Wednesday, August 24, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Wednesday Evening - August 24

Not resting comfortably

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Anxiety Attacks:
  • For the second day in a row much of the early day was taken up by Paul talking to himself ... er, us.
  • I don't know.
  • I can't listen to him that long.
  • They've been on indoor lockdown since yesterday. The HoH comp must be something elaborate. Perhaps a wall. I dunno. Neither do they.
  • Paul has been mingling (with a purpose) better today, not fighting with people.
  • He and Corey talked about how stupid Paul was, bragging about how he had unprotected sex with Zakiyah even though BB has condoms available.
  • Now, I don't watch the feeds to see sex.
  • I'd rather they have an epic water balloon fight with the condoms!
  • Both Paul and Corey think they've been having anxiety attacks.
  • Paul is worried about having a heart attack. If memory serves, he's 22 years old.
  • @@
  • Victor has been mingling just in the hopes that being fun and entertaining might give him a thread of hope to stay.
  • Paul's mingling is more to get Nicole and Corey to play with him, thinking that Victor will go home.
  • He's telling lies and half-truths to them about Michelle and Natalie (and throw a James in there now and again).
  • One of his latest Michelle rants is that she called him an atheist. He's upset his Armenian Christian family will hear it.
  • Um. Okay. Apparently the profanity he spouts is fine with them.
  • Victor tried to get Natalie to confirm that James is voting for him to stay.
  • She said James is playing his own game and she doesn't know how he's voting.
  • Yeah, right.
  • Natalie later asked James if she wanted to keep Victor, would he do that?
  • He answered with the expected question -- Do you want to keep Victor?
  • She thinks that Nicole has been talking about her and is having doubts.
  • She put pressure on James, telling him she'd vote the way he wanted if he asked her to.
  • Hmm.
  • (I'd personally say the only real problem of keeping Victor -- other than the fact he could win the entire game -- is that, by keeping him, you have the Paul and Victor tag team. That's way too dangerous!)
  • James isn't giving in. He KNOWS evicting Victor is the right thing to do.
  • After many rounds of discussion, Michelle, James and Natalie are all in agreement that Victor needs to go.
  • And, with that, I need to go.
  • Tomorrow's another day.

On a new mission to pull in Nicole/Corey

He's smiling again. Is it programmed?

BB Telemundo from the shower

Three's a crowd (that's Victor)

Alternate Universe Paul

BB18: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - August 24

Hamster watchers ready? Let's get this show going! 

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please join in on the fun there as we watch the show together!

But, first ... we must sit through the recap. 

Ohh! Heated words ahead? Not quite as interesting as fisticuffs or an outright brouhaha, but I'll take it. 

Natalie wants Paul out. Victor tells Paul that he (Victor) is a pawn and "they" want Paul gone. Paul confronts Natalie about being called a liar. He demands everyone come to the kitchen. Natalie walks away and he starts on Michelle.Heated words ... "You all suck at this game" -- Paul.

Nicole and Corey go to celebrate dance in the storage room.

Paul tries to deflect and get Nicole and Corey in hot water. Paul makes Natalie cry because she feels bad about nominating him. Michelle thinks that power makes him even more dangerous. 

It seems that Natalie feels that she was indeed manipulated by Nicole and Corey. Paul and Victor perpetuate that. Michelle isn't falling for it. James isn't, either. He wants a final four with Natalie, Corey and Nicole.

Paul confronts Nicole that she said he's a liar and manipulator. He tells her that she's the reason he's on the block. Heh. Corey comes running through shedding his patriotard laughing in the middle of the argument. 

"We were bamboozled, primarily by you two, mainly you," Paul to Nicole.

Red Alert time for secret agent Paul. Good timing, BB. That would be the last rounds for him, his job is done.

Storm Watch Update on the screen in the living room. Superstorm Glenn, Superstorm Jodi. Paul and Natalie are studying together. Gah. Stuperstorm Jozea. Oh, I mean Superstorm. Nicole and Corey aren't into the studying. Uh-oh. Paul is the only one staying up for all the warnings.

Veto player picks -- Paul chooses James. Michelle chooses Corey. Nicole will host.

Natalie is irked at Paul for taking over the HoH room and bed. She's thinking more about getting Paul out with the latest. 

Okay, the veto has them auditioning for a position on the BB Storm Weather Team. They read a teleprompter and insert the storm name in the blank. The most points wins. They're doing it in a wind/rain storm tunnel with blowing inflatable sharks and all.

Corey - 15
James - 13
Natalie - 20
Natalie - 10
Paul - 21 (Perfect score)
Victor - 19

Paul wins the Power of Veto. He wants Corey up and out.

Michelle wants to put Nicole up. Everybody else wants Corey. It will be Michelle's decision as Paul was her nominee.

Veto meeting time. Paul saves himself (of course). Michelle puts Corey on the block in his place. She loves everybody, y'know, but it's a strategic decision. Corey is sure he'll still be around. Michelle wants him out over Victor. But, at the end of the day, it's James's decision.

BB18: Live Feeds into Wednesday - August 24

Victor mingling

Y'know ... I really have nothing. Last night's report could suffice for this morning.

At least there's a show tonight!

Paul with no Friendship, none at all

Victor and his buddy Baldwin

Look! It's an expression!

Oh, Jamesy!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Tuesday Evening - August 23

A thrill a minute in the house today

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Napping Ne'er-do-wells:
  • Again today, a whole lot of napping went on.
  • The HoH camera came to play. Such fun!
  • Yawn.
  • Paul is still holding to his No Friendship With Michelle agenda.
  • What little mingling he did today, he badmouthed the girl.
  • Michelle is still on her Avoid Paul gig.
  • Victor is trying to hold hope that either he isn't evicted or he comes back in a "jury buyback."
  • James thinks the twists with people returning are over.
  • We know that one's wrong!
  • Corey is getting anxious. Very odd -- he looks the same anxious as he does relaxed.
  • Paul went on a rant about Michelle in which he said he's ready to leave, sick of cameras on him 24/7 and he just wants to tell her off.
  • Hmm. Maybe he can unsave himself and use the veto to save Corey?
  • Just a thought.
  • When asked if he was going to campaign, Corey told Paul that he's just going to let James do whatever he's going to do and not bug him.
  • Remember -- there are only three votes this week -- Paul, Nicole and James.
  • WE know that James has already confirmed with Nicole and Corey that he will vote Victor out.
  • But no one is telling Paul that.
  • James said he will tell Victor before the live show.
  • But I think Victor already senses it, as does Paul.
  • Victor is acting well, mingling, have fun conversations with others (including Michelle).
  • His "social game" (hahahaha!) Paul is pouting, ending Friendship and almost to the point of pulling a Paulie without tears.
  • Victor and Corey both took turns with the Swiffer, cleaning up.
  • That's about all I have for you tonight.
  • I never said this would be legendary.
  • Did I?

HoH camera ... and fun was had by all

Baldwin for HoH!

Queen of intense facial reactions

BB18: Live Feeds into Tuesday - August 23

Looking Christine-like. Ew.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Failed Friendship:
  • I don't have a heck of a lot to report for you today.
  • So, you get more screen caps!
  • Michelle spoke how much she admires Amanda Zuckerman. She also likes Christine. I never cared too much for either. If those are her choices of fantastic BB players, I can't think of her as any sort of superfan.
  • Paul continues to alienate any friendship he had with Michelle, Natalie and James.
  • Well, he can be annoying! He needs to stop thinking he's all that. Because he's not!
  • More information into Michelle's self esteem issues -- she says she almost had a breakdown over weight and food addiction issues. I do see her eating a lot. But I also don't see that she has any sort of serious weight issues. 
  • Oh. And BB Superfan Michelle said she stopped watching BB17 on the 1st of August last year. Pshaw! That is NOT a superfan! Superfans stay through at least the backyard interviews!
  • Paul is mad at all the girls for various reasons.
  • That's okay. They want to avoid him anyway.
  • He just can't stand Michelle!
  • The feeling is mutual.
  • I say -- issue them boxing gloves! We need fisticuffs!
  • Michelle says she'll do another "famous call-out" on Paul on Thursday if he doesn't win HoH.
  • Paul thinks they'll all gang up on him if Victor goes this week.
  • Y'think?
  • Bwahaha!

James at the pool, but not in the pool

You don't prank well, Corey


Not kissyface

He knows he's probably going

Can't mix up those HoH robes!

James is surrounded!