Monday, July 03, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Monday Morning - July 3

Kevin tells stories to the crowd

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bamboozlement:
  • If you're not up to snuff -- Alex took herself off the block. Cody, after supposedly "working with" Paul and Christmas, tried to put Paul up. Paul brought out his Pendant of Protection. So, Cody put Christmas on the block after he previously told her he'd be loyal and they'd make it to jury.
  • Fireworks before the 4th ensued!
  • A shot rang out!
  • The maid screamed!
  • Er. Ahem.
  • It's not looking too good for Jillian right now.
  • Even Cody's "people" were blindsided by his choice.
  • Even his best buddy Mark, talked with Christmas and is willing to work with her.
  • Cody's bunch thinks it makes them ALL look bad like they were in on the decision.
  • And, they weren't.
  • It definitely looks like most of Cody's group will defect and vote Jillian out.
  • Jessica remains loyal-ish to Cody. Even she was upset about being totally blindsided and Cody telling Paul that "many" people said he was causing issues.
  • Alex still wants to split up the couples.
  • Josh has calmed down. His loyalty will also be to Christmas because she consoled him when he was down.
  • Kevin is still the entertainment in the house -- he's no threat to any of them in physical comps. But, if he makes it to the end game, he just might win socially.
  • Cody's "people" Matt and Raven have already committed their vote to keep Christmas.
  • The Christmas people want to make sure they have the votes. They don't want a tie because Cody would vote out Christmas.
  • Cody thinks he still has the majority of the votes backing his decision.
  • I guess we'll see. 

I'm either the best or worst BB player

I love to snag bad screen shots

Has calmed down a lot

Sunday, July 02, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Sunday Evening - July 2

Paul is livid

It's time we got some kerfuffles and brouhahas going in the BB19 house! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Turmoil and Tension:
  • All was going rather peachy keen until today's Veto Ceremony.
  • Then all heck broke loose.
  • Of course, the ceremony itself was blocked to the live feeds.
  • But we saw the aftermath.
  • Alex saved herself. We knew she would.
  • True to what he's said in DR sessions on the show, Cody tried to backdoor Paul.
  • Heh. I don't care that much for Paul and I personally would have preferred all newbies this season.
  • But Cody creeps me out and it's good to see some comeuppance.
  • Paul revealed his taking of the Temptation - the Pendant of Protection. So, now all know he has three weeks of safety.
  • Instead of putting Jason up like there were hints, Cody put Christmas on the block with Jillian.
  • Totally unexpected by all.
  • After all, we know Cody told NO ONE who he would nominate.
  • In the verbal brouhahas that ensued, Cody tried to back out and tell Paul that "many" people brought him (Paul) up as a source of turmoil in the house.
  • Paul ranted on and on that this was the same thing that happened last season -- people he thought he could trust, he couldn't.
  • Meanwhile, Christmas was ready for blood!
  • I swear, if there had been fisticuffs at that time between Christmas and Cody, my money would have been on Christmas for the win.
  • Even Jessica feels blindsided by Cody's actions.
  • It turns out that several of the hamsters actually like Paul and want him in the game. Christmas is close to Paul, so they plan to support her.
  • They also realize that Alex seems to be being protected by Cody and many believe he threw the PoV comp to her.
  • Matt seems to be stuck in the middle. He won't say anything bad about Cody because of their friendship. But he seems to be being drawn by Elena and Raven to support Christmas.
  • Cody wants Christmas out over Jillian. He got Mark and Jason to agree with him.
  • But that's subject to change.
  • It's looking like Christmas has more people wanting her to stay than Jillian.
  • It's definitely a house divided though.
  • And Cody Creepy Eyes better watch his back. He's put a huge target on t and I don't think his friends will stay on the sinking ship. 

Christmas is livid

Cody is pacing like a pent-up animal

Bystanders are dazed and confused

BB19: Megan's Exit, Pendant of Safety Show Blog Party - July 2

As tonight's show airs, I'll be live-blogging and updating this entry on a regular basis. Please refresh the page to get the latest news! The real blog party is in the comments section -- please drop in and share your thoughts!

Those of you with the live feeds know there were some happenings in the house today. I'll be posting a full report a bit later tonight and ask that you not post spoilers from the live feeds in comments on this show post. Some of the people reading or taking part on the show posts don't know (maybe don't want to know) spoilers. Thank you!

On with the show ... 

Okay, we have to get through the "previously on Big Brother" bit.They end it with the fact that there will be a shocking revelation. Although it's technically a spoiler, it's isn't really -- it was all over the internet.

Finally we pick it up at the end of the ceremony. Paul is shocked he didn't go on the block. Jillian cries. Megan is upset that Cody made a personal attack when he put her up on the block. Josh attacked her. She's never been so anxious in her life, doesn't know if she can take it.

Josh and Jillian bond. A Mark/Elena showmance is starting and leads us into the Jessica/Cody showmance. Raven and Matt? Hmm. Josh is emotional.

Time for the Have Not selection! Cody chooses the first five Have Nots of the summer. He asks for volunteers -- Josh, Ramses, Megan, Jillian, Paul volunteer. The Have Not room has spiky egg carton kind of beds. There is a Have Not Escape -- only if they give into Temptation. The first to the DR to ask for a key needs to choose between two colored spikes, wrong one extra week.

Into Megan telling Alex that Jessica called her "panda." It all blows up. Jessica denies it. Alex blows up at Megan. Megan cries in the Diary Room and says no one trusts her and she "can't do this."

Now the other hamsters are talking about how long Megan has been in the Diary Room. Kevin is thinking fatherly about the situation. Finally Cody comes and gathers all in the living room.  He has an official BB envelope -- "Due to a personal emergency, Megan will not be participating in the game."

Cody has to put someone else on the block the next day. His crew is pressuring him to put Alex on the block. He tells us that he likes Alex and thinks she's one whose game he respects. 

Paul tells them he's taking the Have Not Temptation. They gather in the HN room. He takes the Orange spike and gets it! He's free from being a Have Not.

They all go to the living room with a video of the Den of Temptation -- each week America will vote to give someone a temptation, if someone takes the temptation, a consequence will be unleashed.

One by one, they go into the room. All get envelopes. Paul gets a glowing table with a pendant. The Pendant of Protection will protect him from the next three evictions. He only has to reveal if he's nominated. It also said that someone will be in jeopardy the next three weeks. He takes it (of course).  

One of the hamsters will be cursed from his random pick of a bottle. He doesn't know who he's picking. 

The Den video appears. It tells them the Temptation has been taken. The consequence will be unleashed in "due time." Be worried the next time you're called to the den. 

America's Vote - The Ring of Replacement is this one coming up.

Cody bonds with Alex, tells her he wants to work with her. 

Nominations time again ... has to name someone to replace Megan. He nominates ... Alex. (Probably because she told him that she wanted to break up his group. He wants her to compete in the PoV.)

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - July 2, 2017

Good morning! Since it's a SUNDAY morning, this is my weekly off television topic post taking a look at the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. This weekly post is done year in, year out. Big Brother, the main draw for so many of you, only lasts about three months -- although sometimes it seems to be a lifetime. If you're here solely for the BB posts, please feel free to skip this post. You can find my latest BB19 posts by using this link.

Some of the big news of the past week is that BB19 indeed did start, so I'm bound to be more exhausted than I usually am. Maybe by this time next year, I'll be retired from my real job and able to do all I want to do in covering the show and live feeds!

I started my staycation Friday evening. So, for now, I'm doing fine. 

I finally bit the bullet and went for Amazon Prime. As they remind me when I sign on, I've been a customer since 2003. I tried Prime when they first came out with it and wasn't impressed. However, I do love Over the years, I've had deliveries come to my workplace as I went for the longer no exact date free shipping -- there's always someone at my workplace to sign for packages even if I'm not there. But I have been limited to ordering only things I didn't mind lugging to the train station, on the train, etc. And, I found that if I ordered for at home during a staycation, USPS would sometimes just leave a package without ringing the intercom! There are about 40 apartments in my building. Packages get stolen!

But, now with Prime, there is free two-day shipping and it's UPS. They ring the intercom. They guarantee the delivery date. So, I can order big stuff and know I'll be home for the delivery. My past two orders, set to arrive on my day off (and they did) were a nice new spinner mop and bucket -- much needed -- and a tower fan -- love it!

Yesterday I went online and ordered me some bath salts, bubble bath, two different body sprays and some new towels as mine are really showing their age. I also ordered something I've needed for YEARS -- a new computer desk chair. The one I use is about 24 years old and lost its arms years back. I noticed that the computer chair free shipping has it arriving either the 5th or 6th ... that's fine. I can track it. I didn't notice the towels, bubble bath and bath salts were free shipping NEXT DAY delivery. The two very cheap body sprays are free shipping two-day delivery. I had thought the chair and the other things ordered would be two separate deliveries, but it's three. Oh, well. I don't mind.

So, now as I type this up, I've already had the delivery of the towels and the bath goodies on a SUNDAY morning! I love it! Vincent has a new nice-sized box and I'll have a leisurely either bath salts or bubble bath while trying out Not Your Father's Ginger Ale (hard ginger ale I bought last week or the week before but haven't tried yet), maybe listening to some jazz. Now, THAT is a staycation! 

I also have, from my Wednesday grocery delivery, a GIANT watermelon roommate I've named Mel. I thought I was ordering a personal size watermelon but must have clicked the wrong button. It was reasonably priced, but it's huge! I plan to cut into it on the 4th and hand out slices to neighbors watching the parade go by while keeping a more suitable amount for myself in my refrigerator. Right now it's sitting on a kitchen chair. I'm tempted to draw a face on it.

In more regional kind of news, there's a New Jersey government shutdown going on here. Just in time for the big vacation/holiday week, all the state parks and beaches are closed. State courts and motor vehicles are also shut down. While none of the things shut down affect any of my plans for this week, I feel so bad for families who have vacations planned, monies laid out and such. What a horrible time to to pull that ____!

Onto this week's photos ... I really didn't have a good photography week, but ...! 

It's MY private train car!

A lot of people must have had this past week off. I was all alone in the top level of my train car Monday on the way to work. I don't mind that, not at all.

The hour is up!

This is what the Flowers of An Hour look like when it's not that hour.


BB19: Live Feeds into Sunday Morning - July 2

Is this thing really comfortable?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Talk Shows Gone Wild:
  • Again, there's not all that much to report.
  • The big thing is that they put on a talk show -- Dominque interviewed two hamsters (Kevin, then Mark), asking questions regarding being in the house and such.
  • Kevin wore his favorite suit and looked spiffy indeed.
  • He, as usual, was funny.
  • They better keep him in the house at least most of the summer, if not all. He's the most entertaining hamster we've seen in years.
  • Plus, we know we won't have to endure a showmance with him -- he would NEVAH!
  • The second guest, Mark, wore his favorite workout clothes. A lot of his questions were regarding his showmance with Elena.
  • Oh my.
  • All during the "show" Paul and Christmas were together, often caressing each other's arms, legs and such.
  • Ew! Ew!
  • I thought Christmas had more sense than that!
  • Jessica and Cody were noticeably absent from the studio crowd. Alex didn't seem to be there either. Nor was Josh.
  • The plan is to have these "shows" on Sundays and Wednesdays from now on.
  • Jason apparently wears his cowboy hat all the time not just because he's a rodeo clown, but he's pretty bald.
  • He should embrace his baldness!
  • Alex told Jillian that she thinks that Kevin would vote to keep her over Cowboy.
  • They know that Paul has safety for this first week.
  • They don't know he has it for the next three weeks.
  • Thanks a lot, TV only watchers. YOU don't have to listen to him dominate every single conversation, peppering all with profanities, when he's in a room.
  • I honestly think he can't say a sentence without cuss words thrown in.
  • While almost all in the house tend to potty mouths, he's the worst case scenario.
  • Cody is still keeping his replacement choice to himself.
  • But they're all thinking it's Jason.
  • Cody thinks it's every woman''s dream to be with a Marine.
  • Gah. 
  • Cody, when questioned by Jessica, told her that whenever Paul and Christmas are in a room, the atmosphere changes.
  • Jessica told him that Paul is to her like Alex seems to be to him (Cody). Paul saved her with the friendship bracelet and she feels the need to protect him a bit.
  • Mark told Paul that Elena might be playing him with the showmance and he knows Alex is coming after showmances. Will he give Elena up? I don't know. But he is definitely having second thoughts about getting involved.
  • Paul told Mark that Kevin can be trusted.
  • I'm not sure when the PoV ceremony will be. When I know, you'll know.

In hostess mode

Wearing his favorite outfit

Wearing his favorite outfit

Ew, Paul is tainting Christmas!

Paul offers to be Megan on the show