Sunday, July 15, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Sunday Evening - July 15

To read or not to read ... in the shower

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Shakespearean Readings:
  • Actually, the Crap App punishment for Haleigh was the highlight of the feeds today.
  • She'd have to don the costume and read wherever directed on cue.
  • I was a bit surprised that some of the hamsters started skipping the sessions.
  • That's rude.
  • It's not like they have much else to do!
  • Haleigh actually read quite well. 
  • JC helped fan her at times, carried her soapbox at times. I think he likes to feel useful.
  • The Have Nots were selected. It's Brett (who somehow got to be Have Not due to the veto comp), Sam, Tyler and Angela. 
  • Kaycee volunteered for Have Not, but Tyler out-volunteered her.
  • At least they have the Slop Chef Sam in there!
  • The rest of the house will probably suffer without her cooking!
  • Angela is the other steady cook in the house.
  • I predict  a lot of easy dishes this week.
  • There are still some rumblings about the women making it an all woman house. I dunno. I can't see Kaitlyn existing without a man to hang on.
  • Brett's been fussing about doing so poorly in the veto comp. He says he didn't understand the rules.
  • Um. Okay.
  • Kaitlyn, talking to Bayleigh, said that Sam is indebted to her for her flipped vote and if she goes up as a renom, Sam would have to save her with her power.
  • @@
  • Then Kaitlyn fussed to us because she didn't win a power app.
  • Ha.
  • After all, she says Fessie called her the best BB player of all time.
  • Oh my. This girl's in for culture shock when she gets out of the house.
  • Sam had a long talk with Brett. She seems to really like him. 
  • I can't help but wonder if she might be considering using her power to save him. She can give it to another player.
  • Hmm.
  • Other than that, it looks like Scottie will keep the nominations the same.
  • It's a toss-up which bro will go. Now it's looking like Winston, but give it a few more hours and it will be Brett again.

Listening to Sam

Long, long Sam and Brett talk

Exploding head time?

Singing a Nirvana song while gargling

I can't. I just can't.

Big Brother 20: Nominations, App Store Show Blog Party - July 15

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

Please remember that the show blog posts are spoiler-free! While the PoV has already happened in the house, that won't air until Wednesday.

On with the show ...but, first -- previously on. Run and get your snacks now!

Scottie thinks if someone else on his alliance -- Swaggy and Company -- gets blamed for the hinky vote, he will move up on the totem pole with them. Of course, they pretty much realize soon that he was the vote. 

Although Bayleigh is still professing her love of the Swagster, she realizes she needs to get her head back into the game. In the bromance arena, Brett thinks they need to avoid having two Level 6 people on the block. Fessy is irked over the vote. He doesn't think Scottie would flip. Rockstar clues him in. He's still sure it was Haleigh flipping. Rockstar works on him some more and refers to Scottie as "Evil Genius." She even thinks he might not be a virgin!

Fessy talks to Kaitlyn who denies knowing anything about Scottie flipping, didn't know before and doesn't know now. Poor Fessy doesn't know who to trust right now.

First rule of BB -- You can only really trust yourself!

Lucky us! We get a segment on the Brett/Winston bromance. Bros for life! 

Scottie wants to target them, either one. He wants to make it seem like it was everybody else's idea. He asks people what they voted for the Steve vote and who they're scared of in the house. Tyler notices that Scottie seemed to concentrate on Level 6. He tries to divert the attention to Rockstar, saying that she told Kaitlyn that Scottie was the vote.

Ohh ... Sam tells Scottie that Winston voted to keep her. Winston told Scottie he voted to keep Steve. More ammunition against the bros for Scottie! Heh. Winston finds out that Sam told the truth. Now he must do damage control.

Winston thinks his best approach to Scottie is to tell him he had lied to Sam. Yeah, like that's gonna work. Brett wants to cover their butts with Scottie. Brett tries to blame Haleigh and Rockstar. Scottie thinks he got misted.

We get a math lesson regarding the amount of left-handed people via JC and Fessy.

The App Store is open for the last time! 
Haleigh gets the Crap App and chooses Read It - must put on costume and read Hamlet on demand. It will end once she's read the entire book.
Bayleigh got the Power App. She chose Identity Theft -- first half of game, can steal the identity of HOH and make the nominations.

Sam is telling Tyler and Kaycee that this week is her last chance to use  her power app or the evicted next week gets it. They think all of Level 6 might be safe if she uses it.  

Brett is confident he and Winston will be safe.

Bayleigh feels she needs to check in with Scottie. She doesn't want to use her power if she doesn't have to do so. Scottie goes ahead and tells her that he thinks Brett "misted" him. 

Nominations Ceremony time is here. Scottie nominates Brett, then Winston. He says it's because of their strong relationship. 

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Sunday Morning - July 15

I'm too sexy for my shirt

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Grumpy Groundhogs:
  • As you know from my last post, Scottie won the Power of Veto.
  • And, yeah ... now the waffling begins.
  • Sam's offer to be a pawn is still on the table. If she doesn't use her power this week, next week it goes to whoever gets evicted.
  • But I sincerely doubt Scottie will change the nominations.
  • The latest waffling is between the original target Winston or Brett.
  • It will be a bro going out the door.
  • But, which bro?
  • The latest logic is that Winston will always be a target because he doesn't get along with people. Yet, he can't seem to win comps for the life of him.
  • Then there's Brett. The gals seem to be under his spell. He gets along with the guys for the most part, too. As for comps? Some think he's throwing them.
  • Hmm.
  • What to do? What to do?
  • Scottie is considering keeping Winston over Brett because it would always be easy to get Winston out.
  • Hmm.
  • Meanwhile, Tyler and Kaycee formed more of a bond. They don't think they can really trust Kaitlyn.
  • Well, duh.
  • Kaitlyn will spill the beans to any guy who gives her attention!
  • Rachel is pro-Brett Stays because he's a number for their side and can win comps (although he has yet to show the latter).
  • JC thinks they should get Brett out now while they can.
  • So, even though Winston is rather universally disliked in the house, it's not a shoo-in that he'll be evicted.
  • I personally think this dilemma so much better than the predictability of previous seasons with their whole house votes!
  • And, though I like Tyler, I don't mind the sides evening up a bit. I like to see Scottie play his game, too.
  • I wouldn't mind seeing some of the girls step up their game, as well.
  • The bros went to Scottie proposing a final three and backdooring Kaitlyn.
  • Nah, I doubt Scottie would do that. He promised Kaitlyn safety.
  • For all her worries about being the next target, Bayleigh is now flying under the radar. Tyler and Company are a bit concerned she'll come after them. But no one is targeting her. 

Boy got game

The yard opened up

Poor JC

Line dancing

Workin' on Scottie

Currently on no one's radar

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Big Brother 20: Power of Veto Winner Bulletin - July 14

You know how it would throw a wrench in the works if a bro won this Power of Veto? You know how Sam forced Scottie to put her up as a renom in that case so she could use the last week of her power because next week it will go out to whomever leaves?

Well, that didn't happen.

Scottie won the PoV

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Saturday Morning - July 14

Brett who? There's a Brett?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Loquacious Louts:
  • The big dilemma for Scottie is -- if a bro wins the veto, who will he put up.
  • No one other than Brett or Winston would use the veto (it seems).
  • Sam has volunteered to go up as a renom pawn.
  • I hope she doesn't do that, but think she'd be safe.
  • I myself am a bit curious if Brett would step up and actually play the game if Winston goes away. Of the two, it's more Winston-dominant game play.
  • Brett is known for (other than being in the bromance) flirting with Kaitlyn.
  • That's pretty much it.
  • Winston is more Scottie's target than Brett.
  • Scottie, although he has stated he wants to even out the sides, seems to be working with people on "both sides."
  • He keeps saying that he's targeting the Bros because they're the only pair left in the house now that Swaggy is gone.
  • Kaitlyn cried and hung all over Brett after nominations.
  • I think she's trying to break Amber's crying record in the house.
  • Scottie and Rockstar wonder if Brett's been throwing comps.
  • Scottie told his fellow hamsters that he would never want anyone to throw a comp for him -- they're here to play the game.
  • Heh. Winston told Sam he felt blindsided. Um, maybe he should wonder why he's on the block two weeks in a row now. Maybe it's HIM.
  • Bayleigh wants to get JC in on their side, but Fessy warned her to be careful because he will talk.
  • Winston's threatening Scottie really isn't helping his cause. Kaycee thought Scottie was exaggerating but Winston confirmed he threatened him.
  • JC tried to tell Winston that was a bad move.
  • Winston doesn't regret it.
  • Jackie thinks Winston is a loose cannon.
  • The morning, with the exception of the blocked veto players pick, has been uneventful.
  • The three veto players picked were Rachel, Tyler and Rockstar.
  • I don't think any one of them would use the veto.
  • Tyler maybe, but he knows Sam would go up and have a chance to return if she uses her power. (I think that's why she's offering. She only has this week to use it or next week it gets used on whomever is evicted.)
  • Nobody really likes Winston that much other than Brett.
  • Hmm ... 

Promised safety by Scottie

Evil genius? We'll see ...

Well, better than cat ears

A Sam moment in time

Dressed for success. Ha.