Saturday, August 04, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds, PoV Winner - August 4

Why did Scottie want the veto so bad?

The veto comp (blocked to the live feeds) is done and over. It was a running little balls balancing kind of prize and punishment comp. And, of course, the earlier ones out could lose what they won by the later hamsters.

Angela is getting all kinds of heat for refusing to take five grand from Scottie in trade for the veto. He begged her. However, Tyler had yet to go, she didn't know what was in the boxes and she, most of all, wanted to ensure Tyler's safety.

Angela won the veto. She plans to pull Tyler down. Her teammates claim it will expose Angela/Tyler closeness. They're coming up with stories that she promised Tyler safety because she couldn't deal with granny panties. Um, sounds good to me as long as she takes Tyler down!

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Saturday Morning - August 4

Bras do serve a purpose

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Too Many Twists:
  • I've seen online where Julie Chen mentions there will be yet another big twist before the season is out.
  • I wouldn't want to be a house hamster. 
  • Then again, I would never be one anyway.
  • Overall last night was pretty much as Bayleigh said at one point -- "This place is a ghost town."
  • No one has admitted to being the hacker winner who took Scottie down and put Tyler in his place on the block.
  • The hacker can still nullify one vote and pick a veto player.
  • That's a heck of a lot of power! Thankfully, from what I've read, this twist will only last two weeks. So, we go through it again next week. Argh.
  • Rumors outside the house have it that Haleigh won the hackers comp. Now, IF she did, I'm thinking she wouldn't put herself to play veto -- she's not good in comps. AND, if she were to choose someone else, she would want to tell them what to do. So, if it's her, that might expose her.
  • Of course, we should find out in Sunday's show who won it. 
  • In the house, Tyler, Kaycee and Angela are increasingly thinking Bayleigh has it.
  • They still have it in their minds to backdoor Bayleigh if they can.
  • Sam has a new idea that she wants to precook several dishes that the others can just heat up and serve at will.
  • Gosh, Sam would be such a good roommate in a cabin in the woods! She cooks, she cleans, she's so handy with stuff, knowledgeable about nature ... she just might not be the epitome of a BB hamster. But she's pretty darn hardworking and amazing. 
  • Of the guys, Brett is the most handy in the kitchen and does his fair share of dish washing and stuff. JC tries to cook, but often burns things.
  • Tyler is psyched to win today's veto comp and take himself off the block.
  • Rockstar is sure her own run is over and is thinking about the jury house.
  • Fessy is really confused.
  • But what else is new?
  • Tyler has decided that Scottie is loyal to him and would take him down if he wins the veto.
  • And, it sounds like the veto is on already!
  • The hamsters were awakened VERY early and we went to BB reruns on the feeds for the veto player pick.
  • In addition to Angela, Tyler and Rockstar we have Brett, Scottie and Kaycee playing.
  • Out of the people playing, I think Rockstar is about the only one who wouldn't save Tyler. Perhaps Scottie wouldn't, but Tyler did save Scottie once and Scottie is a loyal kind of guy.
  • We'll see.  

Winston would be proud

Figuring the numbers

Finally quasi-covering a gaping yawn

NO! Nonononono! Make it stop!

"I identify with Schroeder in Peanuts."


Friday, August 03, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds, Hacker Comp. Friday - August 3

Lots of fish cam and reruns today

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Hacker Hamsters:
  • The Hacker Comp had them taken from the house and had to do with typewriting words related to BB from available letters.
  • No one admitted to winning it.
  • Many think Scottie won it.
  • He (like everyone else) denied winning it.
  • He might have gone a bit too far in saying it made no sense for him to win. He kept saying he wouldn't be able to play for veto and a few other excuses why it wouldn't make sense for him to win and put someone in his place.
  • They got called into the Diary Room one by one.
  • And then we got reruns.
  • I really didn't want to see Frankie.
  • Oh noes!
  • The Hacker winner took Scottie off the block and replaced him with ... TYLER.
  • Rockstar is very upset.
  • Bayleigh thinks someone from "the other side" did it.
  • That other side is Tyler's side.
  • Hmm.
  • It's looking like Scottie to me!
  • There's also talk the Hacker winner can replace a vote and another rumor about veto.
  • Straight up as is, Tyler would stay over Rockstar.
  • Hmm.
  • JC, Kaycee and Angela think Bayleigh won it. They're trying to figure out which person's vote she'll cancel and if she will choose herself for veto (?).

Psst. I think either Tyler or Brett won

Will I be in danger?

Brett: I think Scottie has it.

Stop chewing your fingernails!

No, I didn't win it.

I just wish it was over!

Big Brother 20: Nominations are In! - August 3

After a long feeds block and a mysterious Cloud mention, the nominations are in. The feeds were blocked so long that I think the Hacker Comp had to play a part!

From the talk Angela and JC were having, it's Rockstar and Scottie on the block with a back-up backdoor of Bayleigh. 

Okay, a look at the nominations on the wall confirms it.

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Friday Morning - August 3

"I suck at this game."

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Feast or Famine:
  • Nah, I'm not talking Have Nots. I'm talking activity!
  • The feeds were down for quite a time here after the live show on the East Coast.
  • When they came back, Rockstar seemed beside herself and exiled herself in the storage room crying for a long time.
  • Kaycee pointed out to the others that Rockstar had come so close to seeing photos of her kids; that's why she was so upset.
  • JC said she cried after each HoH.
  • I say, people who claim to miss their family so much should think twice about going on a three month long reality television show.
  • I'm sorry. I'm mean. 
  • When she finally did talk, she said she was a "math-tard."
  • For the longest time, Bayleigh paced back and forth alone upstairs in the hallway, muttering to herself.
  • Scottie and Fessy spent a lot of time looking confused.
  • In contrast to the viewer excitement over the blindside and Rachel's Epic Exit, the hamsters themselves were quite subdued.
  • By the way, all remaining hamsters have made jury.
  • They are all happy with that. 
  • Sam baked cookies because so many people were just moping around.
  • Angela told Sam that she (Sam) can consider this week a vacation week and assured her safety.
  • But Sam has a bug up her butt about Haleigh and feels that Haleigh will be all over Angela for the entire week.
  • Oh. And Brett and Haleigh snuggled in the storage room. Well, after Rockstar vacated it, mind you.
  • Oh, Brett! She voted for you to go home!
  • Tyler told Fessy and Rockstar that Rachel told him about Bayleigh's power.
  • Later on, Fessy kept saying he knew nothing about the power to Tyler. Tyler knows better.
  • Remaining Level 6 plus JC sat and figured out that, no matter what happens, they will decide who leaves this week -- if the house sides vote a tie, it's Angela with the tiebreaker. Win-win.
  • Scottie, Rockstar, Haleigh and Fessy all intermittently argued about who flipped. JC even got in that action and played off his part well!
  • They apparently would rather think it was each other, not Tyler. Heh.
  • Bayleigh ended up telling both Sam and Tyler separately all about her power -- including the fact it's good until the final eight.
  • Bayleigh is still drinking Tyler's Kool-Aid. 
  • The feeds cut out to BB reruns! A shot rang out! The maid screamed!
  • Er, no. Okay. BB told them about the Hacker Comp in the feeds blockage.
  • It seems that the Hacker winner can replace one hamster on the block and Bayleigh's power cannot override it.
  • Angela thinks it diminishes her own HoH reign. I agree. Tyler pointed out to her that it also diminishes Bayleigh's power.
  • Kaycee thinks the Hacker comps will be similar to the Roadkill ones a few seasons back. I would like that myself. Those were fun.
  • In their talk, Tyler and Angela discussed flushing out Bayleigh's power by putting her up with Fessy. But then decided the best noms would be Rockstar and Fessy, telling Fessy he's the pawn and Scottie is the backdoor target.
  • Tyler told Angela he plans to go for the win in the Hacker Comp.
  • Angela did one-on-one talks and, if you just listen to it, it sounded like she and Bayleigh will be together to the end.
  • I doubt it. If anything, she might try to backdoor Bayleigh this week. Her alliances are not with Bayleigh.
  • So many are doing a good social/talking game this season! Tyler is going to be legendary. But JC and now even Angela are working it. And, then there's Sam who really does and says her own thing, but then makes each other hamster feel special.
  • Well, I don't think she'll make Haleigh feel special this week, but ...!
  • Oh, geez Sam.
  • She called a house meeting and suggested they all refuse to play the Hacker Comp, let her win it and she will promise not to use it.
  • @@
  • Oh, that's just not gonna happen. Sam thinks it would put control of the game back in their hands. Others think it would just put it in her hands.
  • Heck, they wouldn't even agree to vote on it!
  • Meanwhile the Who Betrayed Whom Debate continued with Rockstar and Bayleigh. Bayleigh kept accusing Rockstar of having an alliance with Brett.
  • Again, Tyler did not appear a suspect.
  • Bayleigh, Rockstar and Haleigh still want their final three. Well, according to Bayleigh, that is.
  • Rockstar cried some more.
  • Sam tried to console Rockstar.
  • Oh, but then Bayleigh and Haleigh "ganged up" on Rockstar.
  • Bayleigh claims that Rockstar and Scottie are "masterminds of the game."
  • So not so!
  • Especially not Rockstar!
  • In her one on one with Bayleigh, Bayleigh told Angela all about her power and said she wouldn't be using it unless Fessy goes on the block. Angela told her she's not going to be putting either her (B) or Fessy up -- she'll be putting up two people who have repeatedly had her name "in their mouths."
  • Hmm ... is she implying Scottie and Haleigh? Scottie and Rockstar?
  • Angela acted like Bayleigh's BFF. 
  • Ha.
  • In her talk with Fessy, she told him he's not a target and poked around for information that Scottie had been targeting her. He wouldn't say.
  • In her talk with Scottie, he admitted trying to target her when talk was of putting Rachel and her on the block.
  • He then said Rockstar was his real target. Angela agreed with that.
  • In her (most likely honest) talk with Kaycee, Angela thinks she will put Scottie up as a pawn, Rockstar the target.
  • They don't think anyone will save Rockstar with the veto.
  • Angela wants the final four to be herself, Brett, Tyler and Kaycee.
  • At least that's what she told Kaycee.
  • And, it is all Level 6 -- if they can do it, this will be one of those legendary alliances in BB. 
  • And on it goes ... 

You're safe this week, Sam.

What is happening?

Maybe they can be Brettleigh

Come see my HoH room!

Scrambling for cover

Scottie: "I'm like a junkyard dog."