I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Thursday, July 11, 2019
BB21: Live Eviction Show Blog Party - July 11
So, here we are … the second actual live eviction show but a third hamster will be sent to Camp ComeBack tonight. After next week, this Extinction Island stuff will end. Now, if only we could get rid of the Love Island mess as well!
Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool and you can see the latest standings at THIS LINKED POST.
I'll be live-blogging the major events of tonight's show as they air here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please join in on the fun!
Previously on tries cover the alliances, among other things. Oh my. Julie is wearing a black sleeveless gown.
Loose lips sink ships and alliances … Cliff is talking with Ovi and Nicole joins them. The Fellowship of the Ding? Bella and Nick. Jack and Analyse. "Oh, he's so cute!" And, it's Jack's birthday.
Then it comes to what I call Cliff Notes on the live feeds -- every morning Cliff talks about the game in the boat room before anyone else is up. He calls them Cliff Notes, too. I should have copyrighted it. Ohh … Christie is listening outside the door! He talked about the Fellowship Alliance and all. Of course, she runs to tell Jack, Analyse, Tommy …
Kemi is talking to Jackson, exposing Bella as the one who started Black Widow and the fact that Bella is saying she had a final three with him and Jack. Kemi is really working hard to stay in. Jackson, er, Michie goes to Jack and Analyse with the info. With the Christie eavesdropping, they also found out Cliff wants to go after the couples and thinks Christie/Tommy is part of it.
Bella can't keep her mouth shut and tells Sam there's an eight person alliance and he's number nine (not really) in it. That makes him want to keep Kemi just to work with her. Sam goes to Jack and proposes targeting Jess this week. Jack spills the alliance name by mistake.
To the living room live …
Jess -- Thanks God and everybody, shout-outs galore, crazy hard, 23 days, proud of self, diversity, diversity, play hard, love hard, not an emotional player, loyal … cut off by Julie
Kemi - Thanks people, loves all, all know what's going on, Nick and Bella playing all sides, vote in your best interest for your game.
The votes to evict:
Cliff -- Kemi
Kat -- Kemi
Nicole -- Kemi
Bella -- Kemi
Nick -- Kemi
Sam -- Kemi
Analyse -- Kemi
Michie -- Jess
Holly -- Kemi
Christie -- Kemi
Tommy -- Kemi
It's sheeple once again except for Michie. Kemi goes to Camp ComeBack.
The campers have to head upstairs while the rest get ready for the HoH comp.
HoH time the backyard -- Power Shot -- throw arrow at target, one shot, highest score wins. Don't want HoH? Hit red at top left for five grand or top right for safety. If you miss, score is zero.
Analyse -- 50
Jess -- 5
Christie -- 65
Nick -- 90
Sam -- 70
Michie -- 70
Tommy -- 35
Cliff -- 15
Bella -- 75
Kat -- 0
Nicole -- 15
Tommy -- 0
NICK is the new HOH!
The last Whacktivity is supposed to be a classic power returning. Hmm.
They had filler time at the end, so Julie asked a few what they missed the most. The common answer was family. Kemi said she expected to be voted out.
BB21: Live Feeds into Thursday Morning - July 11
Holds conversations with toothbrush in mouth |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Lonesome Losers:
- But first … I turned on my TV about ten minutes before the show last night. Love Island was on and they had a girl talk, then a guy. All I heard, like, was, like, every other word, like, was LIKE. From both of them. Disregarding the fact that I don't like even the concept of the show, I couldn't put up with that for five hours a week … not even an hour. I was cringing during the few minutes I had it on. I'm not surprised that, like, people who, like, would go on that show, like, wouldn't be able to speak, like, properly in, like, public.
- Onto BB …
- We're talking a hot mess here.
- Due to Christie eavesdropping on Cliff Notes, Nicole and Cliff are now targeted.
- Due to Nicole being targeted and people liking her, now Nick and Bella are under suspicion because they "pressured" her.
- Due to that whole mess, Sam is now under scrutiny.
- It's really time for him to stand up for himself and play his game.
- At least he has one.
- It's dubious that some of the others have any real game in them.
- Jackson … er, Michie and Jack continue to split apart some. Not on Jack's part, though. It's Michie. Jack is unaware of it.
- I can't help but think back to the day that they were each separately (apparently) reprimanded by BB for their behaviors and things they said.
- Michie seemed to really be worried about it, perhaps thinking of his family.
- Jack was upset, but continued the behaviors.
- Hmm.
- Bella is lately on everyone's radar.
- Well, maybe not Nick's.
- Both Jess and Kemi continue to campaign.
- I'd rather Kemi stay in it. But, while they seem to actually like Kemi these days, perhaps more than they like Jess, I'm thinking it will be her going.
- Both Nicole and Sam tried to flip the vote for a Kemi save.
- Bella then happened.
- And Analyse.
- So, of course, Jack found out.
- Cliff claims it's not going to be a house vote tonight.
- But will they all be sheep once again?
- Hmm.
- This season is hard to get a grasp on who's with whom because it switches up every day. That alliance of eight was way too many (and poorly chosen before they knew each other) to begin with.
- They cannot depend on each other like Level 6 could last year. Even they had to drop a few as time went on. But they were more loyal to their alliance on the whole.
- This eight is just a hot mess. As Howie would say, "It's all a spool of lies!"
More suited to Love island |
Still working with Ovi and Nicole |
Kemi is campaigning |
If David wasn't there, I'd want Ovi back. |
His name is being tossed around now. |
A rarity in the house -- still a secret. |
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
BB21: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - July 10
Good evening! I hope you all are getting adjusted to the schedule changes for BB! No, I did no5 and would not watch Love Island leading into the show. I'm only hoping that ifs existence will send people there for showmances instead of BB!
I'll be live blogging and updating this entry as the show airs here on the East Coast -- refresh this page to get the latest happenings! As always, the real party is in the comments. Please feel free to join in on the fun!
Previously on … and blah-blah-blah. We already know this stuff because we've seen the show!
We pick up the action as the nominations ceremony ends. Jack tells us his reasoning for nominating Jess and Kemi. Kemi and Jess give their reactions. We could have guessed that neither is happy.
Nicole is stunned that Bella told Jack about the girls Black Widow alliance. She's worried than if one of them comes down, she'll go up. Bella tells us she can't keep her mouth shut. You don't say …!
Kemi tried approaching Jack. Jack tells us that he put her up as an original nom rather than blindside just in case she comes back. He tells her that she needs ot win the veto.
Jess is shocked when Nicole tells her Bella blew up the Black Widows to Jack. What a slippery snake she is … according to Jess.
David/Ovi talk. David is being very observant, watching all. So far he has the Big Two right -- Jack/Michie. He's got the main alliance down pretty good. He's also right that Sam's a bit of a wild card. Just on what he's doing now, I'd like to see him come back into the game.
We get earthquake clips. They mostly freak out about it.
The bugle sounds! Oh, geez. Ovi and David have to get into their camp uniforms. They look like Cub Scout uniforms.
Jess goes to Michie and tells him that Bella told Jack she's the one who started the girls alliance. He does console her as she cries. He wants her to keep her head about her so that she won't get sent home … er, to Camp ComeBack. Uh-oh, he tells her that he can't help her, can't take her off the block without the veto. Michie tells us he doesn't want to play/win the veto because she would expect him to help and Jack would be upset with him.
Veto players pick time -- Random draws --> Jack Is first, gets Bella. Jess gets houseguest choice, picks Michie, Kemi pulls out Sam's chip.
David and Ovi watch it on their B&W television. He's shocked Jess chose Michie … as we all are. Silly girl. Nicole is upset because if she was chosen and wins, they'd both be safe. Kemi tells us they need to be scared if she wins it. I believe that!
The doorbell rings and it's Tyler there to host the PoV comp.
Rolling hills, giant pond filled with frogs. Lake Big Brother. Tyler reminds them that a trip to Fiji will also be given to the winner. Lake overrun with poisonous frogs. Go in, bring back one frog at a time, have to keep adding water to their aquaclock and stack the frogs.
Sam locks in at 18 frogs. They fill up aquaclocks, Kemi has 17 and wants to get two more to win. Gah! All her frogs fall down. Poor Kemi.
SAM wins the PoV and Fiji trip!
Sm tells us all of a sudden he's popular. Jess goes to him, Kemi goes to him. The world goes to him. He does like Kemi and is considering saving her. but he needs to think of what using it to do so will do to his own game. He tells her that.
Sam got called to the Diary Room, reads a letter and starts sobbing. His grandfather has paased away. It's quite sad. He thought he was doing okay only to get this news. The others are sympathetic.
Time for the veto meeting. His loss makes him realize that he's there to win for his family and must use the veto wisely. David/Ovi watch from their TV, Sam does NOT use the veto, probably a wise decision for his own game right now. He tells the nominees he was doing it in keeping with the HoH wishes.
Jack is happy. Nicole is not and must choose between the two. Obviously Jess and Kemi are not happy.
Tuesday, July 09, 2019
BB21: Live Feeds into Tuesday Evening - July 9
One may be a camper come Thursday |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Riff-Raff Recruits:
- In BB8 when Evel Dick gave his Dick at Night talks, he did them in the yard. He positioned himself so that he could see if anyone was by the kitchen door.
- Cliff gives his morning Cliff Notes in the boat room inside the house with the door shut.
- It was bound to happen.
- Christie was up early to go to the bathroom, heard the talking and eavesdropped.
- Then ran to report.
- She told them that Cliff, Ovi and Nicole are in an alliance and he (Cliff) is just going along with "the boys." He also named the couples in the house, claiming the fourth couple is Tommy and Christie.
- Now, this was among other things such as his whole game strategy and, unfortunately, a lot of Nicole's.
- Sigh.
- Now, it doesn't matter about Ovi. He's technically not playing the game.
- But … NICOLE! Ack!
- As it turned out, it didn't end as badly for her as it could.
- Tommy mentioned that he saw Nick and Bella pressuring Nicole to tell them who she'd nominate, etc. if she won HOH. He said it really looked like Nicole was looking SO uncomfortable.
- A few others brought it up, too.
- Next thing you know, it's Bella and Nick getting the stink-eye.
- That's mainly because Nicole is such a nice person to everyone in the house.
- They are SO down on Cliff, though.
- That's okay. While I really liked him for a while, his irrational fear of David changed my mind.
- The yard was closed way early today -- I'm wondering if it's some big endurance comp Thursday night.
- David and Kat still remain buddies. As he stated before, he doesn't really trust her not to tell the Jacks stuff, but he surely listens to anything she tells him.
- They genuinely seem to like each other.
- Jack was upset and cried today.
- Too bad, so sad.
- He's upset because I think he thinks he's losing control.
- Michie and Holly talked about how badly Jack is handling the pressure. They're disgusted that he's been crying to Bella when they know Bella can't be trusted.
- Do I have any sympathy for him?
- Let me check.
- Nope. I don't.
- Jack talked to Nicole, thinking she's the head of the "other side." He wants them to keep an eye out for each other, he admires and really loves her (gag) and they should warn each other in the case of blindsides, etc. No one would know they have a bond.
- Nicole just nodded a lot, didn't promise him anything and said she was just being herself in the house.
- There were no pinky swears.
- Nicole knows Jack cannot be trusted and will use/abuse people to get his way. That ship sailed long ago.
- With all the excitement over the Cliff Note stuff, they didn't spend a lot of time worrying about the two nominees.
- Right now they'd rather throw Cliff on the block and get him out.
- Luckily for Nicole, that sentiment isn't being tossed her way.
- We'll have to wait and see what happens.
- Like Tommy said, this house can really change in 24 hours.
Looks better in athletic gear than I do! |
Oh my, do we have a spy? |
She's eavesdropping on Cliff Notes! |
Cliff thinks we're the 4th couple! |
Bella paints Nick's toenails. |
Talking about how Jack lost it today |
Jack tells Nicole both can help each other. |
BB21: Live Feeds into Tuesday Morning - July 9
What? Fraternizing with a camper?!?! |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Sheeple:
- It seems like Jess is wearing thin on many in the house.
- A good portion of the hamsters would prefer Kemi stay (as would I).
- Even Jackson would prefer it. Well, unless he's thinking about the talk production had with him about racist issues and is trying to cover it up.
- But he has had some good talks with her.
- Even though Jack seems to be softening a bit as far as Kemi, they'll all still do whatever he wants.
- And, it's more than likely he'll want Kemi out.
- Jack and Analyse don't understand that 24/7 cameras broadcasting to the internet and a show staff at all times mean anything they do is known.
- Far and wide even.
- To parents and loved ones even.
- Plus, Analyse telling people that she's not on birth control is picked up as well.
- If they had decent reputations before coming into the house, they don't now.
- David and Kemi have been comparing notes.
- Kemi is still blind to the fact that Christie is solidly in with the Jacks.
- David is sure she is and tried to impress that on Kemi.
- Christie herself is a bit problematic. I think she sees issues with the Jacks, yet then she stays with them. Protection in numbers? I don't know.
- Jack himself is strange about Christie. He's now with Analyse but seems to lust over the lesbian lady he's been denied.
- I pine for the good old days of BB before such rampant "hook-ups" were such a big thing. I know they date back to early seasons … but not as many seemed to just jump in bed with others!
- Kemi is still livid that she can't trust Bella even though Nicole kept telling her that.
- While I'd personally prefer Kemi stay in the game and Jess go, along with David being the returning player … if Kemi does go to Camp ComeBack, she certainly could have a lot of fun making the lives of some hamsters Hell on earth!
- But, I definitely would prefer that both Kemi and David stay in the game. They're likable people who really came to play the game and not just shack up with others.
- David cooked dinner for everyone last night. Most were very complimentary about it. Jack said "Anyone can throw pork in a crockpot."
- BB21 needs a mutiny.
Could always do internet porn. Oh, wait ... |
These two disappoint me. |
Everyone thinks Nicole likes them. |
May stay, but isn't playing a good game. |
Why are respectable people cast in this mess? |
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