Sunday, August 14, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Sunday Evening - August 14

Ready to serve at any time

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Face It, You Got Got:
  • For the most part, it was in many ways a typical boring Sunday in the house.
  • Sundays have nothing going on except the anticipation of the upcoming PoV meeting tomorrow.
  • That anticipation doesn't really exist this week as the entire house expects Victor not to change his nominations.
  • The recurring theme of the day was Paulie begging.
  • He wants Victor to take Corey down and put him against Natalie.
  • Not gonna happen, Jersey Boy!
  • Everybody, especially Victor, is sick of Paulie's behavior. He went from being quasi-aggressive to sulking to begging.
  • Victor remained very reasonable with him, pointing out that changing Natalie for Corey would reap the same outcome -- Paulie would go home.
  • Paulie claims it would give him hope because he wouldn't be there with his "best friend."
  • Give me (and Victor) a break!
  • You got got, Paulie.
  • Victor reminded Paulie that he was given a chance to play for veto and he lost. Victor didn't have such a chance when Paulie blindsided him.
  • Apparently the stipend is a big thing for Victor. He mentioned it a few times that had he gone home when evicted, the "paychecks" would stop while Paulie continues to get paid through jury.
  • Victor vented a bit to the HoH room camera that he's really getting sick of Paulie's begging.
  • Paulie told James that he'd only stay in jury a few weeks, if that long.
  • After all, he has claustrophobia (that doesn't affect him in the smaller BB house setting) and needs to be free to go wherever he wants.
  • Paulie told him that he came into the house fully expecting to win. 
  • Now, everyone going into the house hopes to win. But most don't really expect it to just happen.
  • I guess he's never lost anything in his life!
  • In other news, Paul's secret agent rounds are a hoot. But I bet he's going to get sick of them long before they're over.
  • Corey found Nicole's lost earring after she told him he's no good at finding things. How's that for excitement?
  • Along with saying that he wouldn't go to jury, Paulie said he wouldn't make pies (part of the veto punishment he received).
  • He's making a pie. Thankfully, in addition to a chef hat and apron, they gave detailed instructions and all the supplies.
  • At least it stops him from whining and begging for a while.
  • Paulie went quickly from Powerful Paulie to Pathetic Paulie. Had he not made such a high pedestal for himself to begin with, he'd have more sympathy.

A kiss from Baldwin

They've given him a number, taken away his name

She wasn't expecting mean people

At least it stops the fussing for a while

BB18: Second HoH, Nominations Blog Party - August 14

Hamster watchers ready? For those without the live feeds, we've been promised some of the brouhahas going into last week's double eviction!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area!

Okay, the recap's over. Let's get into this!

After Bridgette goes, Michelle cries. Nicole claims she never wanted a deal with her -- she just wanted to see where she was so she could make some decisions. Paulie is mad at Natalie because she told Zakiyah that she was being played by him. 

Natalie told all the dirt on Paulie, so Zakiyah went to Paulie (obviously before eviction). He lies to her face. He tells Z that he doesn't like Jersey Girls and that's what Natalie is to him. Yet, Natalie knows he's gone further than flirting with her. She tells James about it. He's not happy. 

Paulie is so smug as he tells Natalie she's going home next and makes nasty sexual comments about her chest. She tells Paul, Bridgette and James. That's not behavior James can abide by! Bridgette, Paul and James talk to him. Zakiyah left the room soon while Corey sat there with his vacant-eyed look. 

This is showing how Paulie has been all along on the live feeds -- smug and arrogant. He ends up left in a room with Paul, Victor and Bridgette just staring at him. Paul decides to ditch him. He tells us, not Paulie.

James tells Paulie, Nicole and Corey that he's voting Z out. Paulie is in shock. He runs to Paul and accuses him of knowing that Z is going. Paul denies knowing anything about the flip. Paulie continues going on his rant. When James tells him he's an aggressive person, Paulie threatens that he's next out.

They sort of make up, Paulie and James. But, not really.

The HoH has Benny the BB Squirrel, Hollywood Squirrel. It's done in rounds, seeing a video presentation and answering questions.

Round 1
Michelle against James. James wins 

Round 2 picked by James --
Paul against Nicole. Paul wins, Nicole eliminated

Round 3 picked by Paul --
Victor against Natalie. Victor wins, Natalie eliminated

Round 4 picked by Victor --
Paulie against Paul. Paul wins, Paulie eliminated

Round 5
James against Victor. Victor wins, James eliminated

Round 6
Paul against Victor. (Paul tells us he'd rather Victor win.)
Victor wins HOH!

Paul wants Victor on the block. Paulie wants the girls targeted. Paul and Victor talk, Paul tries to convince Victor he even has a good reason to put Paulie on the block -- it was Paulie who backdoored him. Paul is Victor's social game, going to talk to James about Paulie and Corey going up. James is on board with the plan.

The care package has arrived! It hit Natalie as it landed! It's for Nicole. She has the power of Super Safety - safe from the block this week. She has a costume and everything.

James tells Natalie that Paulie and Corey will be nominated. She talks to Victor and Paulie, promising to get Michelle in with them. 

Nominations ceremony --
Victor nominates Paulie and Corey. Paulie, strongest competitor, has to go for it. Corey, guilty by association. 

Paulie cries in the Diary Room. So sad, huh?

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - August 14, 2016

Good morning! Since it's Sunday morning, it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. If you're here for Big Brother news, everything I have for you can be found at this link. I'll be posting another live feeds report late tonight as well as live-blogging the aired show. But this ain't that. This post is a year-round regular "feature" while Big Brother is a summer obsession. Or, something like that.

I thought the heat and humidity that has been visiting us for most of the summer was bad. It was nothing compared to this past week's temperatures and accompanying humidity levels. It's been unreal around here. I'm still having sciatica issues and now the weather is against me, as well! Help! Help! Whine! Fuss! How bad is the heat and humidity around here, you ask? It's so bad that they're saying NYC cockroaches will be able to fly! Now, I know that they (palmetto bugs) do that in the South. But it's bad enough they scurry all over the place here. We don't need them flying, too!

Disclaimer: I personally have no cockroaches in my apartment. We have a monthly exterminator coming in to keep it that way. Vincent would get them anyway if I did have them!

I've noticed that all of the street peoples' baby carriages of their life stuff have disappeared from the Plainfield Train Station and the groups of vagrants there are being moved along more regularly. However, they still gather under the trees on the westbound platform side, throwing their beer cans all over the lawn. And now I'm seeing some right up on the platforms taking benches from actual passengers PRETENDING they're train passengers. Sheesh.

I really don't have much more than the photos to share with you. For the first time ever, after leaving home or getting out of work, my camera lens covered with condensation due to the change in temperatures. Gah. It was that hot and humid! I'm used to my eyeglasses doing that, but not the camera!

Clicking on an image will open a larger version.

Just after sunset on Monday

With my unusual weirder than normal work schedule this past week, I arrived back home in Plainfield not long after sunset. I was both surprised and pleased to hear and see several bats flying around. Years back, I used to see a lot of them in the hours around dusk. When white nose syndrome decimated the population and most of their vacant buildings habitat around the Plainfield Train Station were torn down, I wasn't sure they'd ever return. Yeah, I like bats. They're good for the environment and are actually kind of cute in a mouse with wings kind of way! Plus, they like to eat mosquitoes. Yes! Plainfield Train Station.

The 59 bus

The day I took this shot, I was tempted to jump on the bus and head back home! I was on my way to work and the heat was unreal. Of course, I don't live in Newark. But that bus gets me within a block of my apartment in Plainfield. Gavett Place, Plainfield, NJ

Tuesday night's moon

As seen from the Bridgewater Train Station


BB18: Live Feeds into Sunday - August 14

ZingBot for President cap from the comp

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Pouting Paulie:
  • I last left you with the fact that Victor won the Golden Power of Veto. Now, I'll go into more details.
  • It's now not only Nicole in a costume (Safety Cone) from the HoH comp, but Corey and Paul have their own stuff going on from the veto.
  • Corey has an Uncle Sam type patriotic version of the unitard.
  • Paul has a secret agent suit and appointed rounds he must make.
  • The Veto Comp? Why, it was ... the annual ZingBot appearance!
  • We all know that Michelle kept saying she wanted to experience it. Well, she got her chance. She's not crying, so it couldn't have been horrible. It had something to do with her crying and vomiting. Hmm.
  • ZingBot apparently told Paul to shut up. We live feeders appreciate that, thankyouverymuch.
  • Interesting ... Natalie and Corey both are on medication for ADD. It seems like more than a few hamsters each season lately are in that boat. That never used to be a "thing." It makes me wonder if pharmaceutical companies have something to do with all these cases of ADD diagnosed in recent years. (But that's another topic.)
  • The hamsters all seem sure it will be Paulie being evicted, even Paulie.
  • Corey tossed the idea to Nicole that they should team up with James. 
  • Sorry, too late to do that now, Texas Boy!
  • Nicole knows that wouldn't work at this point. She realizes that their connection with Paulie has both of their games doomed at this time. Unless they both pull out solid wins for the rest of the season, they're outnumbered and targeted.
  • It's a sad and somewhat somber Paulie. Instead of saying it's James behind it all like he did over the past few days, it's Natalie.
  • She's an evil, bad, mean person, y'know!
  • Aww, Paulie doesn't want any harsh goodbye messages.
  • He's sensitive, right?
  • Unfortunately, he probably won't get mean goodbyes because no one ever wants to deliberately alienate a jury member.
  • ZingBot must have portrayed Corey and Nicole as the showmance of the season. The Corey zing had something to do with Hayden (Nicole's failed shromance). 
  • Corey denied the showmance; Nicole ain't too happy with that!
  • Nicole won a trip to anywhere in the USA during the veto comp. Neither she nor Corey are really sure if Hawaii is part of the USA. @@
  • Nicole said she could always cash the trip in for $5,000 as Zach did with his Germany trip a few seasons ago.
  • Victor's zing was in Spanish, apparently calling him something similar to a d-bag.
  • Paulie, the little Miss FussBudget that he is, is fussing that he doesn't want to go to jury. If he doesn't have the round trip ticket, he just wants out.
  • Others are worrying that he'll self-evict.
  • An ego is a terrible thing to lose, eh?
  • Paulie thinks that he, Corey and Nicole have been ganged up on by the house.
  • Obviously, it was different when he was leading the ganging up!
  • He thinks that James, Paul and Victor are good people (outside the house) while Natalie and Michelle are bad people.
  • Hmm ... sexist much? After all, it's his "good people" who are actually responsible for putting him in the position he's in!
  • Then Paulie said he lied on his application for the show and a psychologist told him not to go on because he has "clinical claustrophobia."
  • Grabbing at straws there, Paulie Boy. That was never a problem when you ran the house and it is now, huh?
  • He continued to mope, whine, fuss throughout the evening and into the night.
  • Oh my gosh. I think this must be what we get these days when children are mollycoddled and everything they do is viewed through rose-colored glasses.
  • Perhaps I should be thankful that life has knocked me on the butt more than a few times, starting much before Paulie's age. Paulie must have always won everything and had everything he ever wanted or he'd be reacting just a tad better with the latest.
  • As James says, "It's a GAME."
  • Victor handed off the $5,000 prize money in the comp to James for the veto. Good. I think James can use the money more. I don't think he earns a heck of a lot and he does have to support his daughter. Plus, it gives Victor the responsibility of keeping his nominations the same without putting anyone else in the position.
  • It seems like the latest final four group is Paul, Victor, Natalie and James. I wouldn't mind that one.
  • (As long as James wins it all!) Heehee!
  • Paulie must have a punishment of making pies on demand from the comp. He says he won't do and will take the penalty votes. After all, he's been ganged up on and his fate is sealed.
  • Meanwhile, Paul is getting into his secret agent punishment gig. He has to make rounds of the house when the red alert goes off, clearing each area. He's trying to rock it.
  • He has his suit, but is allowed to swim with a tie and bathing suit. He also must wear the sunglasses all the time.
  • Paulie's pie punishment also has him doing some kind of anthem.
  • Michelle offered Paulie a sympathy vote. You can guess how that worked out!
  • Michelle keeps acting like she wants Paulie to stay and pep-talking him. I certainly hope that's just game play strategy of some kind.
  • He's grabbing onto the dream, though.
  • She feels sorry for him.
  • I don't. Do you?
  • The veto meeting won't be until tomorrow. I doubt Victor will save either of them, with Paulie being slated to go away. Victor knows that, in physical comps, Paulie is his biggest competition. 

Your friends don't dance, they're no friends of mine

(I keep expecting Nicole to break into The Safety Dance!)

On the block, too bad, so sad.

Meet Baldwin, the eagle

Corey has his stars and stripes

Paul is a Man in Black secret agent

Saturday, August 13, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds Announcement - Power of Veto - Saturday, August 13

Nope, not Paulie!


The others just want to make sure he doesn't change the nominations. I don't think he will.