Sunday, August 21, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Sunday - August 21

The target is safe, or will be safe

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Faux Friendship:
  • Now, the target this week was Paul.
  • But, since Paul won the veto, the focus is shifting to Victor.
  • At least, if James can do anything about it.
  • It's not that he doesn't like Victor. It's that he's actually thinking.
  • Y'see, they must start thinking end game. Victor is almost impossible to get out.
  • You evict him; he comes back.
  • Not only does he come back, but he comes back stronger than any returned hamster in the past -- winning HoH comps, getting in good graces with folks, winning Vetos ...
  • He could possibly win comps until the final two.
  • If he got that far, in a fair world, he'd deserve the win as the Comeback Kid who wouldn't give up.
  • Since Paul was Michelle's (co-HoH) nomination, they're leaving it to her to make the renom.
  • Natalie and James have decided that whoever the renom, they will vote Victor out.
  • The only renom possibilities are Nicole or Corey.
  • Michelle seems to have this feeling that other women are threats to her in the game ... so, she'll probably want to put up Nicole.
  • James and Natalie told Nicole and Corey that they want to target Victor this week.
  • If they don't blow it by acting like they feel too safe and are too happy, the plan should go down.
  • Personally, I'd kind of like to see Victor go. He could then battle for the jury return against Paulie. I'd rather Victor win that than the thought of Paulie ever coming back into the house!
  • In other news, they all went to bed to early. The veto comp was watery and exhausting, whatever it was!
  • Victor got up and roamed the night alone.
  • He first exercised in the once again open backyard. Then he visited the hot tub. Then he showered and walked around the house.
  • Finally, the sole hamster returned to bed.
  • And, all are asleep as I post this.

It will be her decision, Paul was her nom

All alone exercising

All alone in the hot tub

Saturday, August 20, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Saturday Evening, PoV Winner - August 20

Should the noms remain the same?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Exposed Egos:
  • Victor thinks it's funny that within a half-hour after putting him and Paul on the block, Natalie and Michelle were apologizing.
  • A whole lot of studying (in hopes of a memory comp) went on today.
  • A whole lot of napping, too.
  • James and Corey were picked to play veto along with Michelle, Natalie, Paul and Victor. Nicole will host.
  • If the nominations remain the same, it's likely that Paul will go home.
  • He irked Natalie last night by taking over the HoH bed.
  • He irked James by being like a "dictator."
  • And, gosh darn it, they just like Victor better!
  • I don't know. To me, Victor is the bigger threat to win it all.
  • And, he does have some irritating qualities himself. I understand he's a clean freak. But he's so "put upon" when he feels he needs to clean. Plus, now he won't eat pie because he doesn't want diabetes.
  • @@
  • James thinks that, no matter who wins the veto, either Paul or Victor must go (instead of Nicole or Corey).
  • For the majority of the day, in between odd Jeff highlights clips, it was just Natalie and James talking.
  • James said that if he doesn't win, he wants Natalie to win.
  • It was going for 5:30pm here East Coast time when the feeds went to extended Jeff and the PoV comp.
  • I'm waiting it out to give you the winner.
  • I'll just sit here and whistle while waiting for the feeds to return.
  • I'm tired of whistling.
  • I'll hum.
  • Sigh. Here, feedsy feedsies ... c'mon home to mama!
  • Finally, after 10pm here ... PAUL won the Power of Veto!

Memorizing stuff

Play strategically, not emotionally

Thinking of the possibilities

Paul wins the Power of Veto

BB18: Live Feeds into Saturday, Nominations - August 20

Stroking her nominee?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Broken Friendships:
  • As you know from my previous posts, Natalie won HoH and Michelle received the care package giving her a co-HoH position.
  • Oh my.
  • Michelle's own thoughts on the nominees had Nicole and Corey sitting in the chairs.
  • But she wants to acquiesce to Natalie as it's "really Natalie's HoH."
  • James told her to think of the end game and who the biggest competitors are.
  • According to James -- Victor can win comps and Paul can talk.
  • Well, yeah.
  • I myself am so displeased with Nicole focusing her game on yet another showmance this season that she can go away.
  • But, if I were IN the house, I'd bring her to the final two and point out all she did was showmance and be cute. Then I'd collect the half-million.
  • So, technically, Victor and Paul with Corey trailing way behind, are the biggest targets left in the house.
  • We have no real clue what Corey can do since he's a robot. We've seen him pull a few wins out of his hat, but sometimes you have to wonder if there are even bats in that belfry or just empty space.
  • The nominations came through ... VICTOR AND PAUL are on the block!
  • Natalie is beside herself, thinking she's made the wrong decision. After all, she's never trusted Nicole and Corey.
  • Natalie cries.
  • And cries.
  • James comforts her (of course) and points out that they can still backdoor Corey if veto is used.
  • Paul is livid; Victor not as livid but definitely not a happy camper.
  • Paul says that Nicole is behind the nominations and manipulated them.
  • Nicole says that Paul is the biggest liar and manipulator in the house (now that Paulie is gone).
  • A late night kerfuffle had Paul and Nicole going at each other with most of it being Paul. Victor and Corey just sat there kind of quietly through most of it.
  • Corey only spoke up when Paul said he (Corey) had been throwing comps.
  • "I have not! I'm just inept!"
  • Okay, he didn't say those words exactly. But I'm paraphrasing here.
  • Natalie cried some more and talked again about backdooring Nicole or Corey. James assured her that he can put them up next week. Hmm.
  • James told her to go with her gut and that it's her HoH. Hmm.
  • Paul is sure that Victor will be voted out.
  • But, if he doesn't shut up, he's surely doing his own game in.
  • Victor thinks he'd be good at Survivor. Well, he'd be good at the challenges, but I don't think he can take the dirt and unsanitary conditions!
  • After many talks back and forth, some raised voices ... it seems to James and Natalie that it might be a good time for a blindside.
  • The odds number-wise are for one of them to win veto over Nicole/Corey.
  • Then a backdoor can be put in place.
  • They seem to be focusing more on Corey than on Nicole.
  • We'll see what the veto comp brings to the board.
  • Of course, if Nicole or Corey win it, no way will it be used and it will be either Paul or Victor going home.
  • And the beat goes on ...

On the block! Bamboozled!

It's such a hard decision. Wah!

On the block!

Paul and Victor try to work it

Watching the spy cam Nicole/Paul argument

Paul and Nicole go at each other

Friday, August 19, 2016

BB18: Mystery Carnival Whatever Special Blog Party - August 19

As the show airs, I'll be live blogging the events. I'm not all that sure what will be happening other than they won some prizes, heard some music played and the start (if not the finish) of the HoH comp will be shown.

If you want to see who won HoH and the care package HoH, hit the BB18 label link at the bottom of this post. The last two posts cover those. Since some of the people reading the show posts don't follow the feeds, please try not to post spoilers on this show post! Merci!

A recap of Paulie tears and the punishments from the veto. Heh. "Paulie threw himself a pity party." Recap, recap ...

Okay, the Final Seven vie for prizes, a Ziggy Marley private concert and the HoH comp BEGINS. (It's actually over, but ...!)

They're acting like this happened after Paulie was evicted. But this took place at the beginning of this week. Oh my gosh ... did they delete him from the scenes?

The backyard is done up as a carnival. Let's play a game ... let's see if they actually left a shot of Paulie in it!

There are life-size cut-outs of the previous hamsters. They're reminiscing about Jozea now. Ick. Uh-oh. This is reminding me of the Survivor walk where they say things about the folks booted. Clips of Zakiyah now.

I won't be covering each memory of each former hamster. They are, though. I don't live blog clip shows!

Darts for Dollars game, they're popping balloons with darts. So far, small dollar amounts. There is a $5,000 prize in there. No one won it.

Natalie calls James to the Kissing Booth. Aw, ain't that just too darn sweet? But it leads into more old clips of James/Natalie. Then James calls Nicole/Corey over, so we get to see old showmance clips of them. Now into clips of Paulie and Zakiyah. Gah!

An appearance by Jessie (Mr. Pectacular) Goddard. How exciting. They each get five attempts to Dunk a Hunk, The winner gets a 50 inch TV, a tablet and more.  Corey dunked him. Victor go him twice. He wins!

More clips. Now they're playing pranks previously played on Big Brother.

Pie eating contest. Paul worries about his beard. One pie has a an advantage. Victor got a Have Not.

Time for the HOH comp ... the backyard has a giant black box. Enter in darkness, press button once in lane, search the horrors that is black box. Retrieve and collect discs for thirty seconds when announced. Two hours inside. Advantage announcement -- 30 second solo search time goes to Michelle. It's smelly. It's nasty and Nicole is acting like a little girl. @@

That's all they showed of the comp. And the show is over.

BB18: Live Feeds Care Package/Co-HoH Bulletin - August 19

Who is the co-HoH?

Natalie, as I previously posted, won Head of Household.

The care package this week is a co-HoH power. And, it goes to ...