Tuesday, July 25, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Tuesday Morning - July 25

Mirrors my own reaction about the veto

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Lousy Liars:
  • So, Jessica got bamboozled.
  • Or, more to the point ... Ramses got bamboozled.
  • She believed the lies and didn't use the veto.
  • That will pretty much seals the deal that Josh will stay and Ramses will be evicted this week. 
  • For me, that's good and bad. I enjoy Ramses -- he's like a kid in a candy shop living his dream to be on the show. For the most part, he's pleasant and upbeat. I enjoy the feeds when Kevin and Ramses are messing around together. That's the "bad" of it -- I'll miss the banter and the kid.
  • I guess the "good" is that Josh is so explosive. You know me; I like a good brouhaha and giggle at a heated kerfuffle. He's good for that. It will liven up the feeds at times. But, when he's down, he's fairly nonexistent. One thing to note about him -- he talks to the cameras. I wish they all did.
  • Jessica and Cody will once again be blindsided this week when the vote comes through.
  • That should perk the feeds up for a while.
  • In other news -- Kevin said something about having a BankAmericard. Um, hey Kevin ... it's probably been called a Visa card for most, if not all, the lifetime of your fellow hamsters. They probably had no clue what he meant.
  • Paul, Kevin and others have been doing a lot of studying the house and its stuff. Paul thinks they're due a memory comp.
  • Paul told Kevin they need to memorize the days and not to share with others.
  • But Paul won't advise Kevin who to put on the block if he (Kevin) wins HoH. Kevin is thinking both Jessica and Cody.
  • Alex suggested to Jason that they just say something like "I hate Josh" if Ramses asks them about their votes.
  • Aw, poor kid.
  • Heh. Alex says getting hit all the time by others when she was a kid because her last name is "Ow" toughened her up.
  • Ow!
  • Hmm. Jessica told Kevin about winning the temptation.
  • But she lies about it. Maybe she's learning.
  • She told Kevin it makes her ineligible to be nominated for four weeks and the punishment would to go to the person nominating her.
  • Oh my.
  • I don't know how that will play out.
  • Apparently Kevin was told in the Diary Room that he came in second for the Temptation.
  • Paul quizzed Raven about her disease(s) with others gathered around the hot tub.
  • I dunno. She's surely in better shape than I am!
  • Kevin went and told Jason about Jessica's Temptation. The lie she gave him, that is.
  • Jason told Alex and Christmas. They aren't as believing, though. They think it's too good and Paul probably got the best one this season already.
  • Cody caught onto the Save Josh Movement. 
  • Jessica said it was she was scared would happen.
  • Well, she could have saved Ramses with the veto, silly girl!
  • Cody thinks Paul is spearheading the movement.
  • Well, yeah. But it's not just Paul. It's Paul, Alex, Christmas ... need I go on?
  • Thursday's live show should be interesting, to say the least.

Smile while you can, Ramses

No, not a showmance

Wants a breakfast sandwich

At least he'll add kerfuffles to the mix

Listening to Raven talk diseases

Monday, July 24, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds PoV Meeting Quick Blurb - July 24

Just a real quick update --

Jessica did NOT use the power of veto.

Ramses and Josh are still on the block together. She and Cody are unaware that the majority plan to send Ramses packing. The veto would have saved him. She does have the Halting Hex. But I can't see her using that to save anyone other than herself or Cody.

It will probably be bye-bye Ramses on Thursday. The pawn often goes home. He knows it. But apparently Jessica doesn't. I said she needs to realize they LIE!

BB19: Live Feeds into Monday Morning - July 24

He grew up on Darling Street

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Capricious Cats:
  • Ramses is very worried.
  • As he should be.
  • He went to Jessica, telling her he knew he was Plan B when he was on the block before and thinks the majority will vote him out.
  • Jessica told him to talk to people, see where they stand.
  • Um. Okay. But they do LIE. It's Big Brother. They're gonna lie, silly girl!
  • She said she would also talk to people.
  • Remember, Jessica, they will LIE!
  • She assured Ramses that he will not go home this week and told him that she has her own Plan B that will keep him in the house. 
  • She told him she doesn't want to blow his game and won't do it.
  • Now, of course, we know she has Plan B and a Plan C.
  • Plan B is that she holds the PoV -- she could save him and put someone else up on the block with Josh. 
  • Plan C is that she has the Halting Hex power. 
  • Josh is still "not talking" or even acknowledging Jessica and Cody. If they enter the kitchen when he's there, he walks out without a word said.
  • Kevin has the initials of all of his brothers tattooed on one arm. But not his sisters. Hmm.
  • Jessica didn't realize live feeders have audio, not just video. Now, if all we had was video it would be either (A) really, really more boring than it actually is or (B) more exciting because we could use our own imagination with the dialogue!
  • Josh talked at length to the camera (us). He's sure he's staying this week and is planning on being nice because everybody will be jury votes.
  • Ha! Like he's going to make it to the end. No way, Joshay! They don't LIKE you. They're using you and often mock you behind your back!
  • Well, not really Kevin. He kind of defends Josh a bit saying he's a kid.
  • Josh doesn't want to be nice to Mark or Cody.
  • Well, I don't think they want to be nice to him, either.
  • Josh says he's going to keep pretending to be miserable so that Jessica and Cody will be sure he's the one going home.
  • Of course, if Jessica doesn't step in and do something to save Ramses, Josh will be staying. 
  • But, under no circumstances will he ever win this game. He won't make it to the Final Two and, if pigs fly and he does -- no jury would vote for him to win pretty much no matter who's at the end with him.
  • That's it for now.
  • The PoV Meeting will be today. Hopefully Jessica will save Ramses. I think he's the one I'd rather see in the house over Josh.
  • Oh, Josh is good for kerfuffles and even a brouhaha, but in his down time he's practically non-existent. 

No one gets between me and my cat ears!

They deserve each other

Definitely the better player than Cody

Is very concerned he will go home

Sunday, July 23, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Sunday Evening - July 23

Jason and Kevin do walking laps and lifts

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Revolting Rodents:
  • Kevin and Jason think that Cody is lying a lot to them. They know the age lie because he admitted it. Kevin still can't understand why he'd lie about that.
  • The latest is that Cody was telling them some kind of mission he was on and was trapped. He couldn't remember how he was rescued, then said others came for him.
  • Kevin and Jason picked up two things on that story -- first, it identically matched a movie they both had seen. Second, as Kevin pointed out, in a situation like that which supposedly happened four years ago, you might forget how you got into it. But you'd surely remember how you got out.
  • In other Cody war stories news of the day, Jessica told him she'd prefer he stop mentioning that he's killed people.
  • I know a lot of people who fought in wars myself. In the decades (and scores) I've known them, rarely is it mentioned that they killed people. One has a Silver Star, a combat award. He was in Vietnam and killed many. To this day, he rarely mentions it. It haunts him. 
  • Cody told Jessica they were "bad people." I'm sure they were. But it still bugs me (and apparently Jessica) that he brags about killing people.
  • Back to Kevin and Jason -- they also mentioned Cody's staring. It's not just us noticing it!
  • Ramses has been deemed the best slop cook.
  • But this week it's Paul, Mark and Mark chosen along with Josh who has a second week of it.
  • Raven seems to be the cook of the house with chicken dishes a specialty.
  • Raven eats and talks with her mouth full of food and it annoys me.
  • The movement is afoot to take Ramses out this week instead of Josh.
  • Elena isn't privy to said movement.
  • Jessica, obviously the more astute of Cody and Jessica, is worried and is thinking that she might have to use the veto. Or even the Hex.
  • She doesn't want the guilt of Ramses going home on her HoH nomination.
  • On the other hand, Cody thinks she's just being paranoid. How could they vote out Ramses when Josh is such a "psychopath"?
  • Jessica can understand why the others would want to keep Josh over Ramses. She knows they can use him while Ramses is unpredictable.
  • Cody doesn't see it. 
  • There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
  • She would like Paul out but feels that would totally alienate them at this time.
  • She's asking around a bit to get the feel of the vibe.
  • She talks to Elena. Um, not the best choice as she's one of the few not in on the Keep Josh Movement.
  • Oh. They got new foodstuffs today. They complained about getting roast beef.
  • "Who eats roast beef?" they ask.
  • I do.
  • FedEx it here, please. 

Resting B-Face?

Josh prepares his slop breakfast

Maybe he and Jessie will become buds

Inhaling his slop pasta

Kevin will talk to anyone

BB19: HoH and Nominations Show Blog Party - July 23

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! 

The recap begins with the Josh/Mark fiasco. Recap through the Battle Back. 

Cody tells us this time around he'll listen to Jessica. Oh, geez, the showmance goes on. She tells him that Kevin has her back and Josh has promised to send her home. She tells him of the Halting Hex. Jessica tells us they need to play as a team, Cody can't go rogue again. 

The rest of the house thinks Cody will play a more social game. They want him to leave again.

HoH comp time! They all have neon construction vests on in Evictionville. They have to keep their traffic light in place by holding up the red disk eith a skinny long stick. Who's Ready for a Hold-Up? Even Christmas can play this one. 

Kevin then Mark then Paul go down. Kevin punishes Cody (as per the rules to punish someone) by calling the trash man. Cody gets trash all over. Mark also chooses Cody. Road rage dude yelling at Cody to distract him. Paul also punishes Cody. He gets goop cement poured on his back. 

Then Jason is out. He decides to punish Jessica. She gets graffiti spray painted on her back to distract her. Elena out -- ketchup and mustard all over Cody.

Matt out, also chooses to punish Cody. More garbage. Raven out, the Road Rage dude is back at Cody. Josh out, chooses Jessica. black goo all over her back. Josh heckles them.

Jessica and Cody tell Christmas she's not their target. She won't promise them the same because they are her targets.

Oops! Cody is eliminated! He punishes Ramses with the graffiti artists. 

Ramses out. He chooses Jessica -- mustard and ketchup again.

Christmas out -- Jessica is the new HoH! It turns out that her father passed away three years ago on the date of the comp. He's the one who got her into BB -- they used to watch it together.

Josh thinks he'll be the target. Kevin says they'll probably put up Josh and Josh. Paul is worried. Jessica tells Christmas she meant the safety deal. Cody says he'll shut up and listen to Jess. 

Josh goes to the HoH room to talk. She doesn't let him right in. Cody arrives there. He thinks she should send him away. Cody tells Josh neither one of them wants to talk to him. He wanted them to put a bigger target on the block.

Jessica does talk to Matt and Raven. She implies she's not after them. She doesn't want herself and Cody to be their targets. Mark talks to them He loves them after all. Elena is playing nice just to stay in the game. Cody tells us that he trusts Mark the least in the house. 

Paul and Cody talk. Lovefest time? Eep. Cody thinks they could go far if they work together. He tells us that he doesn't trust him. Paul tells us he doesn't trust Cody. So, they'll work together until they don't. 

Heh. A segment on Kevin wrapping himself in Saran wrap to lose weight.

Jess and Cody talk about the nominations. She says Josh is a definite. Cody suggests putting Ramses up. Jessica doesn't think it's time to take out Paul. They feel they need to gain numbers.

Nominations Ceremony --
Jessica nominates Ramses, then Josh. She tells Ramses he's just a pawn. She calls out Josh for being a dirty player in the game. 

Josh cries in the Diary Room. Too bad, so sad.