Sunday, August 19, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds Sunday - August 19

Oh noes! A house meeting?!?!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bamboozled Bandicoots:
  • Welp, Scottie and Sam's (along with Brett) late night plan to try to get Fessy to put, of all people, Haleigh on the block went into motion.
  • Now, Scottie and Sam do have a point -- Scottie up against Haleigh would be the only possibility for him to stay.
  • Sam started on Fessy first thing -- telling him it was the best move to free him to play his own game, how she would quit smoking for him if he did it ... and on and on. And on.
  • "Pinky promise me you'll do it! Do it! Now!"
  • Despite her pushing and pushing, all he told her is that he'd think about it.
  • Remember, Haleigh has been trying to be friends (and thinks she's succeeding) with Tyler and Angela.
  • When Fessy was talking to Tyler about how it's great Angela is on board with the four of them -- Tyler, Angela, Fessy and Haleigh -- becoming a foursome in the game (which we know is fake, but Haleigh and Fessy don't know), he mentioned the Renom Haleigh bit pitch he had, calling it crazy.
  • Tyler played right into it, talking about how sketchy Scottie is.
  • Meanwhile, Scottie is burning all his bridges, calling out Haleigh as Kaitlyn 2.0 and planning a big blow-up Haleigh speech.
  • Kaycee affirmed some of the stuff Scottie was doing in a conversation with Fessy.
  • (As did Tyler before her.)
  • Scottie had no chance to stay before. Now, if mathematically possible, he'd have even less chance now.
  • Fessy told Haleigh all about Scottie's plan to put her on the block as Brett's replacement.
  • How could Scottie betray her like that? She was his only friend in the house!
  • She cried to her new buddies -- Tyler, Kaycee and Angela.
  • Scottie, knowing he's blown any chance he had, plans apologies to Haleigh, moped around looking sad and paced a lot.
  • Fessy and JC talked -- if Kaycee, Angela or Tyler go on the block, only Sam might vote for Scottie to stay.
  • He will NOT be putting Haleigh up.
  • He told both JC and Haleigh that he's going to put Kaycee up.
  • Level 6 probably would have jumped at the chance to get Haleigh out. However, Scottie out had been their plan first and they're fine with it.
  • Once again, old Foutte will have lost one of their own due to their own lack of knowing how to play BB.
  • Oh? The house meeting? Nah, not a Bayleigh-type scream-off. Have Nots have returned after a hiatus. Fessy chose JC, Sam and Tyler.  

Pinky promise me, Fessy. Do it!

Yeah, Scottie's always been sketch

Haleigh cries to her "allies."

Scottie paces all alone

Big Brother 20: HoH Comp Finish, Nominations Show Blog Party - August 19

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

Please remember the show posts, like this one, are spoiler-free zones. While many already know the PoV winner and more, it has not played out on the show. Feel free to post spoiler comments on any of the live feeds posts, but not here ... also please don't ask for spoilers information in this post. Thank you!

Previously on .... blah-blah. 

Finally ... to the actual start of the show. Heh. Fessy in the DR complaining it's the fifth time he's been on the wrong side of the vote. Now we're getting everyone telling us how much they need to win the HoH -- the slip and slide. Fessy is gliding along. JC decides to go for the easier money option. Sam is about the only one not falling. They're making this look longer and funnier than it did in the little we saw on the live feeds.

FESSY wins the HoH! 

Scottie is confident that Fessy will keep him safe. Tyler is thinking this just might be the week that Level 6's luck runs out. 

Fessy goes on about always being left in the dark. Tyler, while worried for his alliance, feels safe because of his cloud power app.  JC feels safe, Brett is a bit worried because Fessy is jealous about him with Haleigh. Haleigh seems to think she can make Fessy's decisions for him. She thinks they need to keep Scottie because he's the one who voted Kaycee out. 

Meanwhile, JC and friends came up with the plan to frame Scottie and claim Brett was to vote to oust Kaycee.

Fessy doesn't want to put Tyler on the block. Haleigh doesn't want him to put Scottie on the block. Haleigh also thought that Tyler will work with them, but Scottie is loyal to them. Hmm. 

JC works on Fessy with the Scottie voted out Rockstar falsehood. Now JC is telling Kaycee and Angela the plan.

HoH Room Reveal. Same overdone thrills and chills. He tears up at the letter from his parents. Aw, so touching. He asks who voted to evict Kaycee, Scottie raises his hand. Then Brett claims it was himself. The plot thickens. Kaycee even playing along, claiming she's always been closer to Scottie than with Brett.

JC is setting things up about making Scottie the target even more -- going to make Fessy jealous. Haleigh tells us she and Scottie are only friends. JC is making it to be a lot more than that! Fessy already has been jealous of Scottie with Haleigh, this adds fuel to it.

Haleigh tries to convince Fessy that she can't afford to lose Scottie, one of the only people who is on her side. That's really not the way to get him to not put Scottie on the block! 

Funny Sam teaching JC southern expressions.

Haleigh advises Scottie to go talk to Fessy although he thinks it will be futile. He ends up going to plead his case about the vote. He's saying that Brett and Kaycee are working together. Fessy has never seen them together. Fessy doesn't believe him.

Haleigh tries talking to Fessy, telling him she hopes he's not just buying what JC says and that she and Scottie are only friends. Fessy thinks that Scottie talks game with her, but not him. He does his little walks like a duck bit that he just did earlier in the DR. Haleigh is getting irked that Fessy is even thinking of putting an alliance member up on the block.

Time for the nominations ceremony --
Fessy nominates Brett, then Scottie. He says it's because both said they voted to keep Rockstar and somebody's lying.

Fessy thinks he made a big move. Brett laughs at us from the DR room because as long as he's not against a Level 6, he has the votes. Scottie is incredulous that Fessy would put an ally on the block. JC is snickering because it all went down as he planned.  

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Sunday - August 19

Scottie! You stacked the towels too high!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Clean It Up:
  • Brett had a new and interesting strategy for winning the veto.
  • And, it worked.
  • Since the veto winner is not who finds the most vetoes in the Hide and Go, but the one whose veto card remains hidden the longest, he didn't even look for vetoes.
  • He kept checking his own, hidden in the Have Not room, and barricading it with mattresses.
  • At one point he even tried to barricade the door with bed frames, but he says BB yelled at him not to do so.
  • Sam was taken almost catatonic over the mess.
  • She kept saying it was the waste of the food that bothered her.
  • I think it was the destruction on the whole.
  • Sam did not participate in the clean-up. She only sorted and folded her own stuff and put it back away neatly.
  • JC was livid. Apparently his clothes were stored in the hallway and someone pulled them out and poured chocolate milk all over them. He has nothing to wear.
  • It turned out to be Scottie -- he admitted to being the one to throw all the liquids -- chocolate milk and vegetable oil -- all over, thinking people will slip or avoid it. He also is the one responsible for breaking glass, although that was an accident. Fessy the Follower, saw the mess and dumped sugar all over.
  • Scottie, though, spent forever on his hands and knees scouring the floors with a sponge cleaning the mess.
  • Everybody cleaned except for Sam, JC and Fessy.
  • Oh, wait. After JC called him out and said he was a participant in the mess, he should be cleaning, Fessy went downstairs.
  • He was under the impression that since he's King ... er, HoH, he didn't have to help.
  • He flipped a mop a few times and stood around a lot.
  • I guess his Mom has always cleaned up after him and he only knows how to clean his own body. He spent an hour preparing himself on live show day.
  • @@
  • Kaycee cleaned and worked as hard as anyone else (but Scottie) even though she didn't play for the veto.
  • Haleigh worked hard. But I cringed when she kept rinsing and draining the mop in the kitchen sink. Blech! They have to have something in there to act as a bucket!
  • But she did get mop water on Fessy's cup. Heh.
  • Oh ... and the ZingBot did indeed come before the comp!
  • I'm not a huge ZingBot fan -- I really don't care for personal insults.
  • Of course, the ZingBot focused on Sam's sanity, or the lack there of. Umm ... I think I would go more after her crafts or something. That was kind of too mean, methinks.
  • Sam was upset. She went on about it not being a real robot, but someone in a costume. At least when she was a robot, she was a robot.
  • So, who will go up to replace Brett when he takes himself off the block?
  • JC knows he's safe and got Fessy to promise not to put Sam up. He thinks Sam is too fragile right now and that would push her over the edge.
  • Sam, not knowing that JC had secured her safety, went to Fessy and asked not to be put up as a renom with no chance to play for veto. He agreed he wouldn't put her up.
  • (Later on, Sam told Scottie that Fessy might put her up as a mercy kill because she had asked to go home so many times.)
  • Oh, she can indeed lie!
  • Fessy told Haleigh he does not want to and won't put up Tyler.
  • Now, Haleigh has been working on bonding with Tyler, Angela and Kaycee.
  • Fessy has spent time sleeping and admiring himself in the HoH room.
  • It's boiling down to Kaycee or Angela against Scottie.
  • Fessy wants to tell whichever he chooses ahead of time that she is a pawn and Scottie is the target.
  • He wants all to go smoothly during his HoH.
  • He wanted noms to remain the same and Scottie to get evicted.
  • Of course, that plays right into the Level 6/4 plans.
  • Now Sam is bonding with Scottie.
  • Hmm. She tends to drift towards each likely evicted each week. Bayleigh, Rockstar, now Scottie. Jury management? Feeling sorry for them? Hmmm.
  • I don't think it's so much a big game plan. I think it might be more that she feels better when she makes other people feel worthy. She's shown that she's quite insecure herself and one thing (other than crafts) that makes her self-esteem better is helping others feel better.
  • Sam wants Scottie to push Fessy to put Haleigh on the block.
  • Well. Um. I can't see that happening.
  • We'll have to see how Monday goes. 

Proud of his win

Let them clean it up, I'm not doing it.

Our clothes are all mixed together

Why should I help? I'm HoH.

They ruined everything. They wasted food.

Scottie got down on hands and knees

Fessy cleaned his drink cup

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Saturday, PoV - August 18

Something is horribly wrong

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Messy Fessy and Friends:
  • The big news of later last night was that Sam had to leave to be medically treated for anaphylactic shock.
  • She had no clue what was happening as she's always prided herself on not ever being allergic to anything.
  • Hemp seeds.
  • It was hemp seeds in the tuna dish they had prepared.
  • She returned, as did the live feeds, and all was just hunky-dory with her once again.
  • Fessy has repeated (again and again) that he loves everyone in the house and didn't want to really put anyone on the block. He only chose Brett and Scottie because both claimed to be the vote to keep Rockstar, so one was lying.
  • In other words, he put one totally innocent hamster on the block.
  • And, that would be Scottie.
  • But the Scottie Villainization Plan has been in full effect. Scottie is the target.
  • Fessy continued to pose a lot for the mirrors/cameras in the HoH room.
  • @@
  • Haleigh more than Fessy has been working on relationships in the house -- mixing and mingling with Tyler, Angela and Kaycee.
  • That's nice.
  • But, only winning comps (or Fessy winning them) will keep her in the house longer than them.
  • Kaycee thinks the veto will be the Hide and Go Veto -- the one where they hide Veto chips/cards with their names on them, tear apart the house looking for them and the one whose veto is not found (or found last) wins the Power of Veto.
  • We already know for sure that ZingBot will be there because Julie said so.
  • Internet rumor also puts it at Hide and Go.
  • It will either put Sam over the edge or keep her really busy tidying the house.
  • Which will it be?
  • Haleigh, Tyler and Angela will be playing for veto along with Brett, Scottie and Fessy.
  • They're bargaining on the five to one odds against Scottie.
  • But, I don't know. Scottie can do well at times.
  • Kaycee told Angela and Tyler that they should tell each other where their vetoes are hidden so they don't knock each other out of the comp.
  • Angela already has a plan to hide hers in ice cream. We'll see if she can do that.
  • Since nothing really earth-shattering has been happening today, I'm just kind of waiting out for the feeds to return from the veto comp.
  • It's a long wait.
  • But I do it all for you.
  • I did get to see the dancing punishment on the season with the Brigade. That was fun to relive. Miss that Meow. Wonder what Enzo's up to these days?
  • I actually prefer the old feeds blocks with the loops of the theme song. I could set it on low, do other things around the house and when I heard voices, I would know the feeds had returned.
  • Now the big hint is background music to the voices and it's not as clear.
  • Waiting ... waiting. Now we're to season 8 and Evel Dick/Jen wars. So many have tried to emulate him since.
  • Waiting, waiting ...  
  • Wah. Wah. I'm seeing Wahmber. Call me a wahmbulance!
  • They're rerunning all the OTEV comps on the feeds.
  • We're at about 5 1/2 hours blocked.
  • Waiting ...
  • Six hours down now at 8:46pm ET.
  • 9:00pm ET -- feeds return.
  • BRETT won the Power of Veto.
  • Bye-bye, Scottie. But who will be on the block against him?
  • Hmm. 

Not really playing chess

Kissy kissy with Fessy

Orwell sees all, judges all

Can't chew fingernails with busy hands

Brett won the Power of Veto

Friday, August 17, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds, Nominations Friday - August 17

Hungry hamsters

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Not Too Cool To Fool:
  • Um. It's been an odd day.
  • Haleigh told Fessy that she needs to make friends even though she'd love to hide in the HoH room all week.
  • He sees nothing wrong with hiding and the others can come up and visit.
  • Nope -- Tyler and Angela won't come up here! -- according to Haleigh.
  • So ... she wants to make nice with them? Yep!
  • Angela had told her that she knows she lost her best friend when Rockstar went. If she ever needs someone to hang with or talk to ...
  • Kaycee apologized to her for her outburst when nominated.
  • Oh, boy! Let's all be FRIENDS!
  • Heh. 
  • Then there's Sam.
  • I have no clue what's going on with her.
  • We know she has a longstanding final two deal with Tyler.
  • She might as well have one with JC, too.
  • So, she goes after Brett.
  • Sam thinks the nominations will probably be Scottie and Angela.
  • She told Brett she knows he's all alone in the game, same with her. Rockstar had been her Plan A, now he's her Plan B.
  • Brett eats it up, saying he's been alone all along, but didn't want to bother her. He's worried he'll go on the block!
  • They agree it's to the end. They will confide in each other honestly, observe and report.
  • Then JC walked in.
  • So, Sam told him about all her and Brett.
  • She declared that Brett would always be second to JC.
  • Huh?
  • She also is irked that people are making the Have Not room a meeting space when she wanted to make it her personal space. She should know by now there is no personal space in BB!
  • Sam confuses me.
  • JC is still doing the Scottie frame.
  • Even Kaycee got into it, telling Fessy and Haleigh that she thinks it was Brett who voted her out because she's always been close to Scottie.
  • Fessy still has the "always on the wrong side of the vote" bug up his butt.
  • Fessy said he won't send Tyler home -- it's the 6th anniversary of his father's death.
  • He made a deal with both Angela and Tyler that neither would use the veto if they won it.
  • Both Brett and Scottie denied being the one who flipped the vote.
  • With all the talk about Sketchy Scottie, Haleigh and Fessy think he's most likely the culprit.
  • After all, Brett wouldn't lie and Scottie has flipped votes before.
  • Fessy wants Scottie and Brett on the block.
  • Haleigh thinks ... what if Scottie wins the veto?
  • Hmm.
  • Scottie was the closest to winning HoH next to Fessy on Thursday.  
  • JC even pushed a bit for backdoor Scottie.
  • JC is still working it. 
  • He pointed out to Fessy that his back was sore before the HoH comp and more sore now.
  • But all are complaining of aches and pains.
  • They'd be calling ambulances if they had had a real slip and slide comp!
  • Of course, if Scottie does go up and doesn't win veto, Fessy will (for the first time in the game) be on the right side of the vote!
  • That would be like winning the whole shebang! 
  • The feeds were down for nominations.
  • They're back now.
  • Scottie and Brett's photos are on the Nomination Wall.
  • Scottie is balking at whatever Fessy said in the ceremony about hinky votes. 
  • He's already campaigning. 

What the heck is Sam up to?

Sure, Sam, I'll be in your alliance.

JC, Brett is my final two with me.

Chewing nails and making friends

Let's stay up here all week!