Sunday, July 08, 2018

Off Topic: Plainfield NJ Fourth of July Parade

I've been absent from my off topic photography posts due to needing back surgery, having back surgery and now slow recovery from back surgery. I haven't been able to really get around much. However, the local parade goes right by my apartment building. Even so, I had to give up sitting in a hard folding chair after more than two hours and missed the end of the parade. (I certainly heard it, though!)

Here are some of the photos I took ...


BIg Brother 20: Live Feeds into Sunday Morning - July 8

Needs to get her own game on

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Misguided Mice:
  • As you (should) know from my last brief update, Tyler won the Power of Veto.
  • The comp, blocked to the live feeds, had them individually timed running back and forth trying to put up the right answers concerning previous hamsters.
  • Obviously, they were able to read something during the comp as half of the hamsters don't know anything about previous hamsters.
  • Cody made an appearance and was the "special guest."
  • Swaggy told Fessy he's worried about how tough Tyler is with two comp wins.
  • He should worry.
  • Me? I like Tyler better anyway!
  • Tyler thinks if he takes Scottie off the block, Scottie will switch to their side.
  • He might have a point. Scottie has only really hit it off with Kaitlyn and Steve so far. And, of course, Steve is gone.
  • Tyler told Kaitlyn he really didn't want to win the veto and just guessed right.
  • Kaitlyn is more worried by the minute that, if she backdoors Swaggy, the other side will come after her.
  • Well, that is the game, girlie!
  • She also thinks Cody doesn't like her.
  • Why should she even care about that? After watching Cody last season and her this season, no ... I bet he doesn't. She would drive him up the wall. But, what difference should it make to her?
  • Heh. Winston apparently picked Tyler for the PoV comp as Houseguest's Choice. And, if all goes as planned, Tyler will pull Scottie off the block and leave Winston sitting there.
  • Fessy is still working on his Kaitlyn alliance. He told her that although Swaggy and him are close, he will always come in second with him due to Bayleigh. Kaitlyn is his Number One.
  • Oh my.
  • Swaggy is feeling quite insecure right now. He feels that backdoor coming, probably sooner rather than later.
  • Winston knows of the plan to take Scottie off the block. He's a bit antsy because no one knows who has the power.
  • We know that Sam only has this week and next to save a hamster until the power just goes to whoever is evicted in the fourth week.
  • Nah, she ain't gonna use it on Winston!
  • In her renom speech, Kaitlyn is going to mention Swaggy calling her a liability and the bottom of the pack in the alliance. She's also looking for new dirt and has people listening for more.
  • JC continues his caring about Sam despite the absence of SamBot.
  • Rumors keep flying because no one knows who got the Power App.
  • I personally think, with no confirmation on the feeds, that Tyler might have it. I can see him keeping it a secret.
  • They got the backyard after 1am their time. Commence just hanging out, using the hot tub, using the gym equipment and catching up on laundry.
  • They will surely sleep in this morning. 

Tyler is a good influence on her game

Dirty feets there, Sam!

Da boyz get their free gym

Hot tub time!

Saturday, July 07, 2018

Big Brother 20: Power of Veto Winner - July 7

Over five hours. Yes, we're talking five hours of blocked live feeds. If I wanted to watch reruns of previous BB seasons, I could watch them on CBS All Access. But we finally do have a winner and that won't air until Wednesday on the show. Spoilers ahead ...

Will the Tyler/Kaitlyn plan to backdoor Swaggy stay in effect now that Tyler has the PoV? I don't know. It's a long time between now and the PoV meeting.

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds Into Saturday - July 7

Haleigh gets around, doesn't she?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wanton Wombats:
  • I swear BB gave a lot of staffers time off during the holiday week. I don't think I've ever seen focus on one room as much as lately. All four cams will be on one room with Cams 1 and 3 identical shots, Cams 2 and 4 will be another angle of the same room. 
  • Okay, if you missed the latest -- Kaitlyn put Winston and Scottie on the block and is hoping one will come down, Swaggy goes up and out.
  • And, that's kind of where I left you last night.
  • Bayleigh and Swaggy continue their showmance although both fear it could lead to ruining their games.
  • I personally doubt it will last beyond the house, too.
  • But they're young and foolish. 
  • Lots of rumors flying about who got the Power App -- whoever it is is keeping it on the down low for now.
  • We know Rachel got the Crap App and chose YELL.
  • Winston and Brett think that Scottie must have it because he lost Steve.
  • Hmm.
  • Winston knows that Kaitlyn wants to backdoor Swaggy and that he himself is a pawn.
  • Kaitlyn told Scottie that he (Scottie) is a pawn and Winston is the target.
  • Kaycee and Sam are bonding a bit. Kaycee gave Sam some solid advice like not to talk game with Scottie or he'll run it right to Swaggy.
  • That's spot on. But Sam feels Scottie is an ally and a friend. We'll have to see if she heeds the advice.
  • Sam told Kaycee the names of the other Power Apps she saw when choosing her power. Without the actual descriptions, they can only guess at the powers themselves.
  • Heh. Swaggy told Fessy he doesn't trust Tyler. And, get this ... Fessy spoke up for Tyler and said he wouldn't go against him.
  • Making that stereotype of brawn and no brain an apt descriptor, huh?
  • Swaggy is even sure that Tyler leaked to Kaitlyn that he said she was at the bottom of the alliance.
  • Tsk, tsk. He's no fool, but he's certainly made himself a target.
  • After going on about things to Fessy, Fessy told Swags that if they can get Tyler and Brett out, Kaitlyn will come back to them.
  • Good luck with that, boys.
  • The Power of Veto players were picked -- in addition to Kaitlyn, Winston and Scottie, we have Tyler, Rachel and Fessy.
  • Kaitlyn is nervous that Swaggy might be popular and she'd look bad getting him evicted.
  • Tyler thinks that America is not thrilled with Swaggy and she'd be fine.
  • Kaitlyn told him that she likes Fessy, but trusts Tyler more.
  • She's smarter than I initially gave her credit.   

Shower talks

The excitement is draining

"This is all a mental game."

Looking the fool

I miss the pretty colors on her

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Friday Night, Nominations - July 6

Thought brawn would rule the comps

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of New Nominations:
  • Early in the day there was a pinky swear between Tyler and Kaitlyn.
  • What was it?
  • Well, she would put Scottie and Winston on the block with the idea to backdoor Swaggy.
  • How good is her pinky swear?
  • Stay tuned.
  • Then Kaitlyn told Scottie that she can't put his choice of Brett and Winston on the block together because she feels Brett is a friend.
  • She and Scottie talked about an Angela backdoor.
  • There was no pinky swear.
  • Now, earlier she had told Brett that she wouldn't put him, Tyler, Fessy, Rockstar or Haleigh on the block.
  • Sam and Kaitlyn talked. Sam thanked her for the vote and promised honesty and friendship. She also told her of her power.
  • Kaitlyn told Sam that she plans on backdooring a big target this week.
  • In her talk with Winston, she told him she was going to have to put him and Scottie on the block but the plan was to backdoor Swaggy.
  • She also asked him if he is a surgeon. Remember, she can read people and she is SO sure he's a doctor.
  • He once again said he sells medical supplies and yeah, to surgeons. But, no. He is not a doctor.
  • In her talk with Fessy, she said Winston is the target.
  • When she talked with Swaggy, she said the same and made him promise not to use the veto if he wins it.
  • She's playing this (at least for now) smarter than I thought she would.
  • When JC talked with her, he told her he didn't want to know the plan now. Just tell him before the vote how to vote.
  • He also hinted that "people" were after her and wouldn't name names. But he gave a nod when she mentioned Fessy's side.
  • We had a long feed block with BB reruns. 
  • Real long.
  • It was the BB App Store. 
  • Rachel got the Crap App -- she chose YELL.
  • Kaitlyn promised Scottie if she can HG Choice Fessy and he wins Veto, he will pull him off the block.
  • Scottie isn't any sort of real target at all ... for anyone.
  • But you do know what they say about pawns.
  • There was another long BB rerun feeds block and ...
  • ... Kaitlyn nominated Scottie and Winston for eviction.
  • Wasn't there a rule that they aren't supposed to tell nominees prior to nominations?
  • Hmm. 

Whoa! That's worse than a man-bun!

But I look so good shirtless

Definitely has game

A new bromance?

SamBot didn't whisper. Sam does.