Nicorette |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap:
- They made up for sleeping all day Sunday by being awake all night!
- Frank kept campaigning for the veto to be used, Da'Vonne to go up and out in either his or Bridgette's place on the block.
- His bubble got crushed, though.
- And, Paul did it.
- The feeds were actually interesting, for the first time in days!
- It was same old, same old ... until Paul.
- What did the bearded boy do?
- Well, he called a house meeting which had almost everybody in attendance.
- He claimed that he can't understand why people can't just be honest and let Frank know that the veto won't be used and Frank will be the one going home this week.
- A hush fell over the crowd.
- First, Da'Vonne spoke up to Frank.
- They talked back and forth and ... guess what? They're not really enemies.
- Finally, Paulie chimed in and agreed with what Paul said about Frank going home this week.
- Frank now understands there is no point in trying to campaign and get folks on the Oust Da'Vonne Train this week and thus driving himself crazy.
- He's bummed.
- Bridgette cries.
- This will mean that she's going to be in jury with all those MEAN girls!
- Before the meeting, she was trying to campaign for the Oust Da'Vonne Train.
- Later, Frank told Zakiyah that he hopes Da'Vonne believes what he told her about Nicole during the HoH comp.
- He says he had his only final two deal with Nicole, but now he knows she's a snake.
- Zakiyah is pretty much playing dumb to all of this as if she had no part in any conversations with anyone whatsoever.
- Bridgette, in addition to using the F word every other word, is also into the uneducated "you know what I'm sayin", "you know what I mean" phrases in between the cussing. Does she have some kind of street people background we don't know about?
- It all seems so incongruous coming from the Cabbage Patch Kid. (Gosh, I wish I had come up with that descriptor for her!)
- Oh, they did get the yard back.
- Paul claims that he was tired of watching both Frank and Da'Vonne getting hurt and going through such hassles when it could all be laid out on the table.
- In a way, he's right.
- But, that said, I don't think Frank is just going to sit and take it.
- He's already bad-mouthing Nicole.
- As I type this, a group is in the storage room -- Michelle, Paulie, Paul and Zakiyah -- and Zakiyah is making Paulie's weird haircut weirder by parting the fluff in the middle and putting pins to hold it. Ew. I can't bring myself to screen cap it.
- That's it for now!
Fridgette |
Oh my. What have I done? |
No one would vote me out ... this week |
You know what I'm sayin', you know what I mean? |
So far, much better in the game |
I called this meeting! |