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Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Survivor: Ghost Island - Season Finale and Reunion Show Blog Party
I will try my best to post the major events of the show as it airs here on the East Coast. I'm still having some back issues, so please bear with me. Refresh the page to get the latest! The real "party" is in the comments -- I hope to see you there.
I probably won't be updating this much once the reunion show starts. But I'll still be around!
Lifeguard Laurie has once again kept up with updating the pool all season (yay, Laurie!) and here's where we stand going into tonight's finale ...
Domenick Abbate - Donna in Alabama, Janice
Donathan Hurley - Becky, Terry is a Texan!
Angela Perkins - monty924, Karen JC
Laurel Johnson - PDX Granny, Donna in FL
Sebastion Noel - Indiana Jane, Shannon, Jackie
Wendell Holland - Skyriverblue, Jennasmom
Chris Noble
Libby Vincek
Desiree Afuye
Jenna Bowman
Michael Yerger
Chelsea Townsend
Kellyn Bechtold
Six are left. Who will be the sole Survivor tonight?
They open the show in Los Angeles with a hyped-up Jeff Probst pointing out the eliminated before jury, the jury as it stands right now and the six remaining on the show. Into an expanded look at each remaining castaway.
Returning from Tribal, both Wendell and Dom are a bit in shock over Donathan's betrayal during the evening. Sebastian is also tired of being in Wendell and Dom's shadow. Meanwhile, Wendell and Dom seem to be thinking that Sebastian is the next to go. Hmm.
It's right to an Immunity Challenge -- a giant skull maze collecting puzzle pieces and then solving the puzzle. Reward is also offered -- a steak dinner with all the trimmings.
Sebastian was the leader through the maze with Donathan not finding his bags of puzzle pieces. But ... Wendell beat out Sebastian with the puzzle.
Wendell wins his first official Immunity win! He gets to pick one person to go with him ... chooses Sebastian. Another person ... he chooses Angela. When asked about his choices, Laurel is vocal about him being strategical. She tells us she's mad that he chose her two biggest enemies and now her gloves are off.
Tonight is the last night Sebastian can use his Ghost Island extra vote advantage. He thinks he'd like to use it for a big move although his reward mates seem to be thinking Donathan.
Dom sees how upset Laurel is over Wendell's chosen reward people. He wants to calm her down. Sebastian tries to talk Donathan and Angela into making a move against Dom, even if it only brings out his idol.
Oh, geez. Angela tells Dom that Sebastian has an extra vote and he's gunning for him. Oy! Now Dom definitely wants Sebastian out. Now Dom is worried. Donathan tries to convince Laurel to vote Dom with him.
Time for the first Tribal Council of the night! Jeff asks his Probsting questions. Sebastian tells Jeff that Donathan might be the target. Dom questions Donathan about whether he's targeting him or not. Sebastian admits to the extra vote which Dom brought up. Dom shows his real and fake idol. He lies and tells them the fake one now has power. Donathan is actually quite calm. Uh-oh, they're calling each other bro but it ain't no bromance.
Dom gives Jeff the fake idol, pretending it's power, before the vote. Will they buy the lie?
The tally ... Dom gets up. He reads about his idol being used to fool another. Any votes for him count.
Dom, Donathan, Sebastian, Sebastian, Sebastian.
My pool boy is voted out. He tells us he didn't use his extra vote and it might have been a million dollar mistake.
In CA, Jeff introduces Erik and James and their bad decisions.
Whoa! We're right to the second Immunity Challenge! Swim to platform, climb up, slide down, obstacles, puzzle pieces, solve puzzle. This time Wendell is in the lead with Laurel on his tail and it's Angela lagging.
Will this drive problems between the two top dogs? Hmm.
When Dom asks him, Donathan says he would take him to the final three. Dom thinks that Laurel is a bigger threat because she's won challenges. Laurel talks to Wendell and Dom. She tells them she wants Donathan on the jury for a vote for her and she goes with them -- Wendell and Dom -- and the vote gets split. Dom doesn't trust her. He talks to Wendell and they think Laurel might be the biggest threat. Wendell is still telling us he'd like to make a big move. Hmm.
Tribal Council time yet again. Jeff asks about the pressure back at camp due to last night. They talk about not taking a person along who stands a chance to win the last Immunity Challenge.
The tally ... Dom plays his real idol (it's the last chance to play it) --
Wendell gets up and plays his idol for LAUREL. She's safe!
Laurel, Donathan, Donathan, Donathan ... he's out!
Jeff talks to Donathan on stage and tells him that singer Sia was so impressed with how Donathan is so supporting of his family that she's giving him $10,000. That's great! He got a lot further in the show than I thought he would and he made some really stupid moves (and talks). But I do feel the kid has a good heart. That money will really help him!
Final Immunity -- standing on a wobbly platform holding a stack of disks and balls with a pole. Final one up with whole stack will choose someone to go with them to the finals and let the other two battle it out. Wendell is once again in the lead and then loses his whole stack. Angela in the lead now. She loses her stack.
DOMENICK wins Immunity!
All four will go to Ghost Island where the three will plead their case for Dom to give them safety. They also should practice their fire-making skills. Wendell plans to do the latter. Jeff gave Dom an envelope not to open until he's alone on Ghost Island.
Dom tells us that he can't give Wendell a free ride. He wants to pick the best of the other two to make fire in the challenge with Wendell. She doesn't even practice making fire. That loses respect from Dom. Angela tries to convince Dom that taking Laurel to the final will be dangerous.
He goes off to read his message. One decision. About wrong decisions made in other seasons. Three voting urns. Colby choosing Tina and losing. Woo chose Tony. Culpepper and Sarah. He thinks about giving Angela his necklace and he himself going against Wendell in the fire-making challenge. He chose the Woo/Tony urn.
Final Tribal Council time.
Dom takes Laurel with him to the final three. It's Angela and Wendell to make fire. They switch places because Wendell is scared to be orange.
WENDELL wins the fire-making challenge! The final three are Wendell, Laurel and Domenick.
The Jury Questioning Tribal is ON.
Social part of the game --
Kellyn - Plan coming in with alliances and relationships. Laurel - played athletic at first and ended up social. She defends herself when Michael accuses her of riding with the boys. He thinks Dom played the best social game. Hmm. Wendell thinks his own conversations were more real. Desiree questions Wendell about that. Wendell brings up his damage control between Chris and Dom. Chriis wants to know who the real mastermind is of the three. Wendell thinks he was because he was the winning five and pulled in Laurel. Donathan speaks up for Dom. Dom tells why HE was the mastermind for his own game. (Master of his domain?) Laurel says she thinks she approached the two guys. Chris questions why the two didn't go after each other. Dom says he tried at the end. Wendell tried to get along with all.
Outplay part --
Laurel won a challenge and gave a good run at others. She felt she didn't NEED to win challenges to stay in the game. Wendell talks camp life and all he built. Chris asks him about idols. He mentions protecting Laurel and loyalty. Dom talks about the night of the Sebastian vote. Sebastian didn't like how things went down. Hmm ... seems like Dom has some friction from the jury people about his "brutal" move. Michael thinks the move was brilliant.
Outlast part --
Laurel up first. She thinks taking out the two early would have resulted her being gone and how her loyalty made Wendell save her. Dom mentions how a lot of his moves hurt people. Vote with your heart and who played the best game. He's proud of his game. Wendell wanted to build things, kind of athletic, smart and social. Tried to play a clean game. Thought things through and made strategic moves.
They show two votes for Dom, two for Wendell as they write them.
The tally right there ...
Dom, Wendell, Dom, Wendell, Dom, Wendell, Dom, Wendell, Dom, Wendell.
First time ever tie for the win.
Laurel becomes the final member of the jury and casts the deciding vote. That vote will be read in Los Angeles.
New Survivor this fall -- David vs. Goliath. Kind of a superhero vs. underdogs season. Hmm.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Survivor: Ghost Island - May 16 Blog Party
I will try my best to at least post the major events of the show as it airs here on the East Coast. I still can't twist around or sit too long with the back surgery, thus the live blogging might not be as thorough as it could be. Refresh the page to get the latest!
We're in for the penultimate show of the season -- next Wednesday is the three-hour block of finale and reunion.
Lifeguard Laurie has updated the pool and here's where we stand going into tonight's episode ...
Domenick Abbate - Donna in Alabama, Janice
Donathan Hurley - Becky, Terry is a Texan!
Angela Perkins - monty924, Karen JC
Kellyn Bechtold - Glenn Allen, Margo, Delee
Laurel Johnson - PDX Granny, Donna in FL
Sebastion Noel - Indiana Jane, Shannon, Jackie
Wendell Holland - Skyriverblue, Jennasmom
Chris Noble
Libby Vincek
Desiree Afuye
Jenna Bowman
Michael Yerger
Chelsea Townsend
Seven are left. Who will be voted out tonight?
Kellyn is feeling the odd man out, although a woman. Donathan and Laurel are trying to think of their next move -- both know that Dom and Wendell need to go. Yet they're reluctant to take them out. Donathan talked to Kellyn about uniting to take out Wendell.
Reward has three teams of two rolling spools down elevated wooden sets -- racing up and down to retrieve, up to four spools going at once. Reward is delivering school supplies and fried chicken feast. One person
"Captains" choosing teammate --
Kellyn - Sebastian
Wendell - Dom
Donathan - Laurel
Angela not playing, cannot go to Reward or Ghost Island.
Now a fifth spool is added.
Sebastian/Kellyn out.
Then Donathan/Laurel
Wendell and Dom win! They can take one person to go with them. They choose Laurel. They send Sebastian to Ghost Island. The Laurel choice cements Donathan's desire to split up Wendell and Dom.
Sebastian (on Ghost Island) risks his vote to first get a key and then win an advantage. He won the "steal a vote" that Kellyn got earlier this season and he has an extra vote.
On Reward Wendell tells us they chose Laurel to make her feel more secure in their alliance. Laurel tells them she's with them for the final three ... then tells us she will cut their throats.
Back at camp, Donathan goes ahead with his "truth bombs." Wendell says that's a reason for him to go to jury. He admits the same to Dom. So now both Dom and Wendell think Donathan has gone rogue on them.
Immunity Challenge time is here. Race, retrieve planks, build bridge, cross it, tower, build ladder, climb it and solve a puzzle.
LAUREL wins! Wendell actually finished first. But since he didn't call Jeff over, it's Laurel. Angela never got beyond the first stage of the challenge.
Although Laurel had wanted to get Wendell out, she's guilt-ridden over the fact that Wendell really won the challenge get to her. She goes back to the Kellyn out plan. Wendell, Laurel and Dom go with her. Donathan acts freaky again and says they're targeting him.
Oh, geez. He sees some furtive movements between Dom and Wendell and goes totally unhinged. He goes to the girls about getting Dom out. Wendell isn't sure who's the biggest danger -- Kellyn or Donathan. Kellyn can win challenges, but Donathan is totally unpredictable.
Tribal Council -- they talk about the deterioration both mentally and physically. Dom mentions that Donathan may have changed gears. Donathan talks about trust and telling others what's happening. Dom/Wendell are sneaky talking about a hammock plan. Laurel seems confused. Kellyn thinks she's going. Donathan thinks he's going.
Donathan votes Dom. No others are shown.
The tally -- no one plays an idol.
Dom, Donathan, Kellyn, Kellyn, Donathan, Donathan, Kellyn
Re-vote for the tie-breaker:
Donathan, Kellyn, Kellyn, Kellyn
Donathan didn't sink his ship no matter how he tried. Kellyn is voted off.
Wednesday, May 09, 2018
Survivor: Ghost Island - May 9 Blog Party
I will try my best to at least post the major events of the show as it airs this week. I still can't twist around or sit too long with the back surgery, thus the live blogging might not be as thorough as it could be. Refresh the page to get the latest!
Lifeguard Laurie has updated the pool and here's where we stand going into tonight's episode ...
Chelsea Townsend - David, Merrilee
Domenick Abbate - Donna in Alabama, Janice
Donathan Hurley - Becky, Terry is a Texan!
Angela Perkins - monty924, Karen JC
Kellyn Bechtold - Glenn Allen, Margo, Delee
Laurel Johnson - PDX Granny, Donna in FL
Sebastion Noel - Indiana Jane, Shannon, Jackie
Wendell Holland - Skyriverblue, Jennasmom
Chris Noble
Libby Vincek
Desiree Afuye
Jenna Bowman
Michael Yerger
Eight are left. Who will be voted out tonight?
Kellyn, feeling cornered by the others, admits she had the extra vote and threw both votes to Laurel at the last Tribal Council.
Reward Challenge - spa with ribs, chicken, burgers, ice cream ... and a loved one. (Schmaltz time!) Gag me now, please. They've been apart a whole month.
They have to race through obstacles, unknot sandbags, more obstacles, toss sandbags at a target.
Sebastian wins! He chooses Dom to go with him. Then he picks Wendell. One more -- Donathan!
He also has to choose someone to go to Ghost Island for an automatic advantage. He can choose himself. Wendell gives up the love time with Dad to get the advantage.
Wendell's advantage is the one Malcolm had -- if he drops the ball in the challenge, he gets another shot at it. Malcolm dropped the ball twice, thus blowing his advantage.
Dom wants to talk business with his boys at the lunch. Donathan is a bit leery. He thinks he needs to take out a bigger target if he can. But he wasted his idol last Tribal.
The girls think they can pull in Donathan and break up Dom/Wendell. Laurel knows both Dom and Wendell each have an idol. She's definitely thinking of going with the girls ... keyword: thinking. We'll see.
Immunity Challenge time -- as we had hints earlier, balancing a ball on a sectioned cylinder. Wendell has to read his advantage to the rest.
Kellyn first out. Next round has a fourth section added. Angela off, Wendell dropped but can go again. Wendell now out with a second drop. Final round with a fifth section added. Sebastian out. Laurel out. Chelsea out. Dom and Donathan left up.
Domenick wins Immunity!
Wendell is feeling secure. Dom and Wendell want to target Chelsea. Kellyn wants Wendell out. They want to pull Donathan in. They talk to him. Donathan agrees he's down with the girls. We'll see. They think it must be a blindside.
Laurel is sending out bad vibes but not telling Wendell. He's suspicious. She and Donathan talk. They do think it might be time. But they're both a bit leery of taking the jump and voting out their ally Wendell.
Tribal. Uh-oh. Donathan says that there is an opening for either him or Laurel. All seem worried. Then he says that both the girls and the guys have come to him. Jeff's questions get them all wondering even more. And, then it's time to vote.
The tally -- Wendell does NOT play his idol.
Wendell, Chelsea, Wendell, Chelsea, Wendell, Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea
They did NOT make the move and now Chelsea's gone.
Wednesday, May 02, 2018
Survivor: Ghost Island - May 2 Blog Party
I will try my best to at least post the major events of the show as it airs this week. I still can't twist around or sit too long with the back surgery, thus the live blogging might not be as thorough as it could be.
Tonight we will see two castaways get their torches snuffed. Since it's not a double episode (listed as 61 minutes), this should be interesting!
Lifeguard Laurie has updated the pool and here's where we stand going into tonight's episode ...
Chelsea Townsend - David, Merrilee
Domenick Abbate - Donna in Alabama, Janice
Donathan Hurley - Becky, Terry is a Texan!
Angela Perkins - monty924, Karen JC
Kellyn Bechtold - Glenn Allen, Margo, Delee
Michael Yerger - Sharon N., Tammy
Jenna Bowman - Brian, Judi Sweeney
Laurel Johnson - PDX Granny, Donna in FL
Sebastion Noel - Indiana Jane, Shannon, Jackie
Wendell Holland - Skyriverblue, Jennasmom
Chris Noble
Libby Vincek
Desiree Afuye
Ten are left. Who will be voted out tonight?
Uh-oh, Laurel is feeling safe because she saved the others from Desiree last week. You know how things are when someone feels safe in the game! Sure enough, Kellyn is a bit suspicious.
Wendell and Dom are still doing their male bonding thing. Dom is willing to take the risk of cutting off Wendell when the time is right. He wants to find an idol. He finds the fake idol from S33. Jay got voted off using it. It's not a real idol. It has a curse -- Dom has to fool another player into thinking it's real. He's pondering how to use it.
No Reward, right to Immunity. Pull up on a bar clamping a ball between two sets of jaws. Twist announced that two people will win Immunity and two separate Tribal Councils with two people out. Orange and Purple temporary tribes. Absolute last standing has their tribal last so they know who went home from the first one.
Orange -- Michael, Laurel, Domenick, Wendell, Kellyn
Purple -- Chelsea, Donathan, Angela, Sebastian, Jenna
Kellyn first out. Michael out. Donathan out. Laurel out. Sebastian, then Jenna out. Angela out. Chelsea wins individual immunity!
It's Domenick versus Wendell. They're trash-talking each other.
Wendell, though weakened, throws it to Dom. (He probably wouldn't have lasted.) Dom wins!
Dom thinks getting rid of Michael shouldn't be an issue. Michael knows he's the target. He asks Donathan to borrow his idol just to show the others. Donathan doesn't want anyone on his tribe to know he has the idol. Michael wants to convince the others he has an idol even though Donathan doesn't loan him it. He tells Kellyn he has one. She tells Dom. He doesn't believe it and still plans to vote Michael.
Kellyn thinks she should vote for Laurel. She goes to Wendell. Now Wendell thinks they need a plan. He tells Laurel that she might have to vote Kellyn. Ah, the chaos begins. Kellyn is planning to use her advantage and cast an extra vote on Laurel. Oh my.
On the other tribe, Sebastian and company plan on voting for Jenna while telling her they're voting Donathan. They don't want Donathan using his idol. Uh-oh, he's thinking of saving Jenna! He's also worried about Laurel on the other tribe. Jenna is planning on using him and voting for him. Poor innocent Donathan!
Tribal Council #1. Three Naviti, two Malolo. Jenna says she's sure she's going home and is ready for the vote. It's short, not overly sweet and goes right into the vote.
The tally -- Donathan plays his idol -- he has his Super Idol. He plays it for himself, thank goodness.
The tally -- Donathan, Sebastian, Jenna, Jenna, Jenna
Jenna is out! She gets to sit with the jury so the next tribe knows she's been voted out.
Tribal Council #2. Once again with this team, Naviti has the voting numbers. Dom says he doesn't believe Michael has the idol. Yikes -- Dom whispers to Wendell. Now Kellyn is nervous. Laurel says she thinks she (Laurel) is the target now. Time to vote.
The tally -- remember Kellyn's advantage. No idols played.
Kellyn, Wendell, Laurel, Michael, Michael, Laurel
Re-vote -- Laurel and Michael can't vote.
Re-tally -- Michael, Michael.
He tried his best, but he's gone.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Survivor: Ghost Island - April 25 Blog Party
I will try my best to at least post the major events of the show as it airs this week. I still can't twist around or sit too long with the back surgery, thus the live blogging might not be as thorough as it could be.
The ever vigilant Lifeguard Laurie has updated the pool and here's where we stand going into tonight's episode ...
Chelsea Townsend - David, Merrilee
Domenick Abbate - Donna in Alabama, Janice
Donathan Hurley - Becky, Terry is a Texan!
Angela Perkins - monty924, Karen JC
Desiree Afuye - Bizarro22, Karen in California
Kellyn Bechtold - Glenn Allen, Margo, Delee
Michael Yerger - Sharon N., Tammy
Jenna Bowman - Brian, Judi Sweeney
Laurel Johnson - PDX Granny, Donna in FL
Sebastion Noel - Indiana Jane, Shannon, Jackie
Wendell Holland - Skyriverblue, Jennasmom
Chris Noble
Libby Vincek
Eleven are left. Who will be voted out tonight?
Food is scarce. What did they expect? Desiree is ready to cast herself off the Naviti bandwagon. She believes she was on the bottom with them. Does she expect anything different from Malolo? Hmm.
Reward Challenge -- two teams of five, rescue members of their teams, locks, puzzle. The reward is a flight and picnic. Winning team will send someone from the losing team to Ghost Island. Schoolyard pick. One won't play. Donathan didn't get picked.
Sebastian, Jenna, Kellyn, Michael and Chelsea win Reward!
Angela, in a rock draw, goes to Ghost Island.
Michael tries to work his way into the group. They aren't really encouraging back at him.
Meanwhile, at Ghost Island follows the fire to get to a game of chance where she can risk her vote to play. She knows she's the majority voting block, so risks it. Oops. No vote.
Laurel tells Dominick that some of the Naviti girls want to flip and take out the "big" players. Kellyn is in shock that Desiree would be working against her. She thinks someone is trying to take the target off of Michael.
Michael thinks he needs an idol to stay alive. Donathan goes with him. Michael isn't thrilled about that. Donathan finds one half of the super idol (Tai) and a clue that the other half is under the flooring at the camp. He tells and uses Michael and Laurel to get the other part.
Time for the Immunity Challenge. Balance a ball on a disc balanced on two ropes. Last one remaining in it wins it. Wendell, Jenna and Desiree out. Laurel out. Angela out. All in less than a minute into the challenge. Donathan out. Dom out -- two minutes in. Michael out. Kellyn out. It's down to Chelsea and Sebastian.
Chelsea wins Immunity!
Desiree still wants Kellyn out. She's furious that Laurel told Dom that she's after Kellyn. She thinks it's back to getting rid of Michael.
Now we have a kerfuffle going on between Desiree and Laurel. Now Dom is suspicious of Desiree. She just might have painted a target on her own back with her scheming. Desiree is denying her betrayal in a talk with Kellyn. Kellyn still thinks Naviti needs to remain strong for now.
Tribal Council time! Donathan brings up the Desiree/Laurel kerfuffle. A kerfuffle ensues.
The tally -- no one plays an idol.
Desiree, Desiree, Desiree, Desiree, Michael, Michael, Desiree, Desiree.
Desiree is out. She did it to herself.
Next week two will be voted out.
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