Saturday, August 11, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds Saturday, PoV - August 11

Will he avoid the back door?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wack-A-Mole:
  • This morning they blocked the feeds for the veto pick.
  • In addition to Angela, Rockstar and Haleigh we have Tyler, Kaycee and Fessy. I don't know if Tyler or Kaycee were pulled randomly. 
  • One had to be chosen by Kaycee Hacker.
  • There was a lot of scheming and planning and what ifs throughout the day.
  • Yawn.
  • What ifs are nothing! Action! I want action.
  • JC put on Kaycee's peanut costume and BB even played the peanut exercise song for him.
  • Fun, fun, fun.
  • Get to the veto comp.
  • Okay, the feeds got blocked for it.
  • Kind of a short shut down for a veto -- only a few hours plus.
  • When they came back on, I can see who didn't win: Haleigh, Rockstar or Fessy.
  • Rockstar is sure her fate is sealed.
  • It probably is.
  • They're all cleaning up, so it was messy.
  • Rockstar is going on about guessing Bayleigh instead of Swaggy for an answer.
  • Hmm.
  • Kaycee is smiling a lot. But Angela is not.
  • Hmm.
  • C'mon, someone blurt it out!
  • It was definitely OTEV from what Rockstar's saying. And Scottie confirms it.
  • Aha. Tyler won PoV.
  • Yes, TYLER.
  • Now the dilemma.
  • If he saves Angela, Haleigh will put Kaycee on the block. 

Maybe someone broke her ugly eyeglasses

JC was a peanut by choice

Sam carried Kaycee around

Friday, August 10, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds Friday, Hacker! - August 10

After nominations Kumbaya My Lord

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Hacking Hamsters:
  • Nominations came through early this morning.
  • Well, early for them.
  • Always blocked to the feeds, there apparently were no brouhahas, not even a kerfuffle.
  • As a matter of fact, it seemed sickeningly sweet as the cameras showed them all hugging.
  • I call Fake Hugs!
  • As I mentioned in my last quick update, it's Kaycee and Angela on the block -- totally expected.
  • Level 6/4 might be down to 6/3. It's hard for both them and me to read Brett since Haleigh became HoH.
  • Brett is Haleigh's personal favorite boy-toy in the house.
  • I haven't seen him breaking away for quick updates with Level 6/4. But we've seen him play the act before.
  • Angela, Tyler and Kaycee have decided they've lost Scottie ... if they ever really had him.
  • Sam is still weird and is BFF with Rockstar who considers her expendable, at least in the game.
  • JC is still running back and forth.
  • Ah, but then the feeds got blocked for the Hacker Comp.
  • Unlike last week, this time the Hacker told her (yes, her) alliance.
  • It was Kaycee.
  • She saved herself and put Rockstar in her place.
  • So, now it's Rockstar and Angela on the block.
  • Tyler, Kaycee and Angela are scheming to keep all of them safe this week.
  • Although I didn't see him say it, it sounds like he told them of his Power App.
  • Rockstar, Fessy and Haleigh are pretty sure that Kaycee is probably the Hacker because of the Kaycee save/Rockstar up scenario. They think that Kaycee is too chicken to get blood on her hands and put up someone who has already been on the block before.
  • They also think the Hacker, especially if it's Kaycee, will choose Tyler to play in the Veto comp.
  • Haleigh, who's been telling Fessy her target is Tyler (but not emphasizing the Tyler bit so much to either Scottie or Brett ... hmm) has said that if it is Kaycee, she's so mad that if Angela comes down, she'll re-put Kaycee right back on up there.
  • Tyler took the still chronically crying Sam aside and gave her a big pep talk about how great she is and they pinky-promised she would keep her head up.
  • I don't care. I'm over her. 
  • But, since Tyler had only confided in her about his power before, he probably feels he needs to cover his bases. He doesn't need her mad at him and telling her new BFF Rockstar.
  • To Sam's credit, I actually don't think she'd tell.
  • But I wouldn't have thought she'd lose it this past week, either.
  • He told her that he felt at the time he had to tell someone and trusted her.
  • He also told her that he will use it if he thinks the veto will be used.
  • Hmm.
  • She BETTER not spill the beans!
  • Tomorrow is the veto comp. Scottie thinks it will be OTEV. That person all the spoiler sites get inside info from says it will be OTEV.
  • Well, um. It's the right time of season for OTEV.
  • It should be interesting!  

On the block together ... for a few hours

BB Voice: I said no climbing on furniture!

Still with Level 6/4 or not?

I saved my beloved Rockstar from a spider

No, Haleigh. I'm not the Hacker.

Pep-talking and pinky promises

So what? I'm on the block again.

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds Nominations Bulletin - August 10

Nominations are IN!

Do you think Haleigh nominated Brett and Fessy?
Of course not!

Pretty much as expected, it's Kaycee and Angela on the block with a backdoor Tyler plan in mind. Today's Hacker Comp might shake things up as well as the veto comp.

Sam has been begging to go home. They should let her. After her behavior the last few days with the constant crying and loving people she wasn't close to a week ago ... I'm over her in the house.

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Friday - August 10

The rainbows were bad luck!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Cries and Sighs:
  • Oh my gosh.
  • Now, I like Sam as a person. I think she's so intriguing, talented and good-hearted.
  • But she got me irked last night (and even the day before).
  • She was NEVER close to Bayleigh until two days ago.
  • Now it's like the end of the world that Bayleigh got voted out and Sam was the only vote to keep her.
  • Now she thinks Tyler stopped talking to her and no one tells her what's going on.
  • This is after Tyler broke his silence about his power and confided in her about his power telling her Bayleigh needed to be voted out because she would come after him with her power this week.
  • Sam cried to anyone she could. Except Tyler.
  • She thinks everyone is making fun of her.
  • She moped around complaining she was always stuck in the kitchen and should have gone home instead of Bayleigh.
  • Say what? It's been her choice to be in the kitchen! And, she wasn't on the block!
  • Now, I can see why Haleigh said before last night that she should go instead of Bayleigh (when she wasn't on the block either). She had a legitimate guilt case going on because she indeed had been close to Bayleigh all along and was responsible for Bayleigh going on the block, however inadvertently. Totally understandable thoughts on her part.
  • But Sam has been a Johnny Come Lately in her "friendship" with Bayleigh.
  • No one is angry with her about her vote. The vote meant nothing when it's six to one.
  • She's losing it.
  • As a result, in most of Haleigh's one-on-one meetings -- held again through the middle of the night due to nominations being in the morning due to the second and last Hacker comp later -- Sam's name kept being brought up.
  • Of course, Haleigh won't nominate Fessy. He's smitten and she's not, but he is her friend and confidante.
  • She also won't nominate her snuggle buddy Brett.
  • Nor will she nominate Scottie -- she likes to lead him on some, too.
  • Heck, she's even hung all over JC at times! She won't put him up.
  • Supposedly she's mended fences with Tyler and Angela.
  • But not really.
  • She's never had any sort of real relationship with Kaycee.
  • Her ultimate goal this week is Tyler out. But she knows it won't be easy. But even JC mentioned to her that she could backdoor Tyler. Oh my.
  • She's thinking Sam and Angela or Sam and Kaycee, then backdooring Tyler. Then she leaned towards Angela and Kaycee, still with a backdoor Tyler plan.
  • With the Hacker comp interference ahead, it's not going to be easy to accomplish any kind of goal.
  • If Sam were to go on the block and keep up her crying and moping and wanting to go home, she could very well get her wish. I mean, she's a great person and all, but if she's irking me I can't imagine what they think.
  • And Tyler needs to have his game on for the Hacker comp and Veto.    

I'm the only one who loves Rockstar!

Wah. No one ever tells me anything!

Wah. I want to go home!

Haleigh's HoH -- Brett is SO safe

Scottie's not in danger either

Haleigh reads her HoH letter

Fessy, she's just not that into you

Thursday, August 09, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Eviction, HoH Show Blog Party - August 9

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

Either Rickstar or Bayleigh will be evicted tonight. I doubt we'll see a "house" vote. I'm not sure how they will fit all that should be fit into one measly hour. It should be a thrill a minute! I dare say it might be the best single episode in years.

What's a party without a pool? Here's where we stand going into tonight's show:

Sam Bledsoe - Shayne McCaslin, HowSad, tbc, Sharon C
Haleigh Broucher - Brian, Sharon S, Monty924, Buzzmaam
Kaycee Clark - Sharon N, Skyriverblue, Indiana Jane, Jenna G
Tyler Crispen - SueGee, Glenn Allen, Jessica Underwood-James, JennasMom
Bayleigh Dayton - Ayana, Margo, Krysta Gibson, KelseyNY
Angie Rockstar Lantry - Merilee, Babs, Jean in Tampa, Chauncey
JC Monduix - Brenda, Delee, T-Town Chick, Willie J
Brett Robinson - Judi Sweeney, Lovelakexo, Ed in Ohio, JonMD1267
Angela Rummans - Janice, Chacha, QuixoticElf, Tilda
Scottie Salton - Lili, Chrob61, JO C, DonnaNY
Faysal Fessy Shafaat - Caela, Marthalight, Cheryl in NC, Marina Tatum

Steve Arienta
Chris Swaggy C Williams
Winston Hines
Kaitlyn Herman
Rachel Swindler

Hamster watchers ready?

Previously on ... and blah, blah, blah. Let's get this show on! Aha, the house goes completely nuclear! Julie tells us it's been a tumultuous week.

But first, Bayleigh has no idea her closest ally has the key tp clearing her name. Bayleigh is repeatedly saying she's not the Hacker. Bayleigh thinks Tyler came at her, but it looked the other way around. He ended up telling her that he will vote to evict her.

Hayleigh looks miserable as she talks with Bayleigh. But she's reluctant to tell her the truth that she's the Hacker.

Cool! Brett's InstaGranny punishment arrives! He has to take care of her needs for 24 hours! It's a hoot! It looks like the Yell guy in drag to me!

Back to serious ... Haleigh is crying in the DR, ridden with guilt over the Hacker bit. Ah, the house meeting is next. This was EPIC on the live feeds!

Haleigh tells Bayleigh that she's the Hacker. Bayleigh cries. Haleigh cries. Bayleigh insists she's not mad at Haleigh and they cry some more. Haleigh wants to tell the whole house that they owe Bayleigh an apology.

Haleigh calls the house meeting, loves them all, several owe Baleigh an apology, including herself because last week she won the Hacker comp. Wasn't personal. She says that Tyler wanted Angela backdoored. Then Bayleigh starts screaming. At Tyler. She went berserk! 

To the living for the live vote --
Rockstar -- Shout-outs. Love being here, here on a mission, would like not to be Julied in this outfit, nothing bad to say about Bayleigh.
Bayleigh -- Thanks God and CBS, have nothing crazy to say, apologizes to Tyler for yelling at her. Vote for me to stay or Julie, I'll see you soon.

The live vote to evict:
Haleigh Hacker keeps Tyler, wearing his Hacker Hoodie, from voting (as expected)
Kaycee -- Bayleigh
Brett -- Bayleigh
Fessy -- Bayleigh
Scottie -- Bayleigh
Haleigh -- Bayleigh
Sam -- Rockstar
JC -- Bayleigh

Six to one, Bayleigh is to be the first jury member. After muttering that the big scary black lady is out of the house, she hugged all. Although a bit dramatic, her interview with Julie was NOT like Rachel's last week. Angela and Brett didn't win her jury vote in their goodbye messages.

HoH comp -- Corporate Office of PortaPick. Long hashtag, three photos, decipher hashtag and buzz in with correct photo. It's a face-off kind of comp.

JC and Sam -- Sam eliminated
Rockstar and Tyler -- Tyler out
Kaycee and Brett -- Kaycee out
Haleigh and Fessy -- Fessy out
Scottie and Brett -- Scottie out
Haleigh and Rockstar -- Rockstar out
JC and Brett -- Brett out
JC and Haleigh -- JC out