Friday, September 14, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds Friday, Nominations - Sept. 14

Listening to Sam

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Gotta Be In It To Win It:
  • JC isn't his loud and boisterous self.
  • Being on the block last week and expecting to be on the block this week is making him a worried camper.
  • He told Tyler that he felt betrayed. Apparently he had spoken to Angela and Angela didn't say anything about Brett targeting him.
  • Of course, Tyler had told JC that Brett had to go because he was targeting JC.
  • In actuality, Brett wanted to target two Level 6/4 members and that just can't be tolerated.
  • But Tyler couldn't tell JC that.
  • JC thinks Tyler isn't going to honor their final two deal and go unwisely with the girls.
  • Well, yeah. But Tyler's not going to tell him that!
  • Sam must have said a dozen times this morning that she doesn't know what she'll do today. Now, she's talking to others in the same predicament as herself. No one else is going around saying they don't know what they'll do. It's the BB House. Just be.
  • Sure, they're saying they're bored. If someone came up with a game, they'd surely play.
  • If BB gave them the dollar store arts and crafts, they'd go at it.
  • Um. Wait. Scratch the last -- Sam would take them over and no one else would art and craft!
  • When both JC and Kaycee mentioned how cold the house was, Sam decided to bake cookies. That will keep her busy for a few minutes!
  • In Level 6/3 strategy talks, the nomination plans are Sam and JC. (Duh!) The target this week will be Sam -- she's come too close to winning comps. JC winning a critical comp is far less likely.
  • Both JC and Sam fully expect to be nominated.
  • So, I don't know why the feeds are being blocked so long for the nominations ceremony.
  • Maybe that singer who I've never heard of that Julie mentioned would appear for the houseguests (for Sunday night show) is on.
  • It's been about four hours now.
  • Maybe Sam curb-stomped someone! Anyone got a police scanner going on the lot? Have ambulances responded?
  • Nah ... it's probably that singer.
  • But, I'm waiting for the feeds to return with nominations before I post this.
  • After all, I already put nominations in the title.
  • Wait, wait, wait. I'm so sick of the BB reruns! 
  • Five hours 
  • Six hours...
  • A little more than six hours and the feeds are back.
  • Apparently their noms were only about fifteen minutes before the feeds returned.
  • They were doing the after noms hugging. JC supposedly feels ill.
  • And, yes ... they had the concert (whatever) by whoever that was.
  • Tyler is talking to JC. JC is on the block and saying that if he wins veto, Angela would probably put Tyler up. Tyler is telling him he's safe.
  • Meanwhile, Sam and Kaycee are in the kitchen professing their love for each other.
  • JC says that if Sam wins the veto, it's all ____ed up.
  • As we knew, Sam and JC on the block. 

Doesn't want to get out of bed

Does standing while eating cut calories?

Snugglebunny time

A more subdued JC

What can I do today?

Chef Tyler

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Friday - Sept. 14

Riding the L6 wave

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Then There Were Five:
  • After playing Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way with Brett in the second eviction last night, the feeds were blocked as they played the HoH comp.
  • We know they decided Get Out of the Way with Brett -- his "private" talks about getting rid of Angela and Kaycee blew his Level 6/4 standing. It's one thing to listen to JC and report back; it's another to pursue that angle against members of the alliance. Rachel did it before him and we know how that went. Winston is the only casualty in the alliance who didn't really do himself in.
  • When the live feeds returned, it was Angela wearing the HoH key.
  • I'm sure that we can safely predict it will be Sam and JC on the block again.
  • This time will have no back-up plan. If one wins the veto, whoever remains will go home.
  • Right now I'm not sure who will go of the two -- each come with their own set of problems. Sam is moody, odd and almost won the first HoH last night. JC is problematic and an instigator, has won no comps this season.
  • Angela doesn't care much for either of them.
  • I think Tyler has a soft spot for Sam, but also like JC.
  • Kaycee likes everybody. (And everybody likes her.)
  • Sam exiled herself to cleaning out the storage room refrigerator, cleaning around the kitchen and preparing her large satellite dish bed in the Have Not room.
  • Hmm.
  • What's up with that, BB? It's like giving her an HoH room of her own sans goodies and letters from home. That room is usually locked off once the Have Nots stop. 
  • While Sam was doing her own thing, Kaycee, JC, Angela and Tyler played a game of Two Lies and a Truth. Kaycee admitted to JC that she was the Hacker who removed herself from the block. Tyler claimed he didn't know and she just told him the other day. Tyler denied the power app to all and kept saying JC had to have it. He has kept that secret all along from everybody -- he kind of hinted at it the week he asked not to be in the original nominations. But no one has really been told anything ... not even Angela, if my memory serves.
  • They were all exhausted but had to stay up for Angela's HoH room reveal.
  • They were all saying goodnight to her when BB announced a booze delivery.
  • When Tyler went into the storage room to get it, lo and behold, his HoH basket of goodies was with a six-pack of beer.
  • Everyone gathered in the living room to listen to his letter and look over his snacks.
  • Tyler acted like he had no clue he'd get a basket.
  • Yeah, right.
  • Nominations are later today.
  • I predict that Angela will not nominate Tyler and Kaycee.
  • While the past week or two have been predictable, I still think this is the best BB in years. We watched people who came in to play the game. Even Fessy, as ignorant of BB as he was, came to play with his wrong-minded theory that he could be a comp beast. We've watched a strong alliance plan ahead and be cut-throat in cutting the ranks if a member of the alliance turned against them all the while eliminating the others ... even when they weren't the ones in power.
  • We saw some trash-talking, but little actual meanness as time went on.
  • It can't get much better than this.
  • And, yeah ... Julie signed off last night as Julie Chen-Moonves and it was the first time for that. Hopefully she'll stay on hosting the show -- no announcements have been made that she's leaving as of yet. 

Made it to Final Five, won nothing

Still has private space in Have Not

Who wants to see my HoH room?

Gee, do you think we can predict her noms?

Proud of well-executed plans

Tyler got his HoH basket and letter

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds HoH Announcement - Sept. 14

The live feeds were blocked for the second HoH of the Thursday night whirlwind. They've returned and we have a new HoH. I have no idea what the comp itself was.

For the third time ...

Angela is the new HoH.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Double Eviction Show Blog Party - Sept. 13

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

Tonight we get Eviction, HoH, PoV and Eviction all within an hour. We can pretty much predict the first eviction. But who will win HoH? Who will go out second?

What's a party without a pool? Like BB, I revived Scottie in the pool. Here's where we stand going into tonight's show:

Sam Bledsoe - Shayne McCaslin, HowSad, tbc, Sharon C
Haleigh Broucher - Brian, Sharon S, Monty924, Buzzmaam
Kaycee Clark - Sharon N, Skyriverblue, Indiana Jane, Jenna G
Tyler Crispen - SueGee, Glenn Allen, Jessica Underwood-James, JennasMom
JC Monduix - Brenda, Delee, T-Town Chick, Willie J
Brett Robinson - Judi Sweeney, Lovelakexo, Ed in Ohio, JonMD1267
Angela Rummans - Janice, Chacha, QuixoticElf, Tilda

Bayleigh Dayton
Angie Rockstar Lantry
Faysal Fessy Shafaat
Scottie Salton 
Hamster watchers ready?

Yep, Julie is indeed there. We sat through the "previously on." And, now we're into the show. Haleigh thinks she's probably going home. Too bad, so sad. 

Level 6 meets to decide a pawn in a double eviction. Angela volunteers. Brett tells us he's been loyal but Angela must feel really safe to volunteer. Brett meets with Tyler, going for a final two ... wanting Tyler to send Angela out and make the jury happy. Then Brett says Kaycee will be after them. Tyler isn't buying Brett's material. Tyler talks to Kaycee ... and tells her what Brett said. Will Brett go before Sam or JC>

To the living room. Surprise, no surprise. They already thought it would be a double eviction.
Haleigh - Sucks up to Julie, of course. Shout-outs. Running out of content. The last few weeks have been great, lot to offer you, etc.
Sam - No speech prepared. Thanks all, proud to still be there. Not ready to leave. If I do, I will take a piece of each of you and the experience in general.

The vote to evict:
Tyler - Haleigh
JC - Haleigh
Brett - Haleigh
Angela - Haleigh

Like Scottie before her, unanimous. Unlike Scottie, she professed her love for them and hugged each one. Angela, Kaycee throw Brett under the bus in their goodbye messages, saying he said she was going to target them if she stayed. Brett (the only other message shown) told her that Kaycee and Angela wanted her out. Haleigh told Julie she believes Angela and Kaycee because she knows she did say that to Brett. She uninvited Brett to something or another.

Earlier today the hamsters watched short video clips (to study) for HoH. Question format. Welcome to the Boondocks ... Buffering is the name of the comp. Videos will pause and they have two options as to what happened next. A or B.

1. Sam and Tyler right.
2. JC right
3. Tyler and Brett right,
4. JC, Sam, Tyler and Brett right.
5. Sam, Tyler, Angela and Brett right.
6. All right on this one.
7. Sam, Tyler and Angela right.

TYLER wins HoH! 

Tyler whispers to Brett about sticking to plan. Sounds like Brett is going up as a "pawn." Apparently the plan is to backdoor Angela. But I sincerely doubt that's the real plan. 

Nominations time -- Wait ... Tyler is telling Sam to trust him and she trash talks Angela. He told her someone else was coming after her.

He nominates JC and Sam. (Backdoor Brett? I don't know.) 

HoH Comp - Block and Roll rolling ball to a target. 

Angela wins the PoV! 

PoV meeting -- Angela saves JC. Tyler puts Brett on the block (two steps ahead). (They were saying before how Brett only thought a step ahead and they thought several steps ahead.)

To the living room --
Sam - Angela, sorry I doubted you. Grateful to Tyler, Angela, Kaycee.
Brett - I was loyal, understand you have to make a move. Have mercy -- don't send me to that house with Blockstar! I beg you!

The vote to evict:
JC - Brett
Kaycee - Brett
Angela - Brett

And he's gone. He hugged all going out and told Tyler he'd win. He was good with Julie.

And, for the first time, Julie signed off as Julie Chen-Moonves. Hmm.

BTW - Evictions both Wednesday and Thursday nights next week.

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Thursday - Sept. 13

His scheming may backfire

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Double Dilemmas:
  • In conversations, Tyler and Kaycee have noticed that Brett isn't being totally honest with them.
  • Sure, some of it is JC-tainted storytelling.
  • But some stuff Brett is leaving out.
  • His double agent days which he did so well for so long may be coming to an end.
  • With the double eviction ahead, he just might get the boot.
  • If Sam makes it through tonight, she might have a rude awakening -- I would bet BB will close down the Have Not room. They always do and never before have had someone want to stay alone in there.
  • Kaycee and JC had a long talk. 
  • Kaycee told JC that Haleigh told her that JC said it will be a house vote to keep her.
  • Um, no. He did tell her not to worry. But they're all telling her not to worry.
  • JC also bad-mouthed Brett to her in his talk, saying he just keeps clowning around.
  • Actually, he's sort of right. As time has gone on, Brett has become as annoying at times as JC -- loud and full of himself.
  • But, JC is just trying to shift targets off of himself.
  • When he's with Brett, he shifts to Sam and Angela ... sometimes Kaycee.
  • Heck, he's even talked Tyler.
  • His game may end sooner rather than than later.
  • Or, Brett's game might end.
  • It looks like Sam might not be the next target although they've all discussed how well she gets along with the jury.
  • Sam told Brett that she was surprised that the BB psych tests pre-season showed she's not affectionate. She thinks she is. However, she decided they mean touchy-feely kind of affectionate, that she's not.
  • A new thing I saw yesterday is that the whole couch system is apparently on a track and can turn around.
  • JC was pushing it in circles with Tyler, in a new form of couch surfing, rode it.
  • Then JC and Tyler rode while Brett spun it in circles.
  • "Shut it DOWN."
  • Sam is being very nice to Haleigh.
  • Haleigh is being very nice to Sam.
  • We know what will happen in the first eviction tonight.
  • The second one should be very interesting no matter who wins HoH.
  • Will Level 6/4 become Level 6/3?
  • Will JC get the boot before Sam?
  • Hmm ... 

What to do? What to do?

Kaycee who? Not anymore!

I will not miss this ... or the weird hair ears

Couch surfing

Trying on the dress for tonight

Sam: Their tests said I'm not affectionate

Still camped out alone in Have Not