Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Tuesday Night - August 7

Lone wolf making friendly in HoH room

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Hacker Hacks Herself:
  • The big news of the day is that Haleigh gave in, couldn't take it any longer.
  • She told Bayleigh that she was the hacker.
  • Surprisingly, during and after the huge tear fest between the two, Bayleigh seems more relieved that she knows it wasn't someone targeting her.
  • Haleigh wants to tell everyone.
  • But Bayleigh nixed that.
  • Bayleigh must have said she hates everyone there twenty times today.
  • It seems she might be more accepting to going to jury than being stuck in there with all those people she hates.
  • Bayleigh thinks the ratings will drop if she gets evicted.
  • Trust me girl, you're not all that. You showed some promise after Swaggy left, then took a dive when you let power go to your head as HoH. You treated people horribly even considering it's BB. Lately all that you've been doing is holing up with a select few and reading the bible. No great loss.
  • Kaycee is genuinely upset because she truly does like Bayleigh as a friend. But that won't keep her from voting her out.
  • In their talk, Bayleigh asked Haleigh whose vote she was going to cancel. Then she said she was joking. We can probably guess anyway.
  • Neither Sam nor Fessy had any idea there are always double evictions each season. It had to be explained to them.
  • Rockstar seems to want to give up her game (played to win money for her children's future) to Bayleigh by going whacko on eviction night.
  • Say what?
  • Bayleigh is playing up the "I'm pregnant" bit although it doesn't seem that she has had any kind of positive test or anything. Personally, I don't think she is. I could be wrong. But I think some kind of psychological wanting to be pregnant for some reason is more likely.
  • She even got off a couch after reading a label it could cause birth defects.
  • @@
  • Fessy is trying harder to cozy up with Brett.
  • Brett is playing the act he does so well. Nah, he isn't close to Angela or Kaycee.
  • Ha.
  • So, who will Haleigh tell next about her Hackerism?
  • Fessy.
  • He said he knew it ... and he indeed was the first to suspect her because she gave him a blank look right after the comp when he mentioned the skull and LOSER.
  • She thinks if she tells at a house meeting, it could save Bayleigh.
  • Fessy disagrees. He thinks it will just make her (Haleigh) a target and everyone would be mad at her.
  • Fessy told her it's bad enough she told Bayleigh.
  • Oh my. Fessy is actually thinking!
  • He thinks Bayleigh would get evicted and she would be in a mess.
  • He's right about that.
  • Will Haleigh listen to him?
  • Laters!  

Hasn't worn those stupid eyeglasses lately

You can almost see the wheels turning

Messing with Fessy's hair

Hacker reveal tear fest

Watch out for exploding heads

Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Tuesday - August 7

Not in complete Audrey Mode

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bye-Bye Bayleigh:
  • Yeah, this is getting up late today. Don't worry -- you didn't miss much.
  • Bayleigh exiled herself to bed and seclusion early (when compared to the others) last night.
  • Haleigh, who knows better than to tell anyone she herself is the Hacker and it's not Bayleigh, and Fessy are determined to campaign and work for Bayleigh to stay.
  • That must make Rockstar feel all warm and fuzzy all over.
  • Both Haleigh and Fessy STILL think Tyler's a weak player who floats to the power each week.
  • Ha.
  • In the Mistaken Bayleigh Hacker arena, there was a funny conversation with Level 6/4 and JC about voting Bayleigh out because she turned their friend Kaycee (Hacker veto pick) into a human peanut.
  • Maybe you had to be there.
  • The Jessie Diet and Exercise punishment is really punishing Rockstar as time goes on. She ended up taking eight Advil because her whole body hurts.  That was eight in 24 hours, not at one time.
  • Yesterday just one task had her doing 720 jumping jacks while cooking. It really isn't too healthy to go from roughly sedentary to that. 
  • Rockstar's in no way a favorite of mine, but I do feel bad for her in that regard.
  • Now, Haleigh's not my favorite either. But I found out she's a cat lover. I'll put that alone in my Pros column for her.
  • Huh. Cons is still full on her.
  • Oh, well.
  • I can't really get a take on Scottie right now. I do think he will go for the Bayleigh ouster, though. It would be better for his own game in the long run.
  • Haleigh thinks, if she got HoH, she would like to backdoor Sam or maybe Tyler.
  • Grr.
  • I know from watching the feeds that Tyler is a charismatic mastermind behind most of the game moves made so far in the house.
  • I also know that Sam is a follower for the most part and not really a threatening to a win player unless she gets to the final two.
  • But Haleigh has the roles switched around.
  • Sam tried to console Bayleigh this morning.
  • Bayleigh thinks the other hamsters have made her look bad and no college or job will take her now.
  • Nope, did it to yourself, Bayleigh!
  • That said, she certainly wasn't the most embarrassing hamster ever in the history of BB.
  • She'll be fine and will have less outrage and personal destruction in her life than Kaitlyn did.
  • Now I want it to be Thursday if they're going to be so darn boring!
  • Still, this is the best season in years. 
  • About time.

Bayleigh turned Kaycee into a peanut!

Rockstar is aching and Advil taking

We NEED a kitten!

Making a rose and telling Sam tales

"Tyler's a weak player."

Monday, August 06, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Monday Night - August 6

"They're defamating my character, Sam!"

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Soulless Sisters:
  • As you know from my last post, Tyler was saved. Angela put Bayleigh up in his place, emphasizing that Bayleigh is the Hacker winner.
  • Too bad she's not.
  • Yep, a boatload of reasons to put her up, but that one's wrong.
  • It doesn't sound like Angela used the "making Scottie defend himself by swearing on the bible" angle.
  • Bayleigh's BFF in the house, Haleigh, is responsible for her predicament.
  • Of course, in her numerous protests outside of the Hacker accusation, Bayleigh has it in her mind that she's been nothing but a delightful, pleasant, always kind hamster.
  • That just don't fly, girl.
  • Haleigh is being totally mum to all about being the Hacker.
  • I can't really blame her for that. Now if she talks, the wrath of ALL would come down on her.
  • Of all people, it's Rockstar figuring out the Level 6/4 group.
  • She took Scottie aside and told him that she thinks they were trying to get him to come to their side and tried pitting him against his own alliance.
  • She thinks the alliance is led by Angela and has Kaycee, Brett and ... maybe Tyler.
  • As a matter of fact, she's pretty sure Tyler.
  • Scottie defended Tyler, saying that he can't be a part of it.
  • In a talk with Bayleigh later, they decided the other one and mastermind is Sam.
  • @@
  • Bayleigh knows she's the target and there's not much she can do about it.
  • She says she doesn't want to snap.
  • Then she snaps at people.
  • She says she doesn't want to cry.
  • So she cried.
  • Rockstar has been told she's safe this week, yet still worries.
  • But her Jessie diet and exercise bits are keeping her busy and tired.
  • I think Scottie is considering what Rockstar told him. But ... he has to think of his own game. Is it better to be the expendable hamster on the sinking ship or the expendable with two other expendable ones on the sturdy frigate?
  • Haleigh seriously needs to stop touching people. I'm not a touchy-feely type person. I'd swat her hand away. She was all pretzeled with Bayleigh last night. She can't keep her hands off of Scottie or even JC. She's starting to remind me of that Christine hamster who had the husband at home although I do think Haleigh's single.
  • While there have been snips, snaps and conspiracy theories, there have been no brouhahas.
  • The veto ceremony with its blocked feeds must have gotten all the really good stuff. 

Safety is a good feeling

They have four - Angela, Brett, Kaycee ...

Fessy dancing. Okaaay.

Bayleigh not dancing

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds - PoV Meeting Over - August 6

The Power of Veto meeting went down as planned. Such a shame it was blocked to the live feeds!

So, Tyler saved himself and Bayleigh is on the block in his place.

Angela did accuse Bayleigh of being the hacker. Haleigh has not said a word and is still trying to deflect to others while talking alone with Bayleigh.

Bayleigh tried to get in the HoH room, but Angela wouldn't answer the door.

Sam and Tyler told Rockstar she has nothing to worry about.
I'm sure she doesn't.
More later. 

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Monday Morning - August 6

One will off the other for sure

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Falling Cards:
  • First off, a mention of Brett's InstaGranny punishment -- like the Yell bit with Rachel, the feeds get cut. "Granny" makes Brett do things like mess up the beds, rampage the storage room, make meals for her then demand he eats them. It should be funny when they air it.
  • The Backdoor Bayleigh plan is still in effect, although based on the wrong criteria at least in part.
  • Angela plans to call out Bayleigh as the Hacker winner in her speech.
  • She's adamant that Bayleigh is the hacker.
  • Um. We know that's wrong.
  • I wonder how Haleigh is going to take offing her buddy Bayleigh even if unintentional?
  • Of course, the other criteria for Bayleigh on the block is spot on -- her meanness, power tripping and, in general, how she treats others.
  • Level 6/4 is really rocking it. 
  • While Tyler is the head mastermind of the alliance, others outside of the alliance including those who work with them (Sam, JC and now Scottie) really think Tyler is out of his element, bewildered by the game and only good in comps. 
  • He's hidden the superfan status and his power app from all, including his alliance.
  • We're seeing some of the best social games we've ever seen this season, some directed by Tyler, some on their own.
  • For example, Tyler told Brett he needs to work Scottie. Brett did indeed do that and is still working him. Brett has Scottie convinced that he really doesn't talk or know Tyler that well at all, but would like to work with him.
  • Even JC, who's not a part of Level 6/4 doesn't know how close the four are working. But he's helping them anyway. 
  • The ONLY one JC actually likes with Bayleigh and Company is Fessy. He adores Fessy and Fessy adores him. It is sweet. But they all know Fessy is clueless when it comes to the game.
  • A side note -- When JC was talking with Angela and Kaycee about how evil Bayleigh has been to people, JC said she yelled at him when he was in his bed jiggling. Heehee! It took them a moment to realize he meant giggling!
  • Another peripheral to the Level 6/4 bunch is Sam. Although she loves the whole house, she has a special love for Kaycee and Tyler. She wants to be in a final three with them, then drop things and let them take first and second place.
  • Nah, that's not the way to WIN Big Brother, but I do think she's being honest about it.
  • Tyler and Sam had earlier pinky-sweared to eliminate the bad vibes and get to the end.
  • What Level 6/4 is doing right is keeping their mouths shut and not seeming to be THAT close to each other.
  • IF Tyler, Brett, Kaycee and Angela make it to the final four as they hope, it will be anyone's game at that point. I can see Tyler being a target as they know his charisma and talents. 
  • Back to the present day -- Fessy is more worried that he's going to be the renom if Angela saves Tyler.
  • Everyone knows that Angela told Tyler and Scottie that they will NOT be on the block. She will save Tyler and Scottie will not be the renom.
  • Even Brett, though he would love Rockstar to go away, has said he'd vote out Bayleigh over her because Rockstar really can't do much other than annoy him.
  • The veto meeting later today will be blocked to the live feeds, but the aftermath should be epic! 

Fun in the kitchen

Punishment has been good for her

Dancing Kaycee's peanut dance

Sam wants either Kaycee or Tyler to win

Brett works Scottie

We'll see this look again