Monday, July 09, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Monday Morning - July 9

All over the feeds this week!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Whirling Dervishes:
  • Not a heck of a lot has happened in the overnight hours into the morning.
  • Bayleigh and Scottie still believe the lie that Kaitlyn will take Scottie off the block if veto is used and put up Angela.
  • Scottie will come off the block ... but it will be Swaggy going up.
  • Angela is the invisible hamster this week.
  • Scottie has become like the old radio show Chickenman -- "He's everywhere! He's everywhere!"
  • Okay. I know I'm dating myself with that reference.
  • Rockstar's get-up makes me think of the Far Side comic ladies. 
  • At least that reference isn't AS old!
  • Although Swaggy doesn't really trust Tyler, he's sure Tyler wouldn't make a move to target him.
  • So, Swaggy will be benevolent and keep Tyler around for a few more weeks.
  • Isn't that so nice of Swags?
  • Brett and Winston continue to be joined at the hip.
  • Scottie thinks there may be two powers out there now.
  • Y'think?
  • The boy is disappointing me thus far.
  • Baleigh and Swaggy, after Swaggy said their showmance is secret, made out under the covers.
  • @@
  • JC complained how uncomfortable sleeping in the satellite dish Have Not beds is. I can only imagine how Fessy must feel.
  • As I post this, the feeds are blocked with BB reruns. 
  • I'm hoping it's the PoV ceremony.
  • I need some excitement.
  • I will update with a bulletin if it is the PoV ceremony and let you know if Kaitlyn did according to plan. 

Might have a chance if Swaggy goes

Sports the preppy sweater tied on shoulders

A definite pick even with a swirl!

Sunday, July 08, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Sunday Evening - July 8

Over 100 degrees and sunning? Ridiculous!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Hamster Havoc:
  • I don't understand why people lay about sweating in the sun. They're having extreme heat in CA. 
  • The hamsters still have the yard and some were wise enough to head out early and not cook in the afternoon sun.
  • Kaitlyn hemmed and hawed over naming the Have Nots. She had so many reasons not to name people that it made it so much harder -- no one who was on it last week, no one who's having their period, no one who's sick, two of each gender, no one who's ovulating ...! 
  • The Have Nots ended up being Rockstar, JC, Fessy and Haleigh. They volunteered and took the weight of Kaitlyn's conscience.
  • JC will fit nicely in the satellite dish bed, Fessy not so much.
  • Kaitlyn has delusions of grandeur (not as much as Swaggy, but ...) -- she thinks they're D List celebrities.
  • More like the W List. That would stand for Who?
  • Oh geez. Kaitlyn tells Haleigh that she plans to take Scottie off the block and put up Swaggy because of the things he said about her.
  • @@
  • Life coach my foot.
  • Then she told Winston that she told Haleigh.
  • Swaggy was already a bit worried. You know it will get back to him before the veto meeting.
  • At least Haleigh was smart enough to lie to Bayleigh about it. She told her that Kaitlyn is planning replace Scottie with Angela.
  • Oh, wait ... not so smart.
  • Haleigh told Rockstar about the real backdoor plan.
  • She told her that she cannot say anything and she was only telling her so they could regroup and plan ahead.
  • For now, at least, Bayleigh believes the Angela lie and reported to Swaggy.
  • Kaitlyn got eyeglasses with a camera that even has video -- the "high tech" version of the HoH camera?
  • She and Fessy took selfies with them.
  • Rachel screamed a lot as per her Crap App.
  • For the most part, we still have doldrums. 

Invisible before, now he's everywhere

At least she's in the pool

HoH camera eyeglasses

Plain old very weird eyeglasses

Swaggy, you did it to yourself

Big Brother 20: Nominations Show Blog Party - July 8

I'll be live-blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast -- refresh this page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments area; please feel free to join in on the fun!

Just a reminder ... some folks only watch the aired television shows and don't read the live feeds reports. The Power of Veto won't air until Wednesday on the show. Please keep comments spoiler free! Thank you! 

Of course, we must sit through "previously on." Tapping my foot here. 

Kaitlyn is seeing the signs and the universe is going the way it's supposed to go. Tyler wants to use his new alliance with Kaitlyn to get a Swaggy side person out of the house.

Winston is taking the credit with Brett and Rachel over Kaitlyn's vote to keep Sam. But Tyler wants it to remain a mystery. Swags is ticked that Winston accused him of having a meeting with Tyler and Fessy. Bayleigh thinks Swags should control his mouth a bit better.

Scottie is bereft without Steve. Poor baby. 

Nine hours before the eviction Tyler told Kaitlyn that her alliance doesn't trust her -- Swags called her a cannonball and bottom of their alliance. Tyler told her she needed to vote for Steve to be evicted. And, as we know, that's what she did. 

Swags and Bayleigh have decided they're Swayleigh. Blech. Both know the showmance isn't good for their individual games.

Heh. In a shaving JC's back segment, Rachel was using the shaver upside down.

Tyler tells us Swaggy must go as he's the leader of the other side. He wants to get Kaitlyn thinking it's her own idea. He tells Kaitlyn that Sam has the power to have her not put Sam on the block. She wants to put Brett and Winston up. She's keen on a Backdoor Swaggy plan. 

Sam is using the idea that she has the power to keep her off the block with Kaitlyn. Winston is receptive to going on the block as a move to backdoor Swaggy. She tells Scottie she wants Winston out and she wants to put him up as a pawn. He thinks it's a dumb plan. They don't realize she's working with Tyler and Company. She also tells Swaggy her target is Winston. 

The App Store is about to open! Rachel gets the Crap App and chooses YELL. She will get feedback on her game and YELL! 

Yep, I guessed it right! TYLER got the Power App. He chooses The Cloud. Keep himself from going on the block during any one nomination or veto meeting, he sits on the cloud. It's good for two months. 

Kaitlyn tries to console Scottie about putting him on the block. She promises him he won't go home.

She's worried that whoever has the Power App might influence her nominations or HoH. Tyler is remaining mum about his win. 

Nominations Ceremony time --
Scottie, then Winston. Loves Scottie but could have gone on the block if he could save Steve. 

Wednesday's show will be 8pm ET/PT, not 9pm ET/PT

Off Topic: Plainfield NJ Fourth of July Parade

I've been absent from my off topic photography posts due to needing back surgery, having back surgery and now slow recovery from back surgery. I haven't been able to really get around much. However, the local parade goes right by my apartment building. Even so, I had to give up sitting in a hard folding chair after more than two hours and missed the end of the parade. (I certainly heard it, though!)

Here are some of the photos I took ...


BIg Brother 20: Live Feeds into Sunday Morning - July 8

Needs to get her own game on

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Misguided Mice:
  • As you (should) know from my last brief update, Tyler won the Power of Veto.
  • The comp, blocked to the live feeds, had them individually timed running back and forth trying to put up the right answers concerning previous hamsters.
  • Obviously, they were able to read something during the comp as half of the hamsters don't know anything about previous hamsters.
  • Cody made an appearance and was the "special guest."
  • Swaggy told Fessy he's worried about how tough Tyler is with two comp wins.
  • He should worry.
  • Me? I like Tyler better anyway!
  • Tyler thinks if he takes Scottie off the block, Scottie will switch to their side.
  • He might have a point. Scottie has only really hit it off with Kaitlyn and Steve so far. And, of course, Steve is gone.
  • Tyler told Kaitlyn he really didn't want to win the veto and just guessed right.
  • Kaitlyn is more worried by the minute that, if she backdoors Swaggy, the other side will come after her.
  • Well, that is the game, girlie!
  • She also thinks Cody doesn't like her.
  • Why should she even care about that? After watching Cody last season and her this season, no ... I bet he doesn't. She would drive him up the wall. But, what difference should it make to her?
  • Heh. Winston apparently picked Tyler for the PoV comp as Houseguest's Choice. And, if all goes as planned, Tyler will pull Scottie off the block and leave Winston sitting there.
  • Fessy is still working on his Kaitlyn alliance. He told her that although Swaggy and him are close, he will always come in second with him due to Bayleigh. Kaitlyn is his Number One.
  • Oh my.
  • Swaggy is feeling quite insecure right now. He feels that backdoor coming, probably sooner rather than later.
  • Winston knows of the plan to take Scottie off the block. He's a bit antsy because no one knows who has the power.
  • We know that Sam only has this week and next to save a hamster until the power just goes to whoever is evicted in the fourth week.
  • Nah, she ain't gonna use it on Winston!
  • In her renom speech, Kaitlyn is going to mention Swaggy calling her a liability and the bottom of the pack in the alliance. She's also looking for new dirt and has people listening for more.
  • JC continues his caring about Sam despite the absence of SamBot.
  • Rumors keep flying because no one knows who got the Power App.
  • I personally think, with no confirmation on the feeds, that Tyler might have it. I can see him keeping it a secret.
  • They got the backyard after 1am their time. Commence just hanging out, using the hot tub, using the gym equipment and catching up on laundry.
  • They will surely sleep in this morning. 

Tyler is a good influence on her game

Dirty feets there, Sam!

Da boyz get their free gym

Hot tub time!