Friday, July 05, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds into Friday Night, Nominations - July 5

I love all! I'm goodness and light!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Society's Sad State:
  • The feeds were blocked for large chunks of time today.
  • One blockage was due to the Chaos part of Whacktivity. Unlike the first part, they talked about the comp but no one came forward to claim the win.
  • It had to do with snakes. Quite apt, I'd say.
  • Something about different tanks and they had to go out and match the snake with the tank.
  • They were warned the snakes could bite but weren't poisonous.
  • Rats.
  • Okay, I'm evil. I admit it. Anyway, no one seems to have been bitten.
  • A new addition to the problematic Jack arena -- when Jack with his cohorts saw David on the spy cam, Jack started mocking him and walking "like him." Um. I'm sorry, Jack, but you were warned. And, David walks nothing like a money or ape. @@
  • Oh, but during his pre-nom talk with Jess, he was all about the love, goodness and light ebbing from his very soul. He thinks SO highly of her and loves her. He wants to get to know her better. But, he might have to put her on the block. @@
  • Then, a bit later, Jack said to Kat he didn't want Jess to go around acting like the martyr.
  • Meanwhile, Kat's gained a bit of credit with me as of late. First off, she's talking with David and actually comes off as interesting and nice with him.
  • Second, she went to Jack and told him she will be sticking by Jessica. She truly cares about her.
  • Back to problematic, but not the Jacks -- Christie was talking to Jack at one point and called Tommy "a good little fairy." Um. Really? I'm not sure how he would like that, especially coming from someone who has rough history with him. And, especially to Jack when he (Tommy) wasn't even there.
  • Just "blech" problematic -- Jackson, er … Michie drinks milk out of the bottle, then puts it back in the refrigerator for others to drink.
  • Oh, well.
  • Jack, apparently for the cameras, tried to rationale his choice for nominees while talking to Sam and Analyse. 
  • You do realize he LOVES everyone in the house, right?
  • And, he doesn't want people to think his choices have anything to do with anything other than game, especially considering the first two out of the house.
  • It's all game.
  • It's that girl alliance! He has to stop it1 They're dangerous1
  • Hmm … I notice he didn't say he hated Kemi today. I think he's said that multiple times every day we've had the feeds. But, not today.
  • Maybe the warning he got worked?
  • Nah. He did the David "impression" well after.
  • He nominated Kemi and Jessica.
  • I'm just so shocked over it all.

Kat consoles Jessica

Didn't cry today … that I saw

I wish these two would wise up

They need better lighting in HoH

BB21: Live Feeds into Friday Morning - July 5

Knows Jack won't target her

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Problematic Possums:

  • Well, well, well … where to begin?
  • Yeah, they played cornhole, made a slip 'n slide, BB threw them a party (that was blocked to the live feeds by critter cam) and it all looked like such fun.
  • So, it was a great July 4th holiday for all … right?
  • Nuh-uh. Nope.
  • Apparently the house will have some sort of tie-in with Love Island (which is SO something I will NOT be watching) as they talked about it. 
  • Since the commercials didn't start until after the hamsters were in sequester and they even know about it in the UK … we can expect something on BB.
  • Ahem.
  • In other problematic news from the house, I'm disappointed with my man Cliff. Not only is he allowing himself to be bamboozled and think Michie (Jackson, still adjusting to his last name) and Holly are in an alliance with him … he's on that inexplicable Hate Train against David.
  • Not only has he made several comments about disliking him and how evil he is, he had a conversation with Tommy that I found very disturbing.
  • In the bathroom, Tommy told him there was some pee on the floor and David was the last one in there. Cliff said he'd pee on the floor and they could blame it on David.
  • What? WHAT? I honestly thought Cliff was above that. Sigh.
  • In other problematic news -- the Jacks were talking and both either said a racial slur … or not. They were talking quietly and there was a lot of background noise. I personally can't tell exactly what was said. It could have been the word "neither" or another word.
  • I guess it was another word.
  • Both were brought into the Diary Room separately and apparently warned by production.
  • Neither is supposed to talk about it.
  • But they did, at least a little bit.
  • Jack, already apparently warned once about his mouth, is taking it in stride. He is going to be who he is, no matter what. He says he'll find out in 84 days whet people think of him … and he doesn't really care.
  • Michie, on the other hand, is very upset. I'm thinking he might be thinking of what his family will think and repercussions out in the real world.
  • But, at the end of the day (as hamsters say) he seems to think it's all David's fault and now he hates him even more.
  • Well, at least it does seem to have made some sort of impression on the both of them. I think neither will really change, though.
  • I'm still not getting why they all consider David the villain of the season.
  • Yes, in watching him (since we never saw him actually playing in the house, I think he could very well be a shrewd player. 
  • He sat in on the meeting with Jack getting everyone to agree not to talk game with him.
  • Yet it looks like he's got Kat fawning all over him and telling him alliances and such.
  • David is making attempts to hang out with the others and get involved with conversations and such.
  • Yesterday and last night, he was definitely around them all more than we saw Ovi. He's much more social than Ovi despite Ovi's college day social success.
  • I've come to the conclusion that David IS dangerous. He's a dangerous competitor who could very well win the game if he can get back in and the jury isn't full of hate for him.
  • So, yeah … he's dangerous in that aspect. 
  • But I just don't see mean, evil, villain or anything like that.   
I don't care what they say

Awkward convo with David about Love Island

Many of us are aghast, Nicole

I still don't understand the hate

Am I boring you? Okay, I'm out!

Thursday, July 04, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds into Thursday Morning - July 4

Yes, I hope everyone is having a great holiday!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Nefarious Nincompoops:
  • Ah, where to start …
  • Jessica was in tears after the HoH comp. She came SO close to winning and wants to see family photos and get a letter from home.
  • She feels she let her family down.
  • She's upset that Jack won, not because he might (probably will) target her for eviction, but because … who's he going to get a letter from or photos of? His dog?
  • Y'see, Jack either didn't ask anyone to sign releases or they refused. I'm really not sure which.
  • That's a first for the show that family hasn't signed releases.
  • Apparently, he did get the person sitting his dog to sign a release and that's who sent him a letter. He got all choked up. Um. Okay. Whatever.
  • Jack went and called a house meeting telling everyone that they shouldn't talk any game strategy with Ovi or David.
  • Now, he did that with David right there.
  • As Cliff says, everyone is scared to go up against the group, so all agreed.
  • David is already on the hit list even if he can't play the game.
  • Holly, in particular, is stirring up problems again … this time with David as her target. 
  • She claims he's already hitting on the girls.
  • The Jacks think he's totally dangerous.
  • Heck, even Cliff thinks he's problematic. 
  • I SO wish we could have seen the first few hours of the live feeds to see what David could have done to gain such a reputation in such a short period of time.
  • I looked back at my pre-show interview impression of David and I didn't see him as dangerous in any way, a recruit and that I thought his strategy of laying low would fall apart. I was right about the last, I guess.
  • While I was there, I also peeked at what I said about Kat -- wants to be the center of attention and full of herself.
  • Heh.
  • Back to Cliff talking about David -- he says David was already spending alone time with Kat, most likely to bother Michie as in "stealing his girl."
  • (I have trouble calling Jackson "Michie" -- I either want to spell it like Mouse or pronounce It in my head with a soft "ch". Please bear with me.)
  • I think Kat just wants to be in a showmance with anyone she can.
  • Michie seems to be sorry he ever was nice to her. She's too needy.
  • Shortly after the live show ended, Michie did take David aside in the storage room to apologize for the banishment thing.
  • Both agreed that David, of the ones in the comp, should have been the most likely to win his way back.
  • David laughed, smiled and was polite.
  • But, yeah. I think he'll hold it against him. And, if he gets himself back in the game, the Jacks will both be targets.
  • Nicole told Ovi that she does plan to talk game with him and then went on to tell him how the Jacks and Nick played him. She cried because she thought she betrayed him.
  • Ovi, to his credit, consoled her and isn't bitter at all. If he doesn't get back in, he still wants to work with both Cliff and her to further their games the best he can.
  • Ovi told Cliff about being student body president at his university. While Cliff still wants to work with him, he's now very leery -- doesn't want to be in the final two with him because his politics/debating skills must be very strong.
  • Cliff THINKS he has an alliance with Holly and Michie.
  • Tsk, tsk … I thought you thought better than that, Cliff.
  • They see you as a vote.
  • Just like you see Kat.
  • Jack's talk of who he will nominate were ones I could have predicted last night -- Jessica and Kemi.
  • We all knew Kemi was a given.
  • Of course, now they need to think of players who might come back when they vote someone out.
  • "Sometimes the dead come back. And, they're not the same" -- Stephen King paraphrase.
  • Because of the screwy holiday schedule, I'm not sure when Nominations will be.
  • Oh … and no one is mentioning the Whacktivity.
  • Laters!

Not happy campers at Camp BB

Thinks Kat doesn't belong there

Nicole told him the Jacks played him

New Public Enemy #1, can't even compete

David and Ovi watched Julie in the TV

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

BB21: First Live Eviction (?) Show Blog Party - July 3

Did you catch that question mark in my post title? It's there because the show promos are saying, "The first live eviction … or not." Hmm. Supposedly another big twist is to be announced tonight. It's not the Whacktivity as that has already been announced and seems to be Sunday night show fodder. Hmm. I just don't know.

We have Ovi and Kat on the block tonight going into the live eviction … or not.

Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool and you can find it  on THIS POST LINKED HERE. We still don't know what's going on with David. It's likely he's sequestered somewhere.

I'll be live-blogging the major events of the show tonight as it airs here on the East Coast. As I'll be constantly updating this entry, you'll need to refresh this post to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Julie, looking svelte for the first time this season, promises us a live twist that will send our heads spinning. Then we're into the previously on …

Kat or Ovi will be leaving tonight … or will they?

Day 15. first time ever, evicted houseguest will not be going home. They'll continue living in the house. Um. Okay.

But first … we get to hear from Christie why Ovi and not Kat should go. Kat herself feels she has a better chance to stay than if against Cliff. Christie is telling both Ovi and Kat they're pawns. She isn't sure how things will work out.

Ovi is really upset. We know how much he wants to be in the house even if Christie doesn't. Jack would rather Kemi go home, but Ovi was on "our" hit list, too … so he can go home. (That's Jack speaking, not me.) Cliff tells Ovi that he's on his side. Ovi needs more votes and feels he needs to campaign. The Jacks lie to him. Kemi lies to him (she wants girl power). Then to Nicole. She tells him she's on her side but looks upset when saying it.

Kat is getting paranoid. They play clips of her saying people are conspiring against her. Many clips. The clips turn to Christie and Jack discussing Kat's paranoia. Into a teaser about a secret being revealed.

Cut to commercial but first … Julie asks who will be voted out? They'll be out of the game but not out of the house.

Julie tells us it's too late for Ovi's Nightmare Power to save him … or is it. He sees the votes are going to be iffy. Then … he proposes to Jack/Jackson because he thinks they have sway in the game and he tells them of the Power. He says how long it lasts and what it does. If they keep him safe this week, he will keep them safe next week if they go on the block. 

Jack is all excited. Michie/Jackson not as much. They realize that it's very possible that they will both be nominated. Jack really wants to go for it. Even Jackson is leaning that way. It's definitely not an automatic no to the deal.

To the living room and live vote:
Ovi: Love all, not ready to leave, not done learning, loyalty, cookies, will represent all that you love in the house
Kat: You know where I stand, loyal to those who are loyal to me, will find out if the bitches were really conspiring against me.

The votes to evict:
Analyse - Ovi
Nick - Ovi
Tommy - Ovi
Jessica - Ovi
Holly - Ovi
Jack - Ovi
Michie - Ovi
Nicole - Ovi
Bella - Ovi
Cliff - Ovi
Sam - Ovi
Kemi - Ovi

SHEEP!!! Unanimous. And, into commercial. Julie tells us Camp Comeback will officially open next.

Unleash next big twist. Speech is normal. Goodbyes are normal. BUGLE! Camp ComeBaxk is NOW OPEN! Ovi has to put his mic back on. Julie tells them that the evicted will be living with them, no comps, no vote. An uncomfortable cabin upstairs. Must play social game. One of the first four evicted will get the chance to come back. Ovi can listen to the comp.

DAVID is BACK, too! He's been in sequester. He will be in camp with Ovi.


The HoH comp has the backyard all in red, white and blue. They're in booths. BB Fireworks Quiztacular. Watch fireworks answer red, white or blue. Seven questions.

1. Most fireworks were … blue. All right.
2. Last house-shape firework … white. Nick out.
3. Most of key shaped … red. Tommy, Holly, Kat out.
4. Second to last firework … blue. Analyse, Isabella, Kemi, Cliff and Sam out.
5. Most of the star fireworks … white. Nicole, Michie out.
6. Most emoji faced … red. Both Jess/Jack right
7. Fewest fireworks color … blue.

JACK is the new HOH. 

Sigh. Not who I wanted at all.

To a talk with Ovi and David. Ovi is not bitter. I like the kid. David is curious to see how Jackson will handle his return.

BB21: Live Feeds into Wednesday Morning - July 3

Tommy's choreography sessions

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Waffles and Chicken(s):
  • Now, I appreciate Tommy's efforts to entertain. But all these group activities are wearing thin on me.
  • The only thing I really liked about the dance session was Cliff's attempts, mainly in the background.
  • Kat took to the dancing better than she's taking to the game of Big Brother.
  • They've been on indoor lockdown due to a comp being erected in the yar.
  • So, at least there wasn't hours of them sunning.
  • Instead, it was hours of waffling.
  • It really bugs me that all these folks who like Ovi and think he's more deserving to stay than Kat are SHEEP.
  • This voting with the house bit is beyond annoying.
  • Make waves, hamsters! Go for it!
  • The decision, mainly by the Jacks and Christie, keeps waffling back and forth but is overall more for Kat staying.
  • They're lying to Ovi about things.
  • Cliff tried to hint to him that it's probably going to be him out and that he (Cliff) will warn him if that's the case … and probably vote with the house decision.
  • Groan.
  • Bella had a long and somewhat condescending talk with Ovi. I think she didn't mean for it to be condescending, but I felt it was that way. She did talk from her heart.
  • In the talk, Ovi pretty much admitted he had little chance to stay -- he called it 95/100 odds he would go home.
  • But he still wanted to see if he could change that five percent chance.
  • She advised him that people were tired of him campaigning, but offered little else he could do.
  • Ovi himself thought of something he could do … and perhaps his only way to stay in the house.
  • What if … what if he bargained with the power he cannot use to save himself this week?
  • And, if he could … who to approach?
  • He thinks he has Cliff, Sam, Bella and Nicole (he doesn't really, they're sheep).
  • How can he get the most bang for the buck with his bargaining chip?
  • Why … the Jacks -- Jack and Jackson (Michie)
  • He approached them, told them about his Nightmare Power, how long it's good for and told them if they kept him in the house, since they're going to be likely targets for eviction, he'd use it to take them off the block.
  • He told them to keep it secret.
  • Of course, they ran and told Christie who got miffed because Ovi didn't tell her!
  • But, Ovi is right in thinking the Jacks will be more targeted than Christie.
  • While I personally prefer the Jacks get targeted, I can't blame Ovi for this move.
  • It's his only option to stay at this point.
  • Kat is not basket case this week, so depending on that is thrown out the window. Or, as I love to say, defenestrated.
  • And, the Jacks are the perfect solution. They're both manipulative and kind of scare many hamsters. If the Jacks push for Ovi to stay, it's quite likely he will.
  • While Christie may think it's too strong of a power to keep Ovi in the house, she might not really have a say. She won't be able to vote unless there's a tie.
  • Ovi, like Cliff, has been having long talks with the live feeders.
  • He told us his intent is to keep his promise -- they shook hands on the deal, after all.
  • But he also said he'd deal with that bridge when he comes to it.
  • Other than keeping him in the house and the promise to save the Jacks, it's basically a win-win for him.
  • If he stays and they put him on the block in original nominations, of course it could be used to save himself.
  • We'll have to see how all this unfolds in tonight's live eviction.
  • But I do think it's the best straw he can grasp to save his game at this point.

Nick has a crush on Analyse

Ovi listening to Bella's non-pep talk

Ovi should have told ME, the HoH!

Ovi explaining his rationale to us