Wednesday, July 05, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Wednesday Evening - July 5

We're a weird cast

My apologies for not posting this morning. Between the blocked feeds for their holiday party and things being in limbo over Christmas, everything seemed to be rather circular conversation when the feeds were on. But I'm back with them today and here's what's been happening in that Big Brother House of Waiting for Christmas:
  • They had alcohol at the party last night. That's something that seems to be missing so far this season.
  • Last night, before it was certain about the fate of Christmas, Paul kept working the vote. Josh is aboard with keeping her.
  • Cody and Jessica had been working on Josh to vote her out.
  • Hmm.
  • And on that kind of thing went ...
  • Like last year, BB spent a lot of money buying fish and it went bad. You think they'd learn their lesson -- hamsters don't seem to be fish lovers.
  • Kevin told Cody he'll be voting to keep Jilliam. He was on the fence before. He might end up on that fence again.
  • Jason told Kevin that if they vote out Christmas, that will put Cody on their side and he's a good competitor.
  • (But I say he's a creepy dude.)
  • Christmas went off to the doctors and came back hours later.
  • The verdict? Two broken bones in her foot. She was told no competitions will be changed and the doctor will tell her if she can or cannot participate per comp.
  • Everybody rushed to greet her -- except Cody and Jessica.
  • Cody and Jessica remained up in the HoH room.
  • That didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the house.
  • Now Kevin isn't so sure about the vote. I think he's on the fence once again.
  • Right now the vote seems more up in the air.
  • I guess we'll see. 

More mean more often

Gangsta? No way!

The Odd Couple

She's baaaaack!

BB19: PoV Show Blog Party - July 5

As tonight's show airs, I'll be live-blogging and updating this entry on a regular basis. Please refresh the page to get the latest news! The real blog party is in the comments section -- please drop in and share your thoughts!

I realize that I didn't post a live feeds update this morning. But there were so many "what ifs" that it was like a circular discussion. For those who follow the feeds report, Christmas is back unless she goes tomorrow night. I'll post a report later tonight.

A new thing as of late --NO PERSONAL INFORMATION SUCH AS FULL NAMES/ADDRESSES ARE TO BE POSTED IN COMMENTS. This blog has thousands of readers and putting that information out there could be dangerous. All such comments have been removed and I'm not too happy that I said not to do it before it was done. 

On with the show ... 

Recap, recap. Megan just left the house. It seems so long ago.

Okay, now Alex is on the block. Cody likes her, but says he made the decision because his team wanted it. 

Jessica tells Cody that he was emotional when he nominated Alex. She thinks it's a cute side of him. But she's jealous of what Cody might think of Alex. Oh, give me a break. 

Alex wants to go after the showmances. Jason agrees with her as he's a married guy -- he will not be in a showmance this season!

Alex talks to Cody. She wont give it up. Cody likes her even more. He tells us he has to make it right. 

The Den of Tempation wants them to enter one by one. They have to put their hand in the serpent's mouth. If it bites, it's the cursed one. They enter by bottle number order. Only Paul knows he won the Pendant of Protection and probably remembers the number of the random bottle pick.

Ramses's curse is that he has to place himself on the block as the third nominee sometime in the next three weeks.

Players get picked for the Veto Comp. Cody picks Matt. Alex picks Raven. Jillian gets Jason -- all random picks. The host is Kevin. 

Heh, Kevin is a mermaid. The backyard is done in a beach theme. They have to gather starfish one at a time. First to find a large golden starfish gets off Have Not, but can no longer play for veto. Fin to Win. 

Raven goes for the Temptation Starfish and is out of the comp. 

Alex is taking some starfish from Matt's pile. 

Cody obviously throws the comp. ALEX wins the Power of Veto! 

Alex wanted to win it by herself. She didn't want Cody's help. Jessica is ticked.  Jason is worried he might go on the block. Even Matt is a bit upset that Alex has the veto. He brings up Jason as someone close to Alex. Paul throws in Ramses name. Cody thinks Paul is trying to puppetmaster and he (Paul) needs to go.

Paul goes to talk to Cody -- he doesn't want to even hint that he has protection. But he would like to know what Cody is thinking. Cody doesn't talk -- he says his actions will speak louder than his words. He tells us he plans on putting Paul on the block. 

Jason goes to Cody, worried that he will go on the block and go home. Cody tells him he could be safe if he (Jason) gets HoH, doesn't put up Dominque or the couples. Um. Jason knows that if he goes on the block, he'll go home. Cody tells Jason nothing about who he'll put up. He tells us that both Paul and Christmas are dangerous. 

Time for the Veto Meeting! This should be good. No one knows what Cody will do, not even Jessica. Alex saves herself. Cody says one common thread, someone trying to spoil the game, replacement nominee is Paul. The video screen comes to life for Paul to take out the Temptation. He tells them the Pendant of Protection keeps him safe for three weeks and he cannot be nominated. Cody nominates Christmas instead.

BB19: Live Feeds into Tuesday Evening - July 4

Spiffed mouse ears hair for the 4th

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Stars and Stripes:
  • As I get this typed up, the feeds are blocked and the hamsters are (probably) on an indoor lockdown.
  • Every 4th of July, CBS has big doings on its lot with amplified music and such. We get the shutdown. Hopefully they let the hamsters out to watch the fireworks while the feeds are Kitties!
  • Jason was the first one to wish America a Happy Birthday. I still can't get used to him without his hat on. He looks like an entirely different person!
  • BB apparently played patriotic songs for their wake-up music.
  • But not enough -- they wanted more.
  • I could sing for them. But that might make them all self-evict.
  • Kevin sang a song from 'Jersey Boys' until BB blocked that.
  • He sings better than I do.
  • Alex and Jillian talked about the votes to keep Jillian. They think they have Alex, Ranses, Kevin, Jessica, Jason and Josh.
  • Hmm. I'm not all that certain Josh, Jason or Kevin will go that way. Maybe.
  • Jason is getting irked about Dominque turning to the bible. Now, we know she's very into religion from various interviews and such. But the other hamsters don't know that. Jason thinks it's a new thing.
  • I personally don't know why a bible is always in the house.
  • I would suggest Cat Fancy magazines instead.
  • Alex, though "protected" by Cody, wants Jessica out.
  • Jessica would like Alex out.
  • And, so it goes on ...
  • Alex doesn't seem all that keen on Paul, but did share her Jessica thoughts with him. Paul thinks Jessica is a Mean Girl.
  • Cody gave Jessica a pep talk and props for rallying the troops and ensuring that Jillian will remain in the house.
  • Um.
  • Maybe.
  • I don't think so, though.
  • I could be wrong.
  • Josh Peeping Tom'd some of the girls in the shower. Not cool.
  • Christmas thinks the votes against her staying will be Ramses, Jessica, Alex and Jason. She just might lay a guilt trip on Jason for her injury.
  • Christmas is very worried about tomorrow's MRI. She doesn't want to get pulled from the game.
  • Christmas told Cody that she thinks he threw the PoV to Alex.
  • Paul is working on getting Jason to vote to keep Christmas.
  • Ohhh! Matt says he has information that could get Cody evicted. He didn't say what it is. But, for some reason, I believe him. Cody is a rather oddly evil kind of dude, methinks.
  • Jessica tried to convince Matt that to keep Christmas in is to hurt her (Jessica).
  • I think Matt has a mind of his own.
  • That's about it for now. At least tomorrow, we can judge whether Cody threw the PoV or not!

Yes, please

Who, me?

Lounging in the pool

Paul looks Fidel-ish in a patriotic cap

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Tuesday Morning - July 4

He wants everyone to just have fun

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Harried Hamsters:
  • Christmas has to go for her MRI tomorrow. There is no break as per x-rays, but there are torn/pulled ligaments. They just want to make sure there's not more damage. BB left her ice packs, ace bandages and Tylenol in the storage room. She said the hospital gave her stronger drugs. 
  • She insists she'll be fine in a couple of days.
  • Kevin too has to take a medical trip out tomorrow. He broke a tooth and, due to today's holiday, it can't be treated until Wednesday. He said they're going to pull it -- obviously not a front tooth! BB gave him Anbesol. (sp?)
  • New this year: The BB voice announced that the houseguests must be awake from 9am to 10pm.
  • Good. They can't just nap the day away.
  • Alex, Ramses and Jason talked about Paul's gameplay, wondering exactly what he's up to.
  • But, then again, Alex isn't sure what Ramses is up to, either.
  • To me, just observing, I'm not sure Ramses knows what Ramses is up to. He's trying to mingle all over and basically stay below the radar it seems.
  • Jessica and Cody still think they have enough votes to vote out Christmas. Jessica thinks Kevin will vote to keep her because of her injury.
  • Jason is on board with voting out Jillian. At least that's what he told Paul.
  • Interesting ... Jessica said she failed the initial drug test to get on the show. I would guess prescription drugs maybe -- we know that for the last several seasons, we've had a ton of young hamsters on daily meds.
  • They were also all tested for STDs. With the way some jump right into beds, that's a good thing. And, yeah, there are always condoms in the storage room.
  • Christmas likened Cody's game to psychological warfare in a talk with Elena.
  • She has his number.
  • Jessica really wants Christmas out -- maybe some of it due to Christmas telling her she's guilty by association for Cody putting her on the block.
  • Mark, one of the few who actually kind of sort of seems loyal to his buddy Cody, is drifting away. Dominique told him he needs to distance himself.
  • Then, later in the evening, Mark broke down totally, crying to Christmas.
  • Mark, most likely a nice guy at heart, says he's not having fun in the house now.
  • Well, put on those big boy pants, Mark! You went into a house known for deceit and backstabbing! 
  • While Christmas and Mark talked, both shed some tears.
  • Mark says he needs to separate his gameplay and friendship with Cody. That's not the person he is, he says.
  • He says at heart he's a Momma's boy and too emotional. He told Christmas that choosing between supporting two friends, he chose the wrong one (Cody) and apologizes. 
  • Yet Jessica and Cody still think they have the majority vote.
  • Oh my.
  • Elena and Matt find it odd that Mark cried to Christmas when he wanted to vote her out yesterday.
  • Hmm.
  • No one really trusts anyone.
  • As it should be in the BB House of Madness. 

She insists she's fine

Talking about Cody and Jessica

Tears of friendship

Monday, July 03, 2017

BB19: There's Been an Accident Bulletin - UPDATED

Christmas was riding on Jason's back when she fell. She's pretty certain she broke her foot. It took a while for the medic/nurses to attend to her -- apparently one "didn't want to be on camera."

She was taken away to the hospital. So far there is no definite word whether it's an actual break and/or whether she might return. But it doesn't look good. It's been nearly five hours.

In other news while I'm here  -- Ramses revealed his "curse" (from Paul's bottle pick in the Den of Temptation) is that he has to make himself a third nominee in the next(?) nominations.

UPDATE: Christmas has returned to the house with a cast on her foot. She has torn tendons (?) and has to go for an MRI on Wednesday. While she still might be pulled from the game, she's back for now.