Tuesday, July 26, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Monday Evening - July 25

How I feel right about now

Here's the latest from inside the Big Brother House of Crashing Cards:
  • Michelle and Bridgette talks, ostensibly to smooth things out.
  • That didn't go so well.
  • It became heated words about how Bridgette was scared of Tiffany, how Michelle leaves the room when Bridgette enters and ... Eyebrow-Gate.
  • I never really caught the start of that on the feeds. Either Bridgette or Tiffany said they were going to shave Michelle's eyebrows while she was sleeping.
  • Michelle says it was Bridgette.
  • Bridgette says it was Tiffany.
  • It kept going on to the point where Bridgette started yelling, "Why do you hate me, Michelle?!?!?!"
  • @@
  • Bridgette told Michelle "everybody" was talking about her (Michelle's) appearance.
  • Things were no better between them, probably a bit worse, by the time the kerfuffle frizzled out.
  • With Bridgette going off a bit, Natalie is worried that she might say things about her.
  • Then Da'Vonne had to get all caught up in it, telling things Bridgette has said.
  • Gah. 
  • When the feeds returned after the veto ceremony, there were no surprises.
  • Michelle did NOT use the veto. Frank and Bridgette remain on the block.
  • Frank is sure he's the one who will be voted out.
  • He told Bridgette, if she wins HoH, nominate Nicole and James.
  • What? No Da'Vonne who has been his target for a few weeks now?
  • Nope. They made up.
  • Now Da'Vonne is on the Oust Nicole Train with Frank, bad-mouthing Nicole.
  • Though, they're right -- she's been playing both sides of the house. And, she's a bad liar and can't cover her tracks well.
  • James told Paulie that Bridgette (it came from Frank originally) said Nicole is "flip-floppy." Paulie thinks that originally came from Da'Vonne.
  • James warns the Pauls (Paul and Paulie) to watch their backs around Da'Vonne.
  • Everybody needs to watch their back around Da'Vonne, I say!
  • Since these hamsters aren't smart enough to really examine all the travel stuff, BB had to make an announcement on the video screen that clues are all around them.
  • Yeah, that's for the secret room.
  • Paul figured out the clues first.
  • It has to do with dialing numbers on the phones, getting a message and going through a red tunnel to a room.
  • Once there, he got a card. It tells him that there are 12 envelopes, more than one person can enter the room. In ONE envelope, there's a special prize.
  • It's a RETURN TRIP TICKET. If voted out, he/she can come right back in!
  • The envelope holders cannot open their envelopes until evicted.
  • It took a while, but I think everybody got one.
  • Da'Vonne commented, "Figures. The week Frank is set to go home."
  • Let the conspiracy theorists start in now.
  • We won't know until we know. If memory serves, the envelopes are only good for the next four evictions.
"You can't trust Nicole."

Yard time

James warns Pauls to watch their backs

Hard to tell where beard ends, tattoo begins

Monday, July 25, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Monday Morning - July 25


Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap:
  • They made up for sleeping all day Sunday by being awake all night!
  • Frank kept campaigning for the veto to be used, Da'Vonne to go up and out in either his or Bridgette's place on the block.
  • His bubble got crushed, though.
  • And, Paul did it. 
  • The feeds were actually interesting, for the first time in days!
  • It was same old, same old ... until Paul.
  • What did the bearded boy do?
  • Well, he called a house meeting which had almost everybody in attendance.
  • He claimed that he can't understand why people can't just be honest and let Frank know that the veto won't be used and Frank will be the one going home this week.
  • A hush fell over the crowd.
  • First, Da'Vonne spoke up to Frank.
  • They talked back and forth and ... guess what? They're not really enemies.
  • Finally, Paulie chimed in and agreed with what Paul said about Frank going home this week.
  • Frank now understands there is no point in trying to campaign and get folks on the Oust Da'Vonne Train this week and thus driving himself crazy.
  • He's bummed.
  • Bridgette cries.
  • This will mean that she's going to be in jury with all those MEAN girls!
  • Before the meeting, she was trying to campaign for the Oust Da'Vonne Train.
  • Later, Frank told Zakiyah that he hopes Da'Vonne believes what he told her about Nicole during the HoH comp.
  • He says he had his only final two deal with Nicole, but now he knows she's a snake.
  • Zakiyah is pretty much playing dumb to all of this as if she had no part in any conversations with anyone whatsoever.
  • Bridgette, in addition to using the F word every other word, is also into the uneducated "you know what I'm sayin", "you know what I mean" phrases in between the cussing. Does she have some kind of street people background we don't know about?
  • It all seems so incongruous coming from the Cabbage Patch Kid. (Gosh, I wish I had come up with that descriptor for her!)
  • Oh, they did get the yard back.
  • Paul claims that he was tired of watching both Frank and Da'Vonne getting hurt and going through such hassles when it could all be laid out on the table. 
  • In a way, he's right.
  • But, that said, I don't think Frank is just going to sit and take it.
  • He's already bad-mouthing Nicole.
  • As I type this, a group is in the storage room -- Michelle, Paulie, Paul and Zakiyah -- and Zakiyah is making Paulie's weird haircut weirder by parting the fluff in the middle and putting pins to hold it. Ew. I can't bring myself to screen cap it.
  • That's it for now!


Oh my. What have I done?

No one would vote me out ... this week

You know what I'm sayin', you know what I mean?

So far, much better in the game

I called this meeting!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Sunday Evening - July 24

Quad cam - 1pm their time

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wicked Ways:
  • Gah, they slept most of the day!
  • BB TRIED to wake them up early.
  • Some had stayed up, made breakfast, ate and then it was back to bed.
  • Bridgette claims she'd rather go home than be stuck in jury with the girls.
  • Da'Vonne has been trying to get closer to Michelle than she has been all summer so far.
  • BB once again, around 1:30pm their time, tried to get them all up and moving.
  • They're still on indoor lockdown as the yard is put back to normal.
  • Well, as normal as anything in that house can be!
  • Nicole warned James that Frank wants him to have Michelle use the veto and put Da'Vonne on the block.
  • Well, duh.
  • I think he realizes that.
  • Nicole told Michelle that Frank told her that he had talked to her (Michelle) and she would use the veto.
  • Michelle denies it ... vehemently.
  • Frank told James that everybody is down with voting out Da'Vonne.
  • James remains noncommittal -- he'll go with whatever the house wants.
  • Now, of course, that also means he's down with everybody wanting Frank or Bridgette out.
  • Obviously, he doesn't hold the veto, nor does he have a vote. He's done his part. He put them on the block. It's up to them now.
  • James told Da'Vonne once again that he won't put her on the block.
  • Bridgette continues to think the girls are bullying her.
  • Zakiyah tried to tell her otherwise.
  • It's actually kind of hard to bully someone who either avoids them or exiles herself with Frank.
  • As of right now, it doesn't look like Michelle will use the veto.
  • But, it's going back and forth which one goes between Bridgette and Frank.
  • It's leaning towards Frank, but it could go either way.

Quad cam - 3pm their time

I'm tired of Frank!

Talks way too much

At least Corey's hair is quasi-normal

Frank isn't always frank about things.

BB18: HoH Comp, Nominations Show Blog Party - July 24

Hamster watchers ready? Let's get this show going! 

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area!

Of course, a mandatory recap is first. 

We pick it up with Victor's entrance. Paulie is worried because he can't compete in HoH and he's the HoH who got Victor out. Frank already snags Victor for his camp. Tiffany had told Victor to trust him. Paul eavesdrops a bit, then scurries away. Paul tells Paulie that he will make sure he (Paulie) isn't Victor's target.

HOH comp time! There's like a giant chessboard with patches of balls. Watch Your DubStep. They have to hold a hand in the air with a glowing wristband while jumping over a glowing moving cable. 

Paul is out first. Nicole is out, long after Paul, though. Zakiyah is out, Michelle is out, Corey is out, Victor is out. Frank is out. Natalie is out. James wants to deal. It's Da'Vonne, Bridgette and him. Frank tries to deal with Da'Vonne that Bridgette wouldn't put her up if she wins. He tells her Nicole said she wanted to send him home before Victor. She doesn't drop. She wants Bridgette to drop first.

Da'Vonne tells all what Frank said. Nicole denies it. Da'Vonne says she hasn't mentioned Victor to anyone. Both Bridgette and James drop after James says, "I won't put you on the block." James is HoH. 

Da'Vonne is good with Nicole ... on the surface. But that doesn't mean she trusts her completely. Nicole vows to us that she'll never trust Frank again.

Paul convinces James and Corey that Victor will work with them against Frank and Bridgette. Frank thinks he and Bridgette have a deal with James to stay safe. James says he kind of wants to keep the deal, but if the house wants otherwise ...

Everyone (except Frank and Bridgette) want James to put Frank and Bridgette up. Natalie is upset because he gave them his word. He explained to her that sometimes you have to break your word for the good of your own game. 

Time for nominations! Bridgette and Frank. Bridgette, collateral damage, hope you get off the block. Frank, always in the middle of the madness.

BB18:Live Feeds into Sunday Morning - July 24

Victor's new look

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Sunken Ships:
  • If you missed the post I made late last night, go read it.
  • If you don't want to read it, I'll tell you ... Michelle won the Power of Veto and it was the OTEV veto comp.
  • She was telling the cameras not long after the feeds returned that she will not be using it to save anyone.
  • She wants the nominations to remain the same.
  • Frank just can't understand why everybody in the house is so against Bridgette, the nicest and sweetest girl in the house.
  • Maybe it's the profanity she uses every other word?
  • I know that's why I don't care for her. That, the cutesy act and the latching onto Frank when she claims she has such a great boyfriend at home.
  • Paulie thought Michelle was a bit too gloating after winning PoV.
  • She did keep the veto paint mess and necklace on for a long time.
  • But not as long as Paul did.
  • Bridgette and Frank are SO not happy.
  • Poor babies.
  • They realize that Michelle probably won't change the nominations and that one or the other of them will go home.
  • James ticked Frank off by saying it's only a game.
  • Frank acted like all he was interested in is the welfare of Bridgette after he goes home.
  • Bridgette cries.
  • Frank doesn't.
  • It turns out that James threw the veto to Michelle.
  • He didn't want to be in the position where Frank would be at him to use it ... for either of them.
  • Although they had heard drilling, perhaps when locked in HoH, and they talked about the doors in the HoH room, no one is looking for any clues or the secret room.
  • Paulie, dead set on getting Tiffany out instead of Da'Vonne last week, now wants Da'Vonne out. 
  • He told Corey that they have Paul and Victor to do their dirty work for them in getting others out.
  • Da'Vonne thinks they need to get Frank out.
  • Frank wants Michelle to use the veto and have Da'Vonne up as a replacement.
  • And on it goes.
  • Frank tried to talk to Michelle alone, but they kept getting invaded by others.
  • Well, they don't want Frank talking to her alone!
  • Bridgette continues to make friends and influence people ... not.
  • She lit into Zakiyah, calling her a mean girl.
  • These hamsters remind me of 5th graders.
  • But 5th graders probably don't cuss as much.

Frank trying to get Michelle on his side

Froot Loop Dingus?

She needs a new vocabulary