Friday, September 09, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Friday - September 9

Will his bro Corey turn on him?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Buttery Buffoons:
  • As you know from my last post (go back and check it out if you haven't already), Corey easily won HoH.
  • Well, not "easily" per se.
  • But he just glided with those scoops of butter on the buttered track while everyone else struggled. No one was really close to him at all. Nicole and James did better than I thought they would at the comp. The butter comp showed Paul no friendship at all.
  • One thing I've noticed as we approach the final days of the season ... Corey has come to life. He's winning comps. I listened to him talk strategy with James in the late night hours and ... get this ... Corey actually has insight into the game and knows what's going on! And, he actually has a decent vocabulary!
  • After watching his vacant eyes and smile for most of the summer, this is a bit unsettling. 
  • Maybe not unsettling. But I have to give the guy a lot more credit than I've been doing all season. 
  • Victor seems to feel a bit put out that Paul did SO poorly in the comp. 
  • Paul might be the worst performer I've ever seen in one of these slip and slide comps over the seasons. And, there have been some who were very bad at it.
  • James didn't want this HoH as his eyes are on the next one and, though his style was bad, for the longest time he had second place going.
  • But no one was close to Corey.
  • If I fell as much as some of them, I'd be hospitalized this morning. Nicole said the hill was higher in BB16 and every participant that season had to see the medic.
  • The others picked on Paul some because he's always bragged about his skating background (among other brags). Heh.
  • In talking about Natalie going, Paul claims her act was one to try to win America's Favorite Player. 
  • Well, duh!
  • Paul and Victor seem to be scrambling a bit for favor from Nicole/Corey.
  • Paul said he's willing to be a pawn if they save him.
  • But surprise, surprise ... Corey told Nicole he'll be putting Paul and Victor on the block.
  • In a talk with James, Corey tells him they have his back.
  • Nicole told Corey he needs to tell James about the final four deal they made (and will break) with Victor and Paul before one of them tell him.
  • Nicole is actually frightened thinking of how Paul and Victor will react to the nominations.
  • Meanwhile, Paul and Victor talked about how sneaky James is.
  • Heh.
  • But Paul is certain James is going up on the block (and will get voted out).
  • It appears he just could be wrong!
  • Nicole started giving Corey all kinds of reasons to doubt James in the game.
  • What?!?!
  • Oh. She made an off-side comment about giving the show footage. 
  • Nah, this isn't scripted. But she seems to know the show will not want to air boredom in nominations -- they want some mystery or doubt thrown in there!
  • The nominations should be Paul and Victor, with the target of Victor this week.
  • If they can't get Victor out, it will be Paul out. 
  • Let's see how this goes down ...

Ew. My eyes! My eyes!

Who wants to see my HoH room?

Reading his letter from home

After we get Paul and Vic out, it's Nicole, you & me

Thursday, September 08, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds HoH Endurance Comp Updates - September 8

As soon as the live feeds return, this post will be updated with the happenings and screen caps of the HoH Endurance Competition. Refresh the page to get the latest updates!

10:02pm ET - I have audio, no video on the feeds.
10:03pm ET - Video came up to join the audio.

It's sad that I recognized Nicole breathing heavy.

10:11pm ET - Corey still in the lead. Paul still second, but falls almost every time going back for a refill. Nicole still working to get the larger scoop. James switched to the big container, did not fill the small one for the larger scoop. He's slacking. He has said he wants to win the more important NEXT HoH.

I was mistaken -- Paul is going for the small container. I didn't have a good angle on him. Corey is WAY WAY in the lead.

10:20pm ET - Into Jeff interview loops for a bit.

James again ... or still.

10:27pm ET - Corey is almost on the halfway mark.  No one else is anywhere near him. Nicole SHOULD be able to get the larger scoop, but is having trouble figuring out how to do it. James is still crawling. Paul is still falling.

10:29pm ET - Nicole has the big scoop.

No butter friendship here
Definitely not an even race going on

10:41pm ET - Corey more than halfway full. James in second, Nicole in third. Paul might as well give up the ghost -- he gave up on the bigger scoop, but is way behind everyone else. Nicole is the only one with the big scoop.

Getting there
The bigger scoop isn't huge
We keep having intermittent Jeff interview (Derrick) interruptions.

10:52pm ET - Paul is still trying for the larger scoop although he's also been putting butter in the larger container. Why is he even bothering?

10:56pm ET - Nicole is almost at the halfway mark on the large container. Corey still way in the lead.

11:00pm ET - A long more than just a few minutes Jeff interruption. Grr.

It will be over soon



BB18: Live Eviction, HoH Comp Start Blog Party - September 8

Are we ready for this? I know I'm SO ready!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- come join in on the fun!

Since they're advertising CBS Access to watch the HoH competition tonight, an endurance comp is ahead of us. There will be a separate post at 10pm ET to follow that competition. I ask those folks who want to talk about the comp (or see what's happening) to join us on that additional post after the live show.

Here are the blog pool picks going into tonight's show:

Natalie Negrotti - Sharon N, Jackie P, QuixoticElf, Orkmommy
Corey Brooks - Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Barbara B. W., Dierdre, Cheryl in NC
Paul Abrahamian - Jackie, Arf Barf, WolfpackRed, chrob61
Nicole Franzel - Kelsey NY, Grove Wiley, Nickelpeed, Sharon C  
James Huling - Becky, Donna in Alabama, Sharon S, Willie J
Victor Arroyo - Helenann2K, RBennie, Janice, Monty924

Glenn Garcia
Jozea Flores - Sasha, Merrilee, Tammy, Petals, JonMD1267
Bronte D'Acquisto - Jean in Tampa, elee86, Russ, Cheryl, Donna in FL
Tiffany Rousso - meb, SueGee, David, Jessica UNderwood
Frank Eudy - Dr_Celine, Dennis Comfort, Stephanie in Baltimore, PDX Granny

Da'Vonne Rogers - Donna in Alabama, uncartie, MarthaLight, Donna NY
Zakiyah Everette - Tilde, Jo C, Jenng326, Ayana, jennifer
Bridgette Dunning - Brian, Indiana Jane, Caela, Chauncey, Paula Bell
Paulie Calafiore - Joel, Chacha, Sally, Ed In Ohio, Buzzmaam
Michelle Meyer - Rich, Chase, Glenn, Anonymouse, Delee

Let's get this party started!

Before the recap, Julie said a showmance, bromance and romance were on the line. She thinks James and Natalie is a romance?

There will be a jury segment and a Jeff/Jordan bit tonight.

Is the honeymoon over for Natalie and James? Well, yeah ... but. Nicole wants to work with James. Natalie is angry about James's game moves with Nicole and Corey. Lots of discussion on who to keep, lots of distrust of Paul/Victor coming from Nicole. Paul and Victor are also trying to get on James's good side.

The Natalie/James bicker segment aired. Now all four of the others in the house are sympathizing with James.

Jeff and Jordan time. They were getting married on the 24th but got pregnant in Mexico during the winter, married in March. It's going to be a boy. Jordan thinks Victor will win the season; Jeff thinks Paul.

Jury segment as Michelle arrives. Da'Vonne is really ticked that James threw the comp to Nicole. Bridgette is shocked Michelle didn't get the hint she was the target.

To the living room - talk to the nominees.
Natalie - Thanks her family, honored to play, James is my new best friend and soulmate.
James - Family, honor to play with Natalie, my game and faith is in y'alls hands.

The votes to evict:
Paul -- Natalie
Nicole -- Natalie
Corey -- Natalie

Unanimous (as expected) ... Natalie is evicted. Despite live feeds threats earlier, she's all smiles and goodness going out the door.

HoH Comp (start) time. Victor can't compete as outgoing HoH.

It's a movie-themed slip and slide, they need to get 8 gallons in the container -- first to do so. Small container can be filled to retrieve a larger scoop. Corey is off to the best start followed by Paul. Both of them are going directly for the larger container. Nicole and James aren't doing as well, both going to try for the larger scoop.

Schedule change - Tuesday and Wednesday, football on Thursday.

In a few minutes, a new post will pop up here to watch the HoH comp on the live feeds. Join us over there!

BB18: Live Feeds Overnight into Thursday - September 8

Make her go away. Please.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Monotonous Mice:
  • Oh, wait. They're hamsters.
  • Hmm ... there might even be a rat or two in there.
  • Rodents!
  • It's almost painful to watch the feeds.
  • After sleeping away half the day, Natalie is keeping James up all night talking.
  • Doesn't she realize that he needs some sleep so he can compete in the HoH comp?
  • Not that the others provided any late night amusement for us.
  • Now, I watch the live feeds. My TV cable company dropped POP, so I don't watch BBAD at all. During other seasons since BBAD it bothered me that the house hamsters acted like the BBAD airing time was the only time they were being watched and did all kinds of stuff during those hours. 
  • This bunch? Not so much. I can just imagine someone channel surfing wondering why one channel has people sleeping via night vision cameras.
  • They sleep away a good portion of the day, too.
  • Well, they should be well-rested to return to the real work-a-day world.
  • Not that many will, of course.
  • They all talk globe-trotting or, at least visiting each other in various states. I guess money grows on trees somewhere. Of the ones left, I think all still live at home with parents except James, maybe Natalie.
  • I'm very tired of hearing Natalie blow her own horn. I had to listen to how she is what makes one charity and she is the best at this, best at that.
  • I don't go around doing that. Even when I think I'm good at something, I just let the results speak. At least I hope so.
  • (I do have the best bunch of people hanging out on this blog ... but that's not just me!)
  • Let's see ... what else happened?
  • Um. They played poker with Starburst candies as poker chips.
  • That was exciting.
  • Not.
  • I think BB took away their dominoes when they gave them the cards.
  • What would have been better would have been BB giving them tons of dominoes and challenging them to create falling dominoes stuff around the house to see who can make the most fall.
  • You know what I mean.
  • In other news, it seems extremely likely that James will be staying. Nicole and Corey want to work with him and they're two of the three votes.
  • Paul and Victor even think they might get him to work with them. That's the third vote.
  • Nobody has told Natalie that she's no longer a pawn, but a target.
  • Yet, her erratic behavior, her constant talk of going to jury and her speech ... she knows.
  • James keeps being patient with her.
  • One thing has changed, though -- James is no longer trying to convince her that he's the target.
  • She needs to let him go to sleep! 
  • He is a much kinder person than I would ever be in those circumstances.

Late night PB&J cravings

Talking about the PoV comp with James

If he goes next week, we never cared

This SHOULD be his response to Natalie

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Wednesday Evening - September 7

Breakfast cooking at 1:15pm their time

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of a Pernicious Pom-Pom Pal:
  • Yes, breakfast was being cooked there well into the afternoon here ... almost early evening!
  • These are the sleepingest (yeah, that's not a word, but I never cared) bunch of hamsters ever.
  • BB gave them a deck of cards.
  • Goody goody. Now we can watch them play cards, play dominoes or play chess.
  • I'd rather puppet shows by Victor with Baldwin!
  • James is still just lurking around with Natalie.
  • Hasn't he been hurt enough?
  • For the most part, those two remain segregated from the rest.
  • Natalie has been acting weird ... almost like she's high on something although that is improbable, to say the least.
  • Paul is all antsy.
  • At one point he kept running around peeking in the windows until the BB voice shut that down with a "Stop that!"
  • I really wish James wouldn't mumble so much. I turn up the feeds volume to hear him and then the others shout.
  • Supposedly, Natalie and James agreed to be just friends.
  • I still think he's hurting. She pulled off some rather mean moves and he has been nothing but thoughtful and considerate to her.
  • Yet he remains patient and kind to her.
  • It still looks like James will stay out of the two.
  • I need for her to go.
  • She's irking me.

James packs

Paul is acting up a lot today. "Stop that!"

Lost in thought? Or, just lost?

Oh boy! We can watch them play cards!

Yet James still hangs with her