Saturday, August 18, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Saturday, PoV - August 18

Something is horribly wrong

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Messy Fessy and Friends:
  • The big news of later last night was that Sam had to leave to be medically treated for anaphylactic shock.
  • She had no clue what was happening as she's always prided herself on not ever being allergic to anything.
  • Hemp seeds.
  • It was hemp seeds in the tuna dish they had prepared.
  • She returned, as did the live feeds, and all was just hunky-dory with her once again.
  • Fessy has repeated (again and again) that he loves everyone in the house and didn't want to really put anyone on the block. He only chose Brett and Scottie because both claimed to be the vote to keep Rockstar, so one was lying.
  • In other words, he put one totally innocent hamster on the block.
  • And, that would be Scottie.
  • But the Scottie Villainization Plan has been in full effect. Scottie is the target.
  • Fessy continued to pose a lot for the mirrors/cameras in the HoH room.
  • @@
  • Haleigh more than Fessy has been working on relationships in the house -- mixing and mingling with Tyler, Angela and Kaycee.
  • That's nice.
  • But, only winning comps (or Fessy winning them) will keep her in the house longer than them.
  • Kaycee thinks the veto will be the Hide and Go Veto -- the one where they hide Veto chips/cards with their names on them, tear apart the house looking for them and the one whose veto is not found (or found last) wins the Power of Veto.
  • We already know for sure that ZingBot will be there because Julie said so.
  • Internet rumor also puts it at Hide and Go.
  • It will either put Sam over the edge or keep her really busy tidying the house.
  • Which will it be?
  • Haleigh, Tyler and Angela will be playing for veto along with Brett, Scottie and Fessy.
  • They're bargaining on the five to one odds against Scottie.
  • But, I don't know. Scottie can do well at times.
  • Kaycee told Angela and Tyler that they should tell each other where their vetoes are hidden so they don't knock each other out of the comp.
  • Angela already has a plan to hide hers in ice cream. We'll see if she can do that.
  • Since nothing really earth-shattering has been happening today, I'm just kind of waiting out for the feeds to return from the veto comp.
  • It's a long wait.
  • But I do it all for you.
  • I did get to see the dancing punishment on the season with the Brigade. That was fun to relive. Miss that Meow. Wonder what Enzo's up to these days?
  • I actually prefer the old feeds blocks with the loops of the theme song. I could set it on low, do other things around the house and when I heard voices, I would know the feeds had returned.
  • Now the big hint is background music to the voices and it's not as clear.
  • Waiting ... waiting. Now we're to season 8 and Evel Dick/Jen wars. So many have tried to emulate him since.
  • Waiting, waiting ...  
  • Wah. Wah. I'm seeing Wahmber. Call me a wahmbulance!
  • They're rerunning all the OTEV comps on the feeds.
  • We're at about 5 1/2 hours blocked.
  • Waiting ...
  • Six hours down now at 8:46pm ET.
  • 9:00pm ET -- feeds return.
  • BRETT won the Power of Veto.
  • Bye-bye, Scottie. But who will be on the block against him?
  • Hmm. 

Not really playing chess

Kissy kissy with Fessy

Orwell sees all, judges all

Can't chew fingernails with busy hands

Brett won the Power of Veto

Friday, August 17, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds, Nominations Friday - August 17

Hungry hamsters

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Not Too Cool To Fool:
  • Um. It's been an odd day.
  • Haleigh told Fessy that she needs to make friends even though she'd love to hide in the HoH room all week.
  • He sees nothing wrong with hiding and the others can come up and visit.
  • Nope -- Tyler and Angela won't come up here! -- according to Haleigh.
  • So ... she wants to make nice with them? Yep!
  • Angela had told her that she knows she lost her best friend when Rockstar went. If she ever needs someone to hang with or talk to ...
  • Kaycee apologized to her for her outburst when nominated.
  • Oh, boy! Let's all be FRIENDS!
  • Heh. 
  • Then there's Sam.
  • I have no clue what's going on with her.
  • We know she has a longstanding final two deal with Tyler.
  • She might as well have one with JC, too.
  • So, she goes after Brett.
  • Sam thinks the nominations will probably be Scottie and Angela.
  • She told Brett she knows he's all alone in the game, same with her. Rockstar had been her Plan A, now he's her Plan B.
  • Brett eats it up, saying he's been alone all along, but didn't want to bother her. He's worried he'll go on the block!
  • They agree it's to the end. They will confide in each other honestly, observe and report.
  • Then JC walked in.
  • So, Sam told him about all her and Brett.
  • She declared that Brett would always be second to JC.
  • Huh?
  • She also is irked that people are making the Have Not room a meeting space when she wanted to make it her personal space. She should know by now there is no personal space in BB!
  • Sam confuses me.
  • JC is still doing the Scottie frame.
  • Even Kaycee got into it, telling Fessy and Haleigh that she thinks it was Brett who voted her out because she's always been close to Scottie.
  • Fessy still has the "always on the wrong side of the vote" bug up his butt.
  • Fessy said he won't send Tyler home -- it's the 6th anniversary of his father's death.
  • He made a deal with both Angela and Tyler that neither would use the veto if they won it.
  • Both Brett and Scottie denied being the one who flipped the vote.
  • With all the talk about Sketchy Scottie, Haleigh and Fessy think he's most likely the culprit.
  • After all, Brett wouldn't lie and Scottie has flipped votes before.
  • Fessy wants Scottie and Brett on the block.
  • Haleigh thinks ... what if Scottie wins the veto?
  • Hmm.
  • Scottie was the closest to winning HoH next to Fessy on Thursday.  
  • JC even pushed a bit for backdoor Scottie.
  • JC is still working it. 
  • He pointed out to Fessy that his back was sore before the HoH comp and more sore now.
  • But all are complaining of aches and pains.
  • They'd be calling ambulances if they had had a real slip and slide comp!
  • Of course, if Scottie does go up and doesn't win veto, Fessy will (for the first time in the game) be on the right side of the vote!
  • That would be like winning the whole shebang! 
  • The feeds were down for nominations.
  • They're back now.
  • Scottie and Brett's photos are on the Nomination Wall.
  • Scottie is balking at whatever Fessy said in the ceremony about hinky votes. 
  • He's already campaigning. 

What the heck is Sam up to?

Sure, Sam, I'll be in your alliance.

JC, Brett is my final two with me.

Chewing nails and making friends

Let's stay up here all week!

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Friday Morning - August 17

Who wants to see my HoH room?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Sucky Slip and Slides:
  • Oh, I'm not complaining about the winner -- Fessy looked amazing in his effort and deserved the win.
  • I'm just saying that, compared to past years, this was a walk in the park and the easiest slip and slide ever.
  • You could tell by how long it took. We had it on the feeds for less than ten minutes after the feeds came up!
  • Shorter tracks, lesser incline, smaller containers to fill, larger cups to bring it and seemingly less slippery than past years.
  • They're going to need a lot of filler for the show now.
  • Now that I have that grouching over ...
  • Sam continues to be strange. She didn't weep or curb-stomp anyone.
  • But she also kept her comp outfit on, had a talk with Brett about being honest with her from now on, and fussed about having to make an appearance at the HoH reveal.
  • She also didn't want to shower.
  • Um. Weird. Everyone else jumped to get the goo off (although there wasn't much falling that I saw other than JC).
  • She didn't know if she wanted to take a cold shower or hot shower. Mind you, she had greasy goo on!
  • She was the only one in HoH reveal with the comp outfit on, stayed a few minutes to hear his letter (her favorite part) and then left. Everybody else stayed for a while.
  • JC is totally in Fessy's ear.
  • Fessy is angry that he's always on the wrong side of the vote and no one lets him in on things.
  • Welp, he had NO vote this week.
  • But, yeah. He would have been on the wrong side of it.
  • JC is already pushing the Brett voted for Rockstar to stay and Scottie didn't.
  • JC's own vote? JC is saying he changed last minute because Rockstar threatened to put him on the block.
  • Haleigh is deadset that Tyler and Angela need to be nominated.
  • JC is pushing a Scottie/Brett noms knowing that Haleigh would vote out Scottie over Brett if it came to that.
  • And, of course, everyone else would, too.
  • Hey, Fessy and Haleigh would be on the right side of the vote!
  • Tyler is safe although if he is in danger, he might have to use his Cloud power.
  • In the end, the plan seems to be a Kaycee/Brett nomination with a backdoor Scottie plan.
  • That, of course, is subject to change.
  • Wait! It changed! Now it's Brett/Scottie!
  • But now Scottie is the target.
  • Oh my.
  • JC finagled a deal with Fessy/Haleigh that Tyler is safe this week and, if he wins the veto, he won't change the nominations.
  • Haleigh doesn't want Tyler coming after them.
  • Well, he won't this week ... especially if they do his wishes (which would be Scottie out before Brett).
  • Haleigh and Fessy think Tyler and Scottie are best buds.
  • But, like so many things, they're wrong about that.
  • BB gave the hamsters glow sticks and fun was had by all.
  • Well, maybe not Sam. She was in bed asleep.
  • I think, when the noms come down, it will indeed be Brett and Scottie.  

Fessy's advisory committee - JC and Haleigh

We're busy. Go away, Scottie.

This will make good TV. Um, nah.

Sure, he voted for Rockstar to stay.

Indeed an odd one, but no murders.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Big Brother 20: HoH Endurance Comp Updates - August 16

Once the live feeds return, this post will be regularly updated with screen caps and standings. Oh, and, of course, the eventual winner. 

10:04pm ET - Feeds still not up 
10:08pm ET - Audio, but fish cam 

10:09pm ET
 Haleigh is actually doing well cheering everyone on ... including Angela. Possibly Angela a bit less, but ...!

Fessy in the lead at 10:14pm ET


If someone won the money, they did it before the feeds came back. I don't think anyone was going for it. When Fessy won HOH, JC asked if they keep going or is it over. Then the feeds cut out.

At 10:46pm ET, feeds returned. JC WAS trying for the money. No one got that, it seems.

Big Brother 20: Live Eviction, HoH Start Show Blog Party - August 16

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

Either Rockstar or Kaycee will be evicted live tonight. The HoH comp will start tonight at the end of the live show and carry out on the live feeds. I'll be setting up a separate post to cover that which will be updated and have screen caps of the action. Please feel free to keep the night going on that post! 

But, until then ...

What's a party without a pool? Here's where we stand going into tonight's show:

Sam Bledsoe - Shayne McCaslin, HowSad, tbc, Sharon C
Haleigh Broucher - Brian, Sharon S, Monty924, Buzzmaam
Kaycee Clark - Sharon N, Skyriverblue, Indiana Jane, Jenna G
Tyler Crispen - SueGee, Glenn Allen, Jessica Underwood-James, JennasMom
Angie Rockstar Lantry - Merilee, Babs, Jean in Tampa, Chauncey
JC Monduix - Brenda, Delee, T-Town Chick, Willie J
Brett Robinson - Judi Sweeney, Lovelakexo, Ed in Ohio, JonMD1267
Angela Rummans - Janice, Chacha, QuixoticElf, Tilda
Scottie Salton - Lili, Chrob61, JO C, DonnaNY
Faysal Fessy Shafaat - Caela, Marthalight, Cheryl in NC, Marina Tatum

Steve Arienta
Chris Swaggy C Williams
Winston Hines
Kaitlyn Herman
Rachel Swindler
Bayleigh Dayton

Hamster watchers ready?

Previously on ... yada, yada, yada ... 

Ohhh, Julie's shoulders are showing -- white top, black slacks and SHOULDERS!

Kaycee is confident her Hacker vote take and her Level 6 alliance will keep her in the game. She will act sad, though. Rockstar is sad. 

Rockstar isn't only sad, she's mad. She thinks she has the votes. Tyler tries to apologize a bit to her, telling her it's Bayleigh. She kicks Tyler out of the room so she can talk to Kaycee alone. She tells Kaycee that Angela is so entitled and it wasn't meant for Kaycee to go home.

Kaycee talks alone to Angela and thinks it will be five to one with her staying. 

Tyler tries to bond once again with Sam. She asks if he's choosing Angela over her. Jealousy. Ouch. Tyler tells us he wants to keep his deals until he HAS to decide. He tells Sam he is still loyal to her. Sam tells us she just has to trust he's doing the best for the both of them.

The sink! WOOT! I'm glad they showed Fessy sit on the HoH vanity and thus yank it off the wall. And it shows Fessy get his smooch and possible under the cover make-out session with Haleigh. Gah.

Rockstar works on Brett. Brett is so good talking about secret alliances. Too bad Rockstar isn't in his. Although she thinks he is! Brett tells us he's going to build up all of her hopes and dreams, then take them away from her. He reports back to Level 6. 

Haleigh and Rockstar reach out to Brett for Rockstar's eviction speech. Heh.

Rockstar thinks her group is interesting, the other side isn't evil, but they're boring. Fessy tells her she's unevictable.

Tyler's family segment is next. His family is quite "normal" from Ohio. He was a bowling prodigy kind of kid. As we know, he lost his father when he was 17. His town is cheering him on. 

To the living room for the eviction -- All are dressed in outfits for the HoH comp.

Kaycee -- thanks the two failed girls alliances, wouldn't be in this position without you gals, appreciate if you keep this little peanut in the house
Rockstar -- Extended shout-outs, Sam never excluded, calls out Angela, Tyler and Kaycee. You keep Kaycee, you empower Angela and Tyler. Going on about the trio. 

The BB Hacker hacks Fessy's vote.

The live votes to evict are:
Angela - Rockstar
JC - Rockstar
Sam - Rockstar
Scottie - Kaycee (calls Julie "Mrs. Chen)
Brett - Rockstar
Tyler - Rockstar

Kaycee got the numbers right -- five votes to evict Rockstar, only one for her.
Into commercial. 

Rockstar seemed shocked at the news, but hugs and manners shined through. She just called out for the rest to "kill it!" Julie can't say much because of the jury. Rockstar thinks Sam was her one vote. When Julie asked her who betrayed her. She said whoever came up with the Hacker. Her interview is pretty good!

Angela and Brett left bad messages. Angela had nothing to lose because she knows how Rockstar feels about her. But, Brett? He announced their divorce and how he played her. As Julie said, "Doesn't he realize you're a jury member?" Rockstar, called on her lack of reading people when she always felt she could, shed a few tears at that point. 

HoH comp -- Glow and Flow slip and slide. Retrieving "glow" and filling glowstick. $5000 to the first to fill their small bowl, first to fill large bowl wins HoH. 

Whoa! Fessy looks like he's doing the best! Poor JC. We'll see if Fessy can keep up the momentum. 

Julie warns us -- Zingbot returns!

You can follow the HoH comp on the live feeds with me over on this post.