Bras do serve a purpose |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Too Many Twists:
- I've seen online where Julie Chen mentions there will be yet another big twist before the season is out.
- I wouldn't want to be a house hamster.
- Then again, I would never be one anyway.
- Overall last night was pretty much as Bayleigh said at one point -- "This place is a ghost town."
- No one has admitted to being the hacker winner who took Scottie down and put Tyler in his place on the block.
- The hacker can still nullify one vote and pick a veto player.
- That's a heck of a lot of power! Thankfully, from what I've read, this twist will only last two weeks. So, we go through it again next week. Argh.
- Rumors outside the house have it that Haleigh won the hackers comp. Now, IF she did, I'm thinking she wouldn't put herself to play veto -- she's not good in comps. AND, if she were to choose someone else, she would want to tell them what to do. So, if it's her, that might expose her.
- Of course, we should find out in Sunday's show who won it.
- In the house, Tyler, Kaycee and Angela are increasingly thinking Bayleigh has it.
- They still have it in their minds to backdoor Bayleigh if they can.
- Sam has a new idea that she wants to precook several dishes that the others can just heat up and serve at will.
- Gosh, Sam would be such a good roommate in a cabin in the woods! She cooks, she cleans, she's so handy with stuff, knowledgeable about nature ... she just might not be the epitome of a BB hamster. But she's pretty darn hardworking and amazing.
- Of the guys, Brett is the most handy in the kitchen and does his fair share of dish washing and stuff. JC tries to cook, but often burns things.
- Tyler is psyched to win today's veto comp and take himself off the block.
- Rockstar is sure her own run is over and is thinking about the jury house.
- Fessy is really confused.
- But what else is new?
- Tyler has decided that Scottie is loyal to him and would take him down if he wins the veto.
- And, it sounds like the veto is on already!
- The hamsters were awakened VERY early and we went to BB reruns on the feeds for the veto player pick.
- In addition to Angela, Tyler and Rockstar we have Brett, Scottie and Kaycee playing.
- Out of the people playing, I think Rockstar is about the only one who wouldn't save Tyler. Perhaps Scottie wouldn't, but Tyler did save Scottie once and Scottie is a loyal kind of guy.
- We'll see.
Winston would be proud |
Figuring the numbers |
Finally quasi-covering a gaping yawn |
NO! Nonononono! Make it stop! |
"I identify with Schroeder in Peanuts." |