Saturday, August 13, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Saturday - August 13

Nicole thinks it was all James's doing

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Erupting Egos:
  • Oh, the live feeds after nominations were some of the best ones ever!
  • You know I love kerfuffles and brouhahas!
  • While gathered in the kitchen, Paulie did his best to stare everybody down. It was like he didn't know who he wanted to kill first.
  • While I haven't been a huge Victor fan and the move to nominate Paulie and Corey was actually Paul not Victor ... I have to give the dude credit for standing his ground while Paulie just kept at him and at him.
  • Victor told Paulie that they all knew he had alliances more than the guys alliance -- he had an alliance with Corey and Nicole.
  • Paulie denied it.
  • In front of Corey and Nicole.
  • Victor told him that he was at least giving him a chance to save himself with the veto, a chance that he himself never had.
  • But Paulie was relentless.
  • James kept saying, "It's just a game."
  • Victor said that since Paulie didn't like any of his reasons for nominating him, "Okay, I have no strategy."
  • That didn't work either.
  • Meanwhile, during all of this, Corey sat sipping from his sippycup making odd facial expressions while keeping his eyes vacant.
  • A few times voices were raised a bit from both Victor and Paulie. And, each time Victor bristled, Paulie roughly accused him of wanting to get physical. 
  • Um. I saw BOTH of them bristle. I saw no real indication that fisticuffs were imminent from Victor.
  • But if Paulie's eyes could kill, it would have been a mass murder scene.
  • In a later talk with Corey and Nicole, Nicole decided this whole thing was James's doing and she needs to make amends with him.
  • Once Nicole talked to James, she realized that Paulie was the main target. She advised Corey to lay as low as possible and let Paulie make the target on himself even bigger.
  • Michelle admitted to Nicole that laughing when Paulie went on the block was rude and wrong, but she couldn't help it. Nicole, Natalie and Michelle all said they know they've laughed at inappropriate times.
  • Michelle said she would apologize to him (and later did).
  • That was another huge rambling rant from Paulie -- kicking him while he was down. Oh, like he didn't laugh or mock Michelle during one of her many crying jags!
  • Paulie ran around the house trying to blow up the games of others, mostly to no avail.
  • Y'see, ratting out James to Natalie and vice versa just isn't going to work. They've already talked and know the truths and lies and even areas where they've conflicted during the game.
  • Ha!
  • A few times, Paulie was fighting back either real or really good fake tears.
  • I don't think he's ever thought that he might not rule the roost.
  • He kept going on about loyalty even though it was pointed out that most of his moves had nothing to do with loyalty, but getting out targets that were his own, not for the good of others.
  • He was so pathetic that even Michelle started feeling sorry for him.
  • Gag me with a spoon.
  • Paulie asked Paul if he could sleep with him in his bed because he doesn't like sleeping alone. Hmm.
  • A lot will depend on the veto and if either Paulie or Corey hold the return trip ticket.
  • It's good this game got into gear!

Psycho Killer, qu'est-ce que c'est, fa-fa-fa

Holds his ground with Paulie's interrogation

What do I do? What do I do?

Paul and Victor happy dancing

Laughed during nominations

Happy to be a safety cone this week

Friday, August 12, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Friday Evening, Nominations - August 12

King of Vacant Odd Faces

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Blatant Betrayals:
  • Once again, they slept really late.
  • When they finally made their way out of their beds (or car), the screen in the living room said NOMINATIONS TODAY.
  • Paulie just can't get over things.
  • Bridgette and Michelle slandered his good name!
  • (What good name is that?)
  • He wants to win PoV tomorrow and he'll show everyone!
  • Of course, he's not considering that he might very well be on the block.
  • He kept sulking, ranting, whining about people turning on him.
  • Heh.
  • Nicole got the care package. It seems more punishment than prize. She has to wear a costume. She did get safety for a week.But her Safety Hero costume looks like a Halloween comical witch. I guess she's supposed to be a safety cone. She also got hair scrunchies, insect repellent and a few other tidbits.
  • Now, that costume would be a hoot on Corey!
  • Corey and Nicole tried to calm Paulie down. They said he doesn't want to put a target on himself. After all, it's Michelle who's going home.
  • Or ... is it?
  • Paulie at this point might as well wear a Target-tard.
  • Nicole thinks she was sent the package because Michelle called her a snake.
  • I don't know. I didn't send it!
  • Paulie got to the point of claiming that Nicole's season had the best ratings, James's season had the worst.
  • He is so put out!
  • How DARE people not do his will?!?!?
  • It seems like the plan to nominate Paulie and Corey is still strong as the hours head towards the nominations.
  • As I wait here for the feeds to return from the nominations ceremony, I can only hope Victor makes the move.
  • At the moment, the feeds have been down about an hour.
  • So I'm just wasting time typing snippets of nothing right now.
  • The repeating Jeff interview loop for this is one with Austin. Ick. Although, he's more bearable in the interview than he was in the house. He has a shirt on and no beard ponytail junk. He does still have a beard and is sporting a man-bun.
YES! Victor did it! Paulie is sitting around nodding his head with a serial killer look in his eyes as he keeps staring at everybody. Corey is his usual rather vacant-eyed sippycup self, but subdued. Natalie told Michelle that the guys were laughing at her (Michelle) crying so she shouldn't feel bad that she laughed at them. Heh.

Paulie and Corey are on the block!

What is with these odd faces?!?!

Nicole's "prize" reeks of "punishment"

Cuddled in a car

They besmirched my good name! Slander!

BB18: Live Feeds into Friday, Second HoH - August 12

Yes, you are cringeworthy, Paulie

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Broken Dreams:
  • The live feeds came back immediately after the show ended on the East Coast, but the HoH comp was yet to come.
  • Ohh, there's dirty laundry all over the place.
  • And I'm not talking the kind that Tide detergent can handle!
  • Paulie is threatening that his brother and Derrick will tear apart Bridgette.
  • Say what?
  • He quickly adjusted his statement to "on social media." But the damage is done. I haven't been following Cody and Derrick, but I would hope they have more common sense than Paulie.
  • He also said his sister would beat up Michelle and Bridgette.
  • I say, "Please move out of New Jersey, Paulie. You're making the state in which I live look like it's back in the dark ages."
  • Michelle and Nicole talked. Nicole is still a bit in shock about being called a snake twice on national television.
  • She can't fathom why Michelle said it.
  • Every instance of sneakiness that Michelle mentioned, Nicole rebutted it was strategy.
  • That whole talk went pretty much nowhere in the end.
  • But they didn't kill each other.
  • Hmm. I wonder if BB has a biohazard team standing by after brouhahas?
  • While Nicole is in shock about being called a snake, Michelle is in shock that she's still in the house, not Bridgette.
  • Natalie told her it's because Bridgette is a feminist.
  • Um. I don't think that's quite why. I think it's because Bridgette can win comps, Michelle pretty much sucks at them. Bridgette can turn on a social and manipulation game, Michelle breaks down and cries.
  • Don't worry, Michelle. You're on the short list to go.
  • Corey didn't waste any time going for food. Being a Have Not is not his thing.
  • Paulie told Paul that he has a personal vendetta against James, but will stick with the Executives.
  • James has been quite quiet throughout. This isn't the outcome he wanted.
  • Before the second HoH comp, Paulie said he would put Natalie and James on the block if he wins. Victor said he's nominate Michelle and Natalie.
  • Corey would like America to know the girls were wrong and Paulie was in the right.
  • Jackie would like Corey to know he's absolutely wrong. Just go back to looking vacant and smiling a lot.
  • Corey says Paulie cares a lot and means well.
  • I say, "Go get a room. We know what we see."
  • Natalie and Paulie had a bit of a dust-up. But no fisticuffs.
  • James claims his vote cancellations weren't to get at Paulie. He thought that Zakiyah needed to go and that was the best opportunity.
  • Paulie bragged about having sex with Zakiyah five or six times in the house.
  • I bet that makes his mother proud of him, huh?
  • The feeds were blocked for the second HoH comp.
  • When they came back ... Victor is wearing the HoH key. He's the HoH now. Oh noes! I suppose it could be worse. It could have been Paulie. Before the comp, Paul and Victor were talking about backdooring Paulie. If only ...! That would be epic! Legendary!
  • The immediate talk about target has Michelle going home, no surprise there.
  • Paul tried to tell Paulie that getting Zakiyah out was needed because she was using him and taking him off game.
  • Paulie and Corey are confident that Victor won't target them.
  • It's like a house of testosterone and chest thumping.
  • @@
  • Paulie, sure that they'll be targeting the girls, says he's not forgetting that James flipped the house on him.
  • But ... stop the presses!
  • PAUL is trying to convince Victor they need to target Paulie and Corey! Woot! Woot!
  • Victor, rightfully I might add, is worried that if he does that, Paulie will win veto.
  • Perhaps Paulie has his little grudge against James now. But Victor has a bigger grudge against Paulie. He knows Paulie was responsible for backdooring him. 
  • Paul tells him he'll handle all of the social aspect of it because Victor's social game isn't as strong.
  • And, amazingly so, Paul went to work.
  • Heck, he even made Paulie feel that he was totally on his side.
  • Paul told James that Paulie is trying to run Victor's HoH again, but he won't let that happen.
  • Instead, Paul will run Victor's HoH for him.
  • But, the big difference is ... I think Victor agrees with Paul's choices. Paulie's targets were always good just for Paulie's game.
  • They managed to get Natalie, James, Michelle in with them. So, there's four votes against Paulie, Nicole and Corey, two of whom can't vote. Even if one of them wins veto, the other will go home and they have the choice of putting up Nicole up and the remaining dude would go home.
  • Meanwhile, Paulie is still badmouthing Natalie, Bridgette and James. Hopefully, to no avail.
  • Nicole went to Victor, saying that she thinks she's good with him and he won't put her on the block, But she just wants to let him know that he's not a target of hers.
  • Of course, Corey and Paulie just assume that Victor won't put them on the block.
  • You know what happens when you assume.
  • I just hope this all comes together.
  • It's time to play the game and I'm not talking obnoxious Paulie's game!

C'mon, James! Kick it in gear!

The man with the key.

Michelle lived through it all. For now.

Who wants to see my HoH Basket?

I'm not a snake. Right, Corey?

Ho ho ho, it's time for you or Paulie to go

Thursday, August 11, 2016

BB18: Double Eviction Live Show Blog Party - August 11

Are we ready for this? I know I'm SO ready! Tonight's double eviction should be action-packed! The feeds have even been lively the past few days.


As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- come join in on the fun!

Here are the blog pool picks going into tonight's show:

Natalie Negrotti - Sharon N, Jackie P, QuixoticElf, Orkmommy
Bridgette Dunning - Brian, Indiana Jane, Caela, Chauncey, Paula Bell
Paulie Calafiore - Joel, Chacha, Sally, Ed In Ohio, Buzzmaam
Zakiyah Everette - Tilde, Jo C, Jenng326, Ayana, jennifer
Corey Brooks - Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Barbara B. W., Dierdre, Cheryl in NC
Paul Abrahamian - Jackie, Arf Barf, WolfpackRed, chrob61
Michelle Meyer - Rich, Chase, Glenn, Anonymouse, Delee
Nicole Franzel - Kelsey NY, Grove Wiley, Nickelpeed, Sharon C  
James Huling - Becky, Donna in Alabama, Sharon S, Willie J
Victor Arroyo - Helenann2K, RBennie, Janice, Monty924

Glenn Garcia
Jozea Flores - Sasha, Merrilee, Tammy, Petals, JonMD1267
Bronte D'Acquisto - Jean in Tampa, elee86, Russ, Cheryl, Donna in FL
Tiffany Rousso - meb, SueGee, David, Jessica UNderwood
Frank Eudy - Dr_Celine, Dennis Comfort, Stephanie in Baltimore, PDX Granny
Da'Vonne Rogers - Donna in Alabama, uncartie, MarthaLight, Donna NY

Let's get this party started!

Recap, recap. I wish the narrator would stop calling Michelle "Big Meech." No wonder the girl has insecurities about her weight. She is not overweight, nor big.

Heh, Julie said a lot has happened in the house the last 24 hours. Best live feeds all season! She tells us everything has changed for Paulie. Yup. Bridgette is ready to go after Paulie by taking out his showmance, Zakiyah. Even Paul is butting heads with him some.

Michelle hits up James to use his two vote cancellation power. He's noncommittal to her. But he tells us Zakiyah going home would be better for him. When he realizes how many on board with it, he tells us it's time to stir things up. He goes to Paul about it.

Julie tells them it's Double Eviction. Paul is wearing his silly floatie. Onto the first eviction.

Zakiyah - Says hi, great summer, great people, enjoyed, do what you'll do.
Michelle - Congrats, Paulie. They're giving you the check.

James blocks Paul and Corey's votes. They won't be voting at all.

The votes to evict:
Paulie -- Michelle
Natalie -- Zakiyah
Nicole -- Michelle
James -- Zakiyah
Bridgette -- Zakiyah

The plan went down as planned. Her ticket was one way, so she's heading to jury.

First HoH -- Julie will ask statistics based on the season, they answer more or less.
1. How long was Glenn part of the house -- more or less than 20 hours
    More, over 28, Paulie and Bridgette out.
2. During Perfect Shot, how many points with red ball. More or less than 100.
    More. COREY wins HoH.

Gah. Paulie might as well have won it.

Heh, He's lost. He's asking all the Executives what to do. James said he can put him up.

Back to the living room. Corey nominates Bridgette and Michelle.

Paul, Nicole and James were chosen to play for PoV with Corey and the nominees.

Comp is called Veto Time, race to ball pit, three clocks, one at a time, retrieve and place in clock holders. It's reminiscent of Jeff's clown shoe escapade. Corey wins Power of Veto. (Sigh.)

Uh-oh. Paulie, Paul and Nicole talk to him.

Veto meeting --
Bridgette -- Don't think you'll save me, great if you did.
Michelle -- Don't expect you to use it, will miss you.

The nominations remain the same.

Bridgette -- Would love to stay, clear on my target.
Michelle -- Will be happy, Nicole is a snake, blew Paulie's game up, don't trust Nicole.

The votes to evict:
Natalie - Michelle
Paulie - Bridgette
Nicole - Bridgette
Victor - Bridgette
James - Bridgette
Paul - Bridgette

Bridgette is evicted. Michelle cries. Sheesh. Will Bridgette have the return trip ticket? Nope. She's headed to jury.

The second HoH comp won't be on the show, probably not immediately after it, either. Julie promises us that Sunday will show some of the brouhahas and kerfuffles I reported on the last few live feeds reports.

BB18: Live Feeds into Thursday - August 11

Are her eyes really opened?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Disingenuous Dawgs:
  • Whoa. What a night!
  • While Paulie threatened "Jersey Girl" Natalie with showing the whole world what she, the "floater" is, we have all seen his true colors.
  • And, they ain't too pretty.
  • For him, most of the night was a I'm Great Pauliefest. 
  • You know he can haunt you for years with simple words.
  • He's just that powerful.
  • (I think Cody and Derrick are probably cringing and wonder what monster they've created with their game advice.)
  • He just can't understand why everybody seems to have turned against him.
  • Perhaps it's because he's an egotistical creep?
  • His main ally seems to be Yes Man Corey at this point. 
  • It turns out that Vacant Eyes Corey is angry that Natalie and James got the first two care packages.
  • Zakiyah ran to Paulie spilling the beans on everything Natalie told her, of course.
  • Paulie just might have steam coming from his ears.
  • Paulie sought out Victor, who claimed he knew nothing about what Natalie had said about him (Paulie).
  • If memory serves (it's been a bit of a whirlwind), he doesn't really know what she said, but he does know that the plan has switched back to voting out Zakiyah as was his initial desire all along with the nominations.
  • Paulie thinks he can just tell James to order Natalie to shut her mouth.
  • @@
  • First off, Paulie, James isn't that kind of guy. Second, James knows you're using Zakiyah and playing her for your own game.
  • James told Corey he's tired of being played and lied to ... it happened last season and he's not going to let it happen this season.
  • Corey had his vacant and confused look on. You never know what sinks in and what flies over top his head.
  • Paulie suspects Bridgette is only telling them she's against the girls while in reality she's working with them.
  • Y'think?
  • He thinks Bridgette told Zakiyah he dropped right after her in the comp, Um. Did he think that no one noticed?
  • Vacant Corey came to life enough to mention that Paulie always has Paul and Victor protecting him. I'd add ... and Corey.
  • Paulie, now trying everything to discredit Bridgette's game, told James that Bridgette said that she would target James.
  • Well, she did. But he's certainly not her target now. He's way far down on her list.
  • Meanwhile, Zakiyah reported back to Natalie that she told Paulie just to see his reaction.
  • Of course, she really didn't need to snuggle with him again.
  • What is wrong with that girl? Where is her pride?
  • Paulie also turned on Paul, telling James and Corey that Paul betrayed him.
  • It's a good thing James is closed-mouthed and doesn't say whatever comes to mind like others.
  • Paulie wants the final three to be himself, Corey and James.
  • Bwahaha! 
  • James, continuing the guise, told Paulie that maybe he should cancel Bridgette and Paul's vote.
  • Nicole told James he better not cancel one of their votes (meaning the votes to oust Michelle).
  • She thinks he needs to cancel Natalie's vote.
  • I'm not sure that would be in his best interest, Nicole.
  • Although he seems to be waffling a bit under pressure, James told Bridgette he would be voting for Michelle to stay. "It's James and the Underdogs."
  • Paul and Victor, though not privy to the Underdogs Inner Circle, are making plans for the end game sans their buddy Paulie.
  • Heh.
  • Zakiyah claims the game isn't good for her health.
  • It's not good for anyone's health.
  • Including mine.
  • Paulie is growing quietly manic. He tried to stare Bridgette down during one of the many confrontations of the evening. He couldn't shake her.
  • But Natalie is now a bit frightened of him because he's so angry.
  • Paulie's angry words to the women have gotten James even more irked at him. James is one who believes that chivalry isn't dead. And, he can cancel two votes.
  • The girls overhear Corey and Paulie laughing at their expense.
  • They don't find it funny. The resolve grows.
  • Paulie really lit into Natalie, belittling her and being a bully.
  • So not good a move, bro!
  • Paulie's only defender seems to be Corey. Nicole is claiming it's a very catty season. I'm disappointed with her this year.
  • Paul is upset that his name was brought up in the brouhaha.
  • Well, maybe he should have stayed in bed.
  • Paulie reassured Zakiyah that it will be Michelle going home by a unanimous vote.
  • I don't think that will be the case!
  • James told Natalie that he has her back ... and it should be Zakiyah going home if indeed he does.
  • Paul warned Natalie and Bridgette that Zakiyah is reporting anything they say to Paulie.
  • Paul and James talked. James told him things Paulie said like, "I'm over Paul."
  • They both commented on Paulie saying at different times he wanted both of them to go.
  • They also know that Corey is "devoted" (Paul's description) to Paulie, thus will be Nicole.
  • But they aren't.
  • It looks like it very well could be a house flip tonight with Zakiyah saying goodbye because they can't evict Paulie at the moment.
  • But he's on the short list.

And the walls came tumbling down?

I'm strong and I'm mad

We WILL uprise!

Not a leader, always a follower

A seriously thinking James