheners possible in a color order. If they fall, cannot rehang. "Gasping for Air." They have to hang them on certain ropes, climbing over and under them. 

Time for the secret reveal ... and ... TIFFANY WINS ROAD KILL! 

It's a secret. Shh. She tells Da'Vonne and hints she's safe. She tells Frank and Bridgette. She wants Corey. Frank suggests Nicole.

Time for the Road Kill reveal -- it's Corey who's nominated!

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - July 17, 2016

Good morning! Since it's Sunday morning, it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. If you're here for Big Brother news, everything I have for you can be found at this link. I'll be posting another live feeds report tonight as well as live-blogging the aired show. But this ain't that. This post is a year-round regular "feature" while Big Brother is a summer obsession. Or, something like that.

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate heat and humidity? During my staycation, I practically barricaded myself inside with air conditioning to avoid the weather. I wish I could have done the same this past week (and, I'd like to do it next week, as well). We had another week of horridly hot and humid weather and next week looks pretty much the same. I'm dreading my electric bill because I've been running the air conditioning so much. Yesterday, I think I might have even had signs of the beginning of heat exhaustion when I arrived at my workplace. I was sweating profusely, dizzy and suddenly nauseous. It went away after a few hours, but ...!

Other than going back and forth to work, sweating a lot and blessing air conditioning for any time I can spend inside ... it's been a rather dull week. I think I got a few decent photos despite sweat dripping down into my eyes. And, on a positive note, living in this area, I won't have to invest in a sauna.

I wouldn't mind if my apartment had a pool, though. I have decided that, if I ever were to come into enough money to go wild, I'd buy a house with my own INDOOR personal pool that I could enjoy year 'round. For now, I guess I'll have to make due with my bathtub. I'm not into going to the public pools or down the shore where everybody is. I like solitude or just close friends, not crowds or a gazillion kids running amok.

Onto this week's photos ... clicking on an image will open it in a larger version.

Flower-of-an-Hour (Hibiscus trionum)

Thanks and a shout-out go to Bernice for telling me about these way cool flowers! This is the first year they're growing in a patch of rocky dirt near the Bridgewater Train Station. After the jump, I have a short series of their various incarnations at different times of the day.

Oooh! A pet for Vincent!

A sign outside of Pete's Fish Market on East Second Street in Plainfield.

Monday night's moon

Hibiscus Tree blossom


BB18: Live Feeds Overnight into Sunday - July 17

Little Miss Pigtails

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wanton Wannabes:
  • Interesting. Paul knows all the words and has the right inflection to an Emimem song (Lose Yourself) and it took the BB staff several lines before they realized it's a song and shut him down. 
  • Yet, they can sing made up nonsense stuff and BB shuts them down immediately!
  • Of course, these are the same staff that will focus and unfocus a camera on a vase or somesuch for extended periods of time.
  • I wonder what would happen if BB issued them boxing gloves and told them to go wild.
  • Right now, so many have so much frustration inside of themselves that it's frustrating to watch them and keep up with who is mad at whom.
  • Nicole is all bent out of shape because Corey dared to speak to Tiffany without her at his side.
  • Da'Vonne has alienated just about the whole house and Frank's not doing much better. Both have become huge targets.
  • James is doing better than his fellow returnees. But he's all over the place on all sides and so linked with Natalie that his own game probably won't last to the end.
  • Paulie seems to be King Bee at the moment. Yet, with great power comes great responsibility. He who tries to rule the world will surely fall.
  • Just ask Frank.
  • Corey thinks his mother will say his lack of winning comps is because he "didn't visualize." That made me realize ... all the time he's sitting around just taking stuff in ... he must be visualizing.
  • The hamsters think someone is coming back soon.
  • No, BB Production Conspiracy Theorists ... the Diary Room didn't hint or tell them. 
  • Like every other season, they did the math. They know that they can count on one, if not two, double evictions (good ratings!) and this is the longest season ever. Someone HAS to be coming back.
  • Zakiyah thinks that Tiffany tried to turn her against Paulie.
  • Y'see, Tiffany is angry at Paulie for "calling her out."
  • But, then again, Tiffany was angry at Frank last week and now she's one of his best buddies. So she thinks, anyway.
  • Tiffany does seem to realize her ship has sunk and, no matter what happens or who goes up as a renom, she'll be voted out this week.
  • But that's not going to stop her from getting all involved and instigating problems.
  • Meanwhile, Frank still intends on voting out Tiffany this week.
  • Paul continues to try to be some kind of double-agent, getting in with Bridgette and Frank, reporting back to Nicole, Zakiyah and Corey. 
  • He probably doesn't realize that it's nothing new that he's doing. He's all thrilled with himself and all.
  • Da'Vonne, for the most part, has been laying a bit low as of late. She knows that she's ruffled feathers and probably should calm down for a bit.
  • They talked social media. BB tells them they should deactivate accounts before they go in.
  • Well, gee. I wonder why? Heh.
  • They also talked of various leaks about the cast and house they saw before they went into sequester. I guess maybe they didn't get locked up quick enough this year!
  • The unlikely pairing of James and Natalie continues. Of course, with those two being the only ones remaining on their team and also being Have Nots, they're thrust even more together.
  • She loves his accent.
  • I don't see it lasting as much more than a friendship after the season, though. But, I bet that James does build great friendships with women. He can be very brotherly despite his pranks and flirting. He really does do well with "girl talk."
  • Michelle and Zakiyah talked about watching Jersey Shore. Yuch. I live not far from Jersey Shore and never watched Staten Island whacked-out implants.
  • Michelle says she loves reality television ... but never watches Survivor or The Amazing Race (the BEST shows in the genre!).
  • We had our first incident of Sleepwalker Corey. It does seem to be real, not faked. He walked into the Have Not Room. He seemed quite confused. They helped him back to bed.
  • Rats. I was thinking it would be more exciting.
  • Although things were relatively calm overnight, we can expect some kerfuffles during the week.
  • Da'Vonne vows pots and pans.
  • We will see.

Don't they ever put stuff away?

That spoon gets around

Spends a lot of time doing just this

Let there be yard

Saturday, July 16, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Saturday Evening, PoV - July 16

Tiffany is giving him a headache?

Just to preface this a bit ... I don't claim to report every breath taken by the house hamsters. I work a real job and try to have a bit of a life, too. Plus, I'm just one person. If you need a breath by breath, every little thing reported kind of place, this isn't for you. There are more than a few sites which have multiple contributors doing just that.

That said, here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Harried Hamsters:
  • Paul is still really, really wanting Tiffany out this week.
  • He thinks he NEEDS to win PoV so that the nominations would remain the same.
  • For some reason, they all seem to have it in their little hamster heads that the PoV will be the huge trapped inside the dice one.
  • So, they keep going over the strategy for that over and over again.
  • In addition to Paulie, Tiffany, Natalie and Corey, it's Da'Vonne and Paul playing for the veto.
  • They're all getting on each others' nerves lately.
  • Zakiyah thinks that Michelle acts like a thug.
  • Michelle is mad because she wanted to take a nap and other people were in the room.
  • Oh, give me a break!
  • Michelle told James that he shouldn't trust Natalie. She says she doesn't want him to get hurt.
  • Okaaay. First, I would think James could think for himself. He's already said to others that he'd sacrifice Natalie if his game came down to it. 
  • Michelle also wants Bridgette out before Frank so he "won't have anyone."
  • That might work better with Frank out before Bridgette so SHE won't have anyone. Frank might be harder to get out than Bridgette and, although she has won HoH and PoV, we all know he can win when he needs to win.
  • Corey and Nicole think they need to work on getting back in Frank's good graces.
  • Actually, from what I've seen, COREY was never out of Frank's good graces. It's been Nicole, her saying things that got repeated to Frank and the fact that she can't lie without looking like she's lying!
  • The feeds were blocked for the PoV comp and, when they came back ... COREY has won Power of Veto.
  • He may be a recruit. He may have bunches of people telling him not to worry, he's safe.
  • But he's no dummy. He'll definitely take himself off the block.
  • Plus, word on the street ... er, in the house, is that Tiffany won Road Kill and she put him on the block.
  • He's been avoiding her since he heard that.
  • Michelle (who's in everybody's business lately) told him he needs to keep people in the dark whether he'll use it or not.
  • Sure, some don't want him to use it because they're afraid they'll go up.
  • But no one can ever fault a PoV winner for saving himself despite any reason not to.
  • Think of Marcellas.
  • It's worse than going home on Survivor with an idol in your pocket.
  • Paul is one who doesn't want him to use it. Yeah, he's also likely to go up as a replacement, too!
  • Da'Vonne, for all of her talk, is also trying to work back in with Paulie and the bunch. After all, she doesn't want them to think she doesn't trust them.
  • She doesn't trust them. Shh. Don't tell anyone.
  • Team Unicorn are the Have Nots this week.
  • That's down to James and Natalie since Victor and Bronte are gone.
  • How convenient is that?
  • They can have bread with their slop.
  • Since Corey won PoV, now there's all kinds of new speculation about who won Road Kill. Even Paulie is thinking it might be Frank now.
  • Hey, Tiffany apparently was out first in PoV. How could she ever win Road Kill?
  • She did.
  • Nicole is confident that, if she goes up as a renom, she's safe.
  • I'd say so, too.
  • Gah! Tiffany told her new best bud Frank about the Fatal Five.
  • She's determined to go out with a bang, I guess.
  • She's thinking of putting up Da'Vonne as the replacement nomination.
  • She told Frank she nominated Corey because she was told he was the one who was targeting her.
  • Hmm. 
  • They kind of all were.
  • Uh-oh. Paul has decided to play an Andy game. He got himself "in" with Tiffany and Frank, then ran and reported to Corey, Nicole and Zakiyah. Playing double agent only works if your name is Andy or Ian.
  • But, he is right ... they spilled everything to him and he's spreading the word.
  • It's probably going to catch up to him sooner rather than later, though.
  • Tiffany then told Corey that Frank was never after him at all.
  • Gah.
  • They're all starting to make ME paranoid!
  • Frank's been telling tales, some true, some tall to Corey about Da'Vonne.
  • Tiffany is already decided on the renom being Da'Vonne.
  • But, the question is ... if Da'Vonne goes on the block, will Tiffany still go home?
  • Hmm.

Making amends with Corey (and odd faces, too)

Looking serious

They look so comfortable!

Talk, talk, talk

BB18: Live Feeds into Saturday, Road Kill Nominee - July 16

The revolution will not be televised

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bemoaning Backstabbers:
  • So ... after Tiffany wins Road Kill, who does she run and tell? (Besides us via cameras.)
  • Why, her nemesis FRANK, of course!
  • She's gone a bit over the rainbow crazy on them all.
  • She thinks the others set her up just to spite Frank, so now she wants to work with him.
  • He is so sure he was never a dictator, yet claims Paulie is.
  • Hey, like many other situations, if you try to rule the world, you're gonna fall.
  • Paulie et al (Corey, Nicole, Zakiyah) are sure that Frank's just faking it and he won Road Kill again, not Tiffany.
  • After all, there's no way SHE could win it!
  • It is a bit suspicious that Frank's been tossing the names of Corey and Nicole to be split apart.
  • But, not really, when you consider that Tiffany has joined the Frank Camp.
  • For the time being, at least.
  • Yeah, the Road Kill nominee is ... drum roll ... COREY!
  • Corey, who hasn't won not a single comp to date, is determined to win the Power of Veto and get himself off.
  • However, if he does ... will she put Nicole in his place?
  • Another mess in the house is that they're all still trying to figure who voted for Bronte and who voted for Tiffany on Thursday.
  • Winning Road Kill will not give Tiffany any kind of safety. All it gives her is a choice of a third nominee. 
  • She can go for someone who's a bigger target and hope they go.
  • Or, she could go for someone she thinks she could beat.
  • With the Corey choice, it might be a mix of the two. The girls might be more likely to vote a guy out and Paul seems on the innocuous side at the moment. There has been sentiment (not just Frank) about breaking up the Nicole/Corey couple. As for comps, Corey hasn't won anything yet. He MIGHT win a physical comp, but his size sometimes might work against him, too. He's also a recruit and knows little of the game.
  • I guess we'll just have to see how he does in PoV!
  • Michelle is playing a bit too dangerously. She's playing up to both sides. She's not that good at it.
  • Tiffany is being all but ignored by most.
  • She thinks Paulie bullied her.
  • James says he talks to her just to be cordial and because everybody leaves when she comes in a room.
  • Frank is upset that Corey seriously thinks he put him on the block. Y'know, they're buddies ... he wouldn't do him like that!
  • Paulie told Corey that, if he wins PoV, he'll pull Natalie off. He thinks that Tiffany has no chance against Corey. But, does he realize that Nicole would probably go up?
  • Hmm.
  • Paulie is sure that Da'Vonne will go up in Corey's place.
  • Hmm.
  • Da'Vonne and James both think that, if Corey leaves, they'll have Nicole back in their camp.
  • And life goes on.
  • The PoV should be later today.
  • It's Tiffany, Natalie and Corey on the block.

Wanna get a hairnet for that beard, please?

Category 4 keeps the target off of her.

At the end of the day, it is what it is.

Someone's watching you, James!

Corey and his RBF