Thursday, August 04, 2016

BB18: HoH Endurance Comp Update - August 4

Once the live feeds return, this post will be updated. Lately they've been coming back after the comp has completed. If the comp is still on when they come up, I'll include screen caps. If the feeds are blocked, I'll update the status (still blocked, whatever) every fifteen minutes.

10:02PM -- Feeds on. Bridgette and James sitting with Paul.

10:08pm ET - Corey out.

Have Nots are James, Bridgette and Corey.

10:10pm ET - Jeff Highlights feeds block
10:11pm ET - Back, all the rest still up.

10:17pm ET - Michelle starts to vomit while on the comp, down shortly after. Then she cries.

10:26pm ET -- Rest still up, Michelle still crying. Paul is holding an ice pack on the back of her neck.

10:35pm ET - Still just James, Bridgette, Corey and Michelle out. Nicole seems to be weakening.

10:36pm ET - Feeds block, then back a minute later.

10:41pm ET - Nicole down.

10:42pm ET - Natalie, Zakiyah, Paulie and Victor remain. Paulie keeps running his mouth shouting five hour comp and telling them to go faster.

10:50pm ET - Victor, Paulie, Zakiyah and Natalie still in it.

10:53pm ET - Zakiyah down. She asked for safety. We'll see about that. Paulie down right after her.

10:54pm ET - Victor and Natalie fighting for it. Both want to hear from their mothers. Natalie says it's the only kind of comp she could win.

11:07pm ET - Natalie and Victor still at it.

11:16pm ET - Natalie is really getting slammed into the hashtag. Victor has enough strength in his arms and hands to hold an arm out to cushion the blow. Pieces are falling off the hashtag. They've both promised safety to each other. Neither is giving up. Natalie is in rougher shape, though.

11:24pm ET - Feeds block then back, both still going.

11:35pm ET - Both still up. Victor still looking stronger than Natalie.

11:45pm ET - Both still up.

11:53pm ET - Natalie drops. Victor is HoH.

BB18: Live Eviction, HoH Episode Blog Party - August 4

Are we ready for this? I know I'm SO ready!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- come join in on the fun!

Here are the blog pool picks going into tonight's show:

Natalie Negrotti - Sharon N, Jackie P, QuixoticElf, Orkmommy
Bridgette Dunning - Brian, Indiana Jane, Caela, Chauncey, Paula Bell
Paulie Calafiore - Joel, Chacha, Sally, Ed In Ohio, Buzzmaam
Zakiyah Everette - Tilde, Jo C, Jenng326, Ayana, jennifer
Corey Brooks - Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Barbara B. W., Dierdre, Cheryl in NC
Paul Abrahamian - Jackie, Arf Barf, WolfpackRed, chrob61
Michelle Meyer - Rich, Chase, Glenn, Anonymouse, Delee
Nicole Franzel - Kelsey NY, Grove Wiley, Nickelpeed, Sharon C  
Da'Vonne Rogers - Donna in Alabama, uncartie, MarthaLight, Donna NY
James Huling - Becky, Donna in Alabama, Sharon S, Willie J
Victor Arroyo - Helenann2K, RBennie, Janice, Monty924

Glenn Garcia
Jozea Flores - Sasha, Merrilee, Tammy, Petals, JonMD1267
Bronte D'Acquisto - Jean in Tampa, elee86, Russ, Cheryl, Donna in FL
Tiffany Rousso - meb, SueGee, David, Jessica UNderwood
Frank Eudy - Dr_Celine, Dennis Comfort, Stephanie in Baltimore, PDX Granny

Let's get this party started!

Recap time!

Julie tells us it's Day 51 and PP (Paul and Paulie) are running the house. Either Bridgette or Da'Vonne will be evicted. Does one have the return ticket?

But, first ...
Da'Vonne is wondering why she's the pawn. Nicole wants her out. Paulie wants her out. Paulie tells Bridgette that the plan is on for Da'Vonne to go. Da'Vonne goes fussing to Paul. She thinks Bridgette is campaigning to stay. Da'Vonne wonders why Natalie or Nicole aren't up. Paul is defending his move. He insists to her that Bridgette will go home. He tells us he doesn't want it to be a tie.

Da'Vonne does not believe him. Michelle and Zakiyah think that Bridgette is going. They think Natalie will vote for her friend Bridgette to stay. But Natalie wonders if keeping Da'Vonne would be good for her game.

Whoops. When they were talking double eviction and Da'Vonne asked James who he'd put up, he said Bridgette and Victor. Oops. Da'Vonne caught the goof-up and knows that would mean she goes this week. Da'Vonne talks to Natalie and James asking them to have her back.

Paul's family will be on a segment tonight.

Finally, to the living room. Julie tells them all make it to the jury. Statements --
Bridgette - On the block because I partnered with Frank, loyal, thankful.
Da'Vonne - Thanks God, praying, told I was put as a pawn, prays there were no lies.

The votes to evict:
Paulie - Da'Vonne (Oh, he shaved the beard)
Zakiyah - Bridgette
Nicole - Da'Vonne
Michelle - Bridgette
Victor - Da'Vonne
Corey - Da'Vonne
James - Da'Vonne
Natalie - Da'Vonne

Da'Vonne is evicted from the house. The envelope reveal ... she has a one-way ticket. She's headed to jury.

HoH Competition --
A ring of discs on ropes -- Harsh Hashtags -- lifted, spun around, signs with harsh hastags hit them. First three to fall are Have Nots. Last one standing wins.

If it goes over show time, which it should, I'll set up a separate post for the reveal (at least).

Double eviction next week!

Internet trolls have arrived. All still in the comp as the show ends. The new post is up for the comp. Join me there.

BB18: Live Feeds into Thursday - August 4

His reign is coming to an end

 Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House Whacked-Out Wombats:
  • The long feeds block was indeed the halfway party.
  • BB gave them alcohol for it.
  • They also apparently had some music, which would be one reason we don't get the live feeds during it.
  • Zakiyah claimed she was tipsy.
  • I guess the alcohol was what made her sporadically molest Paulie on and off throughout the night.
  • Yeah, that was it.
  • What was that movie a few years back?
  • Oh, yeah. "He's Not That Into You."
  • When she walks around saying she's not wearing panties, it just makes her come across as trampy. She needs to stop that or not imbibe if she loses all inhibitions when she does.
  • The guys have serious concerns that it will be a double eviction this week.
  • It won't be. Julie would have told us. They love to hype those things up for ratings.
  • But, let the guys plan and panic about it. No skin off my nose.
  • Da'Vonne was somewhere, but not hanging out with the majority in the house. She's been studying things for the comp.
  • I don't think she needs to bother.
  • She's hoping that, when voted out, she'll be right back in with her envelope.
  • Well, she has a one in eleven chance of that.
  • She's already packed her bag so she won't have to worry about it pre-show.
  • Michelle has caught onto the fact that the girls are being knocked out one by one. But will they get together and work well against the guys? Nope.
  • That's what you get when kids play this game -- petty jealousies, etc.
  • Natalie wants James to throw HoH to either her or Michelle.
  • He said he would.
  • I'm pretty sure James will throw it to someone, not necessarily either of those two.
  • James doesn't want to win one until he needs to win one.
  • Zakiyah kept all but raping Paulie.
  • So not cool. Other people were in the room and all.
  • Da'Vonne took her aside and told her to put some pants on. 
  • Thank you, Da'Vonne.
  • So, she put shorts on and then went back atop Paulie.
  • Natalie and Da'Vonne were telling Michelle (Ms. Low Self-Esteem) how pretty she is and how older women will be jealous of her.
  • Say what?
  • I'm older. I'm not jealous of her. Most older women outside the house have their own lives and aren't into the petty jealousies and such the children in BB have going on.
  • Maybe they need to get an older crowd in there.
  • That would be nice.
  • Natalie thinks older women are jealous because they didn't get the relationship they wanted, they feel more insecure and they take things out on younger, cuter girls such as herself.
  • @@
  • I guess she's talking five years older or something along those lines.
  • They seriously need to stop having children in the house!
  • Oh, wait. I must be jealous, huh?
  • Oh geez. Now Nicole is molesting Corey.
  • At least she has clothes on.
  • Michelle is still thinking Bridgette is leaving this week.
  • Natalie knows better, but isn't letting on that James told her otherwise.
  • We started getting weird flashes and a few extended a few minutes Jeff Highlights. Someone is hitting the wrong switch and meant to give us fish, methinks.
  • Paulie is mad because Zakiyah gave him a hickey.
  • Again, children in the house!
  • There you go for now ... the plan is still Backdoor Da'Vonne. She pretty much knows it, so it won't be a blindside. The only one who might be shocked would be Michelle.

That spoon needs to be taken away

Sneak attack

Pretty, we're so pretty

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Wednesday Evening - August 3

Spooning in bed

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Zany Zipheads:
  • My apologies for not posting a morning feeds report today. I'm a bit under the weather.
  • Da'Vonne has vowed, that if she stays, she will shake some things up.
  • Now, if she could knock down the Pauls, I'd say stay.
  • But I think she'd be more likely to go after Nicole and Corey.
  • Da'Vonne told Michelle that Paulie is playing Derrick's game. Michelle told her she should tell him that.
  • Um. No. Paulie is NOT playing Derrick's game. 
  • He should be that lucky.
  • Derrick never won comps, didn't push his macho around. Paulie tends to do both.
  • The Da'Vonne Backdoor Plan is getting figured out by Da'Vonne (who thought it possible all along), Zakiyah and Michelle.
  • Not that they can do much about it at this point.
  • Da'Vonne decides to go for the heartstrings. She told James it would hurt her feelings if he voted her out.
  • Are people signing up for BB worried about hurt feelings? Nope. They SHOULD be there for the money.
  • James told her he wants to win.
  • As should be why he's there.
  • Paulie and Zakiyah made up. Da'Vonne thinks he just did it for game.
  • Well, duh.
  • Da'Vonne is struggling for shreds of hope. She thinks Paul is shooting straight with her and is on her side, but Paulie is not.
  • Michelle disagrees. She thinks Paulie is ruling Paul.
  • James had a long talk with Natalie in the storage room. He told her that voting for Da'Vonne to go was best for his game. He said he knows that Natalie likes Da'Vonne, but it might be best for her, too. However, he made it clear that Paul doesn't want a tie. If it comes to a tie, Paul would vote out Da'Vonne and it's very possible the games of those who forced the tie might be in trouble.
  • Da'Vonne decided to talk to Nicole, like that will do a lot of good.
  • She said that people are talking about her.
  • Nicole said she's heard her name tossed around a lot.
  • A lot of the tossing has been done by Da'Vonne!
  • But, does she admit that?
  • Nope. It's always "other people."
  • Da'Vonne said Frank planted seeds about her.
  • For Nicole, she actually put on a good show -- telling Da'Vonne she's heard so many things, she doesn't know what to believe anymore.
  • She played dumb.
  • Nicole told Da'Vonne that everything is good for Thursday.
  • It is.
  • It just isn't for Da'vonne. It's good for Nicole.
  • Michelle's paranoia and self-esteem issues have her crying again. Y'know, every time someone whispers, it has to be about HER.
  • Supposedly she's a "superfan." She knew what she was getting into. If she's such a fragile snowflake, why did she get on the show?
  • Paulie consoled her.
  • The feeds have been blocked with Jeff highlights for a real long time now. At first I thought set-up for an HoH practice. But it's been too long for that. With those, they usually block while explaining the how-to, then the feeds see the practice.
  • Maybe it's the halfway party.
  • Woot woot.

I'm doomed.

I've got to do what's best for me.

We need to talk. Um. Okay.

That bunny hat has gotten around

Tears, tears, tears.

BB18: PoV Episode Blog Party - August 3

Hamster watchers ready? Let's get this show going! 

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area!

My apologies for not posting a live feeds report this morning. I've been a bit under the weather. I will be posting one later tonight!

On with the show ...

After the recap, we pick things up at the end of the nominations ceremony. Bridgette feels like being nominated is a slap in the face. Da'Vonne is suspicious because Paulie's on the block instead of Nicole. She tells Bridgette to target Nicole. Bridgette ain't buyin' what she's selling. 

She goes to talk to Paul. He tells her that both she and Paulie are pawns and the real target is Da'Vonne. She seems to buy that more (even though he really wants her out).

Oh my. Paulie and Zakiyah are drifting apart. He thinks she gets too jealous. He and Paul are worried because Zakiyah has been privy to a lot of information from them. She cries to Michelle. He tells Paul he'll put her on the block if he wins HoH. She gets him to talk with her. It didn't go well.

Oh geez. Michelle hit Paul over a prank and then cried that she hurt him.

Veto players pick time -- Paul randomly selects Corey. Paulie gets Houseguest's Choice and goes for Victor. Bridgette gets Natalie.

Da'Vonne goes to Paul and Paulie dropping Nicole's name as a replacement if Bridgette saves herself. Paulie runs to Nicole and Corey about it and they agree she (Da'Vonne) needs to go.

Veto comp time! Nicole is hosting. It's an athletic set-up. Ready, Set, Whoa Track Meet. When the sign says GO, must run down track and hit a finish button. There will be decoy words in place of the GO on the screen at times. We've seen this before.

Corey eliminated first due to a false start. Bridgette out next because she was the slowest racer. Natalie out next, same reason. Paul out next. Paulie wins the Power of Veto, beating Victor in the last heat.

Da'Vonne actually thinks she can convince them to vote out Nicole. Ha.

Stupid Paulie tells Zakiyah that Paul will probably put Da'Vonne on the block in his place. She like Da'Vonne. She doesn't think Da'Vonne will go home over Bridgette. She also badmouthed Paul to Paulie. Not the brightest bulb in the pack.

Oh geez ... now Paul feels he needs to hint to Da'Vonne that she's going on the block. He tells her that he needs to put someone up who won't freak out. He's trying to cover his bases so if she comes back, she won't target him. He assures her that Bridgette will go home.

She doesn't really go for that.

PoV Meeting time. Paulie saves himself. Paul puts Da'Vonne on the block, saying he needed someone calm and confident on the block. Nicole has trouble not guffawing.