Friday, July 14, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Friday Morning - July 14

A cat talks to a frog
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Who Rocked the Vote?:
  • If you haven't seen it, you need to check out my last post covering the HoH wall comp on the live feeds.
  • I'll wait until you come back.
  • Hmmm... hmmm
  • Okay! Alex is the new HoH, a well-deserved win. 
  • The big buzz overnight is about the votes.
  • They know they can dismiss one as Jessica's.
  • What about the other two?
  • Elena is trying to convince Alex it must have been Christmas, maybe Kevin.
  • Alex previously said she would aim her target at couples in the house.
  • Is that changing?
  • It seems that it almost goes without saying that Jessica will go on the block just due to the fact that she's alienated all.
  • Jessica was actually quite strong in that comp last night.
  • Elena's anti-Christmas thing might just be to protect Mark ... or herself. After all, they're one of the couples.
  • Paul is trying the anti-Ramses angle, telling Alex that Ramses was asking people to create chaos.
  • Um, no. That didn't happen, Paul. A kid who can't really throw a comp isn't going to tell people to vote to evict him!
  • As it stands, it's not clear other than Jessica for the block.
  • But, who knows?
  • Maybe that's not even clear.
  • We'll know tonight! 
 UPDATE: Just before turning in for the night, Alex just told us she is going to make a power move -- Dominque out.

Still cold

Should Mark worry?

Thursday, July 13, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds HoH Endurance Comp Updates - July 13

Once the live feeds return, I will be updating this post with screen caps and happenings, including the eventual Head of Household. Refresh the page to get the latest news!

10:02pm ET - Feeds back. 

10:11pm ET - All still up. They're getting blasted by water.

10:13pm ET - JOSH is down. Mark looks like he's losing it. 

10:19pm ET - Mark down. He, Paul and Josh are talking about the hinky votes.

10:23pm ET - Some puppy feed blocks for a while. Still only Mark and Josh down, from what I can tell.

10:32pm ET - They really should move this wall more. It's the least-moving wall I've seen in a comp!

Cold rain and green goop is coming at them.

10:38pm ET - Raven down.

10:44pm ET - Raven is worried about whether to remove the wet bandage from her foot. Paul asks for a medic to come look at it. (He can't stand blood and wounds.)

10:54pm ET - Ramses out. The wall is finally tilting.

10:56pm ET - Kevin out. 

I wish Elena would fall. I'm tired of her comments and sound effects.

11:06pm ET - Matt down.

11:16pm ET - Jason, Dominique, Jessica, Elena and Alex still on the wall. Yawn.

11:18pm - Jessica and Dominque down in the spray. Now it's Jason, Alex and Elena still up.

11:29pm ET - Jason dropped on a deal he'd be safe.
11:30pm ET - Elena dropped after dealing with Alex

11:30pm ET - ALEX has won Hoh!

BB19: Live Eviction, Start of HoH Comp Show Blog Party - July 13

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! 

Tonight's HoH comp should be a wall endurance comp running on after the live show ends. I'm set up a separate post and keep updates from the live feeds on the comp going there. That post will appear, as if by magic, at 10pn ET.

Here are the blog pool match-ups for easy reference tonight --

Alex Ow - jujufruit423, caela, Donna in FL, Nickelpeed
Christmas Abbott - Willie J, Rich from Buffalo, Glenn, QuixoticElf
Cody Nickson - MikesGirl, Chacha, Donna in NY, Delee
Dominique Cooper - Ed in Ohio, Monty924, Delores in Hollywood (FL), Jenn G
Elena Davies - Uncartie, Fred aka TwoBlackAces. Sharon N, chrob61
Jason Dent - Donna in Alabama, Cheryl in NC, jo Chapman, Marthalight
Jessica Graf - zombiehospice, Jean in Tampa Bay, Merilee
Josh Martinez - Petals, Stormy, Kelsey in NY, Dr_Celine
Kevin Schlehuber - elee86, aya, SueGee on the Left Coast
Mark Jansen - Buzzmaam, Judi Sweeney, Cheryl C, Sharon S
Matthew Clines - JonMD1267, T-Town Chick, Sharon C

Paul Abrahamian - Indiana Jane, Jackie, Brian, Marlo L
Ramses Soto - tbc, Pupis, Babs, Tammy
Raven Walton - Kristen from Ohio, David, Nora

Hamster watchers ready?

Recap - Christmas's bad break. The HoH comp. Into the nominations. Into the frog curse. Veto meeting. Cody on the block with Alex and Ramses. 

Yep, as we all guessed, there will be a Battle Back next week. Whoever leaves tonight (Cody) will join Cameron and Jillian to battle back in. I'm assuming that Megan won't be in it.

Oh geez, kerfuffles with Jessica, Cody and Josh. Alex loves watching the train wreck. Cody tells us that he's not angry with Paul.

Christmas time. She needs surgery on her broken foot. It's up to her to decide whether to stay in the house and recover or leave. She says she wants to stay. BB won't alter any comps for her and some she won't be able to compete in.

Jessica tries to mend fences with Christmas, telling her that she didn't know Cody was going to nominate her last week. Christmas isn't really buying what she's selling. 

Christmas is still in the hospital and will cast her vote to evict from her hospital bed. 

Cody is determined to stir things up according to Judy. Cut to people celebrating Dominique's birthday. Jessica cries. She's on slop and others eat cake. And she has to sit on the lily pad. Woe is Jessica. 

Are those victim noises coming from her?

Cody wants to salvage her game. He knows she's where she is because of him. I personally doubt she'd be in much better standing without him, but ...! 

He tells us he's going to drop some names and stir the pot. He tells Christmas that Dominque told him to put he up. He says Mark knew about it, too.  She doesn't really believe him, but she says to us that she'll watch them.

Onto last night's Dominque Show (covered in my latest feeds report). Again, he hints one or two people knew everything he was doing as HoH. Mark accuses him of trying to save Jessica's game.

Eviction time. Julie tells them about Christmas's status.
Alex - You know me well enough to keep me here, I deserve to be here.
Ramses - Had to nominate myself, want to stay. That would suck.
Cody - Says hi to daughter, will miss Jessica.

The votes to evict:
Jessica - Ramses
Kevin - Ramses
Christmas - Ramses
Onto commercial ... (BTW - the Kevin Ramses vote was a Paul/Kevin decision for a hinky vote. Have no clue about the Christmas/Ramses.) 
Raven - Cody
Dominique - Cody
Mark - Cody
Jason - Cody
Josh - Cody
Elena - Cody
Matt - Cody

By a vote of six to three, Cody is evicted. 

He takes off his frog costume before going out. Huh. All others have gone in costume. He actually handled the Julie interview well. And, of course, he's looking forward to the Battle Back -- Cody, Jillian, Cameron and next week's evictee will be battling to return, to be aired next Friday night, I believe.

The HoH comp. Yes, it's a wall comp.  Space Cadets, they're standing on the arm of the BB space station.

Josh is already making faces moments in. 

Yes, the Battle Back. Oh my ... the houseguests will be able to stop the return!

Back to the comp. All still up. My comp coverage post on the feeds will pop up at 10pm ET. I'll see many of you there!

BB19: Live Feeds into Thursday Morning - July 13

Not an investigative reporter

Here's the latest from inside that Bog Brother House of Toil and Turmoil:
  • If you didn't read my evening report last night, now Raven is hurt -- stitches in her foot due to a fall on the stairs.
  • The big news overnight is that Dominique's "show" went a bit too far in the questioning ... and answers.
  • Alex was the first guest on the show and it was all in fun.
  • Ramses was next. I didn't know he was going to college to teach Spanish. The show has made it like he's just all about the cosplay.
  • He was fine in his show interview, like the excited kid he is.
  • The problem was that Cody actually took part in it, for the first time.
  • His fun fact was fine -- he can get out of any pair of handcuffs with a bobby pin. He said BB wouldn't let him bring handcuffs in.
  • No surprise there.
  • Then he joked about Jessica and not wanting to get into a showmance.
  • It went downhill from there.
  • Oh, by the way ... he claims it's NOT a showmance.
  • Then things got a bit too much into strategy.
  • He said he didn't like Paul off the bat, didn't like him last season.
  • That actually went over fine.
  • But then he implied that Matt and Mark both knew of his plan to get Paul out.
  • Uh-oh.
  • Cody, who totally screwed up his HoH reign, is smart enough to use the show platform as a last chance to sway the house to keep himself?
  • Hmm.
  • He also said Ramses was probably told to throw himself in this week so only two PoV players would be chosen and he'd be safe.
  • Later, Paul and Dominique discussed how the show shouldn't go into strategy.
  • The unrest created shouldn't affect Cody going home tonight.
  • In other Cody news, he's developed a rash from his frog costume. 

Still rockin' it

Captive audience

A fun interview

Cody's interview was different

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Wednesday Evening, Another Injury - July 12

The curse of the stairs

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Racking Up the Injuries:
  • It was a fairly boring doldrums day in the house until ...
  • Raven fell down the stairs.
  • She caught her toe and "split it" on the railing while also hitting her head and elbow.
  • Blood and the drink she was carrying went everywhere.
  • A doctor stitched her toe/foot up. The doctor came to the house. They didn't let us watch.
  • Five stitches. Ouch.
  • She doesn't have to leave. She won't be allowed to participate in any comps which immerse the foot in water for a while.
  • So, we have Mark with a broken/jammed/whatever finger in a splint from early on. Christmas is away having surgery on her foot.
  • And now Raven.
  • Forget the curses doled out in the Den of Temptation! I think the house is cursed!
  • Heh.
  • Or, just clumsy.
  • In other news, Kevin just can't get over the fact that Cody lied about his age -- saying he was younger than his actual age of 32.
  • It doesn't make any sense to Kevin (nor me, really). It's a stupid lie. Kevin easily figured out he was older and is befuddled why anyone would bother with such a stupid lie.
  • Oh, by the way ... Paul shirks at blood.
  • Kevin, Cody and Mark were the ones who rushed to the rescue of Raven.
  • Cody offered to carry her down the stairs.
  • She ended up hopping with help instead.
  • While I'll admit it was gallant of Cody to offer, it probably would have been dangerous as the blood, broken glass and whatever she was drinking made it slick.
  • Oh, well.
  • That's how the hamster tumbles.
  • They've been on an indoor lockdown while tomorrow's endurance comp is being set up.
  • Yes, I plan to cover that as it airs on the live feeds tomorrow.
  • Cody is still going home tomorrow night.

Pride goes before the fall

Ramses trims the back

Paul feeds the fish

Paul frightens the fish

I won't miss this, not at all

Lots of blood