Thursday, September 01, 2016

BB18: Live Eviction and HoH Show Blog Party - September 1

Are we ready for this? I know I'm SO ready!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- come join in on the fun!

Here are the blog pool picks going into tonight's show:

Natalie Negrotti - Sharon N, Jackie P, QuixoticElf, Orkmommy
Corey Brooks - Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Barbara B. W., Dierdre, Cheryl in NC
Paul Abrahamian - Jackie, Arf Barf, WolfpackRed, chrob61
Michelle Meyer - Rich, Chase, Glenn, Anonymouse, Delee
Nicole Franzel - Kelsey NY, Grove Wiley, Nickelpeed, Sharon C  
James Huling - Becky, Donna in Alabama, Sharon S, Willie J
Victor Arroyo - Helenann2K, RBennie, Janice, Monty924

Glenn Garcia
Jozea Flores - Sasha, Merrilee, Tammy, Petals, JonMD1267
Bronte D'Acquisto - Jean in Tampa, elee86, Russ, Cheryl, Donna in FL
Tiffany Rousso - meb, SueGee, David, Jessica UNderwood
Frank Eudy - Dr_Celine, Dennis Comfort, Stephanie in Baltimore, PDX Granny

Da'Vonne Rogers - Donna in Alabama, uncartie, MarthaLight, Donna NY
Zakiyah Everette - Tilde, Jo C, Jenng326, Ayana, jennifer
Bridgette Dunning - Brian, Indiana Jane, Caela, Chauncey, Paula Bell
Paulie Calafiore - Joel, Chacha, Sally, Ed In Ohio, Buzzmaam

Let's get this party started!

Julie tells us how powerful Nicole is. It's truly sad that she isn't really thinking about her end game! Recap.

More talk about Nicole's power in the game. Corey talks of his bribe. He wants to make sure Michelle goes home (like that wouldn't happen anyway). Victor trusts her because she didn't use the veto and put him on the block.

Paul leads on Natalie and Michelle that neither he nor Victor have a clue who will go this week.

Back to the bribe. James suggests using the bribe to get someone to drop out of the HoH comp. Of course, James also thinks he's safe with Nicole and Corey. Nicole is super paranoid. Naturally, this whole segment leads into Corey deciding to offer Victor the bribe to vote out Michelle (which he was going to do anyway).

James is very disappointing this season. He's so sure of his own final four deal with Natalie/Corey and Nicole that he's ignoring the obvious moving in of Victor and Paul up there.

To the living room. Julie addresses their concerns about a double eviction. She tells them there won't be one tonight, nor any for the rest of the season.  They get to see video clips from home.

A segment on Victor returning and some background.

Onto the eviction:
Paul -- Friendship, kisses Michelle.
Michelle -- Awesome summer. Will cry if you evict me. Will go after Victor if he stays. Paul and Victor will win if you evict me.

The votes to evict:
Victor -- Michelle
Natalie -- Paul
Corey -- Michelle
James -- Paul

It's a tie. To Nicole for the tiebreaker. She votes out Michelle. She had a bad leaving blowing up Victor and Nicole's games (supposedly) and she stole Pablo, Paul's floatie pelican. She cries while watching the goodbye messages.

The HoH comp starts.  The backyard is a farm theme. It's called Poached Eggs. It's the maneuvering eggs with through chicken wire. They have to knock over three targets HOH. If they want not to be a Have Not, they need to get an egg in a basket. The first three to do so won't be Have Nots.

I'll be setting up a separate post to cover the comp (if shown) on the live feeds and/or the results.  

BB18: Live Feeds into Thursday - September 1

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Paul and Victor:
  • I seriously have nothing new to report except that Corey decided what to do with his bribe he got in the care package.
  • He's going to give it to Victor in return for voting out Michelle tonight.
  • Um.
  • Um.
  • I guess that it doesn't matter that Victor was going to vote out Michelle tonight on his own volition anyway.
  • I don't begrudge Victor the gift. But I do see it more of a gift than a bribe.
  • It will top his winnings this season nicely ... because so many hamsters have played like dolts this season!
  • If the two couples don't come to their senses, it will be Paul and Victor in the final two.
  • If those two are the final two, Victor will be Victorious.
  • And that 5 grand will help him buy a car with air conditioning atop of paying off student loans and helping out his mom.

BB18: Live Feeds into Wednesday Evening - August 31

I don't know how he even fits in there!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Whatever, Dude:
  • Once again, I don't have much for you.
  • And, the not having much has nothing to do with my current condition of a sprained ankle.
  • It's not me.
  • It's them.
  • Again today, they pretty much divided into two camps - Corey, Nicole, Victor and Paul in one group; Natalie, James and Michelle in another.
  • Sure, they met up all together around the table in the kitchen for a while.
  • But, of course, that's not the time to talk game.
  • Paul reported to Victor/Nicole/Corey on his long late night talk with James, Natalie and Michelle.
  • He embellished it a little when he talked about James being resigned and wanting to leave.
  • But he did tell them the truth that he had held to his lie that he doesn't know how the vote will go down this week.
  • Now, Victor mingled with all. But James seriously needs to mingle with Nicole! 
  • Corey is still clueless what to do with his won bribe money.
  • Hopefully tomorrow night's eviction and HoH will liven these hamsters up some!

Communal mouthwash? Ew!

Victor's togetherness with Corey & Nicole

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

BB18: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - August 31

Hamster watchers ready? Let's get this show going! 

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please join in on the fun there as we watch the show together!

Sitting through the recap. (I'll be sitting through the whole show with a sprained ankle.) 

Michelle didn't cry for the nominations. She's so proud of herself. Nicole wants Michelle gone, but seems uncertain which side she'll flow with after this week. James thinks that Paul is Nicole's target. She does nothing to let him know otherwise.

Corey is suggesting that he could bribe the veto winner, but he has no clue what he's going to do with the bribe. 

Have Not announcement time! Slop. seaweed and squid. The first two who fell in the HoH comp -- Corey and Victor -- are the lucky ones.

Veto player picks:
Natalie draws Victor.
Paul draws Houseguest's Choice -- Corey
Michelle draws James  

Michelle is suspicious because Paul picked Corey to play. 

Paul and Victor hang out in the HoH room, sealing the deal with Nicole/Corey. 

HoH Comp has a Christmas theme with live reindeer and all! They're elves who have to count everything in Santa's storerooms. They can stay or fold with their answers. They have to earn three candy canes to win. If they fold, they don't get a candy cane. If they're the furthest off, they're out.

Paul and Corey both fold. Victor out. James and Nicole each get a candy cane.

Corey, Paul and Michelle fold. It's between James and Nicole. James out. Nicole gets her second candy cane.

Corey throws it so Nicole can win ... answers a billion to names on list. Michelle earns a candy cane and Michelle gets her first candy cane. 

Paul folks, Nicole wins her third candy cane and wins the power of veto in the last round! 

Nicole is worried about keeping the best two competitors (Paul and Victor) in the house. 

James is concerned that Corey and Nicole voted out Victor last week and now they're buddy-buddy.  

Michelle has a pity party while Natalie applies make-up. 

Paul tells Nicole that he's okay with being on the block and trusts her. But then he makes a proposal that Natalie goes up in his place. Nicole wonders if he really trusts her or not. 

Veto meeting. She gives them both a chance to talk.
Michelle - Congrats on first veto. Do what you want.
Paul - Putting me on the block, not friendship. Taking me off, friendship

Nicole does not use the veto -- Paul and Michelle remain the nominees.

BB18: Live Feeds into Wednesday - August 31

I'd rather be with the boys

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Manic Depression:
  • Once again, not a heck of a lot going on.
  • These feeds need to liven up!
  • Corey and Victor are the Have Nots this week. They went to bed.
  • Nicole went to bed in the HoH room.
  • That left the bizarre quartet of Paul, Michelle, Natalie and James up most of the night talking.
  • While I don't think Paul is personable at all, he's definitely playing a good game.
  • He has the other three convinced that he has no clue whether he's staying or going.
  • We know that, unless James goes to Nicole and convinces her to vote Paul out somehow, Paul is staying.
  • Nicole's dislike of Michelle will make that scenario very unlikely.
  • But it wouldn't hurt James to try!
  • While I, as a viewer of the feeds, have no problem with Michelle going -- she adds very little entertainment and is no real "superfan" of the show -- ousting her instead of Paul should be the wrong choice for anyone remaining in the house except Victor.
  • The combination of Victor and Paul is dangerous for all of the others.
  • There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

Convinced all he has no clue he's staying

Snacking in bed

Smiling until her next meltdown