Tuesday, August 02, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Tuesday - August 2

The thrill is gone.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Loquacious Louts:
  • The ruse goes on.
  • The Backdoor Da'Vonne plan is in full swing.
  • Michelle, Zakiyah, Natalie and Da'Vonne probably realize deep down inside that that's the plan.
  • But, with their rose-colored glasses and the lies people keep telling them, they think there might actually be an Evict Bridgette Plan still running.
  • Oops.
  • They're wrong.
  • Paulie has assured Bridgette they have the votes to keep her.
  • The Rose-Colored Glasses Bunch do think Bridgette isn't acting nervous enough.
  • Da'Vonne also wonders whatever happened to the plan to get rid of Victor as soon as possible since he had already been voted out.
  • Don't worry, Day. That will be coming. 
  • Once they get rid of all the women in the house, that is.
  • Victor, for as close as he once was with Paul, has lost flavor with his old bud. Paul has adopted Paulie in his place.
  • Victor and Paulie whined and fussed about how sloppy the girls are in the bathroom and kitchen.
  • Michelle says Paul stole her plan to wear the HoH robe all the time when HoH. She says he's a copycat.
  • Well, Michelle ... first you do have to win HoH. You realize that, right?
  • Mostly amicable small talk into the wee hours.
  • Corey and Nicole are cuddling, snuggling and whatever together.
  • James must be asleep, as is Victor.
  • Da'Vonne, Michelle, Natalie and Zakiyah are in the bathroom basically not talking game.
  • Paul and Paulie are playing pool, not talking game.
  • And, I'm out ... for now.

Yeah, Bridgette will be going this week!

We're so pretty

You think they're going to pick us off?

Oh my gosh ... where's his robe?

They said the plan is still on. Hmm.


Monday, August 01, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Monday Evening, PoV Re-nom - August 1

Sad cowgirl

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Daytrippin':
  • Zakiyah asked Nicole why Da'Vonne kept asking why she (Z) couldn't go on the block (as a pawn, supposedly) instead of her (Da'Vonne).
  • Well, duh, Da'Vonne ... they want to backdoor you, silly girl!
  • Paul went and told Da'Vonne that she would go up in place of Paulie when Paulie pulled himself down with the veto.
  • I thought they weren't supposed to tell people these things. Haven't they looked it up in the rule book or been spoken to about doing the very same thing in past seasons?
  • Or, have I lost my mind?
  • (That's always a possibility.)
  • Michelle isn't happy that Paul is putting Da'Vonne on the block.
  • Hey, she should be happy that it's not her!
  • But, neither Michelle nor Da'Vonne are all that dumb at the game. I think they can both sniff out a backdoor here.
  • Part of the reason that Michelle is ticked off about it is because, when she did what they wanted and didn't use the veto last week, they promised her it would be Bridgette going out this week.
  • Da'Vonne wanted to know why it couldn't be Natalie instead of her. Or Nicole.
  • Because they want to backdoor YOU, Da'Vonne.
  • So, there was no real suspense over the PoV meeting.
  • Paulie took himself down.
  • Da'Vonne is now on the block with Bridgette.
  • Paul kept up trying to convince Da'Vonne that Bridgette is still the target.
  • Yeah, right.
  • Because Paul went and told her beforehand, Da'Vonne didn't go off the wall crazy.
  • As for the Backdoor Da'Vonne Plan -- the people involved are Paul (no vote), Paulie, Corey, Nicole, Bridgette (no vote), James (will go with the crowd).
  • Not privy to the plan -- Da'Vonne (no vote), Zakiyah and Michelle.
  • I think things will heat up a bit before Thursday ...

Macho Macho Man

Keep the mandana on, Jersey Boy

Why me?

BB18: Live Feeds into Monday - August 1

Oh, Paulie. Your hair looks so stupid.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dizzy Dames and Dudes:
  • Paul and Paulie want to get closer to Michelle and Nicole to get intel about each other from them.
  • Paul and Paulie have decided they need to be the final two and only totally trust each other.
  • They feel the only other two in the house they can trust to any extent are James and Corey (if not for his Nicole connection).
  • I notice they didn't bring up James's Natalie connection. They obviously don't think of her as a threat.
  • I also notice that they don't have Victor in the mix there.
  • They feel he might blow things up for them.
  • Paul thinks that Zakiyah is suspicious. 
  • He's also worried that Da'Vonne just might run around telling tales once she goes up on the block. 
  • What Paul might better worry about is the fact that most of the fans mock him and he'll be a good candidate for the Witless Protection Program after the season ends. 
  • Paulie has his own suspicions about James. He thinks that James is throwing comps and playing a Derrick game -- winning only when he has to.
  • Michelle told Zakiyah that Paulie is "becoming Frank."
  • Hey, he was becoming Frank since the beginning of the season, I say!
  • Zakiyah and Michelle are worried that Bridgette will stay and win HoH, them go after the girls.
  • Y'think?
  • For a change, Nicole was a bit close-mouthed when Zakiyah and Michelle asked her if she'd vote out Bridgette. She gave a noncommittal "if that's what the house wants" answer.
  • Then Nicole ran to Paul to report that Michelle told her they need to keep Da'Vonne in because Bridgette would put Zakiyah and her (Michelle) on the block.
  • She told him that she played dumb like anyone could be going up on the block and they needed to stop acting sketchy.
  • Lots of small talk went on. Michelle thinks they're all so smart because they all have college degrees. That doesn't say much for the state of college education these days, does it?
  • Paul continues the guise of asking for replacement nominees. Michelle said that she would go up if she had to.
  • She's thinking Bridgette is still the target.
  • Paul obviously wants Da'Vonne to volunteer to go up, thus getting less "blood on his hands" when she goes out the door. After all, she volunteered and he didn't have a vote! Good luck with that, Beard Boy.
  • Da'Vonne?
  • Where is Da'Vonne?
  • She wasn't around much at all with anyone in the late night hours.
  • She probably thinks not being around people is the only way to control her mouth.
  • It should be interesting after the PoV meeting today ...

What? No HoH robe? Put out a BOLO!

Bridgette and Michelle talk

Looking different with her hair up

Crammed into a car

Smiling at sex talk

Sunday, July 31, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Sunday Evening - July 31

Breakfast small talk

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Suspicious Minds:
  • It was your typical boring Sunday in the house with a few strategic discussion exceptions.
  • The "boys" -- Paul, Paulie and James -- talked more about getting the "girls" shot down one by one ... and using Bridgette to do it.
  • James piped up that Natalie isn't a threat to anyone in the game, making a case for keeping her around as long as possible.
  • Paulie did not say the same of Zakiyah ... another one who's no real threat.
  • The Backdoor Da'Vonne plan is in full motion with almost all aboard.
  • Not aboard are Da'Vonne (d'oh!), Zakiyah and Natalie to an extent.
  • Da'Vonne has an idea that something might be going on and keeps trying to talk to people, including Bridgette.
  • She's getting very paranoid.
  • She's still pushing a Backdoor Nicole plan and thinks it might be a possibility ... but is very nervous.
  • She cried to Zakiyah about it.
  • Meanwhile, in the HoH room, Bridgette and Paul had a long long talk.
  • Well, Paul talked more than Bridgette did.
  • But you know that.
  • It goes without saying.
  • But, like Paul, I said it anyway.
  • He informed her of the Backdoor Da'Vonne plan. He told her that he had vowed to get her out this week, but would accept what happens as the will of the house. And, he's willing to work with her.
  • She said what he wanted to hear -- she wants to work with the guys to get the women out.
  • Bridgette told him that Da'Vonne keeps popping up where she is and has been trashtalking Nicole.
  • Bridgette also told Paul that it was more Nicole and Frank talking while she and Corey chillaxed during their brief working together stint.
  • Both she and Paul think Nicole has been a bit shady, but not like Da'Vonne. 
  • In another Paul talk, this one with Da'Vonne, he lied to her and told her she should have no worries if she goes on the block in Paulie's place. In that one, she sold out her buddy Zakiyah even.
  • If nothing else, Da'Vonne's actions have made her probably the most disloyal person in the house ... out of many disloyal persons.
  • No fisticuffs, no kerfuffles, some tears but no hysterics.
  • And, that's how the day went.
Catching some sun

All about being Victor

Boys summit meeting

How come no one cares when I'm paranoid?

BB18: HoH Comp Finish, Nominations Episode Blog Party - July 31

Hamster watchers ready? The show is running late here on the East Coast due to the PGA golf thing. That's near where I live. I wanted to go over there and give them what for! Let's get this show going! Please! It looks like it should be starting at about 8:41pm ET or so here. I'm posting this at the regular live blog party post time, but won't be live-blogging the episode until it starts. I'm not sure if the delay is on all the East Coast or not.

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area!

8:41pm here and we finally have a recap! 

Finally picking up with the HoH comp. They're all doing the comp practicing with their yellow balls.  Paulie doesn't want to win and get blood on his hands, so he just tosses his red ball, getting a score of six. Victor rolls his red ball, gets a 14, now in the lead. Paul gets a 21 with his red ball. That's the highest score possible without getting the ball in the box at the end of the "alley."

Michelle got a perfect shot with the yellow ball, as did Natalie. Natalie did it three times in a row, but got a two with her red ball shot. Corey got a yellow in, but overshot with his red. Nicole got a 19. Zakiyah overshot. Michelle, 16. Da'Vonne, 19.

Paul is HOH. He has vowed to get Bridgette evicted. Da'Vonne thinks she's buddies with him. Paulie wants him to fry bigger fish. 

Paul approaches Corey and Victor about pawning possibilities. Neither want to go on the block. There's friendship for you, buckaroo. 

Paulie really wants Da'Vonne out, telling James and Corey about it. James isn't really keen on the idea, but doesn't tell Paulie that. Paulie is having trouble convincing Paul that Da'Vonne should go instead of Bridgette. He finally says that if the veto is used, he'll put Da'Vonne up. 

HoH room reveal. He does look a lot better without that beard. 

Paul continues to try to get pawn recruits. No one is volunteering. Nicole finally said she would if they thought she was strong. She regrets it to us. 

After a rather odd and unnecessary Corey/Nicole visit, Bridgette approaches Paul and Paulie. She doesn't trust Nicole or Da'Vonne. She thinks they're working together. Paul doesn't really commit, but leaves the door open to make her think he promised safety. 

Now a Paul/Paulie "twinsy" bit. Eww. 

Paul reads a care package announcement. The recipient must open it in front of the others. The first one comes today. A voice screams for them to head to the backyard. It comes down with a little parachute attached. It's for NATALIE! Socks, floss, Never Not Pass -- she cannot be named a Have Not. She was supposed to be a Have Not due to her low score in HoH. Corey wishes he had it this week, but hopes others might be better! 

Nicole tells Corey that she volunteered to be a pawn. He tells her he'll do it for her. But, in a meeting with Paul, Paulie, Zakiyah and Corey, Paulie volunteers to go up as a pawn. Of course, Paulie wants to pull himself off and get Da'Vonne backdoored, but ...!

Time for the nominations ceremony. But we all know what will happen. Bridgette, then Paulie. Bridgette because of you and Frank, promised last week. Paulie, you're my buddy and pawn, want to make sure PoV ends up in the right hands.

Not friendship, Paul according to Bridgette.

Da'Vonne is suspicious because she knows Nicole volunteered.