Thursday, August 24, 2017

BB19: Live Eviction Show, HoH Blog Party - August 24

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! 

Here are the blog pool match-ups for easy reference tonight --

Alex Ow - jujufruit423, caela, Donna in FL, Nickelpeed
Christmas Abbott - Willie J, Rich from Buffalo, Glenn, QuixoticElf
Jason Dent - Donna in Alabama, Cheryl in NC, jo Chapman, Marthalight
Josh Martinez - Petals, Stormy, Kelsey in NY, Dr_Celine
Kevin Schlehuber - elee86, aya, SueGee on the Left Coast
Mark Jansen - Buzzmaam, Judi Sweeney, Cheryl C, Sharon S
Matthew Clines - JonMD1267, T-Town Chick, Sharon C
Paul Abrahamian - Indiana Jane, Jackie, Brian, Marlo L
Raven Walton - Kristen from Ohio, David, Nora

Cody Nickson
Elena Davies

Hamster watchers ready?  Let's have recap!

Julie certainly isn't wearing blue jeans tonight! Hmm, they said the battle for HoH begins (in addition to the eviction). There was nothing on the feeds page saying it would carry on after the show ends.

Julie tells us friends will have to turn on each other. Oh noes!

Paul talks to Matt and Raven ... they're talking about taking out Jason or Alex next. Paul wants to get Matt/Raven and Alex/Jason targeting each other. So, he talks to Alex next. Remember, he once had a final two deal with her. She thinks he still has it. I don't think so! Paul tells us he's worried if he takes Alex to the end, he'll get second place ... again.

Alex and Jason talk. They (foolishly) think they can trust Paul. 

Mark knows he's a rat on a sinking ship, so he will try some talks. He goes to Jason. He's optimistic yet pessimistic. He will keep trying. In his talk to Kevin, Kevin makes it clear he's more annoyed by Matt than Mark. He's actually making sense talking to Jason and Alex. But when does making sense work in the BB19 house?

Julie talks to the houseguests. She notes Christmas has the cast off. She mentions Matt is wearing a different shirt tonight. Alex, any positives about the camp punishments? Fed the Have Nots. Kevin -- yet to become HoH. He wants bottled waters and a nice letter. Onto Josh's reaction to ZingBot. They get to see clips from the slip and slide with the sound effects. Julie talks with Jason about the news of his wife's pregnancy in his HoH letter.

Onto a clip of Jason's wife and family watching him get the news. His wife is cute. She and her (his) parents think Alex is the best partner he could have in the house. And, I have to say, Alex isn't hanging all over him ... or any guy. I personally like to see that! 

Time for the vote:
Matt: Matt is an expert loser. He says he won a veto no one else wanted. He promises to eat cereal, shower and be a loser.
Mark: It's been a blessing. Hopes he makes Mom proud up there. Loves each and every one of you. Says Jason is a great guy.

The votes to evict:
Raven - Mark
Josh - Mark
Kevin - Mark
Jason - Matt
Alex - Matt
Paul - Mark

BTW - Paul and Alex are wearing tutus.

Mark is out, handles it fantastic. Not all that surprising to me as I watch the live feeds, he talked about what a good guy Josh is. Folks who only watch the show were probably shocked. Not that I want Josh to win, mind you. He's a goof.

HoH - Everybody is a Wiener. They have to stay in their (big) hot dog buns as long as they can. It's baseball game themed. The buns move around. I can only guess condiments will come. The sprinklers come on. 

Please head to the post I've set up to cover the comp!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

BB19: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - August 23

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! 

How many weeks are they going to have Cody walking over the table? Yes, we're starting with a recap. 

They say ZingBot is back and "more ruthless than ever." And, we're into the show. 

Christmas tells us that if Mark wins veto, her next target is pawn Jason. Kevin tells Jason that he thinks Matt will go if Mark saves himself. Kind words go between Mark, Josh and Christmas. Christmas honestly likes Mark.

Paul goes to talk to both Josh and Christmas. Paul tells them it's probably better to not have pairs in the final five. He says that he'd prefer Jason go before Alex. They talk about the five being themselves, plus Kevin and Raven.

(Ew, Raven.) 

Teary time for Mark, both reading a bible in the bedroom and in the Diary Room to us. He's lonely.

Time to pick players for the veto comp! It's back to the normal random picks. Christmas draws Houseguest's Choice and goes for Raven. She tells us that she blacked out when she picked her. Matt also gets Houseguest's Choice -- he goes for Paul. Jason picks ... MARK. 

Jason is upset because Christmas chose Raven instead of Alex. Christmas tries to talk her way out of it. Does he believe her?

Mark tells his woes to Paul. 

Then it's ZingBot time! I'm never sure why people are in such joy to be insulted! Oh my, Trump jokes? Kevin won't bow to him. Good.

Mark - Bisexual? Every time he tried to get sexual with Elena, she said "Bye." While Mark cries in the DR, Josh laughs.

Alex - Carries around a lot of dead weight ... Jason. 

Raven - The clownitard, worst punishment ever. Oh, wait, just your face.

Josh - You shed so many tears this summer, too bad you can't shed weight.

Paul - Last season, you taught me friendship and stuff, like how to lose a half-million dollars. 

Matt - The only thing you've done is Raven.

Kevin - Like to use saran wrap to preserve your youth, too freaking late. 

Alex - Cat ears and wieners.

Christmas - No coal in her stocking, goes onto sing about her broken foot.

ZingBot needs help to get home, time for the veto comp.

And, it's the slip and slide we usually see as an HoH endurance type comp playing out on the live feeds. We did not see this. Christmas isn't allowed to play. 

The whole theme is based on Trump/Putin collusion. Y'know, it might be best not to bring politics into this. Hasn't the show had enough controversy without that? 

Jason is making progress -- he filled the little bowl and got the larger scoop. Paul is really working on the big bowl as is Matt. Raven and Mark just keep falling. 

Jason wins the Power of Veto! 

Jason's punishment costume is extremely over. He has a point about going bald and the helmet rubbing more hair off. Alex's punishment is also over. 

Mark tries to convince Christmas and Josh that she needs him in the house. He swears loyalty and big moves. He points out Alex and Jason are liked by all, Alex should go because she stands a good chance to win.

Editing to make it seem like it just might happen ... 

Time for the veto meeting. Jason saves himself. Christmas puts Mark in his place, telling him listening to his argument last night fulfilled her previous promise to him.

Mark tells us he won't give up.

BB19: Live Feeds Tuesday into Wednesday - August 23

Poor guy will have to live with Elena in jury

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House Acrimonious Animals:
  • First off, I've been a bit under the weather.
  • Second, they haven't been doing much newsworthy, so I didn't really have a lot to post anyway.
  • There have been no brouhahas, not even a kerfuffle.
  • Christmas did get a new boot, no weight-bearing for two more weeks.
  •  Raven created drama when she lost her bracelet.
  • Paul found it under the coffeemaker in the kitchen. No one will admit to hiding it there.
  • Oh, geez.
  • They horseplayed and the BB voice warning them NO HORSEPLAY.
  • I think it's the first year for that one. The BB voice SHUT IT DOWN has been used a lot this season. But that has been prevalent during past seasons.
  • Oh my gosh ... a whole lotta nuthin' going on in the house.
  • Unfortunately, there has been more going on here in the comments. SHUT IT DOWN! Keep the comments about the hamsters, not about fellow commenters. If someone wants to "hate" Paul or "hate" Cody ... that's okay.  You do not need to change their minds or tell them how wrong they are. The commenter isn't a better or lesser person for their choice of hamsters. I personally never understand how someone you don't even know can create such vitriol. But, stop it. Feel free to say what you like or dislike about the cast. But stop knocking the commenters/fans/whatever who don't feel the same way you do.

Yes, this is all of them

Hanging in there

Monday, August 21, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Monday Evening - August 21

Sharp dressed man

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Hellbent Hounds:
  • BB gave them some news from the outside -- the eclipse.
  • They gave them viewing glasses to watch it.
  • Some took advantage of the time to nap a bit.
  • I think it would have been funnier had they just surprised them with the darkened skies.
  • Sigh. I guess I don't want them to go blind.
  • I'm sure Raven will contract something from it anyway.
  • The Veto Ceremony (blocked to the live feeds) was held this morning.
  • No surprises.
  • Jason took himself off the block and Christmas put Mark in his place.
  • Christmas cried some crocodile tears to Mark about it hurting her heart.
  • Oh, yeah.
  • Sure.
  • Christmas is pretty sure they're due for a physical comp, although she can't play as exiting HoH.
  • She wants Matt or Raven to win so they will target Alex or Jason.
  • It's Jason she wants out more so than Alex.
  • If Jason or Alex win HoH, Christmas wants them to target Kevin.
  • I'd rather they not, thankyouverymuch.
  • Alex and Jason both fussed about how Raven cooks chicken.
  • It's too spicy and chewy.
  • And here I thought that cooking chicken was Raven's saving grace in the house!
  • Josh talked to us. He said his father told him to act goofy and like he didn't know what he's doing.
  • Here I thought it just came naturally to him!
  • Nothing much really happening with the exceptions of the "If I win HoH" scenario talks.
  • Oh. Mark isn't doing those talks.
  • He knows he's gone this week. 

Eclipse watching (and napping, too)

Is he constipated? Could be!

Seeking the wisdom of the gods

Why is she even there? Who chose her?

BB19: Live Feeds into Monday - August 21

Who woulda thunk it?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Obnoxious Oafs:
  • In reference to the screen cap above -- in the beginning of the season, I pegged Christmas as a strong contender and Josh as a pretty much a loon. Who would have thought this team up would even start up, say nothing about still existing so late in the season?
  • Sundays are usually the most boring day of the week in the house -- no comps, just a PoV meeting ahead on Monday.
  • At least Kevin got his yard open. It makes a definite difference in his demeanor.
  • When the PoV is pretty much a given -- as it is this week -- things are relatively easy-going among the hamsters.
  • Yes, Mark knows he's the target and will probably go on the block and out the door this week. He hasn't really given up trying to stay. He's being nice. That's pretty much all he can do at this point.
  • Paul had an extremely long talk with the camera going over his strategy so far and in upcoming days. 
  • He said he's "owned" every HoH except for Jessica and Cody. Yep, he has. Some viewers have certainly been vocal about him doing so. 
  • But it's a feather in his BB cap.
  • He hasn't been on the block and everybody except Jessica and Cody have followed his direction so far.
  • Obnoxious dude or not, not many could have pulled it off.
  • Of course, that doesn't mean his followers won't turn on him. They're quite likely to do so.
  • In other news ... while Christmas, Josh and Paul want to target either Jason or Matt next, Alex, Jason, and Raven want Kevin gone.
  • Paul wants Kevin to remain in until the final five to give him (Paul) a better chance of winning it all.
  • Raven told Matt that she can't believe no one has targeted Paul.
  • Ha. She's been a part of that, hasn't she?
  • She also told Christmas about some new and different health woes she has.
  • I can't believe no one's targeted her! After all, shouldn't she be living in assisted care or something with all of her health issues?!?!
  • Christmas, playing on their agenda, encouraged Matt and Raven to keep Kevin nervous.
  • Sigh.
  • I like Kevin. He's been so different than most on the live feeds and has entertained me. But I do sense he's packing it in a bit and isn't going to give his 100% for the win.
  • Paul also continues to cast doubt on Kevin's integrity.
  • The latest is that he's lying about having seven children. He's not.
  • Mark made a few last ditch efforts to see if there's any way he can stay.
  • While Christmas told him she hasn't really made up her mind yet, we know she has. He knows it, too.
  • Christmas and Josh want the final four with themselves, Paul and Raven. They think if Alex makes it that far, she'd boot Paul.
  • Tons of small talk.
  • Raven loves Josh? Oh my.
  • On that note ... 

Being Mr. Congeniality

Paul explaining his strategy to us

Pool sharks

Probably won't eat hot dogs for a year