Friday, August 09, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds into Friday - August 9

The health hazard remains in the house

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of One Jack Down:
  • Before I get into the live feeds, a few things first. 
  • Number 1: If you haven't voted yet, go vote. Vote for Christie, Jackson and whomever you do NOT like. Yes, one of the three with the most amount of votes will get safety. But one will be a third nomination, the other will have a punishment. It's NOT a vote for who you like the most! The three will have to compete in a comp. The winner of that comp gets the safety. You do not need All Access to vote, but do need to register an account at for tracking votes purposes.
  • Number 2: While you're at the site, check out the extended interview with Julie and Jack. I don't think you need All Access for it. If you do, scout about online for it. While it's not as confrontational as the one on the show, the goodbye messages are interesting. It also caught my interest how many times Jack called Jackson "Jackson" and then corrected to "Michie." That's something the show has pushed because they thought either we or the hamsters were too dumb to tell the difference!
  • Number 3: In reference to Jack's interview with Julie on the show, I personally think he was warned or even coached ahead of time. And, it seemed like his story about rice pudding is a lie. I never saw the conversation he talked about, but I don't see everything on the live feeds. The internet has scouted the previous conversations from that day and no discussion of rice and slop pudding exists on the feeds. The only discussion found that talks of pudding and slop didn't include Jack.
  • Okay, now to our regularly scheduled live feeds talk …
  • For the record, I think Tommy is the first (and worst) costumed HoH winner. He isn't getting relief from it and I believe he won't get out of it until after/during the veto comp.
  • Poor baby.
  • Heh.
  • While the feeds were blocked yesterday, each hamster had two trial practice runs in the comps. From what they said, the times during those practices were nowhere near as close as the ones in the televised comp.
  • As I mentioned before, Tommy really didn't want this HoH (or any to this point). It's putting him on the spot and getting blood on his hands.
  • Poor baby.
  • Nick told Tommy he threw the comp because he didn't know what to do with an HoH this week.
  • Kat, feeling that Tommy might target her, ran to Tommy with all kinds of explanations about how she had to vote for Jack to leave to protect Jess.
  • Hmm. They don't realize that Tommy also voted for Jack to go? Hmm.
  • Tommy told them that he was going to talk to everyone before making a decision.
  • Then he went and told a slew of them that they were safe. One by one, but …!
  • Of course, Christie is safe. But we all knew that. (She won't necessarily be safe if she ends up being the third nomination. But would the votes be there to get her out? Possibly not, but it would be an awakening for her!)
  • He told Holly, Analyse and Jackson that he wouldn't put them on the block.
  • Jackson offered to be a pawn, would rather not, but if needed.
  • Tommy told him he'd be reluctant to do that because it's risky.
  • Tommy also told Jackson that he has a target, but won't tell anyone who it is because he doesn't trust anyone. Hmm.
  • He told Jackson that he's not planning on putting any of the Six Shooters (or Faulty Five in my mind now) on the block.
  • That's not a surprise to me. Are you shocked?
  • For some reason, Nick hung out with Nicole a lot. He told her he threw the comp even. What's he up to? I thought he'd be flirting with Tommy!
  • Analyse and Christie talked about what a big threat Cliff is in the game and how he needs to be backdoored.
  • It seems that, although Holly once referred to the Jack/Analyse relationship as "not a showmance, just two people having sex" Analyse might still be carrying the torch for Jack. She told Christie that if she was HoH, she'd put Holly and Jackson on the block … and then backdoor Cliff.
  • Christie and Analyse said that, due to the big move she made, if Jess gets to the end, she has their vote for the win.
  • We'll see about that!
  • In Tommy's HOH room, he got pictures which included his aunt … Christie's ex. 
  • All continued in Kumbaya mode for Tommy's birthday cake and celebration. Note that there are no Have Nots this week. Perhaps it's due to not wanting to take action about Jackson's cheating.
  • Tommy and Christie talked alone for a while. He knows that Christie has a bit of a soft spot for Nicole and he himself seems to like her. He told Christie that although he's targeting three of the bunch, he won't be putting up Nicole.
  • Phew!
  • C'mon, Nicole! I personally like you the best, but you need to WIN something!
  • Ahem. That was just me. Carry on.
  • Tommy told Christie his target is Kat. I thought he said he wasn't going to tell anyone?
  • He's thinking of Kat and Cliff on the block and even saving Cliff if he wins veto.
  • He might put up Nicole in his place as a pawn just to make sure Kat goes.
  • NONONO! Tommy! Don't put her up as anything!
  • Ahem. Just me again.
  • He is getting increasingly worried that people will tie him and Christie together. He told her he voted for Jack to to go mainly to show they weren't working together -- it would be obvious that Christie and Analyse were the two votes to keep Jack.
  • Tommy also told Christie that he thinks Nick is building an "army" and trying to align with Jess and others.
  • I guess he's not falling for Nick's flirting.
  • Cliff talked to Tommy, trying to go for his safety. He told him that he had promised Jess before Jack tried to deal with him. Plus, he never did nor would he put Christie or Tommy on the block.
  • What? He's tying Christie and Tommy together?!?! But, no one knows about that!
  • Heh.
  • Tommy ended up telling Cliff that if he does put him on the block, it would be as a pawn.
  • Kat talked to Tommy. He did not tell her she was his target. I don't think she changed his mind, though.
  • Well, well, well. Y'see, Nick told Nicole that Tommy said the nominations would be Kat and Cliff. Nicole went and told Tommy that she heard it. Tommy now knows that Nick repeated something he said in confidence to Nick. Heehee! 
  • Of course, Nick is angry that Nicole told. But Nicole and Nick have never been close. He just tried to worm his way in with her like he does all over the house.
  • Tommy told Nick she didn't do it maliciously.
  • Tommy also offered Nicole room in the HoH bed for the night. He told her he loves her and her zest for the game.
  • She turned him down on the bed offer.
  • But I do think she's safe this week.
  • Kat, perhaps not so much.

Will Nick's flirting with Tommy save him?

Who wants to see a photo of my aunt?

Third nom this week would be okay, right?

First and worst HoH costume

Thursday, August 08, 2019

BB21: Live Eviction, HoH Show Blog Party - August 8

So … will it be Jack or Jackson leaving tonight? Guess what? I don't care -- either of them out of the house is a good thing! Tonight's evicted is the first jury member. 

SueGee's latest blog pool update can be found at this link. I was out of the pool when Sam got the boot last week. I'm sitting in the lounge chair drinking an adult beverage watching y'all swim around.

I'll be live-blogging tonight's show as it airs here on the East Coast, constantly updating this post throughout the show with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party can be found in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun! 

Julie opens with "Oh, how the mighty have fallen." Then we're into the Previously On segment. Ah, at least it sounds like the HoH comp will wrap up with tonight's show. That's relieving.

We're starting off with the end of the veto meeting. Julie promised us that we'll be seeing the punishments for the Jacks. Jackson first, he's the Area 21 Alien Doctor. He has to perform alien autopsies on command for 24 hours. He gets all slopped up with glop each time he does it. Oh, poor guy. Heehee. He can't get much sleep and has to clean his lab coat(s) each time.

Then it's to Jack's punishment. He receives an alien visitor. The alien will be studying him for 24 hours. He also tends to annoy the rest of the house by doing things like repeatedly ringing the doorbell. The alien is angry and starts being messy, too. Dumping flour and other substances on Jack. Oh, poor Jack. Not!

Into a segment with one last trick up Jack's sleeve (according to Julie). Tommy thinks the Six Shooters should try to stick together. Jackson says he won't campaign against Jack. And, the six meet up once again. Christie seems to want to make it all about her. Jackson talks about violating trust and Jack admits it, apologizes. He leaves the room after telling them he loves them all. Jackson refuses to buy any of what they're selling. He tells us there is no alliance and it isn't Christie's game. He's not doing it any more.

Jack is campaigning, hitting up Nick. He needs one more vote to get Nick to go along with it. He figures Cliff might be his best shot. He offers a deal to Cliff, telling him that he would for the next four weeks not target him and be willing to go on the block. Cliff tells us he just might consider it. 

Time for the live vote and eviction, to the living room.
Jack -- 51 days, learned so much about you all. He makes comments about Christie's eating habits! Heh. A little about each one of them. Kind of cute. Go be great because you all are.
Jackson -- Many shout-outs. Things taken to a personal level, I know what I said and what I didn't say. Won't campaign against Jack. 

The votes to evict:
Holly - Jack
Analyse - Jackson
Christie - Jackson
Nicole - Jack
To commercial …
Cliff - Jack
Nick - Jack
Tommy - Jack
Kat - Jack

Kat apparently is giving her Hawaii trip to her parents.

By a vote if six to two, Jack is evicted. Julie tells them they have a lot to discuss. She talks about the break-up of the alliance. He says he lived and died by trusting Christie and Tommy. Why target Kemi? He says she insulted Jackson' cooking. Bad stuff he said about her in clips. Heh. He looks embarrassed and says his statements were playful in a room of people, he apologizes. Goes to a Bella clip with the rice pudding comment. His response -- he claims it was due to an earlier conversation about rice in slop pudding. He claims he needs some time to himself. He advises people if they're thinking of going on the show, don't. Heh. More in an extended interview, including his goodbye messages, online.

Time for the HoH comp! The yard has a river. Time me a River. Start to finish, taking a kayak down the river -- closest to nine seconds wins. 

Cliff - 9.70 seconds
Christie - 9.19
Tommy - 8.90 leading now
Nicole - 10.02
Jackson - 9.39
Kat - 11.29
Analyse - 9.14
Holly - 10.07
Nick - 9.82


The Wednesday show is back to 8pm now that the disgusting evil show ended.

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

BB21: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - August 7

Jessica has nominated Jack and Jackson for eviction. Will the power of veto winner change our dream nominations? Yeah, I know many of us already know. But, since this is a show post, please don't post any spoilers in the comments! Some folks only follow the shows and the posts on show nights. They don';t know what they're missing!

Just a note -- we've been having severe weather here for a number of hours and even a small tornado touching down a few miles away. If I stop posting, it might mean my power is out. I'm setting up this post ahead of time. If you see no updates, feel free to post updates in the comments section.

I hope to be live-blogging as the show airs here, updating this post with the major events (weather and power permitting). Refresh the page to get the latest happenings! Aa always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Time to bide my time sitting through "Previously on …"

We pick up after the nominations ceremony ends. Jess tells us it's up to her to do what Cliff couldn't do. Of course, we hear from Jackson, Christie and Jack about how each needs to win this veto. Jack is certain it will be Jackson going home. 

Jackson has isolated himself from others. Well, maybe not from Holly, but …@ He's showing a bitter side and it's not pretty. Then again, a lot of Jackson isn't pretty. Holly thinks, due to her relationship with Kat, she might get Jackson off the hook with Jess. 

Kat is worried that Jack might convince Christie to use her power if he or she wins the veto. Jess refuses to play it safe and get rid of a pawn. Jack is working on his buddies to play if he gets HG Choice. He's so certain he'll win anyway. Meanwhile, Jess tells her allies that she wants the nominations to remain the same. She makes a possible mistake in telling Nick that she prefers Jack go. 

Time to pick players for the veto comp! Jess randomly draws Houseguest's choice and goes for Kat. Jack gets HC, too. He picks Tommy. Jackson draws Nick.

Christie tells Jack that she wants Jackson out. She proposes going to Jess and making a deal not to use (the last week) her power. If Jack wins veto, she could give it to him to make the renom. If she doesn't use it, Jess could put up her (Christie) … oh noes! 

Jackson thinks if anyone besides himself is the winner, he'll go home. So, of course, HE must win veto.

Time for the veto comp … it's going to OUT OF THIS WORLD. They're in the BB Galaxy and there's a rocketship. Series of rounds, board space craft, go for a spin, launch your rocket. Fewest points in each round eliminated. They each get a prize, but can keep it or trade it. Last one standing can take any prize. Each round becomes more difficult.

Nick is up first. They have to crank a catapult thing to launch the rocket while their rocket ship is spimming. 18 points. Tommy 6, Kat 2. Jess 12. Jack 21. Jackson 12. Kat out in first round, gets the veto!

Round 2 -- Tommy 15. Jess 10. Jack … to commercial … 0 (YAY) Jackson 18. Nick 5. Jack is our and his prize is a trip to Hawaii. He gives it to Kat and takes to veto.

Round 3 -- Jess 4, Jackson 4. Nick 5, Tommy 1. Tommy is out and his prize is an Angry Alien following him around for 24 hours. He takes the veto from Jack.

Round 4 -- Jackson 0, Nick 15. Jess 10. Jackson out. His prize is BB Explorer for the next week sent on missions across the house. He takes the veto from Tommy.

Round 5 -- Nick 17. Jess 28. Nick out, he gets five thousand and keeps it. 

Jess, 1st place, gets Area 21 alien doctor on call for 24 hours in case an alien arrives. She takes the veto from Jackson and he gets the punishment.

Jess does a Chill Town type phone call in the DR to the jury house.

So, now the quandary is whether they have enough votes to get Jack out. Kat tells Jess that Nick would vote to keep him. Christie is worried that they'll vote out Jack when Jackson is Public Enemy Number One. Heh. Jess is eavesdropping at the door as Christie/Nick/Jack talk about their plans. Jackson lies to her and claims he was eavesdropping and talking about Nick plotting to keep Jack. Now, he couldn't have been there because she was!

Nick has been caught telling both Jack and Jackson will have his vote, though. Jess and the others were right to be leery of him.

Tommy gets his rocket costume and he looks silly. It makes him look like a little kid. When he gets his call of duty, he must go to each room and announce the speed he's traveling at -- speed of light, sound or smell. Each speed has the accessories like flashlight, air horn or smelly stuff. The punishment  wakes them all up so he's not the only one suffering.

Time for the veto meeting. It's interrupted by the Speed of Smell alert. Jess does NOT use the veto (duh) and her nominations will remain the same. Jack and Jackson remain on the block and one will go home. She is determined it will be Jack. 

BB21: Live Feeds into Wednesday - August 7

It's good to see her laughing.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Jumpin' Jacks:
  • The plan is still to vote out Jack over Jackson on Thursday.
  • That said, rumors of the plan have hit Jack.
  • The Jacks both say they won't campaign against each other although they both seem to still be bristling over their kerfuffle the other day.
  • Jack plans on "blowing up" Kat's game in his speech on Thursday.
  • Um. Okay. But they pretty much know most of what she's been doing anyway.
  • I don't see how he thinks it will help him any.
  • But he's more known for his sexual escapades rather than his brains.
  • Cliff, Kat, Jess and Nicole are onto Tommy and Christie. No, not onto the fact that they actually knew each other before the show. No, not onto the fact they're working closely together. What they're onto is the fact that both are playing both sides. They're onto fake tears. 
  • After saying that a girl like Nicole would never have the chance to talk to a guy like him -- say WHAT -- Jack nestled into the hammock last night with Nicole and acted oh-so-interested in her, her life and talked a lot about himself as well.
  • Now, I'm sure Jack thinks he's "all that." He isn't. Nicole probably doesn't talk to guys like him often because she's not into scummy arrogant nasty boys!
  • Of course, though she didn't argue with him, she saw through the whole act and reported back to her buddies.
  • She also talked of a run-in with Christie in which Christie referred to "your side versus my side." Nicole said that she felt she had NO side -- she was an outsider shunned by them. I'm glad she's speaking up.
  • However, there are two sides now and, unfortunately/fortunately some cracks in each.
  • Fortunately, due to Sam's instigation, the Six have fractured. Tommy and Christie seem to be the most solid with each other; the rest are all distrusting.
  • Unfortunately, I see some problems ahead for the Jess, Kat, Cliff and Nicole group as well. First, we know Kat has a final two deal with Holly. (I actually think Holly would honor that more quickly than her sex kitten Jackson.) Then there's Cliff. We saw him before deal for his own safety rather than making a big move and securing the support of others. Then we get to Jess. While she did fantastic this week and will be getting a Jack out, I think she's more forgiving than some and perhaps a bit more gullible. Last but not least, we have Nicole. I think she's very onto the politics of the house, but she hasn't won any comps. She needs to win something and secure her spot.
  • Throughout all of this, Nick is the true floater these days -- going from one group to another within the six and out of the six. He's telling Jackson that he will be voting for him to stay which is in the Jess Etc. group's plan. But it's not because of their plan. I think he wants Jack out of the way as a competitor in the game as well as a competitor for Analyse.
  • But then we're getting more flirting of Nick to Tommy. What's up with that?
  • We're still standing at the plan to get rid of Jack tomorrow. And, they're still acting like Jackson is the target even though Jack's picked up on some buzz that he's the target.
  • It doesn't matter to me.
  • Either can go and I'll be happy.

Will he float if the power shifts?

Hopefully she started a trend in the house

Get away from Nicole, Jack!

They're onto Tommy lately. Good.

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds into Tuesday - August 6

In between slimings

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Falling Jacks:
  • Jess should be beating out Cliff in the popularity ratings. At least she had the cojones to follow through on nominating the Jacks.
  • True, she won the veto and Cliff didn't. However there are things he could have done and didn't. He buckled.
  • As far as the veto punishments go -- I mentioned Tommy's is a bit similar to when Paul had to run around being a secret agent. Paul was funnier. Tommy just straps these puny-sounding air horns to his wrists and goes from room to room. I would have expected more drama from him.
  • We don't get to really see what's going on with Jack and Jackson's punishments. Jack has to clean up a mess from visiting aliens as they spread their alien dust about. Jackson gets slimed while fighting an alien. Both happen during blocked feeds and we just see the aftermath.
  • The target is still Jack out this week.
  • They still are working on convincing the others that Jackson is the target.
  • Of course, anything can happen between now and Thursday.
  • But we can rest assured that either Jack or Jackson will go home this week. Well, to jury anyway. Away from us. That's all that matters.
  • According to what Cliff told Jess, when Jackson handed him his slimed jacket, it weighed about 30 pounds. Jackson has two different jackets for the role and must wash and change out each time slimed.
  • Tommy's punishment has him going at various speeds -- sound, light, smell.
  • Interesting … in his Cliff's Notes last night, Cliff mentioned how his job must be gone by now and he'll need to figure out the COBRA stuff after he gets home. Hmm. I though he would have arranged a long-term leave somehow rather than risk his job. That's why the show usually gets younger people with little to lose job-wise. Plus, he should have checked into things. It's not like you have a ton of time to decide on COBRA and you end up paying for the time you missed after your health insurance stopped. I know these things.
  • Although the Cliff's Angels plan is to let all think that Jackson's the target, Cliff went ahead and told Jackson that he'll be voting Jack out.
  • Sigh.
  • On the other hand, they're seeing how close Tommy, Christie and Jack really are.
  • While Christie seems to have many still snowed, Tommy's running from one side to the other isn't going unnoticed.
  • All in all, it was rather uneventful other than the punishments which, for the most part, we didn't see.
  • I don't expect much out of today either.
  • But that's okay -- a Jack or a Jackson, most likely the former, will be out this week!
Next after the Jacks, I say!

A normal night at home

Yet she gets all spiffed up for the live show

Thank you, Jess.