Friday, September 07, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds Friday, Nominations - Sept. 7

Dressed for the nominations ceremony

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Returning Rodents:
  • The feeds have been blocked for a good part of the day.
  • From morning into afternoon they were blocked because the hamsters had visiting BB veterans.
  • The veterans were limited in what they could say, so more of the talk was about the house changes, their past seasons and such.
  • From the talks afterward, I gathered this to be the list of visitors: Derrick, Paul, Josh, Dani Donato (yeah, I know she's married now, but I can spell Donato), Victor, Nicole and Britney.
  • They had champagne and cake. I'm assuming the Have Nots were allowed.
  • Sam felt complimented when there were so many comments about how clean the house is compared to past seasons. This is even though she didn't deep clean yesterday.
  • Kaycee's favorite, as was Tyler's -- Derrick.
  • Victor proposed to Nicole and I'm sure we'll see that on the show!
  • He even shaved and had a haircut to do the deed.
  • JC liked being able to talk in Spanish with Victor.
  • Victor, however, didn't have the language barriers that JC has faced this season. JC is still learning English.
  • The hamsters were surprised what good friends the whole group seemed to be despite problems during their own seasons and coming from different seasons.
  • In other news, Haleigh started questioning Kaycee about what she's going to do for the nominations.
  • Kaycee told her she wants the least amount of blood on her hands.
  • Whoops! Haleigh ... you're going on the block!
  • Instant tears but she says she understands.
  • She really doesn't want to do more Diary Room bits about how bad she needs to win the veto.
  • Haleigh talked about how close they've grown the past few weeks.
  • Sorry, Haleigh. Kaycee has had a pretty tight group of friends since the start.
  • Oh ... and she also wants Kaycee to sleep with her. A sleepover! Kaycee didn't really take to the idea.
  • I don't know if Kaycee warned Sam -- if she did, I missed it.
  • What little feeds we had today had no JC, or little JC. He's in his Have Not Grump and napping the time away.
  • Brett and Tyler both talked with Sam about how not smooth they are with girls.
  • At one point when Sam was alone in the Have Not room making beds again, she started talking about whether losing $500,000 to your true love is worth it. Huh? Then she said she was crazy. Okaaaay.
  • Now I'm just waiting for the feeds block to end -- nominations ceremony.
  • I'm just about sure Kaycee will follow through with what I heard last night -- Sam and Haleigh.
  • But I want to be sure before I post.
  • Yes, the feeds are back.
  • Haleigh and Sam are nominated for eviction.
  • Sam is smiling and taking it well.
  • That is possibly only due to the lack of curbs in the house.

I was never smooth with girls

Kaycee broke the news to Haleigh early

Congratulations, Victor and Nicole!

Didn't know who Dani is, but liked her

I couldn't resist this screen cap

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Friday Morning - Sept. 7

Not a surfer, but riding the wave

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bewildered Beasts:
  • Oh my. Scottie's exit really shocked them, Angela in particular.
  • We heard the choppy censored version. Like any live show on television, there is actually a several seconds delay.
  • What Scottie said in the speech was they were all dicking around and can suck it ... except for Tyler who gets Hilton Head. Then he flipped them all off, said a bunch of vulgarities as he bolted to the door. He also tried to close the door so they couldn't see the crowd (a big thing for them).
  • Angela didn't get it right away and said it dawned on her as she was reading the HoH comp paper.
  • JC didn't get it until they were discussing it after the live show.
  • Angela, rightfully so, feels that she's been personally attacked and slandered two weeks in a row.
  • She's very upset even though everyone tried to console her.
  • And, I watch these live feeds -- despite the showmance with Tyler, it's all been rather innocent. They have not had sex in the house -- like so many have -- and have done little other than talk, cuddle and barely kiss.
  • Of course, Scottie's exit makes Haleigh feel vindicated in staying this week. She was thinking it was going to be herself evicted.
  • She also thinks she has some kind of weird bond with Julie Chen.
  • Um, no, girl. You don't. The compliments come off as totally fake.
  • In other news, Sam went into her Weirdness After Eviction mode.
  • She laid around, sometimes talking to herself.
  • She cleaned and organized almost every room in the house.
  • She made all the beds.
  • She reorganized the storage room and kitchen.
  • For someone who gets so upset about any wasted food, she uses way too many paper towels! Trees, Sam, trees.
  • While she attended the HoH room reveal, she was the first to leave after Kaycee read her letter.
  • Kaycee's letter was from her younger brother and she choked up.
  • Now comes the dilemma -- who to put on the block.
  • Tyler and Kaycee had a long talk.
  • Of course, Haleigh will be the target.
  • I think Haleigh even knows that.
  • They think that a Sam/Haleigh nomination with a JC back-up would be best.
  • They think it's going to be easy to tell Haleigh.
  • But what will Kaycee say to Sam, her little buddy?
  • They will tell her that she's just a pawn and won't go home.
  • But they feel that they must say some reason for not putting Brett, Tyler or Angela up there.
  • Dilemmas, dilemmas. 

Smiling ... for now

Cleaning everything in sight

Mr. Almost Won HoH

Kaycee gets emotional reading her letter

Hey, Sam. Someone goes every week.

Slandered two weeks in a row

Thursday, September 06, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Eviction and HoH Show Blog Party - Sept. 6

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

Tonight either Haleigh will be evicted or Scottie will be re-evicted. At least this time whichever one goes to jury will stay in jury.

What's a party without a pool? Like BB, I revived Scottie in the pool. Here's where we stand going into tonight's show:

Sam Bledsoe - Shayne McCaslin, HowSad, tbc, Sharon C
Haleigh Broucher - Brian, Sharon S, Monty924, Buzzmaam
Kaycee Clark - Sharon N, Skyriverblue, Indiana Jane, Jenna G
Tyler Crispen - SueGee, Glenn Allen, Jessica Underwood-James, JennasMom
JC Monduix - Brenda, Delee, T-Town Chick, Willie J
Brett Robinson - Judi Sweeney, Lovelakexo, Ed in Ohio, JonMD1267
Angela Rummans - Janice, Chacha, QuixoticElf, Tilda
Scottie Salton - Lili, Chrob61, JO C, DonnaNY
Bayleigh Dayton
Angie Rockstar Lantry
Faysal Fessy Shafaat
Hamster watchers ready?

Julie tells us that Haleigh has been told she's safe and Scottie has been told he's the pawn. Someone's lying. Into the "previously on" segment. Derrick will be returning for a guest visit. 

I'm not sure what Julie's wearing. I think it has wings.

Both Haleigh and Scottie are concerned. Haleigh goes to Tyler and tells him that Scottie told her he's the pawn (according to what Tyler told him). Tyler denied saying it. Tyler tries to make her feel better, then goes to Scottie to remind him he's staying. 

JC goes to spy on Angela and Tyler, causing her to run to the couch. JC heard her run. JC is demanding to know what's going on. Then JC tells Tyler that Brett isn't stupid -- Brett wants to put Angela and Kaycee on the block. Tyler tells him it's too early, it's a stupid move. He tells us he needs Angela, Kaycee and JC in the house.

Angela is getting sick of JC. She wonders if JC is trying to get Brett to join forces with him. Now, Tyler doesn't want her to take shots at JC right now either. He tells us that it's better if JC takes a shot at her because he can never do it.

Segment on Scottie blabbing jury stuff. First we watch JC learn how to say "turtle." Brett apologizes to Scottie for his previous vote. He tells him he's solo and feels left out. He wants information from Scottie about the jury. Scottie tells him they think that Angela is only using Brett as a shield and isn't working with him. Brett finds out that they dislike Angela more than they dislike him. He thinks if he can get Angela out, they will think better of him. 

So, Brett talks to JC and pushes the Angela buttons that JC already possesses. They think if they can get Angela out, both of them would have a better chance in the game. They think Angela has both Kaycee and Tyler in her pocket. They think that if Haleigh and Sam up, veto used, backdoor Angela. Brett tells us that he's still with Level 6, but if JC goes for it, there's no blood on his hands. 

Derrick, winner of BB16, talks with Julie. He likes the season and likes how Level 6 has worked together so well. His pick to win will go unsaid. He brings up good points on all remaining Level 6, then Haleigh, then JC and Scottie. Hmm ... what about Sam? Then they talk all Tyler's Final Two deals. That turns Derrick to jury management and how the HG answers. He thinks the jury will be emotional. He doesn't think, if Tyler is in the two, Kaycee is a good choice. He thinks it would be best for him to be with Angela.

To the living room --
Scottie -- You guys all know the right move, do it or you can suck it except for Tyler who already is
Haleigh -- Sucks up to Julie, To evict of not to evict, etc. Loves them all, staying grateful no matter what happens.

The votes to evict are:
Brett - Scottie
Kaycee - Scottie
Sam - Scottie
Angela - Scottie
JC - Scottie

Bye, bye (again) Scottie. 

Except for hugging Haleigh and saying something possibly vulgar to the rest, hr bolted out saying eleven votes total, two unanimous votes. He tells Julie he got voted out because he's unpredictable. He tells her that he had a feeling he was going to go because they're not very good liars. 

WHOA! Both Brett and JC threw Tyler under the bus to Scottie in the goodbye messages, saying that it was Tyler pushing that he goes.

Too many commercials, finally to the HoH comp.

Lost City of Biglantis. Shell or High Water. Have to maneuver three pearls in oysters. After three minutes if no one has sunk three, the one with the most in the least amount of time wins. It's a table maze.

KAYCEE is the new HoH! She beat Brett by a second.

Thursday is double eviction night (pretty much as we figured).

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Thursday - Sept. 6

Will Level 6/4 be the Final Four?

 Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dwindling Days:
  • They were locked inside due to the comp build for today.
  • There were quite a few strategy talks among Level 6/4 members and JC, but not all at once.
  • Brett still has JC in his ear.
  • But is he going to jump off the Level 6/4 bandwagon?
  • It's hard to tell. 
  • In a talk with Tyler, Kaycee told him that she talked to Brett and he's still good with them.
  • But I didn't see said talk and I pretty much base Brett on what he says to Tyler.
  • Kaycee also, not knowing all of Tyler's final twos, mentioned how they made their final two deal on Day One, maybe Day Two and have stuck together all this time.
  • According to her, with Tyler agreeing, the eviction order should be Scottie, Haleigh, Sam, then JC with the four left to battle things out and all is good.
  • However, a wrench might be thrown in there.
  • Now both JC and Brett are on an "evict Haleigh this week" kick.
  • In the long run, it would just change the order of the first two on the list.
  • They think Haleigh is more dangerous than Scottie.
  • I believe they're probably right. Scottie is often his own worst enemy in comps which he should do well. Once Haleigh is determined, she's a stronger competitor.
  • We know that Tyler would prefer Haleigh out but acquiesced to the house feeling Scottie needs to go first.
  • Angela, Kaycee, Tyler and JC had a long talk in which they all said how fake Haleigh's being -- playing up to them.
  • JC and Angela snickered about pitting Sam and Haleigh against each other.
  • JC likes it because a bickering two take all attention off of him.
  • To be honest, there's enough dislike between Sam and Haleigh that they need to instigation to annoy each other.
  • Scottie and Haleigh both think they're not the target.
  • Scottie is being himself and not creating waves or coming across as fake.
  • On the other hand, Haleigh is trying too hard to be buddies with people and went on yet another crying jag.
  • Tyler and Sam talked. He told her to vote what she wants this week -- of course, that would be for Haleigh to go. 
  • He also told her that she really needs to win HoH this week.
  • She thinks that means that people want her out.
  • Well, yeah. They do. They're growing increasingly annoyed with her odd behaviors, her mood swings, her taking over areas of the house, her long detailed stories.
  • They all seem to have a soft spot for her, Kaycee and Tyler in particular.
  • But they have limits to how much consoling and such they can do.
  • Sam says she doesn't want people walking on eggshells around her.
  • Yet, they're doing just that.
  • No one wants to hurt her.
  • Well, maybe Haleigh does.
  • If Brett and JC do flip the vote to evict Haleigh instead of Scottie, along with Sam's vote, that would be the end of Haleigh.
  • Only Kaycee and Angela would vote to evict Scottie.
  • In the long run, it doesn't really matter -- they plan to get them out one, two anyway.
  • BUT ... if whichever one stays wins HoH ... you know they'll all be Monday morning quarterbacking!
  • Kaycee seems to have the schedule figured out. She thinks no double eviction this week, it will probably be next week when they don't have to do veto player picks because all play.
  • I guess we'll see what happens tonight!

It will be Scottie, Haleigh, Sam, then JC out

Haleigh is more dangerous than Scottie

Now pushing for a Haleigh eviction

The nominees pack their bags

Sam had to clear all her junk off the table

Orwell sees all, knows all

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Big Brother 20: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - Sept. 5

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

Previously on ... and on. 

We pick up after the nominations ceremony. Tyler would prefer Haleigh leave because she has targeted him before. The "house" wants Scottie gone because they've voted him out before and he came back.

Haleigh and Scottie talk. Haleigh has the four in Level 6 figured out.

She goes to talk to Tyler. He doesn't really want to ruffle feathers this week because he knows one will stay. Tyler tells her that he won't be voting this week and the house wants Scottie out. Haleigh gets no answers from Tyler.

JC thinks he's so much better than Tyler! He goes to the HoH room and tells Tyler he did a good job with nominations. Tyler won't be bamboozled by JC! 

Uh-oh -- Sam is straightening Tyler's hair! 

And we're into an HoH snuggle session with Angela and Tyler. Well, interrupted snuggle sessions. They make a game out of it. They deny and deny showmance.
But we do see a kiss!

Veto player pick time! Tyler draws Kaycee. Scottie draws Houseguest's Choice and goes for Sam. Haleigh draws JC. 

Sam is irritable, thus driving everyone crazy. Kaycee tells us that Sam will probably have to go sooner rather than later.

Then Haleigh makes her move on Kaycee. Oh, just friends. Haleigh tells us that, since Fessy is gone, that tie is severed game-wise. She will palm off some of her dirty deeds on her beloved Fessy. Kaycee will humor her.

Time for the veto comp! Brett is hosting in a giant inflatable smile costume. They have emojis in the backyard. They have to crawl to, then retrieve an emoji, then cross a see-saw balance beam to deposit it -- first HG to get all their emojis in wins. Then it starts raining to make it all slippery. Whenever they drop an emoji or one leaves the paddle collection end of the see-saw, they reset and have to do it all over. JC is actually doing very well. Will he win?

KAYCEE wins the PoV! 

Haleigh again tries to talk to Tyler. He again gives her no answers. All he tells her is not to go to Scottie and talk to him about being the target.

So, she goes to Scottie. He tells her that they're not worried about jury votes. Scottie tells her that he was told he's the pawn. The plot thickens and the tears start. Kaycee comforts her and tells her she's not leaving this week. 

Time for the veto meeting --
Kaycee does not use the power of veto.

She says it's best for the game.

Hmm ... from live feeds, I know both made speeches we will never see. Supposedly they were Brett-like speeches. Grrr.