Friday, July 21, 2017

BB19: Battle Back Episode Blog Party - July 21

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! 

Who will make it back into the house? Cameron? Jillian? Cody? Or Dominique?

Three battles ahead of us. we're getting a brief recap of each of their exits.

Oh my ... they just said they have to win an "epic showdown" against someone in the house to return. We'll have to see how "epic" we think it is! 

Julie is wearing pants, but not jeans tonight.

No guarantee anyone is returning to the house (according to Julie). 

They are in Evictionville, must win three competitions. Top two advance, two go home. Next round, one goes home. Third comp, challenger from the house. The house will vote to send someone. If house challenger wins, all go home. 

Cameron has been studying the table maze in front of him as Julie talked. The others are looking at Julie. Hmm. 

Maze Race, rope and pulley system to move ball through the maze. 

Cody wins the first spot to move on! Yay! Cameron is going to the next round! He deserves a shot in the game. Dominique and Jillian are going home.

Second Battle - Billboard Bashers - catapult balls at the ten panels of their billboards. First one with all ten bashed wins. Cody wins. Cameron will be going home. Sigh. He really deserved to have more than 12 hours in the house. I didn't care for him, but he got screwed.

Cody gets to pick one of the two challenges they just did, but with changes, to compete against the house challenger. He picks Maze Race (with a different maze). Had he taken the tougher Basher challenge, the billboard would have been rotating. 

Julie gathers all the hamsters in the living room. She tells them it's the Battle Back Showdown and that the four haven't gone home. One has earned the opportunity. She tells them they'll find out in due time who it is. 

Jessica tries to tell an upset Mark that he's fine if Cody comes back. Paul isn't happy. Alex isn't happy, either. 

Julie calls them all together again. She tells them the twist -- they can stop the evicted houseguest from returning. Diary Room vote to elect House Challenger. She isn't telling them it will be up against Cody. After the vote, she'll tell them. They cannot vote for themselves.

Alex -- Paul
Elena - Paul
They're all voting Paul. 

Veteran against veteran, they say.

Heading to the backyard. Cody appears in a huge puff of smoke. 

Cody wins the Battle Back Showdown and he's back in the game.

Cody tells us he wants to take Paul out. 

Julie tells them the HoH comp will start soon.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

BB19: Live Eviction, DoT and HoH Show Blog Party - July 20

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! 

Here are the blog pool match-ups for easy reference tonight --

Alex Ow - jujufruit423, caela, Donna in FL, Nickelpeed
Christmas Abbott - Willie J, Rich from Buffalo, Glenn, QuixoticElf
Dominique Cooper - Ed in Ohio, Monty924, Delores in Hollywood (FL), Jenn G
Elena Davies - Uncartie, Fred aka TwoBlackAces. Sharon N, chrob61
Jason Dent - Donna in Alabama, Cheryl in NC, jo Chapman, Marthalight
Jessica Graf - zombiehospice, Jean in Tampa Bay, Merilee
Josh Martinez - Petals, Stormy, Kelsey in NY, Dr_Celine
Kevin Schlehuber - elee86, aya, SueGee on the Left Coast
Mark Jansen - Buzzmaam, Judi Sweeney, Cheryl C, Sharon S
Matthew Clines - JonMD1267, T-Town Chick, Sharon C
Paul Abrahamian - Indiana Jane, Jackie, Brian, Marlo L
Ramses Soto - tbc, Pupis, Babs, Tammy
Raven Walton - Kristen from Ohio, David, Nora

Hamster watchers ready?

Yikes! Julie is so ... so ... casually dressed tonight! I don't believe I've ever seen her in jeans.

Let's have a recap! Not here, though. We know what happened during the last week. We had a snippet of the Mark/Josh pickle juice/hot sauce in the face kerfuffle. More to come!

The DoT could stop tonight's live eviction cold, Julie promises.

Dominique stomped out of the Veto meeting. Jessica thinks it just makes her own situation better. Dom thinks her entire team backstabbed her and they would do anything for the money ... but she won't.

Dominique vented at Elena and Elena just wants her out. Mark feels in the middle. Jessica is trying to get in with the others. They're leery, but want Dominique out more.

Yay! The pickle juice/hot sauce fiasco with Josh and Mark. Josh thinks he won the pool game. Mark said he double-hit, scratching on the 8-ball. So Mark throws a glass of pickle juice and hot sauce in Josh's face and eyes. Josh attacks him with salad dressing and ketchup, but not in the eyes. Yell, yell, scream, scream.

Josh yells that Mark tried to get Paul out. He claims he lost all respect for Mark. Everyone gathers. Josh says Mark was plotting against both Christmas and Paul. Josh says he himself has always been honest. Jessica brings up that Josh said he wanted Christmas out. Now Paul thinks Jessica is shady. 

The final Den of Temptation -- Halting Hex. JESSICA wins! She can halt any one of the next four evictions. She accepts the temptation.

Eviction night dies. She has to say the lines three times and there will be no eviction. The consequence seems to be sending the house into a tailspin ... or something like that.

Time for the live vote and eviction. To the living room ...

Jessica - Hi to family and Cody. Not ready to leave, have game left in me.
Dominique - Quotes her speech, own team betrayed me, grateful to CBS, on and on. 

Votes to evict --
Josh - Dominique
Kevin - Dominique
Mark - Dominique
Christmas - Dominique
Jason - Dominique
Raven - Dominique
Matt - Dominique
Elena - Dominique
Paul - Dominique 
Ramses - Dominique

Unanimous. Dominique is gone and Jessica has three more evictions in which she can choose to use the hex once. 

Surprisingly, she's very excited about the Battle Back. Hmm. 

Julie talks to the four first evicted who will be competing to come back in. 

It's getting too late to have the HoH Comp, so I'm guessing (since Julie hasn't announced it) that the four will compete in a combined HoH comp which will air tomorrow night. The feeds are off until midnight tomorrow. 

I'm wrong. Three battles for the Battle Back tomorrow, HoH Sunday. And, Jessica's temptation consequence will be revealed. Hmm.

BB19: Live Feeds into Thursday - July 20

Dysfunctional family

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dominique Who?:
  • Dominique is still self-exiled.
  • If she had sunglasses and a blanket, she could be Audrey.
  • She actually appeared in the wee hours and talked to Jessica. She also practiced her speech for tonight. Ramses was there in the bathroom but she paid him no mind.
  • She told Jessica that she didn't receive the temptation in the DoT.
  • Dominique told Jessica she's sure she (Dom) will be voted out. 
  • Well, duh. 
  • She also told Jessica her real job.
  • And, she told Jessica that Cody had the right idea with his strategy.
  • I took it that means to target the snake er ... Paul.
  • Jason agreed he'd throw the HoH to Josh if he can.
  • Hmm. I kind of doubt that will happen. But, of course, they know Josh would target Mark and that blood would be on his hands, not theirs.
  • So, maybe.
  • They're still trying to decide who took the initial 25 grand temptation. Now Alex and Jason think it was that rat Ramses.
  • Snakes and rats. All we need is Susan Hawk (Survivor 1) to come along with her snake and rat speech!
  • At least tonight's eviction, HoH and into the Battle Back tomorrow should liven things up a little.
  • Out of the Battle Back, I'd actually -- though I didn't really like him -- like to see Cameron come back in. I feel he was cheated out of his chance to be in the house and he's had plenty of time to think about strategy. I think it will be down to between Cody and Cameron. I feel Cody already had his shot, Cameron never did. I can't see either Jillian or Dominique winning. With her attitude of the past several days, I can't see Dominique even trying to get back in. I can see her running away as fast as she can!

Exciting times

On the radar

Their own show, sans Dominique

The stars?

Poor choice of facial masque

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Wednesday Evening - July 19


Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Lonesome Losers:
  • I don't have anything for you.
  • Nothing is really going on.
  • That's it.
  • Bye!
  • Ahem.
  • To be honest, little has been happening.
  • They had the Den of Temptation today and whoever won isn't talking to either them or us.
  • So, there's a lot of speculation on that.
  • There's also a lot of speculation that there will be a battle back this week.
  • They're correct on that, as we know.
  • Some are saying that Paul is cozying up to Jessica in case Cody returns.
  • Paul claims he wouldn't want to work with someone he backdoored.
  • They not only feel someone will return this week, but that next week is a double eviction.
  • Hmm.
  • Mark hasn't done anything incredibly stupid today ... yet.
  • Dominique says she wants to host a show tonight.
  • No one really wants to go.
  • Paul wants people to make Jessica feel a bit nervous about the vote tomorrow.
  • But that's going to be hard because Dominique has now alienated everyone and isolated herself.
  • The time stamp on the BB live feeds is way off.
  • But I know what time it is.
  • Christmas led some exercises. Her new cast is still bulky but not AS bulky.
  • Kevin is antsy with no yard. He thinks it's cruel of BB.
  • Ramses thinks Jessica is going around trying to make him look sketchy.
  • I really don't have much more.
  • I have no more.
  • Later! 

Not a showmance

She's got her cat ears back.

Definitely won't win this season.

"I've never lied in this game."

BB19: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - July 19

As tonight's show airs, I'll be live-blogging and updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Recap ends with the promise of showing the Dominique/Paul verbal smackdown from the other day. Woot. 

Paul wants Dominique out. She won't talk to him. But she talks to Mark -- telling him Paul is involved, and Elena is, too. Tears time. She cries while she talks to him. He cries as he talks to us in the Diary Room. He assures her she won't go home.

She goes to the bathroom to talk to God. She hears Paul's name three times (in her mind). Paul is there when she comes out. She tells him one person really wants her out. He tells her that he hopes she would come to him and ask if she has an issue with him. He told her she can trust him. 

Time for the veto players pick! Alex randomly picks Kevin. Dominique picks Christmas. Jessica get's Houseguest's Choice and selects Jason. 

Jason wants to take Jessica down if he wins veto. He thinks it's too risky to leave her on the block. Dominique is his target. She is actually THE target for all but Mark. 

Veto Comp is on! Squirrels and balance beam things. The Temple of Temptation. Christmas's doctor forbids her from playing. She must sit out and isn't replaced. They go back and forth on a beam 50 times over "lava" -- score resets if they fall. A cash prize can be had, but would eliminate the person from competing. Kevin is doing horribly! He ends up taking the temptation. He wins a whole $27.


Jason is leading. Dom falls on the beam itself, but recovers before hitting the lava. Jessica doesn't fare as well with her fall and resets. Whoops, Dominique hits the lava! She resets. Alex and Jason were tied at 49 each when Jason beats her on the last ding. Jason wins the Power of Veto!

Paul wants Mark up in Jessica's place via Jason's PoV. He suggests to Alex to put Mark up as a pawn -- that way he can't campaign to oust Jessica and a vote to keep Dom would be gone. Paul goes around campaigning to Jason with the idea. Paul acts like it's Alex and Jason's plan and agrees with it.

Alex tells Mark she wants to put him up as a pawn. She tells him others are worried about his vote. He doesn't like the idea. He tells us his "best friend" (Dom) is on the block and now they want him to go on the block with her. They tell him Dominique is the target.

Dominique thinks that if she tells Jason there's a snake in the house, he'll save her with the veto. So, she talks to him, telling him she's been betrayed. She won't name the name of the snake. He tells Mark, Elena, Paul and Alex.

Then Dominique talks in riddles about snakes to Alex. She calims there is a snake and tempter. It's all a bit bizarre. She tells Alex she wants to tell everybody about it.

Alex tells Paul that she was talking about him. Meeting time! Paul slithers downstairs to get her.  She tells him he does have snake tendencies. The kerfuffle is afoot! 

Mark, after the Dom/Paul verbal kerfuffle, tells Alex and Jason that he will not support Dominique and, if they need to put a pawn up, please put up Raven.

Veto meeting. Paul dresses up like a snake.

Jessica - Picked you to play, still wants to be in house.
Dominique - Framed by my own team, snake in house dressed appropriately, minions will reap what they sow. Won't work with my team because they stabbed me in my back. 

Jason does NOT use the Power of Veto.