Tuesday, August 08, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Tuesday Dawn - August 8

Birthday boy

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Follow the Leader:
  • Not a heck of a lot has gone on since I last posted.
  • They're sure the sounds and noises they've heard are tied in the the next HoH comp.
  • Of course, WE know it's Fright Week (or whatever) this week in the house starting with that spooky comp.
  • So, perhaps the noises are just to rattle them.
  • Either way, they're studying and quizzing each other on them.
  • Except for Jessica and Cody -- they spent as much time alone in the yard as they could before it shut down.
  • I'm expecting ghostly figures to appear in the mirror windows.
  • Aren't you?
  • Mark and Elena are back on. Gah. I don't want to see them kissing. It's bad enough I have to change the feed I'm watching when Jessica and Cody go hot and heavy.
  • What if BB had a season with NO showmances?!?!
  • It's definitely more entertaining for me to see Alex and Jason pick on each other and fake fight.
  • Paul told Keving that he (Paul) is basically playing for second place again because nobody will vote for a show vet to win.
  • I don't know about that.
  • First off, Nicole won last year over a newbie (Paul).
  • Second, even his house enemies have said how well he is doing at playing the game. I suppose it's up to who he'd be sitting next to, but unless it's a bitter jury, Paul will win.
  • Maybe if it's Kevin up there with him at the end, Kevin might win because he's so well-liked by all.
  • Meanwhile, Alex and Jason still are wondering what Kevin might do outside the house. A mobster married to a nurse for 30 years? The Mayor of Boston?
  • That's it for now. It should be quiet until all heck breaks loose with the new HoH comp on Thursday. 

Kitchen chatting

Monday, August 07, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Monday Night, Veto Meeting - August 7

Is that a holiday sweater? Christmas?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Radical Rats:
  • Kevin is all excited about everyone sitting at the table eating dinner for his birthday. He wants some time with the game aside. He wants family time, it seems. I guess he misses his kids!
  • Besides his dream of dinner together, Kevin also has another dream in which he, Jason, Paul, Cody, Christmas and Alex work together to be the final six.
  • He might have to just keep on dreaming.
  • Jessica, thinking she will be evicted this week, pep-talked Cody. She knows he can win comps and that skill just might save him.
  • The PoV meeting went down, blocked to the life feeds.
  • Mark saved himself.
  • Phew!
  • He might have been dense enough to use it to save his unrequited love Elena. I 'm glad he came to his senses!
  • Raven, as planned, is the replacement nominee for Mark.
  • If Christmas had her way, Cody would be going home this week. The animosity she feels towards him increases daily. It's to the point where just about every breath he takes near her will irk her.
  • Hmm. I've had neighbors I felt that way about!
  • Jessica mentioned to Cody that BB offers them therapy after they leave the house. 
  • Cody says he doesn't need it.
  • I think a punching bag might suffice for him.
  • Some weirdness happened today. First, Kevin saw a Happy Birthday balloon over the wall. Then the sounds of a baby crying piped through the house with someone yelling to hush said baby.
  • Oh my.
  • Are they clues?
  • Alex tried to warn Paul that others think he's spending too much time with Elena.
  • Will he listen?
  • Then there was a dog barking piped through the house.
  • Hmm.
  • A shot rang out! The maid screamed! 
  • Oops. That last one was me.
  • Alex isn't on board with Kevin's thoughts of keeping Cody.
  • She and Paul agreed that keeping him could be a bad idea, especially if there's a double eviction.
  • Kevin told Cody that he wanted everybody for dinner at 7pm. Cody told him since the yard would be shutting down, he had a date with Jessica. He agreed to come in for cake.
  • Kevin also talked to Cody about possibly working with Paul. Cody said that Paul never lied to him, telling him one thing and doing another. He has others who he thinks betrayed him he would target first.
  • When they starting singing Happy Birthday to Kevin, only Jessica was missing. And she had a good excuse -- diary room. Josh took part.
  • Still not like a happy family ...
  • The morning walk and talk laps
    He's playing the game and the others
    Banana logic
    She's obviously glued Cody's head on

BB19 Live Feeds into Monday Morning - August 7

Paul gets a make-up job

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of People You Don't Invite to Your House:
  • Mark and Elena are over.
  • Mark and Elena are back together.
  • Mark and Elena are over.
  • Elena is hitting on both Matt and Paul.
  • Yet Mark is still lovesick.
  • Christmas continued to plant the anti-Elena seeds in Josh's mind.
  • Kevin told Josh that Jessica needs to go this week.
  • That was it. Too much data and confusion. Josh's head blew up and he's out for the count.
  • Okay, I made up the last part.
  • But Josh's HoH reign that he claims is his own is actually a tug of war with Paul and Christmas both in his ear.
  • He recognizes the Paul part and claims Paul's game is Paul's, not his own.
  • But, what about Christmas? I don't think Josh thinks of her influence on him like he does about Paul.
  • Aww, Josh offered Kevin his HoH room to sleep in alone. Kevin was touched, but declined.
  • In a more lighthearted note -- the make-up lessons with Paul had everyone giggling ... even Jessica.
  • Kevin's birthday was at midnight. Treats all around!
  • Elena is the only Have Not this week because of her bad key pick last week.
  • Kevin said all he wanted for his birthday was for everyone to sit and eat together.
  • Aww. His children probably never prepared him for this house of fools!
  • Now Mark once again wants to use his veto to save Elena.
  • Yikes! Paul couldn't believe it and lectured Mark about why he shouldn't use it on her. Use it on yourself, but not on another person!
  • Mark told Paul that Elena convinced him to use it on her.
  • @@
  • After all, she has so much she'd have to pack if she remains on the block and he doesn't have that much stuff!
  • Oh, geez. 
  • After a disbelieving Paul left the room, Elena was threatening Mark that if he didn't save her, their plans for after the show is over date are off.
  • Now, that's just mean!
  • She then claimed she was joking.
  • But she was also "joking" when she egged him on to throw pickle juice mixed with hot sauce in Josh's face.
  • To be honest, I think out of all involved, I'd rather Elena go home this week.
  • But I do think it will be Jessica. 

Their last week ... or not.

Does she have to caress his feet?

Comp beast in hiding?

Pressure of the veto on his shoulders

Sunday, August 06, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Sunday Evening - August 6


Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wooly Bully:
  • Sundays are usually one of the quiet days in the house. There are no comps to be played, no veto meeting until Monday.
  • I've gotten so I really enjoy Jason and Kevin's morning laps in the yard. They talk game. They talk life.
  • This morning Kevin told Jason that Matt said if he won HoH, he'd nominate Jason. Eep. He also said that while Cody hates Alex and Paul, he'd be willing to work with them (Kevin and Jason). Kevin would like to save Jessica.
  • From the talking, it seems the comp was OTEV.
  • Most of them think Cody would have won had he played.
  • Yeah, very good chance of that, I'd say.
  • Cody and Jessica, assuming that Jessica will be gonzo, talked about how nasty Cody should get. Jessica advised him not to get personal, but perhaps an Evel Dick level.
  • Others mentioned that BB won't give them alcohol because they don't want to "set them off."
  • They've had very little alcohol in the house this season compared to most. But this season has more guys who might actually physically fight than most.
  • Josh thinks he might have the votes to evict his target Elena over Jessica.
  • The votes he thinks he has mostly aren't really with him. Alex, Christmas and Jason all want Elena out ... but they seem to want to tackle Jessica first.
  • Josh thinks he'll be a target if Elena stays.
  • I'd agree ... IF either Mark or Elena win HoH. Anyone else would have bigger fish to fry.
  • Alex, Paul and Kevin talk about switching sides and working with Cody -- Kevin is pushing the idea. Alex and Jason think sticking with Paul is a better bet -- he knows the game better.
  • Matt and Raven talked the pros and cons of either of them going up as a pawn if/when Mark uses the veto. Mark said he'd rather be a pawn when he can play for veto. 
  • Raven, knowing that this would be the safest time to be a pawn, said she's willing to go up.
  • They will guilt trip Mark about having the "sick girl" take his place on the block.
  • Raven talked about both her real and probably imagined health issues.
  • Yawn.
  • Jessica told Elena that she thinks Paul is playing a great game. She would vote for him to win if the finals were tomorrow.
  • That he is. A few hiccups now and then and he's still obnoxious to watch or listen to on the live feeds. But he knows how to work people.
  • Jessica also warned Elena that Christmas is not her friend.
  • She told Elena that Paul would protect her, but Alex and Jason wouldn't. If sides flipped, Elena should stick with Paul.
  • Well, I'd prefer Elena go -- she irks me. But Jessica's advice to her is pretty spot on.
  • Meanwhile, Paul would like to get through the season without every being on the block.
  • No, I doubt he'll be a Derrick.
  • Both Paul and Elena told Mark to use the veto to save himself or not at all.
  • That's the way it should be, I'd say.
  • Now, as I close out this report, things seem to be swaying towards voting out Elena rather than Jessica.
  • We'll just have to see what happens.

Awning duties

The morning laps in the yard

Mixing and mingling ... sort of.

Influencing Josh, easy to do.

Still in cahoots?

Talking pleasantly? Oh my.

Playing her own game

BB19: Temptation Challenge and Nominations Show Blog Party - August 6

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! 

Recap starts off with the Josh/Mark fiasco. Recap, recap. 

Mark is worried, but he and Josh have made up. Josh tells him he won't be provoking him again. Mark hopes all is cool with him. Jessica and Cody are (rightfully) worried. 

Paul points out how unhappy Mark and Elena seem to be with Josh's win. Alex points out to Josh in front of Mark that his "face was down" when Josh won. She has a long talk with Mark, starting out with an argument. She accuses him of playing both sides. He admits doing so to us.

Josh thinks he actually has four targets -- Cody, Jessica, Elena and Mark. Paul wants him to go after Jessica and Cody. Christmas points out that it's Josh's HoH, not Paul's. So ... it's to become Christmas's HoH? She wants Mark or Elena out because they're floaters.

A talk between Josh and Elena doesn't seem to help improve her standing in his book.

Paul thinks Jessica needs to go first out of the four targets. Christmas takes Josh aside and tells him she loves Paul, but don't do everything he says. She told him that he needs to be nice to all four.

Heh, Elena is definitely Josh's target. He thinks she's very influential to others while Jessica and Cody will always be targets. Josh thinks others don't see what he sees in the threat of Elena. 

The Den of Temptation voice speaks to them warning them the comp will be in the morning. Jessica and Cody think they don't have much to lose and will both play in the comp. They hope one wins safety, the other might win veto. 

Everybody except Christmas is drinking the potion to play. (No wonder the feeds were blocked for over ten hours for the comp!) 

They have to find three written clues in the haunted house that will seal the rift between two worlds. Evil scary things are jumping out at them as they do the challenge individually. Jessica's plan was to throw the comp so Cody could win. She does just that.

Mark 7.06
Kevin 3.11
Elena 12.31
Jason 12.07
Jessica 15.0
Raven 9.0
Cody 3.0
Matt 3.42
Alex 3.06
Paul 3.34 

Cody is safe. Jessica is the third nominee. Elena is worried that she will go on the block. Mark is just as upset.

Paul thinks they should target Jessica and not let her be saved with the veto. Josh still wants Elena out. Paul tells Josh to tell Elena it's a team effort and she's a pawn. Josh tells us again that she's his target. 

Elena doubts Josh's reasoning that she is a good competitor and that's why she's a pawn. Josh thinks she's throwing Paul "under the rug." So he brings Paul in on the conversation. She kerfuffles about it but he says she will go up as a pawn.

Nominations ceremony time.

Josh nominates ... Mark, then Elena.

Mark, not really familia. Elena, good competitor. Josh tells Jessica he's gunning for her.