Wednesday, August 10, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Wednesday Evening - August 10

I flashbacked to see the time they finally got up

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Possible Turning Tides:
  • They need to stop staying up all night! Today it was around 5:30pm here by the time they started their day.
  • Gah.
  • Paulie is still upset that Natalie told James of his off color remarks to and about her.
  • "Typical Jersey girl." 
  • Say what?!?!?
  • Paulie thinks Paul is getting too nervous about the upcoming eviction. And, if he calms Paul down, Victor will follow suit.
  • Um.
  • Actually, I think Paul has come to the realization that Paulie has been totally running the whole house, including him.
  • Bridgette told Victor about the plan to flip the house (and vote out Zakiyah). He's happy about it because he's wanted Zakiyah out all along.
  • Natalie wanted forever to talk to Zakiyah to let her know that Paulie has betrayed her. But Paulie and Company kept Zakiyah pretty well secluded.
  • She finally got her chance.
  • She told her the things Paulie has been saying about her and how he isn't loyal to her. Zakiyah said she had been thinking that herself.
  • Now she's feels stupid.
  • Well, duh.
  • She starts crying.
  • Natalie tells her the main reason she (Zakiyah) is on the block is because of Paulie.
  • Well, duh.
  • Natalie also works in her anti-Nicole bit and Zakiyah agrees that she's never really trusted Nicole.
  • Despite giving Zakiyah some interest and support, the flipping the house plan and evicting her is still in the works.
  • Too bad. Zakiyah made herself collateral damage the second she latched onto Paul and never even attempted to play the game for herself.
  • Tomorrow night should be very interesting!

That's right. Just smile and look pretty.

Talking past BB they've never seen

The plan really might work!?!?

Male bonding

BB18: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - August 10

Hamster watchers ready? Let's get this show going! 

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area!

Just a quick note before the show starts -- tomorrow's live eviction show is being preempted in many areas due to sports of some type. Here in the NYC viewing area, WCBS2 is airing the game. But Big Brother will be aired on the sister station WLNY 10/55 at its regular time. Please check your local listings! 

Okay, done with the recap, let's get to it! 

Michelle cries after the nominations. She cries more and more. Zakiyah thinks the only person she trusts is Paulie and doesn't know why she's on the block. Michelle cries some more. All the girls try to console her while the guys celebrate.

She can't understand why Paulie's not up on the block. She calls Paulie out to his face. Meanwhile, Paul tells Victor that Zakiyah should go because she's so unconcerned with the nomination. Paulie wants Michelle out. Zakiyah gets a clue when Paulie hesitates when she asks if he would take her down if he wins the veto. 

Michelle and Zakiyah talk. Z isn't sure Paulie had anything to do with her going on the block. But Michelle thinks the nominations are Paulie's doing.  

Paul and Paulie talk. Paul wants Zakiyah out, Paulie would prefer Michelle go. They discuss the pros and cons of both. 

Paulie decides to work on James to use his two vote cancellation power to keep Zakiyah in the house. James does his usual nodding and grunting. He tells Paulie that he doesn't want to use votes that will get others mad at him.

Time to pick veto players! Victor wants the nominations to remain the same with Zakiyah getting voted out this week. He draws Nicole. Michelle draws James. Zakiyah gets Houseguest's Choice. Of course, she picks Paulie. 

Veto comp time has host Paul dressed in red lifeguard gear calling for all the floaters. It's Hide and Go Veto -- the one that James wrecked the house and won in his season. They have to each hide a veto card, then the others search for it. After the fifth veto card is found, they see whose card hasn't been found and that person is the veto winner. 

James is destroying things like he did in his veto. Nicole is the first one to find a card -- Victor's, hidden in Bridgette's duffel bag. Victor claims the kitchen mess (James) is nomination worthy. Nicole finds a second veto -- Zakiyah's. James found Michelle's card. Victor finds James's card. The comp is lasting so long that the audience is falling asleep. Victor finds the last card.

The reveal - Victor, Zakiyah, Michelle, James, Nicole ... all eliminated. Paulie wins the Golden Power of Veto.

Zakiyah is dancing around kissing Paulie. Paul advises Paulie to leave the noms the same and let Zakiyah go. 

Paulie tells Zakiyah that even if he doesn't use the veto, Michelle will go home. He tells her gently he won't use it unless he hears buzz that she's going. 

Paulie tells James that Paul wants to team up with Michelle and Victor to get rid of couples and that Paul is flipping.  

Time for the veto meeting. He gives them a chance to plead their cases. Michelle was rather dismissive. Zakiyah came across better. He does NOT use the veto.

James tells us the care package had his name on it and he will do what he wants to do with it.

We can only hope so.

BB18: Live Feeds into Wednesday - August 10

Paulie tries to influence James

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Mixed Messages:
  • They pulled another all nighter, at least most of them did.
  • Y'know, this gets very tiring for us who live east coast time and have to work real jobs, not give up all to be on a reality show!
  • Not that I would ever want to be in that hamster house anyway, mind you.
  • At least some of the evening was eventful strategy-wise.
  • Natalie keeps trying to convince James that they should save Michelle this week or Paulie will win the game.
  • He's reluctant as, by doing that, it would "piss off" the majority of the house and he's not quite ready to make that move for fear of his own game.
  • Unfortunately, he doesn't realize how much his name has been tossed around. He really needs to kick his game into gear.
  • Frank would be pleased with his little Cabbage Patch Kid.
  • Bridgette talked separately to Michelle and Natalie, telling them how Frank told her that Paulie is running the house and, if they don't get him out, he'll win.
  • Well, duh! 
  • Of course, the "Nicole is evil" strain came into the talk, too. 
  • But Paulie is more dangerous for the actual win.
  • Michelle is still planning to "blow up" Paulie's game if/when evicted Thursday.
  • She still thinks he was coached by Derrick and is playing Derrick's game.
  • While I have no doubts Derrick gave him some advice, the games of the two are nothing alike.
  • Michelle is still pushing her anti-Nicole agenda.
  • They need to concentrate on Paulie! Sheesh. Nicole isn't good at winning comps. Paulie seems to win whatever ones he wants to win.
  • He claims he doesn't want to win the next HoH.
  • We'll see whether he wants to or not.
  • It seems that Michelle's grudge against Nicole stems from Bronte getting voted out. That was a lifetime ago.
  • Michelle thinks Paulie is afraid of her.
  • Bwahahahaha!
  • Ahem.
  • Bridgette thinks that if they can convince Paulie that voting out Zakiyah is better for his game, the rest will follow suit.
  • Well, yeah. The hard part would be convincing him, though.
  • Bridgette decides that she'll flirt with Paulie to (1) give him another interest other than Zakiyah and (2) make Zakiyah act out in hopes she'll blow up her game with Paulie and get voted out.
  • Now, I don't like Bridgette. But she's finally actually playing the game and not sponging off of Frank. I like that.
  • Michelle really tried to influence James. She doesn't have the mist, for sure.
  • James pointed out that if it's a double eviction and they kept her the first one, he and she would be on the block. She claimed that, in that case, she would be the one voted out over him. Plus, she promised to save him with the veto if she wins it. I can't see the latter really happening.
  • Natalie told James about many demeaning/sexual comments Paulie has made to and about her.
  • Now, that hit a nerve with James. He knows that his showmance with Natalie is more of a friendmance than anything. And, while he always talks a big game with women, he's more of a gentleman and good friend with many women. Certainly a world of difference from Paulie!
  • Bridgette also approached James about targeting Paulie.
  • Is a movement afoot? Why, yes, I believe it is! And, it's led by the Cabbage Patch Kid. Who woulda thunk it?
  • James finally acquiesced and said, if they can get the majority of the house aboard, he'll go with it. He doesn't think it's the right time to rock the boat.
  • Meanwhile, we know that Paul and Victor have been rumbling a bit about Paulie even though Paul and Paulie have mentioned Victor's name more than a few times.
  • Would they jump the Paulie ship and get him out if they can?
  • I'm thinking it would definitely have to be a backdoor renom. Any chance he would have to play in comp would be dangerous.
  • Paul and Paulie talked. Paul says the couples are getting too strong. He proposed James out next. Um, Paul. You could break up Zakiyah/Paulie this week! (Even though they're just using each other.)
  • Paulie is still hell-bent on getting Michelle out this week.
  • James told Natalie he's sure he won't be put on the block.
  • WAKE UP, JAMES! Your name is getting tossed around way too much!
  • Zakiyah told Nicole that she overheard Paulie say that he wouldn't miss her (Zakiyah) if she goes.
  • Hmm.
  • I have no doubts he said it. I've heard very similar from him. But I think she's just trying to garner favor.
  • After investigating around, Bridgette reported back to James that it seems the flip to keep Michelle won't work with the numbers.
  • They both hope Michelle has the return ticket.
  • Then Paulie came along and told James that Bridgette will nominate him (James) and either Nicole or Zakiyah.
  • Of course, Bridgette had left before he said that.
  • Continuing his rounds, Paulie told Natalie that Michelle has had it out for her since she got the first care package.
  • Continuing to make his rounds, Paulie agreed to Zakiyah that he's still her "boo" and defended not using the veto because Michelle is a sure bet to go home.
  • Michelle is making rounds of her own, preaching anti-Nicole and keeping her (Michelle) in the game. She hit Paul up.
  • She told him she thinks she can get James and he could rule out two votes to keep Zakiyah. If he would get in on it, they might have the numbers.
  • He seemed receptive (he moreso wanted Zakiyah out from the beginning), but told her that it has to be certain that James will go along with it.
  • James confronted Paulie about the remarks he made to Natalie. Paulie actually admitted them, but claimed to be joking around. James (and Natalie) doesn't think it's funny.
  • Bridgette told Natalie that "they" (Paulie and Company) want to put her (Natalie) and James on the block.
  • Michelle tells Natalie that, if she stays, she wouldn't put her (Natalie) and James on the block.
  • Um. She'd have to win something in order to do that.
  • In the last talks of this report, James seems willing to go with the Keep Michelle Plan even though he predicts it the excrement will hit the fan.
  • I said excrement. He used another word. I try to keep this blog rather clean. I don't want that excrement all over the walls here!

Ohh, Bridgette and Natalie get the strategy bug

Meanwhile, Michelle pops her pimples

Shiny happy people

Paulie continues his rounds

Obviously driven insane, call the white coats!

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Tuesday Evening - August 9

I hope she's not ready to vomit again!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Ill Repute:
  • Michelle, still bound to get Nicole out sooner rather than later, told James that Nicole and Paulie are running the house.
  • Well, she's half right there. Paulie is kind of doing it all by himself.
  • I can only think Michelle has decided to "blow people's games up" a bit early.
  • She told James that Paul doesn't need the money; he lives in a huge house with wealthy family.
  • She doesn't think Victor's nominations were strategic at all.
  • As she spilled beans, James was his usual noncommittal self, nodding a lot and saying he didn't know ... even when he darn well knows and we know he knows!
  • Paulie is still campaigning to make sure Michelle goes out this week, not Zakiyah.
  • Natalie would prefer Michelle stay over Zakiyah. She told Bridgette that James was throwing serious shade at her over it. Bridgette told her that James was just trying to protect her game.
  • Bridgette told Michelle and Natalie that it's Paulie who's running the house.
  • While Michelle is still pushing the Nicole/Paulie final two suspicions, Bridgette's trying to think of how to flip things.
  • Michelle went to Victor, telling him he shouldn't trust Paulie because Paulie was the one who directed his being backdoored.
  • Victor told her he had no vote in the eviction as HoH.
  • He didn't say he disagreed with her, just that he can't vote to keep her.
  • He told her he trusts Paulie, though.
  • Silly boy.
  • Yet, he might be lying. Paul and Victor have both talked about Paulie being too strong.
  • But, then again, Paul and Paulie have talked about cutting Victor loose.
  • It still looks like Michelle will go on Thursday night.
  • But there seem to be rifts growing all about the house and we're bound to see some sort of real action with the second HoH.
  • Unless it's Paulie.
  • But he did say he intends on throwing it.

I just don't know about that boy

Feats of strength, it must be Festivus!

While the others are being athletic ...

BB18: Live Feeds Overnight into Tuesday - August 9

Never pick your nose on camera

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Ignorant Imbeciles:
  • Hey ... to start this off ... has anyone seen ANY of the HoH blogs this season? The hamsters keep talking about them and I'm not finding them this year. I see the tweets, but not the blogs. I can't even find them in a Google search -- only the ones from previous seasons.
  • That aside, a good portion of the awake time last night was spent discussing breasts, real and fake.
  • I won't go into detail. I don't care. 
  • They played pool.
  • They played chess.
  • Both are as boring as the breast talks were.
  • Paulie told Zakiyah that, if not before, Michelle sealed her fate today by blowing up someone's game.
  • Of course, he has always preferred Zakiyah stay.
  • So he's happy that he's influenced the rest of the house to his will.
  • Once again.
  • Zakiyah told Paulie that she'd like to put Victor on the block. After all, he was gone and shouldn't have come back.
  • And ... she doesn't know why he put her on the block!
  • In other news, Natalie put sea salt in James's water because he deserved it.
  • Okay, I can go with that one.
  • Natalie also told Bridgette it was Paulie's decision that James put her on the block with Frank.
  • Bridgette is still of the mind that James did it and he didn't have to go along with the others.
  • But that seems to be the name of the game the last several seasons. I'm tired of people going with the house and house votes.
  • We all know that the house is actually divided. They shouldn't be sheep unwilling to play their own games!
  • Speaking of which, I fully expect James to jump in soon. He did the same thing last year, sitting back for some time, then winning. Alas, his competition was too great. This year, the chief problem is Paulie. As obnoxious as he's become, the guy can win just about any competition he wants to win. Someone (likely James) needs to rise up and lead the charge to get him out of the house or just sit back and have BB write him the check.
  • They're sheeple, I tell you ... sheeple!
  • Natalie really tried hard to flip Bridgette into trusting and working with James. Now, that would be a good game move in my mind.
  • Bridgette told Natalie that Paulie told her he doesn't really want to win HoH this week. Good. Maybe someone who will make the big move will win!
  • A bit of an unconfronted rift is developing betwixt Paul and Paulie regarding Paul talking about the couples in the house and Paulie being one of said couples.
  • Will Paulie turn and set his sights on Paul and Victor next?
  • I can see it eventually coming that they will turn on each other -- Paul and Paulie.
  • Technically, both have already turned on Victor and labeled him expendable, use and discard.
  • Nicole thinks Paul makes up stuff in his never-ending storytelling.
  • Y'think?!?!
  • Nicole is also a bit concerned about Zakiyah not seeming all that upset that Paulie didn't save her with the veto. She thinks Zakiyah is a very needy person, always wanting someone to do things for her from preparing her food to giving her comfort.
  • (Says the woman who seems to be using BB to find a husband.)
  • Paulie told Victor he wants Zakiyah gone ... after Michelle, but before Nicole.
  • As it stands, it looks like Michelle will go to jury on Thursday. She claims she'll "blow up" Paulie's game on the way out.
  • But, even if she does, there are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

She knows Michelle is gunning for her

Has she no pride? All over Paulie once again.

Not sure which is more boring - chess or pool