Monday, August 13, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds Sunday into Monday - August 12/13

Rockstar promises Sam the world

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Confused Cats:
  • All in all, the more things change the more they remain the same.
  • Since yesterday was Sunday, it's basically their "day off" in the hamster house.
  • Fessy sneaked out of the HoH room early so no one would suspect he spent the night in the HoH room with Haleigh.
  • Yeah, he got his kiss and what looked like a make-out session.
  • He thinks it's true love.
  • Haleigh thinks it's strategy.
  • Rockstar promised Sam she wants a final three of her, Sam and Haleigh.
  • Sam doesn't want to think about it, too many people she loves would have to go.
  • @@
  • Rockstar patiently tried to explain the principle of the game of BB ... people need to leave and someone wins the season.
  • Rockstar also tried to press for Tyler information.
  • Sam told her that Tyler's smart; he'll do the right thing.
  • Of course, Rockstar thinks the right thing is pulling her off the block.
  • A lot of the day was spent sunbathing and hanging out in the yard.
  • Fessy, Haleigh and Rockstar are all still thinking Tyler is a lone wolf and their offer of alliance should be a dream come true for him.
  • After all, he's just lost and out of his element in the house.
  • As per the Level 6/4 plan, Brett is spending almost all of his time apart from them or only with them in groups.
  • I might also add that he's pretty handy in the kitchen! He cooks and cleans, too. 
  • And, gals ... he is single!
  • Haleigh had a really late last night one-on-one talk with Tyler (she slept until 4pm).
  • She didn't come away anywhere near as sure that he would pull Rockstar down as Rockstar has been going around saying.
  • He didn't commit to anything, told her he was still thinking. And he sat there sort of like a confused little boy.
  • He told her he didn't want people screaming at him again.
  • She told Fessy and Rockstar that she's doubting that he will save her.
  • The plan is still to put Kaycee up if Angela comes down.
  • Their talk went on to being about JC and Scottie.
  • Although blinded about Tyler's gameplay, Haleigh is SO onto JC.
  • And, though she likes to lead him on, she doesn't really trust Scottie.
  • Scottie told her he never talks game with Tyler and she doubts that.
  • What about Brett?
  • None of them are onto him yet at all.
  • And, of course, Kaycee and Angela are a duo. They (Fessy, Rockstar and Haleigh) are SO much better than them! They have the numbers!
  • Haleigh also thinks they need to stop spending so much time together ;; her, Rockstar and Fessy -- or people would think they're close.
  • Um.
  • I'm speechless at that one.
  • So this will end now.  

Smart enough to not sunbathe

BB needs to make her stop biting her nails

Hammock talk

Isn't my hairstyle SO cool?

I have no idea what I'll do ... heh, heh

Haleigh tries more gentle persuasion

HoH camera time

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Big Brother 20: Hacker Comp, Nominations Blog Party - August 12

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

Please remember the show posts, like this one, are spoiler-free zones. While many already know the PoV winner and more, it has not played out on the show.  

Uh-oh. I did indeed jinx it last week when I said I was shocked there have been no East Coast delays. Golf. Gah. It will start about 8:20pm here. I can't talk about it until it starts!

Finally, we're to the "previously on" segment (which I refuse to write up).

We pick up where they said goodnight to Julie. Haleigh is pumped, she expected to be the target this week. Tyler isn't a happy camper that she won, but knows he has his Cloud power. Fessy was tired of being "on the wrong side of the vote" and felt he had to vote with the house last week. He's all over Haleigh, of course.

Haleigh thinks either she, Rockstar or Fessy must win the Hacker comp. Sam is all sad, telling Rockstar she didn't vote against her but for Bayleigh. Tears and more tears. After all, she and Bayleigh were some sort of soulmates after one week of friendship. 

Tyler and Kaycee are over Sam. Tyler tried to get her to vote Bayleigh out all week and even told her of his power. In a DR bit, she tells us that she thinks it's a lie and, if it isn't, he should have told her sooner. (She is the ONLY one he told!) Tyler is thinking Sam is dangerous for his game.

Sam is crying more. Kaycee and Angela think that she needs to be a nominee. They also want to not have two Level 6 members on the block.

Brett is planning to infiltrate the other side, gather info and flirt with Haleigh.

Haleigh and Rockstar talk -- Tyler is Haleigh's target but she feels he would need to be backdoored. Thinking of Sam, he tries to tell Haleigh she needs to think of the jury and make the least amount of "splash." Angela also pushes for a Sam nomination. Haleigh, in the DR, tells us she will consider putting Sam on the block next to her (Angela).

Then a teary Sam talks to Haleigh, crying that others are making fun of her. Sam cries to us in the DR about how mean everyone is (for playing the game of BB) -- she wants to make friends. @@

A segment on Fessy and Haleigh. He's definitely more into her than she is him. She's trying to play the game. He's clueless about so much BB. 

Oh my gosh, Sam is talking crazy stuff about maiming and killing people to JC. Tyler is eavesdropping. Eek!

Tyler and Haleigh talk. Tyler tells us that, if he uses the power at nom, he could still be backdoored. He wants Haleigh to not put him up in the noms, but if she backdoors him, that's okay. She is confused by him, but would love to backdoor him. Tyler told her if he wins veto, he'll do what she wants with it. 

Time for the nominations ceremony. Tyler tells us he's taking the chance of not using his Cloud app. Haleigh nominates Angela, then Kaycee. She says Angela because of the Bayleigh thing and Kaycee because she doesn't speak. From the DR, Haleigh tells us her target is Tyler.

Tyler tells Kaycee and Angela the plan is to backdoor him. They need to win the Hacker comp and veto to get both off the block.

Haleigh trusts Brett. She wants him to keep the noms the same if he wins the Hacker comp. Heh. Brett lets us know he won't abide by any wishes of hers.

Hacker comp time! Same hotel hallway scene. Same desks and computers. Hack the cameras in the BB house. Identify the room the camera shown is in each round.

Tyler is as bad as JC at it! Thankfully for Tyler, Kaycee is good at it. Kaycee wins the Hacker comp! Scottie was one point behind her. 

Unlike Bayleigh, Kaycee tells her alliance. They decide only the four -- Brett, Tyler, Angela and Kaycee -- will know, no peripherals like JC or Sam. 

The Hacker screen calls all to the living room. Kaycee is removed from the block. Rockstar is placed on the block in her place.

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Sunday - August 12

JC has an antler hat. Ooohh!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Gullible Guppies:
  • Oh my. This is complicated.
  • Fessy, Haleigh and Rockstar still believe that Tyler's some sort of lost puppy in the game and he will work with them.
  • Haleigh thinks Brett is just about totally on their side and trusts him.
  • Fessy doesn't care much for nor does he really trust Brett -- mainly because he thinks Haleigh has a thing for Brett while he himself has a thing for Haleigh that's mostly unrequited.
  • Of course, Haleigh continues to lead even Scottie, who's never been kissed by a girl, on. Scottie isn't a lost puppy in the game, but he's a gullible guppy with girls.
  • Haleigh sees JC bouncing back and forth between camps and doesn't trust him. She thinks Fessy gets his head all messed up by JC.
  • Yet Fessy and JC are pretty inseparable.
  • It's actually quite easy to mess Fessy up. He does it well on his own.
  • Fessy thinks Rockstar is a liability to them. Hmm. He's going on and on about how stupid it was to let Tyler know he had a wrong answer in the veto.
  • Well, duh. Yeah, that was kind of dumb of her! 
  • Meanwhile, Brett takes all the intel from that camp over to his Level 6/4 alliance in whispers to Angela.
  • Haleigh, Fessy and Rockstar think that Angela and Kaycee are floaters (even though Angela has won comps).
  • Rockstar emphasized to Sam that Kaycee didn't even cast a vote to save Bayleigh.
  • She didn't mention that neither did Fessy or Haleigh, Bayleigh's main alliance peeps.
  • Rockstar reported to Fessy and Haleigh that Tyler told her he would take her off the block.
  • Oh, he didn't!
  • I re-watched the entire conversation between Rockstar and Tyler two times to verify. He NEVER said he'd take her off the block.
  • The conversation was mostly Rockstar telling Tyler about all the numbers they have on their side and the wisdom of joining with them.
  • As for the veto comp, Rockstar almost won it and Tyler actually won it due to her telling or showing him an answer he had wrong. He went and retrieved the right answer making it to OTEV on time to stay in.
  • When it was down to the end, Rockstar had a wrong answer and had no time to go back.
  • Haleigh, Rockstar and Fessy think Kaycee has the third power and might be able to save herself if she ends up being the renom if Tyler takes Angela down.
  • They're worried that Tyler will take Angela off the block, not because they're allies, but because Angela saved Tyler off the block last week.
  • They also don't think Tyler, Kaycee and Angela became friendly or close until last week.
  • As all of this is going on, Level 6/4 is already thinking and planning for next week which they think will be a double eviction.
  • They all plan on being there for it.
  • I haven't seen (may have missed) any exact talk from Level 6/4 about whether Tyler will save Angela with the veto or not. He has practiced the speech about saving her because she saved him.
  • But they know that Haleigh would probably put Kaycee on the block even though she thinks Kaycee might have some kind of saving or replacing power.
  • One point they're keeping in mind is that JC promised Kaycee more than once that he would never vote to evict her.
  • He hasn't made the same promise to Angela.
  • Sam has kept her mouth shut about Tyler's power to her new BFF Rockstar.
  • It's a waiting game on now.

Nah, I have no clue about the game

Rockstar thinks she has Tyler

Brett whispers the intel he's gathered

Level 6/4 discuss Brett and Tyler's info

Rockstar works Sam

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds Saturday, PoV - August 11

Will he avoid the back door?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wack-A-Mole:
  • This morning they blocked the feeds for the veto pick.
  • In addition to Angela, Rockstar and Haleigh we have Tyler, Kaycee and Fessy. I don't know if Tyler or Kaycee were pulled randomly. 
  • One had to be chosen by Kaycee Hacker.
  • There was a lot of scheming and planning and what ifs throughout the day.
  • Yawn.
  • What ifs are nothing! Action! I want action.
  • JC put on Kaycee's peanut costume and BB even played the peanut exercise song for him.
  • Fun, fun, fun.
  • Get to the veto comp.
  • Okay, the feeds got blocked for it.
  • Kind of a short shut down for a veto -- only a few hours plus.
  • When they came back on, I can see who didn't win: Haleigh, Rockstar or Fessy.
  • Rockstar is sure her fate is sealed.
  • It probably is.
  • They're all cleaning up, so it was messy.
  • Rockstar is going on about guessing Bayleigh instead of Swaggy for an answer.
  • Hmm.
  • Kaycee is smiling a lot. But Angela is not.
  • Hmm.
  • C'mon, someone blurt it out!
  • It was definitely OTEV from what Rockstar's saying. And Scottie confirms it.
  • Aha. Tyler won PoV.
  • Yes, TYLER.
  • Now the dilemma.
  • If he saves Angela, Haleigh will put Kaycee on the block. 

Maybe someone broke her ugly eyeglasses

JC was a peanut by choice

Sam carried Kaycee around

Friday, August 10, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds Friday, Hacker! - August 10

After nominations Kumbaya My Lord

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Hacking Hamsters:
  • Nominations came through early this morning.
  • Well, early for them.
  • Always blocked to the feeds, there apparently were no brouhahas, not even a kerfuffle.
  • As a matter of fact, it seemed sickeningly sweet as the cameras showed them all hugging.
  • I call Fake Hugs!
  • As I mentioned in my last quick update, it's Kaycee and Angela on the block -- totally expected.
  • Level 6/4 might be down to 6/3. It's hard for both them and me to read Brett since Haleigh became HoH.
  • Brett is Haleigh's personal favorite boy-toy in the house.
  • I haven't seen him breaking away for quick updates with Level 6/4. But we've seen him play the act before.
  • Angela, Tyler and Kaycee have decided they've lost Scottie ... if they ever really had him.
  • Sam is still weird and is BFF with Rockstar who considers her expendable, at least in the game.
  • JC is still running back and forth.
  • Ah, but then the feeds got blocked for the Hacker Comp.
  • Unlike last week, this time the Hacker told her (yes, her) alliance.
  • It was Kaycee.
  • She saved herself and put Rockstar in her place.
  • So, now it's Rockstar and Angela on the block.
  • Tyler, Kaycee and Angela are scheming to keep all of them safe this week.
  • Although I didn't see him say it, it sounds like he told them of his Power App.
  • Rockstar, Fessy and Haleigh are pretty sure that Kaycee is probably the Hacker because of the Kaycee save/Rockstar up scenario. They think that Kaycee is too chicken to get blood on her hands and put up someone who has already been on the block before.
  • They also think the Hacker, especially if it's Kaycee, will choose Tyler to play in the Veto comp.
  • Haleigh, who's been telling Fessy her target is Tyler (but not emphasizing the Tyler bit so much to either Scottie or Brett ... hmm) has said that if it is Kaycee, she's so mad that if Angela comes down, she'll re-put Kaycee right back on up there.
  • Tyler took the still chronically crying Sam aside and gave her a big pep talk about how great she is and they pinky-promised she would keep her head up.
  • I don't care. I'm over her. 
  • But, since Tyler had only confided in her about his power before, he probably feels he needs to cover his bases. He doesn't need her mad at him and telling her new BFF Rockstar.
  • To Sam's credit, I actually don't think she'd tell.
  • But I wouldn't have thought she'd lose it this past week, either.
  • He told her that he felt at the time he had to tell someone and trusted her.
  • He also told her that he will use it if he thinks the veto will be used.
  • Hmm.
  • She BETTER not spill the beans!
  • Tomorrow is the veto comp. Scottie thinks it will be OTEV. That person all the spoiler sites get inside info from says it will be OTEV.
  • Well, um. It's the right time of season for OTEV.
  • It should be interesting!  

On the block together ... for a few hours

BB Voice: I said no climbing on furniture!

Still with Level 6/4 or not?

I saved my beloved Rockstar from a spider

No, Haleigh. I'm not the Hacker.

Pep-talking and pinky promises

So what? I'm on the block again.