Sunday, August 20, 2017

BB19: HoH, Nominations, New Temptatiion Show Blog Party - August 20

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! 

Recap ... Cody is out again! 

Finally, the HoH comp has matches two by two figuring out "decrypted" clues
Raven vs. Mark
Paul vs. Alex
Christmas vs. Kevin
Josh vs. Matt 

Mark is out. Alex is out. Kevin out. Matt out.

Second round -- Raven vs. Paul -- Raven out. 
                     -- Christmas vs. Josh -- Josh out. 

Final round is Christmas vs. Paul. Christmas wins thanks to Paul tossing it to her.  

Mark is the target and he knows it. Alex thinks Kevin should the alternate. Now she thinks he's a cop because he said he met Derrick "back home." (It was actually at a BB fan thing.) She tells Jason that Kevin is shady and he needs to cut ties with him. Jason will go with Alex because she's his "ride or die." 

Jason tells Kevin that he must have done something to Alex. Kevin denies it. Kevin asks Alex what's going on. Alex claimed it was all about him constantly asking about food.

Christmas asks Josh what's going on. Now, he was a partial witness to the Alex, Jason and Kevin kerfuffle. Josh tells Christmas that he thinks Jason and Alex are acting sketchy and they're good liars. 

Jason's short HoH reign got him an HoH basket. He cries as he reads his letter. He gets the news that his wife is pregnant! 

We get a bit on the Josh/Christmas bond. They do seem to truly like each other and care about one another.

Paul tells us he needs to attach himself with each power couple, the third to each pair. It's actually a good plan. It's a shame no one else is playing a thinking game in the house this season.

Christmas needs pawns to get Mark out. She's thinking of putting Jason and Matt up. If Mark wins the veto, it will be Jason. Kevin's name was tossed in there, but not the choice.

Oh, geez. It's a Josh and the stuffed owl Orwell bit. That happened weeks ago!

Whoa ... a big lighted tree in the living room! It's the Tree of Temptation. Five apples -- power or punishment. Once a houseguest chooses an apple, that's it. There are things like Eliminate Two Votes, Second Veto, Can't play in HoH, etc.

Mark, who really has nothing to lose at this point, claims an apple.  

He has to open it in the living room in front of everybody. Save a Friend.

Christmas talks to her pawn possibilities to Matt and Raven. Matt volunteers. Christmas tells them if Mark wins, Kevin goes up. She then gives roughly the same speech to Alex and Jason. She tells them that Matt will go home if both stay on the block. Jason is up for it. 

Mark talks to Josh and Christmas ... he knows he's the target. He points out the couples. She tells us that Mark made some sense in targeting the power couples. Hmm. 

Nominations time. Mark has to reveal who he has chosen to save. He gives Paul safety for the week due to friendship in week one.

Christmas nominates Matt, then Jason. She tells Mark she hopes he understands. 

ZingBot will be in the next episode.

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - August 20, 2017

Good morning! Since it's a Sunday morning, this is my weekly off television topic post taking a look at the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. This weekly post is done year in, year out. Big Brother, the main draw for so many of you, only lasts about three months -- although sometimes it seems to be a lifetime. If you're here solely for the BB posts, please feel free to skip this post. You can find my latest BB19 posts by using this link.

I really don't have a heck of a lot for you this week. It seems like the majority of my commutes were rain-filled or high heat and humidity bearing. So, I didn't really take many photos and, you realize if I take photos of landscaping rocks, I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel here. I will say that, with all the rain we've had throughout the summer, everything is amazingly green and lush for late August. Usually by this time, the lawns that aren't watered are dry and leaves on some of the trees are even dying.

Some random thoughts this week:
  • I'm not as thumpy or door-slammy as many neighbors in the building. I'll have to work on that.
  • People seriously need to keep moving when they step off a train or enter/exit stores. Ahem! People are BEHIND you. 
  • Amazon Prime needs to stop using USPS for their "guaranteed two day delivery" packages. USPS is the most undependable carrier out there. A huge part of why I went to Amazon Prime is the delivery guarantee time. I'm only home two specific days a week. If I order something heavy for home delivery, I time it to appear on that day. I don't want to schlep heavy stuff from work to home on the train.
  • That said, I will be re-watching all five seasons of The Wire for free on Amazon Prime.   
  • Soon I'll qualify for less than half-fare on NJ Transit.
  • But I won't be able to retire due to the added ridiculously high expense of health insurance on a reduced income even though I'd have Social Security, my work pension and my 401K. If not for the work-related health insurance ending -- although I can still carry cheap life insurance -- it would be easy to make ends meet. If you can retire at 62 on Social Security, you should be able to get Medicare at the same age!
  • Grr.
  • I have two full weeks of work, then a three day work week, then my next staycation. I seriously need it.
Onto the few photos I'm posting this week ... 


Not only on NJ Transit trains, but in the employee lounge at work, too! Sheesh, I'm the one with knee replacements and all kinds of leg and back issues. Yet the people nearly 40 years younger than I am tend to not be able to sit upright with feet on the floor. They have to sprawl out and practically be lying down in the chairs. I don't even like to sit on the chairs in the lounge -- they're all feet grungy. I feel like I should sit atop a plastic bag like I do on street benches.

Let the sun shine ...

Caught in the sun's morning rays, this morning glory is quite splendid indeed.

Fashion, beep beep

Trendsetter in motion on North Avenue in Plainfield.


BB19: Live Feeds into Sunday, Power of Veto - August 20

Safe this week no matter what

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Millennial Mice:
  • The Veto comp went down -- with the live feeds blocked, of course.
  • It was a visit from ZingBot and the "sliding on greased lanes filling up containers" one that's usually an HoH shown on the live feeds.
  • At least, that's the gist of it from the conversations after the live feeds returned.
  • Grr. That's usually more fun to watch than wall endurance comps. I feel robbed!
  • Jason, who's on the block with Matt, won the comp.
  • He will surely save himself. He may be a clown, but his mama didn't raise no fool.
  • While Paul and part of his company are happy that Mark didn't win it, Paul is still on the anti-Kevin train. He also told Matt and Raven that if they get Jason out, Kevin will have no ties to Alex.
  • Hmm.
  • But Jason is safe this week.
  • Paul is safe, too. After all, his best lil' buddy Mark gave him the "save a friend" from their latest new temptation tree.
  • Will Paul stab his "savior" this week in the back?
  • Hell, yeah.
  • Mark is a dead man walking this week and will be evicted.
  • In their thinking, they have to get Mark out when they can. He can win comps.
  • It won't be a true backdoor because Mark played in the veto. A true backdoor (or Six Finger Plan as Nakomis who thought of the whole blindside scheme called it) gives the target no chance to save his or her butt in the game.
  • Mark knew he was a target. But a slip and slide comp for him is almost as bad as a wall would have been. He's not built for either.
  • Christmas agreed with Paul that they need to get Jason out.
  • Well, not gonna happen if he keeps winning comps!
  • Some of the zings from conversations -- Matt hasn't done anything but Raven. Alex is carrying too many people. 
  • Oh. Raven's arthritis was aggravated by the comp.
  • Poor sick child.
  • Ahem.
  • Paul is ticked because BB wouldn't let them slide on their butts in the comp this year like he did last year. 
  • He thinks BB makes rules up to make things harder for him.
  • It seems like more than half the show's fans think it's the other way around.
  • Apparently the ZingBot said something about recent current events outside the house.
  • Josh was amazed when Kevin said he remembers Nixon going out, Malcolm X., man walking on the moon and the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "You were alive back then?!?!?!"
  • Oh my.
  • Now I feel even older as I have a handful of years over Kevin.
  • Alex and Jason are both free of their punishments.
  • And life is normal once again.
  • Oh, wait.
  • It's not.
  • It's still BB season. 

Crazed veto winner?

His days are numbered ...

How Alex changes clothes

I'm a happy Have Not!

Saturday, August 19, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds Saturday - August 19

Trying his best to stay

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Rampant Rodents:
  • As I was posting the morning feeds update, Christmas saw a rat come out of one of the kitchen cabinets. She saw it on the HoH spy screen. So, we didn't see it.
  • Paul and Josh were with her and went down to search for it to no avail.
  • Christmas. Paul and Josh made a final three deal.
  • Paul claims that Jason was talking with Mark about getting him (Paul) out, plus Matt told him that Jason said he would take Alex to the final two. So he's lost his trust in him.
  • That's what he says.
  • And, Christmas needs Paul for a while longer.
  • Both told Josh he needs to calm down and watch what he says to others.
  • Well, that's a truth.
  • Christmas gets her boot early this coming week. 
  • Not the same kind of boot Elena and Cody got last week!
  • Christmas and Josh think Mark needs to go, then Matt. They know Alex probably won't work with Kevin, definitely won't work with Raven. They need to split them up.
  • Oh ... BB gave them Tupperware containers for their food.
  • They also put some kind of zapping rat trap under the cabinets.
  • Raven claims she can't go near it because it would set off her pacemaker and she'd die.
  • I smiled.
  • You know, her mother was struck by lightning, right?
  • It's just so amazing that all these tragedies seem to target her poor family!
  • Jason thinks it's an imaginary rat.
  • I can't say. But I will say that Josh and Paul's expressions after Christmas said it was there looked like there is indeed a rat.
  • Or a mouse.
  • Hey, maybe it's an anteater. They could use one of them in the house!
  • The veto players were picked -- in addition to the nominees and HoH, it's Paul, Raven and MARK.
  • Apparently Christmas chose Raven in a Houseguest Choice.
  • Hmm.
  • Now, it they want Mark up and out, it would have been better to choose Alex, I'd think.
  • The Christmas/Paul eviction list is a bit different from the Christmas/Josh one -- Mark, Jason, Matt, Kevin.
  • There are two Have Nots this week -- Josh and Mark.
  • Their new Temptation bit was an apple tree with prizes and punishments on it. Mark got "Save a Friend" and bequeathed safety for the week to his good ol' buddy Paul.
  • Say what? 
  • I'm not sure what the others got.
  • Instead of getting Raven out, Christmas and Paul bring her into their fold, telling her Kevin and Mark are working together.
  • The latest plan is: if Mark doesn't win veto, he goes home. If Matt wins veto, Jason goes home. If Jason wins veto, Kevin goes up and out.
  • Oy!
  • As of this posting, they haven't played the Veto Comp. 

Ah, expensive franks

Checking out the music

Not the proper headgear!

Christmas, the Seer of Rats

Falling out of favor with the kids

BB19: Live Feeds into Saturday - August 19

Final two plan with Christmas?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Mousy Malcontents:
  • The live feeds returned at midnight-ish, East Coast time with the HoH comp long over -- done really late on Thursday night after the live show ended.
  • So, we didn't see it.
  • Christmas is the new HoH.
  • And, her nominations are Jason and Matt.
  • Gosh, I wish it was Raven up there! 
  • Anyway ... the backdoor plan is in for Mark to go on the block and out the door.
  • Of course, if Mark gets chosen to play and wins veto, he lives to suffer another week in the house.
  • Kevin is in hot water with The Powers That Be for telling Jason if he wins veto, not to use it and Matt would go home.
  • Kevin, Kevin, Kevin ... you're on their radar. You know the backdoor plan. Don't put more of a target on yourself.
  • Christmas, though hobbled with a broken foot and often bad-tempered lately, is no dummy. 
  • Although she has had a touchy-feeiy close relationship with Kevin, she doesn't want him in the final two with her. He could very well win because he's liked by all.
  • So, the time has come to work against him.
  • She doesn't want Paul in the final two with her, either. He's hands down the best player all season in the house, like him or not. (Yeah, I know a lot don't like him. I find him obnoxious, myself. But he's playing a very good game.) If it's Paul and Christmas in the final two and the jury votes purely on game play, Paul would win.
  • But, the time hasn't quite come to work against him. She will use him for at least a few more weeks to rally people, then stab him in the back.
  • Who does she want in the final two with her?
  • Why, her puppy dog Josh!
  • If she gets him to the final two with her, she would be the winner due to Josh's behavior (often coached by her). 
  • At least that's how I see it, hamster watcher that I am.
  • In the anti-Kevin arena, Paul and Josh talked about Kevin needing to go away after Matt leaves. They think he's a big show fan and has just been acting dumb about the show and throwing comps.
  • I realize Raven's not much of a threat.
  • But I'm tired of watching someone with so many supposed diseases look, act and eat so healthy. Plus she does little other than cook chicken and hang on Matt.
  • Now, Josh whispered to Matt that Alex and Jason have been acting sketchy for a while.
  • Hmm ... coached whispers from Christmas to create rivalry between the others?
  • I don't know. 
  • It's well known that Alex wants the couples out.
  • But does the remaining couple (Matt/Raven) know it?
  • Josh has been making nicey-nice with Mark -- mentioning that Mark and Dominique were the only two who talked to him the first few weeks.
  • They both vow to be friends outside the house.
  • Josh claims that he's lost family and friends over his quick and severe reactions to things. He thinks BB has helping him get over those issues.
  • I say, wait until the circus music fades.
  • A lot will hinge on the veto comp later today.
  • If Mark wins, he's safe.
  • If Jason or Matt win or someone else saves one of them, Mark will go on the block and out.
  • If the noms remain the same, it would likely be Matt going.
  • I guess we'll see. 

Bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches coming!

Must play and win Veto this week

Chows down well for all her diseases

Has a plan

BB, don't call out my name and say nothing!