All over the feeds this week! |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Whirling Dervishes:
- Not a heck of a lot has happened in the overnight hours into the morning.
- Bayleigh and Scottie still believe the lie that Kaitlyn will take Scottie off the block if veto is used and put up Angela.
- Scottie will come off the block ... but it will be Swaggy going up.
- Angela is the invisible hamster this week.
- Scottie has become like the old radio show Chickenman -- "He's everywhere! He's everywhere!"
- Okay. I know I'm dating myself with that reference.
- Rockstar's get-up makes me think of the Far Side comic ladies.
- At least that reference isn't AS old!
- Although Swaggy doesn't really trust Tyler, he's sure Tyler wouldn't make a move to target him.
- So, Swaggy will be benevolent and keep Tyler around for a few more weeks.
- Isn't that so nice of Swags?
- Brett and Winston continue to be joined at the hip.
- Scottie thinks there may be two powers out there now.
- Y'think?
- The boy is disappointing me thus far.
- Baleigh and Swaggy, after Swaggy said their showmance is secret, made out under the covers.
- @@
- JC complained how uncomfortable sleeping in the satellite dish Have Not beds is. I can only imagine how Fessy must feel.
- As I post this, the feeds are blocked with BB reruns.
- I'm hoping it's the PoV ceremony.
- I need some excitement.
- I will update with a bulletin if it is the PoV ceremony and let you know if Kaitlyn did according to plan.
Might have a chance if Swaggy goes |
Sports the preppy sweater tied on shoulders |
A definite pick even with a swirl! |