Thursday, September 20, 2018

Big Brother 20: PoV, Live Eviction Blog Party - Sept. 20

Final Four owl-style

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

We're down to the Final Four and probably not ones we thought would be there had we been asked in the beginning of the season!

What's a party without a pool? Here's where we stand going into tonight's show:

Kaycee Clark - Sharon N, Skyriverblue, Indiana Jane, Jenna G
Tyler Crispen - SueGee, Glenn Allen, Jessica Underwood-James, JennasMom
JC Monduix - Brenda, Delee, T-Town Chick, Willie J
Angela Rummans - Janice, Chacha, QuixoticElf, Tilda

Bayleigh Dayton
Angie Rockstar Lantry
Faysal Fessy Shafaat
Scottie Salton 
Haleigh Broucher
Brett Robinson
Sam Bledsoe 
Hamster watchers ready?

Goodie, goodie -- we do indeed get a jury segment tonight!

JC is gleeful with his HoH win while Level 6 is commiserating.

Nominations time! JC nominates Angela, then Tyler. JC says Angela threw him on the block as did Tyler.  

Jury house. Fessy says Bayleigh can get a little snappy sometimes. Scottie returns to them. Heh. She tells Fessy they're not all as stupid as him. Then Haleigh enters. Fessy is happy to see her. Rockstar says that Kaycee is playing the best game, winning comps and likable. Fessy seems to be laughing off the bad showing of FOUTTE while Bayleigh is indeed snippy. 

Brett arrives. Brett tells them Tyler told him he was going to backdoor Angela. Haleigh realizes it was Tyler who planned this. But Bayleigh, like Rockstar, thinks that Kaycee is doing the best. 

Sam arrives. She tells them that Tyler made a final two on day three. Brett mentioned his final two, but tells us that it makes him respect his game more. 

Final Power of Veto - get a clue about a competition, get ball  using pulleys in correct spot, two strikes and you're out -- called Down to the Wires. 

Round One - JC has a strike
Round Two - JC second strike, eliminated
Round Three - Tyler gets a strike
Round Four - Tyler second strike, eliminated
Round Five - Angela gets a strike
Round Six - KAYCEE wins the Power of Veto!

Kaycee has the sole power to evict tonight. To the living room. 

Angela - Thanks family, friends and CBS. My little Peanut, hard decision, three best friends, whatever decision I will respect. I love you.
Tyler - Shout outs. Proud of Kaycee and JC great reps of LGBT community. In love with Angela.

Kaycee -- Both of my best friends on the block, between the three of us we've won 19 competitions. Love Tyler. Love Angela.  Strictly game, I have to evict Angela.

So, Angela is out! Kaycee's goodbye message -- final two since day two with Tyler. Tyler tells her his secrets -- deal with Kaycee on day one, got power app and head over heels in love with her.

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds, Veto Winner - Sept. 19

Not much of an HoH crowd

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Final Four:
  • They had the veto comp before the live feeds returned.
  • The veto ceremony itself is expected on the live show.
  • The audio to the feeds returned before the video and it was odd.
  • Picture Nicole talking in JC's voice!
  • Oh? You want to know the winner of the veto comp?
  • Kaycee kept up her veto streak.
  • She can't use it because she'd have to put herself on the block and lose safety.
  • She's the sole vote this week.
  • We know she has a final two deal with Tyler. She doesn't have one with Angela.
  • We know JC has a rather disgruntled final two deal with Tyler and definitely none with Angela.
  • JC doesn't know about Kaycee's deal and vice versa.
  • JC is really working on Kaycee to the point of telling her that Angela only calls her Peanut when she wants something from her. He says she's a strong competitor and unpredictable.
  • Meanwhile, Tyler and Angela snuggled.
  • Tyler told his secret to Angela -- he's a Big Brother superfan.
  • She was shocked and told him he lied to her.
  • He said it wasn't lying, it was withholding. 
  • JC had to go to the Diary Room to tape his goodbye messages.
  • I'm thinking Kaycee will vote to evict Angela.
  • But I could be wrong.
  • You never know. 

"I'm really a BB superfan."

My two best friends are on the block

Orwell sees all, Tyler and Angela!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Big Brother 20: Not So Live Eviction Show Blog Party - Sept. 19

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

Why "Not So Live" in the title? Because it's not. This was taped yesterday and the feeds were blocked from around 9am their time and will be blocked tonight until after the show airs on the West Coast. Rumors, credible ones at that, are out and about. But we'll pretend we don't know them. Shhh ...

What's a party without a pool? Like BB, I revived Scottie in the pool. Here's where we stand going into tonight's show:

Sam Bledsoe - Shayne McCaslin, HowSad, tbc, Sharon C
Kaycee Clark - Sharon N, Skyriverblue, Indiana Jane, Jenna G
Tyler Crispen - SueGee, Glenn Allen, Jessica Underwood-James, JennasMom
JC Monduix - Brenda, Delee, T-Town Chick, Willie J
Angela Rummans - Janice, Chacha, QuixoticElf, Tilda

Bayleigh Dayton
Angie Rockstar Lantry
Faysal Fessy Shafaat
Scottie Salton 
Haleigh Broucher
Brett Robinson 
Hamster watchers ready?

Julie calls the hamsters to the living room, telling them not to sit in the nominations seat. She tells them eviction is a night early -- one will be evicted and sent to the jury. (It actually came TWO days early!)

And ... we're into "previously on." 

Moonves is here to stay in her name. 

Angela thinks Level 6 is unstoppable. Sam tells us it's the fourth time in a row on the block. JC is upset because he says that he's had Tyler on the block. Tyler wants to sit next to a Level 6 at the end.

JC tells Tyler that he feels all alone in the game. He thinks Tyler has Angela, he has no one. He continues to work on Tyler to cut out Angela. 

Power of Veto comp time!  But first ... the whipped cream fight in the kitchen with all but Sam. She's crafting in her private Have Not Room.

Now, it's time. They have to get into gear and head to separate rooms. It's a huge hedge maze. They're dressed as knights in the BB Labyrinth. They need to do three things to remove the curse. If they take more than 30 seconds between steps, the witch cackles and they start again. There is a thirty minute time out. They do this separately while the others are sequestered in the house. 

Kaycee - 5.46
Sam - Timed out
Tyler - 6.29
Angela - 10.50
JC - 11.09

KAYCEE wins her 4th veto comp! 

Time already for the veto meeting! No speeches shown again and Kaycee does not use the power of veto. 

Tyler tells us how bad he feels having to cut loose one of his friends. Too bad, so sad. 

To the living room and eviction.
Sam - Didn't expect company. Nothing planned, love all of you. Would love the opportunity to stay. If I go, please feed the fish.
JC - Thanks CBS, etc. Loves Sam, hugs her. Tyler has to keep me because he's the love of my life and on and on.

The votes to evict are:
Kaycee - Sam
Tyler - Sam

Buh-bye, Sam ... it's been a long strange trip it's been. She tells Julie she thought she would stay because JC is annoying.

HoH comp time! Questions format ... What the Bleep, with the videos and bleeped out words. Seven questions.

1. JC, Tyler get points
2. JC gets a point
3. All were wrong
4. All three got it right
5. All got it right
6. Tyler and JC right
7. Kaycee got a point

JC is the new HOH! (But I personally beat him with all right!) 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Big Brother 20: Eviction, HoH RUMORS - Sept. 18

The live feeds won't return until tomorrow after the show ends on the West Coast. So, we're talking midnight here on the East Coast.

The feeds have been down all day since before anyone other than Sam and Kaycee were even awake. They shot something for BBAD tonight -- which I won't see because I only PAY for 24/7 live feeds. PopTV is not a part of my cable package.

But ... to the rumors -- not saying this is totally true as it's not coming from my very own viewing. But ...

Sam was evicted. (Well, duh.)
JC won the HoH which was a What the Bleep comp.

So ... will he target Angela? 
What does this mean for Tyler?

Survivor: David vs. Goliath - Hyping it!

Since the Big Brother live feeds are probably down until the show airs tomorrow on the West Coast (yes, the Wednesday eviction is taped) ... what better time to start in with Survivor?

Next Wednesday night, September 26, we'll have a full night of television starting with the Survivor: David vs. Goliath premiere and ending with the Big Brother 20 season finale.

Yes, there will be a blog pool for the show -- Lifeguard Laurie has once again volunteered her services! Please do NOT sign up for the pool on this post. I will open the pool sign ups on a post just for that task. That should be Friday morning.

Without further ado right now, let's go to some videos!