Once the live feeds return, I'll post updates on the comp here in this post. Refresh the post to see the latest news!
10:05pm ET -- Feeds still blocked.
10:10pm ET -- Still blocked.
10:20pm ET -- Same as above.
10:30pm ET -- Grr, still no live feeds.
You realize that if I make my way to the bathroom with my sprained ankle, they'll return.
10:39pm ET -- Feeds are on!
10:51pm ET - Unless I'm just not seeing it, I don't see any target letters down. I see a lot of lost eggs. Victor should be complaining about them wasting food.
I'm wrong.
10:54pm ET - Corey's in the lead with two letters and isn't a Have Not.
10:59pm ET - Victor got his second letter.
11:00pm ET - Natalie got her second letter.
James is not going to be a Have Not.
Both Natalie and Corey had close shots trying on the last letter.
One of Natalie's eggs broke on the ramp. Corey and Victor have had close calls on the last letter.
11:15pm ET - We went to Jeff loops, now back.
Jeff loops keep cutting in and out.
James hasn't hit one letter even. I think Paul has one.
11:25pm ET - The standings are:
Paul - One letter down, NOT a Have Not
James - No letters down, NOT a Have Not
Corey - Two letters down, NOT a Have Not
Victor - Two letters down
Natalie - Two letters down
11:31pm ET - Paul got his second letter down
11:34pm ET - James finally knocked down his first letter.
11:39pm ET - Victor knocks over his last letter.
Nicole says nobody is a Have Not. Natalie has her pass. Paul, James and Corey used the safety egg basket and, now with Victor as HOH, he escapes slop.
Thank you for coming by!