Friday, July 07, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds Overnight into Friday - July 7

The Happy Couple

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of No Nose-to-Nose:
  • I would guess it was due to Cody's body language -- glowering, arms crossed, looking like he wanted to kill -- throughout the HoH comp last night, we heard the first warning ever (that I've seen) not to get into each other's faces or fight from BB.
  • The edit and/or music they do for his expressions should be interesting Sunday night. If you ever want an image of hate, he was it.
  • As you know if you read my HoH comp update post, Paul is the new HoH.
  • Now, I'm not a big Paul fan -- I find him annoying, overbearing and extremely self-important on the live feeds. But, to give him credit, he's not a mean guy and if the current hamsters are falling for his shtick, all the more power to him.
  • He's also in a good spot, winning HoH, he will be protected next week when he can't play HoH (due to his last week of the Pendant of Protection).
  • Cody, on the other hand, I find rather scary. He told Jessica he's not like this outside the house, but I would still steer clear of the dude. He's a sore loser. He seems full of hate. He tries to stare through people. He definitely jumped into the game full-force much too quickly. That I could forgive him for, but the glowering, posturing and such really turn me off. Plus, his Ferguson comments (going there during the riots to see if he'd live) and another comment about trans-folks are disturbing. 
  • So, if I had the druthers between the two, I'd rather Paul than Cody. 
  • Not that I want Paul to win, mind you. (Even though I have him in the blog pool now.) I honestly believe that the current hamsters won't let the "friendship" go that far.
  • Oh ... Jessica? Yeah, she's pretty. And, pretty mean, too. I do feel sorry for her a bit in that I know Cody never told her what he would do with noms. But, then again, she chose him and she has chosen to stick with him. Whose fault is that?
  • After the comp last night, Jessica and Cody pretty much exiled themselves from the rest of the house, sulking, hating and feeling so sorry for themselves.
  • At one point, Mark and Elena were concerned that Jessica would self-evict.
  • Cody is sure he's going home.
  • There is a big kerfuffle over who flipped.
  • Kevin says he voted for Jillian to stay. That's his story and he's sticking to it.
  • Thus, the suspicion goes to Josh or Ramses.
  • Ramses called Kevin out as the flip and found out that the others believe Kevin over him.
  • Kerfuffle ensued and now Ramses himself has a bigger target on his back.
  • Paul knows Kevin flipped and advised him, since he has already denied it, stick with the story and he (Paul) won't tell anyone.
  • Lots of discussion about who will be put on the block -- by both Cody/Jessica and Paul's group.
  • Everyone on Paul's side want Cody out.
  • But the consensus seems to be that Cody cannot have the opportunity to play PoV and save himself.
  • Put two of "theirs" up? Josh, Jessica, Jason?
  • Put up a pawn from Paul's side?
  • Mark made it clear that he NEVER wants to go up as a pawn.
  • Jessica thinks the others will want her to stay in the game without Cody just to make her miserable.
  • Lots of Jessica tears.
  • Lots of Cody stares into nowhere.
  • Alex told the cameras that Josh is a disgrace to his family and a crybaby.
  • Oh my.
  • The doctor told Christmas it will take a good six months for her foot to totally heal. I personally say a lifetime. I broke my foot when I was 19 and some days it still hurts now decades later. She'll probably get a decent paycheck from CBS no matter how long she stays in the house even though it was due to tomfoolery.
  • I've always said tomfoolery could poke someone's eye out. It can also break a foot.
  • Alex told others about the curse Ramses has -- so they know he has to put himself up on the block before long.
  • Jessica yelled at Josh, throwing him into another crying jag.
  • Kevin told Josh not to fight anyone since that would get him kicked out.
  • Kevin also told him that he will be loyal to Josh and Jason from now on.
  • Hmm.
  • Jessica didn't show up for the beginning of Paul's HoH reveal. Cody was there, throwing daggers with his eyes. Once Jessica showed up, they both re-exiled themselves from the rest of the house.
  • Paul says that his end goal (after veto) is to have Cody and Raven on the block. He thinks Raven would be totally safe and Cody would go home.
  • Of course, getting there is the problem.
  • Mark thinks he should put up Jason and Alex.
  • Hmm.
  • We won't know until later tonight.
  • And, then we won't know until after the veto.
  • In the meantime, hamsters, don't save your drama for yo' mama -- let it all out. It makes for more interesting live feeds! 

"I voted to keep Jillian" - HA!


I don't want to be a pawn ... ever

Definitely here to play the game

Thursday, July 06, 2017

BB19: HoH Comp Updates --July 6

Once the live feeds return, this post will be updated with screen shots and comments!

10:07pm ET - Feeds still on Kitty Kam (blocked)
10:12pm ET - Still blocked. 
10:17pm ET - Still blocked. 

10:22pm ET - Feeds return briefly, then go all kitty on us again. The hamsters are still scrambling for candy/tickets. 

10:22pm ET

Heh. Cody looks miserable. He told Jessica to go for the top chute.

 Christmas is dragging herself through this! She and some of the others are giving Paul their tickets, apparently thinking he has a better chance at the comp. Cody's body language says it all -- he's only unfolding his arms long enough to take tickets.

PAUL wins HOH! -- 10:39pm ET

Hmm, it's into a live Jeff interview with Jillian. "No way would Kevin betray me." Bwahahaha!

BB19: Live Eviction and (start of) HoH Comp Blog Party - July 6

We've already lost two hamsters yet tonight is the first live eviction show. It seems like it's been more than a week for us already! There's been a lot of waffling with the votes and tonight's vote is only predictable in that it won't be unanimous.

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! 

Judging by the scrolling banner on the live feeds page, tonight's HoH comp should be some sort of endurance comp running on after the live show ends. If that is indeed the case, I'll set up a separate post and keep updates on the comp going there.

Here are the blog pool match-ups for easy reference tonight -- Those who had Cameron have swapped and now have Paul. I think, since Megan was not evicted and it's so early in the season, it was best to reassign her people to new hamsters ... so, here ya go --

Alex Ow - jujufruit423, caela, Donna in FL, Nickelpeed
Christmas Abbott - Willie J, Rich from Buffalo, Glenn, QuixoticElf
Cody Nickson - MikesGirl, Chacha, Donna in NY, Delee
Dominique Cooper - Ed in Ohio, Monty924, Delores in Hollywood (FL), Jenn G
Elena Davies - Uncartie, Fred aka TwoBlackAces. Sharon N, chrob61
Jason Dent - Donna in Alabama, Cheryl in NC, jo Chapman, Marthalight
Jessica Graf - zombiehospice, Jean in Tampa Bay, Merilee
Jillian Parker - Sasha, Janice from GA/FL, DFT, jessica UNderwoodjul
Josh Martinez - Petals, Stormy, Kelsey in NY, Dr_Celine
Kevin Schlehuber - elee86, aya, SueGee on the Left Coast
Mark Jansen - Buzzmaam, Judi Sweeney, Cheryl C, Sharon S
Matthew Clines - JonMD1267, T-Town Chick, Sharon C

Paul Abrahamian - Indiana Jane, Jackie, Brian, Marlo L
Ramses Soto - tbc, Pupis, Babs, Tammy
Raven Walton - Kristen from Ohio, David, Nora

Tonight's evictee will be the first out of the pool.

Hamster watchers ready?

Julie also says the vote is unpredictable. Now we're recapping and talking showmances. Then into Megan leaving, renoms, etc. 

Veto meeting fallout. No one knew Cody's plan and no one is happy with it. Now he's blown the trust. Lines are being drawn. All kinds of kerfuffles going on about trust and loyalty. Even Jessica didn't know what Cody was going to do -- and that is true as per the live feeds.

Cody is steaming. Mark says he will remain loyal to him and it looks like Jason will in gratitude for Cody not putting him on the block. Matt, Raven and Elena try to convince Mark and Jessica that they need to not trust Cody -- he's a rogue as Matt says. The three say they will not vote out Christmas.

Uh-oh -- Christmas went riding on Jason's back, they fell and she thinks she broke her foot. Paul runs around campaigning for Christmas while she's at the hospital.

She returns on crutches. Jessica, Mark and Cody are not happy campers. Cody and Jessica know, as does Paul, that Christmas will target them. That is, if she can target anyone with a broken foot. She told them torn ligaments, but a later MRI showed two breaks in the foot. Ouch.

Lots of friction and waffles. Now Mark is feeling bad and befriends Christmas. He feels horrible about how he treated her (or didn't) when she returned to the house. They cry together.   

To the living room live -
Christmas -- Thanks for keeping her the first time, even with the broken foot, here to play. Cody and Jessica are playing everyone. I will be loyal.
Jillian -- Love being here, gave it all, hard to know everyone, opened up and want to continue to grow and compete.

The live votes to evict:
Jessica - Christmas
Jason - Christmas
Kevin - Jillian
Matt - Jillian
Raven - Jillian
Paul - Jillian
To commercial ... 
Ramses - Christmas
Dominque - Jillian
Alex - Christmas
Elena - Jillian
Mark - Jillian
Josh - Jillian

By a vote of 8 to 4, Jillian is evicted.

Cody looks at "his people" in disbelief and tries to confront Mark. Christmas and Jessica yell at each other. In her talk to Julie, Jillian is in shock -- she expected a tie with Cody voting to keep her.

Time to start the HoH comp. Grr, it's Candy Crush based. BB's Sugar Shot. Roll a ball to a heart on the Candy Crush game. Candies will contain tickets get a ball, can only get three shots at a time. It's like the one they did on BBOTT. 

My coverage of the comp will be in a new post set to come up at 10pm ET. Be there or be square.

Wednesday, July 05, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Wednesday Evening - July 5

We're a weird cast

My apologies for not posting this morning. Between the blocked feeds for their holiday party and things being in limbo over Christmas, everything seemed to be rather circular conversation when the feeds were on. But I'm back with them today and here's what's been happening in that Big Brother House of Waiting for Christmas:
  • They had alcohol at the party last night. That's something that seems to be missing so far this season.
  • Last night, before it was certain about the fate of Christmas, Paul kept working the vote. Josh is aboard with keeping her.
  • Cody and Jessica had been working on Josh to vote her out.
  • Hmm.
  • And on that kind of thing went ...
  • Like last year, BB spent a lot of money buying fish and it went bad. You think they'd learn their lesson -- hamsters don't seem to be fish lovers.
  • Kevin told Cody he'll be voting to keep Jilliam. He was on the fence before. He might end up on that fence again.
  • Jason told Kevin that if they vote out Christmas, that will put Cody on their side and he's a good competitor.
  • (But I say he's a creepy dude.)
  • Christmas went off to the doctors and came back hours later.
  • The verdict? Two broken bones in her foot. She was told no competitions will be changed and the doctor will tell her if she can or cannot participate per comp.
  • Everybody rushed to greet her -- except Cody and Jessica.
  • Cody and Jessica remained up in the HoH room.
  • That didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the house.
  • Now Kevin isn't so sure about the vote. I think he's on the fence once again.
  • Right now the vote seems more up in the air.
  • I guess we'll see. 

More mean more often

Gangsta? No way!

The Odd Couple

She's baaaaack!

BB19: PoV Show Blog Party - July 5

As tonight's show airs, I'll be live-blogging and updating this entry on a regular basis. Please refresh the page to get the latest news! The real blog party is in the comments section -- please drop in and share your thoughts!

I realize that I didn't post a live feeds update this morning. But there were so many "what ifs" that it was like a circular discussion. For those who follow the feeds report, Christmas is back unless she goes tomorrow night. I'll post a report later tonight.

A new thing as of late --NO PERSONAL INFORMATION SUCH AS FULL NAMES/ADDRESSES ARE TO BE POSTED IN COMMENTS. This blog has thousands of readers and putting that information out there could be dangerous. All such comments have been removed and I'm not too happy that I said not to do it before it was done. 

On with the show ... 

Recap, recap. Megan just left the house. It seems so long ago.

Okay, now Alex is on the block. Cody likes her, but says he made the decision because his team wanted it. 

Jessica tells Cody that he was emotional when he nominated Alex. She thinks it's a cute side of him. But she's jealous of what Cody might think of Alex. Oh, give me a break. 

Alex wants to go after the showmances. Jason agrees with her as he's a married guy -- he will not be in a showmance this season!

Alex talks to Cody. She wont give it up. Cody likes her even more. He tells us he has to make it right. 

The Den of Tempation wants them to enter one by one. They have to put their hand in the serpent's mouth. If it bites, it's the cursed one. They enter by bottle number order. Only Paul knows he won the Pendant of Protection and probably remembers the number of the random bottle pick.

Ramses's curse is that he has to place himself on the block as the third nominee sometime in the next three weeks.

Players get picked for the Veto Comp. Cody picks Matt. Alex picks Raven. Jillian gets Jason -- all random picks. The host is Kevin. 

Heh, Kevin is a mermaid. The backyard is done in a beach theme. They have to gather starfish one at a time. First to find a large golden starfish gets off Have Not, but can no longer play for veto. Fin to Win. 

Raven goes for the Temptation Starfish and is out of the comp. 

Alex is taking some starfish from Matt's pile. 

Cody obviously throws the comp. ALEX wins the Power of Veto! 

Alex wanted to win it by herself. She didn't want Cody's help. Jessica is ticked.  Jason is worried he might go on the block. Even Matt is a bit upset that Alex has the veto. He brings up Jason as someone close to Alex. Paul throws in Ramses name. Cody thinks Paul is trying to puppetmaster and he (Paul) needs to go.

Paul goes to talk to Cody -- he doesn't want to even hint that he has protection. But he would like to know what Cody is thinking. Cody doesn't talk -- he says his actions will speak louder than his words. He tells us he plans on putting Paul on the block. 

Jason goes to Cody, worried that he will go on the block and go home. Cody tells him he could be safe if he (Jason) gets HoH, doesn't put up Dominque or the couples. Um. Jason knows that if he goes on the block, he'll go home. Cody tells Jason nothing about who he'll put up. He tells us that both Paul and Christmas are dangerous. 

Time for the Veto Meeting! This should be good. No one knows what Cody will do, not even Jessica. Alex saves herself. Cody says one common thread, someone trying to spoil the game, replacement nominee is Paul. The video screen comes to life for Paul to take out the Temptation. He tells them the Pendant of Protection keeps him safe for three weeks and he cannot be nominated. Cody nominates Christmas instead.