Monday, September 05, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Monday - September 5

The Up All Night Boys

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Not So Dynamic Duos:
  • First, I hope everyone has a fine Labor Day. I foolishly said I'd go in and work the office for a few hours. So, I'll be working. But not a full day. My sprained ankle doesn't want to go. Wah.
  • Things could be worse. 
  • I could be in the Big Brother House.
  • Not that I would ever do that, mind you.
  • Why am I just wasting space and time?
  • Because those hamsters are back to separating into their pairs and being BORING!
  • Nicole got all emotional fussing that she hasn't had her period since she came into the house and kept fussing and snapping at Corey.
  • Corey got ticked that she made a scene and it might be on television.
  • "Don't do that again! Bite your tongue if you're going to do that."
  • Then they kissed and made up.
  • How exciting is that?
  • Nicole thinks she really needs to study for HoH comps because, if it's days or something like that, Paul will win.
  • Hmm ... I thought she had trust in her final four?
  • They played dominoes.
  • Of course, the "they" who keep playing dominoes doesn't include Natalie or James. It's always a mix of the other four or all four playing.
  • Nicole cleaned the kitchen.
  • Not up to Victor's standards, I'm sure.
  • Heck, it didn't even look up to MY standards! I really don't understand leaving all the beverages which should be refrigerated, cleaning supplies, nail polish, etc. all over the counters!
  • James did mingle some, playing pool with Corey.
  • That's more of an attempt than Natalie made to mix and mingle.
  • James still thinks he's the one going home this week. Unless things change (which is very possible), he'll be staying.
  • Natalie acts like she thinks she's going home, but James is saying she's staying and Victor told her she's the pawn. I think she thinks she's staying.
  • Heh.
  • Both Natalie and James talked about the show not bringing them fame, but earning a place on their resumes.
  • Natalie said she considered going on The Bachelor but didn't want to kiss a guy sixteen other girls were kissing.
  • Well, when you put it that way ...!
  • I'm trying to think ... when I was her age, had there been reality television shows, would I have wanted to go on them? About the only one I'd have really wanted to go on at that age would be The Amazing Race for the worldwide travel and adventure, if not for the win.
  • The most game talk of the overnight was Victor and Paul confronting James with things Natalie said when she threw him (James) under the bus.
  • James looked hurt.
  • They told him that Natalie is playing the victim as a strategy and using him.
  • James looked hurt.
  • James later joined Natalie at the hot tub, still looking hurt.
  • Natalie asked if he was okay.
  • He told her he was just sad because one of them will be going home.
  • Maybe he'll wake up and PLAY THE GAME.

Hanging out with Jamesy

Less grumpy since he got off slop

They have straws. They could make shakes!

Sunday, September 04, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Sunday Evening - September 4

Natalie wasted those tomatoes!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Duplicitous Dopes:
  • Okay, so last night Natalie threw James under the bus in her ploy to stay in the game.
  • She doesn't have a clue that Nicole, Paul and Corey think Natalie going this week instead of James is better for their games.
  • Now, Victor is the Head of Household. Actually, keeping Natalie would be better for his personal game than keeping James would be.
  • But he's only HoH ... why should his personal game matter to his Final Four Ride or Dies?
  • THEY vote.
  • HE doesn't.
  • So, whether he's putting on a show of things and going along or whether they really have him convinced that Natalie is more of a threat, he's on board with the plan.
  • Then Natalie goes up to Paul and Victor today telling them how James deserved to stay in the game more than she does.
  • Heck, if they hadn't already decided to switch it up and target her, that talk would have done it.
  • Paul thinks she's trying to use reverse psychology.
  • Both laughed about her turnaround from the conversation last night.
  • Paul and Victor also discussed what happens after both James and Natalie are gone.
  • Who to cut first? Nicole? Corey?
  • They decided Corey would have to go first.
  • It's nice they can make all these plans, isn't it?
  • The only plan I can rightfully predict is that the veto won't be used tomorrow.
  • Beyond that, who knows?
  • Maybe if James stays, he'll come to life.
  • Maybe Victor will lose a comp.
  • Maybe Corey will earn a doctorate degree.
  • BWAHAHA! Like that will happen!
  • Until tomorrow ... 

Natalie using reverse psychology?

Stop picking at yourself, Paul! Disgusting!

Has he any fight in him if he stays?

Yeah, enjoying their last week together.

Corey naps. Nicole worries.

BB18: HoH Comp Completion, Nominations Show Blog Party - September 4

Hamster watchers ready?! What fox will rule the chicken coop and be the new HoH?

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area!

Previously on Big Brother and blah-blah-blah ... 

After the recap, we pick up on the eggs/chicken wire comp in action. They're wasting FOOD, I say in my best Victor impersonation. 

Flip back to right before the eviction. Nicole warns James and Natalie that they're probably going to evict Michelle tonight because she hasn't approached them at all. Some last minute tears and scrambling from Michelle. But we know it's to no avail. 

Back to the comp and many broken eggs. 

Corey goes for the Have basket and makes it. Victor gets a target, then Natalie does the same. Then Corey got one. Paul got one. Corey has two letters of the three down, then Victor does the same. Natalie has her second letter. Lots of close calls. Natalie broke an egg on her ramp thus making it even harder for her.

Paul finally got his second letter. They haven't mentioned that both James and Paul have eggs in the Have basket, along with Corey.

James finally got his first letter. 

Victor gets his third letter, acts like a testosterone injected idiot and wins HOH. 

James knows his butt is going up, as does Natalie.

Paul says a Victor win is a Paul win. Nicole and Corey ingratiated themselves to both Victor and Paul last week, keeping them safe and giving Victor the five grand "gift" bribe. 

Heh. They went back to Michelle grabbing Pablo and Paul's reaction. BB had a photo of Pablo, the inflatable pelican floatie, turn to black and white.

Lots of self-congratulations going on with Paul and Victor. 

Natalie fusses that she will either be alone in the house without James or be in jury without James. They promise to use the veto on each other. Gah. 

After a few puff filler segments, James goes to Paul and Victor and tells them that they were working with Nicole and Corey. Victor points out that they (Natalie and James) flipped and betrayed them after the Paulie exit. 

Nominations ceremony -- Victor nominates Natalie and James, tells Natalie she's the pawn.

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - September 4, 2016

Good morning! Since it's Sunday morning, it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. If you're here for Big Brother news, everything I have for you can be found at this link. I'll be posting another live feeds report late tonight as well as live-blogging the aired show. But this ain't that. This post is a year-round regular "feature" while Big Brother is a summer obsession. Or, something like that.

It hasn't been a good week for me (or for my photography desires, either). I fell and sprained my right ankle, missing three days of work when I'm out of paid time off as my 25 years back with the company anniversary was yesterday and my PTO won't be able to be accessed until the end of this upcoming week. Added to the nine years working for the same company before a break in service, I have 34 years in there. Gah. The doctor examining my ankle wrapped it up and put an Aircast on it, telling me to keep weight off of it for a week. Now, I went to have it checked on Wednesday and he gave me a note to return to work this Tuesday. Um. That's no good financially. It's not long enough for me to claim the missed time with my short term disability (seven days). And, it would blow my holiday pay for Labor Day. So, I went back to work yesterday. It's not like this BB season on the blog can pay the bills. I need the money despite the pain. Sigh.

Since I only worked two days last week, I didn't take many photographs. Clicking on an image will open a larger version ...

Colorful carnations grow ...

... in the planters on East Front Street in Plainfield.

Latino Corner ... really?

Nothing like jumping on the bandwagon. This was The Corner Store, owned and managed by an older Indian couple named "Dave" and Shah. It was a dark cave with phone calls going on in Hindi, incense burning and Indian music. They retired and sold it to younger Indian men. The new owners completely rehabbed the place. It's now clean, brightly lit, has longer operating hours and so much more merchandise. The language among the staff remains Hindi. Maybe Punjabi, but I doubt that. It most certainly isn't Spanish! They took down the old The Corner Store sign and renamed the business ... Latino Corner. Say what? The next thing you know, there will be a taco truck on every corner!


BB18: Live Feeds into Sunday - September 4

What? I'll be on the block next week!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Want a Waffle With That?:
  • Okay, we all know Victor is HoH and he wants James out with a passion. After all, it's James who last evicted him.
  • But, if Victor is HoH, we all know that Paul is HoH.
  • It should go without saying.
  • Corey won veto.
  • We didn't see the veto comp itself on the live feeds. It was obviously a dirty veto comp and physical.
  • They all talked about how Michelle would have done poorly in it.
  • But they got rid of her.
  • I guess Natalie gave 'em a run for the money in the veto.
  • Now Nicole is pushing for Natalie to go instead of Victor's prime target James.
  • Oh my.
  • Paul took up her cause.
  • His reasoning is that Natalie has come close to winning against Victor in more than a few comps. James has not done as well. Plus, if they pull a total blindside and evict Natalie on Thursday, James will be alone and bereft going into the HoH comp and lose.
  • Corey is agreeable to it all.
  • Victor is reluctant. But we all know he'll do what Paul wants until Paul puts that knife in his back for the win.
  • In other news, Corey won a trip to Atlanta in the veto comp. How special is that?
  • And, it yet other news, remember that Victor took Natalie aside and told her that she would be going on the block but wasn't the target this week? Well, James keeps telling her that once Victor sets his sights on a target, that's it.
  • Guess what?
  • Victor doesn't have a vote this week -- Corey, Paul and Nicole do.
  • Victor is sure that, if James stays and wins HoH, it will be him and Corey on the block.
  • Nicole thinks that, if Natalie stays and wins HoH (a better chance than James winning), she will be on the block and go home.
  • Victor doesn't think Natalie is any threat to him while James is.
  • But it's not his vote, not his decision.
  • Meanwhile, James still feels the need to protect and mollycoddle Natalie.
  • Sheesh.
  • Natalie turned on James, saying that she knew she would be going home and suggesting that James and Nicole had an alliance.
  • She roughly threw James under the bus to the others.
  • Keep in mind that no one has confirmed the "blindside" to her. She just suspects it.
  • All along, James is sure he's the target.
  • It's a lot of days between now and Thursday.
  • We'll see.

The new target? Shh ...

Well, her hair always looks like that.

Will he stay? Too soon to tell, I say.