Sunday, July 24, 2016

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - July 24, 2016

Good morning! Since it's Sunday morning, it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. If you're here for Big Brother news, everything I have for you can be found at this link. I'll be posting another live feeds report later this morning and tonight as well as live-blogging the aired show. But this ain't that. This post is a year-round regular "feature" while Big Brother is a summer obsession. Or, something like that.

I don't have much to report this week. Another week of going back and forth to work and covering BB18 here on the blog. We're in another heat wave here. I made it to the train station and waited for my (delayed) train yesterday when I suddenly got sick -- nauseous, dizzy, etc. I'm thinking it was heat exhaustion. I ended up taking a taxi back home. I slept on and off all day yesterday and feel better today. But I haven't been outside. This whole week sounds like it's going to be heat wave city. I'm not happy.

But I'm happy I'm in here and my air conditioning works just fine!

Onto the photos I took this past week. Clicking on an image will open a larger version.

I'd like a mimosa, please

Um. I was talking the drink, not the flower! Berckman Street, Plainfield.

Monday's full moon

Easter Cicada Killer Wasp

These are so cool! A good part of the coolness is that they have no stinger (male) and pose no threat to me. Bridgewater Train Station.

Flower of the hour peak time

These flowers are fascinating me! Have I mentioned how easily I can get fascinated with nature? For most of the day, they look like a patch of weeds and then, for about an hour daily, the blossoms come out. Bridgewater Train Station. I have another series on them after the jump.


BB18: Live Feeds Late into Saturday Night, PoV - July 23

Will he rule the veto?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Harried Hamsters:
  • It seems like they spent most of Saturday waiting around chomping at the bit to play for the Power of Veto.
  • Well, a lot of napping went on, as well.
  • They slept in a bit, too.
  • The consensus seemed that most would vote Bridgette out over Frank if the nominations remained the same.
  • Of course, that doesn't have James sitting too pretty with his little lady Natalie.
  • It seems he promised Bridgette safety during the HoH endurance comp.
  • And, Bridgette is Natalie's buddy although not necessarily James's buddy.
  • James thought he was making nominations "the house" wanted. 
  • Natalie told Bridgette that she's in this position because she never tried to bond with the girls.
  • Well, she did. The only problem was that the girls she bonded with were named Bronte and Natalie. Then, on the male side, she pretty much just bonded with Frank.
  • James apologized to Bridgette for putting her on the block. He told her that everybody was telling him that he needed to put them (as a couple) on the block and he was tired and conflicted.
  • He also pointed out that Frank running her game and treating her like personal property have turned others against her.
  • They hugged.
  • She's still on the block. She still might go home. Naturally, they'll fake hug then, too.
  • Bridgette thinks that the girls don't like her because they're jealous of her career, home, looks, and boyfriend.
  • Oh, yeah. She's got that boyfriend.
  • And, she has Frank, too.
  • Bridgette told Natalie that Nicole is playing both sides of the house.
  • She also let her in on the Fatal Five and other information leaked by Tiffany.
  • Natalie told her that she has her back, but she doesn't talk game with Frank and isn't working with him.
  • When the feeds returned after the PoV players pick, the additional players are Nicole, Michelle and Da'Vonne.
  • It's back to randomly picking out a chip from the bag. Uh-oh. Bridgette picked Da'Vonne. You can tell that one isn't Houseguest's Choice!
  • "The House" seems to think that, even if one of them -- Frank or Bridgette -- come off the block, it doesn't matter the replacement, per se. The one remaining on the block will go out the door.
  • Victor says it's much easier returning to the house.
  • Nicole told him it's because Jozea is gone. 
  • Of course, Jozea went before Victor did, but his presence still lingered at that time like a cheap perfume.
  • I said that, not Nicole.
  • They think the comp is going to be the one with prizes and punishments.
  • I hope it's something new and different.
  • James told Nicole she wouldn't be a replacement nominee. She asked him. He didn't just volunteer the info.
  • He also told Bridgette she wouldn't be going on the block.
  • Hmm.
  • Lots of speculation as to who would put up whom if they won HoH, as usual.
  • The feeds got blocked late and have been blocked for hours.
  • But, finally ... we have a PoV winner and the feeds are live once again.
  • MICHELLE won PoV. 
  • It was the OTEV comp and, as Nicole pointed out, all four vets played.

Does he realize how bad that hair looks?

Oh, Nicole, you need to step it up

Better a silly hat than a silly haircut

Zakiyah sans Paulie

Michelle and her PoV necklace

Saturday, July 23, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Saturday Morning - July 23

I'm b-a-a-a-a-a-c-k!!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of a Recent Returnee:
  • If you missed my prior announcement: James is HoH. He nominated Frank and Bridgette.
  • They seem to think that Victor has changed a lot in the last two weeks.
  • "He's a different person! He's so nice!"
  • Hmm. Give it time.
  • Bridgette tried to convince Victor that she's been absolutely a sweetheart in the house and everybody has treated her horribly.
  • @@
  • Now, we need to remember that two people gave Victor advice during the Battle Back -- Bronte told him they all hated him and not to trust any. Tiffany told him to trust Frank.
  • Frank, but of course, trusts Bridgette. Will Victor fall in with them?
  • Da'Vonne thinks that James is going to have Pandora's Box in his HoH reign.
  • If he does, Nicole wants him to be the first HoH not to use it.
  • If there was one, I can't see any HoH not using it.
  • But, I don't think this secret room stuff is quite a Pandora's Box. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
  • Somehow, Paulie seems to be on Frank's little team now. Oh, not an official team -- they're gone. In his camp, so to speak. I'm not sure what happened there.
  • Although Paulie claims that Zakiyah is the hottest girl in the house and he really likes her, he'll cut her from the game in a minute if he has to.
  • Frank thinks he will win PoV (and that's always a strong possibility), so he and Paulie are trying to see what votes they might gather to oust Da'Vonne as a renom.
  • If it came down to it, Paulie would rather Frank stay than Bridgette.
  • Yep, alpha boys wanna stay together!
  • Paul said he wouldn't save either Frank or Bridgette if he wins PoV.
  • We don't know who's playing for PoV yet other than the HoH and nominees, mind you.
  • Ah, Frank told Paulie that he's in his final three plan along with Bridgette.
  • I have a bridge to sell to you, Paulie. The warm fuzzies of these few days aren't going to last.
  • Paulie wants Da'Vonne targeted because she's "still saying my name" with the couples targeting. 
  • Natalie told James that she thinks several people threw the HoH just in order to not get blood on their hands.
  • Probably.
  • She also told him that Frank was now in with Paulie as if he never put him on the block.
  • Being a Bridgette buddy, she thinks James should have nominated Frank and Victor. 
  • If Frank were to go home, she would have Bridgette back to herself, I say.
  • James said he might put Victor on the block if someone is saved with the PoV.
  • Natalie told James he had promised not to put Bridgette up and claims Paulie pressured him to do so.
  • She doesn't trust Paulie.
  • I don't think James trusts anybody.
  • As it should be ...
  • Natalie went on and on to James about Paulie playing both sides of the house.
  • She is right there.
  • James said that his nominations were "what the house wanted."
  • Oh, James. I remember when you were willing to shake things up!
  • He doesn't regret putting Frank up, but is now feeling bad about nominating Bridgette.
  • Eventually Natalie said that she knows people want Frank/Bridgette out and they're probably decent nominations.
  • Even if James did promise Bridgette he wouldn't put her on the block.
  • From what was said, the HoH comp was one of the ones with a wall and them hanging on.
  • It seems, as of now, out of the two nominees, more want Bridgette out than Frank.
  • Hmm.

His haircut by Paul is incredibly stupid!

Not pleased that James put Bridgette up

Maybe it's just me, but that looks disgusting

Whazzat on her shoulder?

Doesn't seem like a happy HoH

BB18: Live Feeds Return HoH, Nominations Update - July 23

Just a quick update for now ...
  • James won HoH
  • The nominees are Frank and Bridgette.
  • Pretty interesting, eh?
A full report will be up in the morning!

Friday, July 22, 2016

BB18: Battle Back to BB Special Blog Party - July 22

The Live Feeds will be down until after tonight's Battle Back episode. They should return late tonight at 9pm PT/ 12am ET

Will it be Glenn, Jozea, Victor, Bronte or Tiffany returning?

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- come join in on the fun!

We first get to see all five get evicted once again. Win or go home in four head to head competitions. 

Glenn takes on Jozea. The comp has them doing an identical one we saw earlier in the season. Balance beam logs, one short tough path, one longer easier, retrieve berries one at a time. They each have a poison berry that they can use to destroy a column of berries of the opponent. 

Heh. Jozea is rushing to prove how great he is and fell, twice. Glenn is going really slow. Now it's raining. Jozea is in the lead. Glenn failed to get Jozea with the poison berry. Jozea successfully got his poison berry in. Jozea wins over Glenn. Glenn has to go home.

Jozea will battle Victor next. Must knock down five face of their opponent targets with tennis balls and huge rackets that work like a trampoline. Victor wins! Jozea is going home. (Yay!)

Victor will battle Bronte next. That should be interesting. Bronte is already annoying on intro to the yard. Ohh ... she tells Victor not a single person in the house likes him (but her). They have monitors with photos of hamsters still in the game and answer six questions. Victor wins!

Victor will battle Tiffany next. The winner of that battle will return to the house. They have glowing wrist and ankle bands. Search through bins for puzzle pieces, listen for clues to complete band's schedule. (Puzzle is a band.) Climbing and suspended kind of thing. Victor wins and makes all kinds of ape noises.

Victor will be returning to the house, Tiffany goes home. She tells him to trust Frank, don't trust Da'Vonne.

Julie tells the hamsters about Battle Back. The doorbell rings. Victor enters, testosterone raging.  

Another twist has clues to a secret room only in play for the next four weeks. Finding the room can change the game of the winner.