Thursday, September 05, 2019

BB21: Live Double Eviction Show Blog Party - Sept. 5

Unlike the PoV show full of filler fodder, this show should rock along nicely. I doubt they'll have a jury house update until next week. I want action! Cliff or Jess will walk out the door. But … who will win the HoH and evict the second one tonight? And who will even be nominated and poofed away? I like double evictions!

For those of you in the blog pool -- SueGee has updated the pool and you can find your hamster right AT THIS HERE LINK.

For those of you who might have missed the news -- CBS has renewed Big Brother for the BB22 season, hosted by Julie Chen-Moonves. So, this cast didn't get the show dumped!

I'll be live blogging the major events of the show and constantly updating this post as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh this page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Julie put on a red dress for tonight's show. But then we have to sit through the previously on segment.

Day 79 and we have to endure more Holly/Jackson. Jackson explains his duos strategy -- seems to me a repeat from last night. Jess going and the two other duos knocking each other out.

Christie goes to Cliff, telling him Jackson is working everybody. She says Jackson is making it clear that he's working with Cliff and Tommy. Cliff doesn't quibble with her but heads to the HoH room to tell them. He tells Jackson that Christie is throwing him under the bus. Jackson tells him the final four with Nicole and Cliff is real. Holly knew Christie would be a problem. (Yet they haven't succeeded in getting her our.)

To the living room for the first eviction (and "surprise" them about the double) -- She tells them there is no jury battle back. Tommy overacts about the double eviction announcement. @@

Jess -- Shout outs half of her time, love you BB guys so much, one shot at the game, want to be here, if I'm good for your game keep me.
Cliff -- Shout outs too -- Speaks highly of Jess, want to stay, love you all, will walk out with pride if need be.

The votes to evict:
Holly - Jess
Nicole - Jess
Christie - Jess
Tommy - Jess

Oh noes! The outcast is unanimously outcast! Jess is OUT!

She holds the door open for the others to see a long time and then forgets to bring her hag out. When asked, she tells Julia she thinks Jackson will be going out tonight, too.

HoH comp time. On Thin Ice -- build ice puzzle, score hockey goal -- first one done wins. Jackson can't play.

YES! NICOLE WINS HOH! Tommy was very close behind her! 

Cliff talks with her briefly. They discussed how each should nominate Tommy and Christie before. That seems to be the plan. Cliff tells her if one comes down, either Michie/Holly up. And we go to commercial.

Live nominations ceremony begins. Nicole nominates Christie and Tommy!

Power of Veto is ON. What the Bleep classic comp, all playing. Bleeped out word or phrase from previous hamsters, Julie will complete and they answer true of false, seven questions.

1. All right
2. All right
3. All right
4. Tommy and Jackson don't get a point
5. Cliff, Christie and Nicole get it right. I got it right.
6. Cliff, Christie, Tommy and Michie right.

I don't think he needs the two minutes to strategize. In a brief talk, Cliff and Nicole say the noms will remain the same and Christie should go. I personally think they should get rid of Tommy because Christie is nothing without him, but they didn't call me to ask.

To the living room -- Cliff does NOT use the PoV. Christie and Tommy remain on the block.

Back in the living room for the eviction.

Tommy -- Not prepared, obsessed with game and Julie, dream come true, proud of Nicole. Loves all.
Christie -- Cries, cries, cries, you're amazing and will probably win (to Jackson?)

The votes to evict --
Jackson - Christie
Holly - Christie
Cliff - Christie

Finally, the annoyance is gone but the actual game threat Tommy remains. 

She cries, but quasi-recovers talking to Julie. She does think they should have taken Tommy off instead of her for their games. She thinks Jackson will probably win. Julie brings up her relationship with Tommy. Hurt or helped game? Definitely helped her. 

Swaggy and Bayleigh will host the next HoH. We can also expect BB Comics veto.

Now, the next HoH will probably play out late tonight. When I know something I'll post an update in a separate post. I expect the live feeds to be blocked for it and, if they start way late, my update won't be until morning.

BB21: Live Feeds into Thursday - September 5

Hmm … can't play in upcoming HOH

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Repetitive Rats:
  • I know I've complained about chess being boring during past seasons.
  • This season I found out that backgammon is just as boring.
  • I've come to the conclusion that board games are bored games if you're just watching them. Playing them is another matter entirely.
  • Despite like, a day, like, with Jessica running around campaigning and singing her sad song, it seems to be all for naught.
  • The only real question about the Jess eviction will be whether it will be another sheeple house vote or not.
  • With Cliff working on Christie, he might have flipped her vote.
  • If Christie votes for Jess to go, so should Tommy.
  • If Jess gets voted out by a unanimous vote it will give her more insecurities about being an "outsider."
  • I learned much after my childhood years and well by the time I was her age, to embrace my outsiderisms. My own particular weirdness grew on me and I found out more people like me than I thought at one time in my life.
  • She needs to get over it.
  • Or, not go on a show like Big Brother.
  • I also learned I would never put myself in that position. That would be asking for the men in the white coats to take me away.
  • Haha, hoho, heehee.
  • For not having won anything, Nicole has worked her way into favor with so many.
  • She might have messed up the love from Christie, though.
  • In a long talk which set the stage for Cliff's campaign to Christie, Nicole got her to trust her enough to swear on her nonexistent sister that if she (Christie) won HoH, she'd go after Holly and Jackson.
  • Of course, in solidifying her standing with Holly and Jackson, Nicole told them all about her conversation with Christie.
  • If that gets back to Christie, there would go the Nicole love.
  • While Nicole did/does have the opportunity to work with either couple -- Jackson/Holly or Tommy/Christie, she's chosen the pair she thinks is stronger -- Jackson/Holly.
  • I'm not sure that's the case heading into the double eviction.
  • Jackson can't play for the first HoH round of the night and Holly is quite sick. That would necessitate a Cliff or Nicole win which we know is probably unlikely (but would be welcomed by me).
  • I just can't see Christie as a power player in comps. She foolishly throws comps she should try to win and fails at winning ones that are important to her game.
  • Tommy, on the other hand, was holding back for much of the season. At this point he's already exposed his working with Christie, so he has nothing to lose and all to gain by winning.
  • No, still their secret about knowing each other so long and so well remains unknown to all the others in the house.
  • They have decided that it's quite a strong possibility that they're heading into a double tonight.
  • In other news, they made little homemade puppets. That was more fun to watch them playing with them rather than watching them play a board game.
  • Christie named hers Ariel and set it on the table to "take a nap."
  • The BB voice announced, "Ariel, no napping." Christie laugh so hard she snorted and cried.
  • I can't see how she claims to not be a crier outside the house. Heck, she cries when she laughs.
  • So, there you have it. 
  • Jess will be talking to Julie tonight unless worlds collide or something today.
  • And, we should have a show more interesting than the live feeds and definitely more interesting than the Holly/Jackson snit filler that we saw on Sunday's show.

Hmm … is sick heading into the double

Tommy told Nicole he'd vote for her to win

Like, I'm about to be an outcast outcast

Handmade puppets, Ariel is center.

Not going anywhere, at least in the first round

Wednesday, September 04, 2019

BB21: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - Sept. 4

As the promos for tonight have promised, it will be the Hide-and-Go Seek veto comp. While it's always a fun watch, I can't help but wonder if BB needs to drop or change up some of these comps. The hamsters expect them. Many have looked around for good hiding spots on and off all summer.

I'll be live-blogging and updating this post with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

The narrator reminds us there are only three weeks left. And, yes they used the Jess fall to open between previously on and new material.

Jackson tells us he wouldn't mind either Jess or Christie going home. Jess feels played and doesn't know why Jackson nominated her. She also hates being on the block with her buddy Christie. Christie tearfully tells us she just has to trust Jackson (that she's a pawn).

Ah, we're into Jess/Christie crying session. You know Jess always felt left out, last one to be picked in the schoolyard as a kid and all of that stuff.

Christie and Nicole talk about getting to know each other in the house better. Jackson pooh-poohs the idea. He says things are personal and then he gives them grief about the time/date they chose to get everyone together to do it. 

So, now we're into Jackson/Holly drama. She feels he's condescending. He's clueless why she feels that way. 

Time to pick players for the veto comp. Jackson draws Nicole. Christie drew Tommy. Jess got Houseguest's Choice and went for Cliff. The only one not playing is Holly.

Holly feels she's being shut out by Jackson even though she did get him his morning coffee. Holly tells him he didn't say good morning, then calls him a douchebag in front of the others. He gets all upset and tells us he didn't deserve to be treated that way. Christie takes it as an opportunity to bond with Holly.

Holly goes to talk to him and he tells her no one talks to him like that, claims he's done everything to make her happy, won't get walked all over or be unappreciated. He tells her he's done with her. "Not doing that on CBS!" She cries. I don't feel sorry for either of them. She shouldn't have jumped into bed with him after two weeks (and after he bedded another girl and dumped her in the house) and he's a jerkface.

The veto comp is Hide and Go Veto, like we already knew. The vetoes are in the form of life preservers. They each separately get two and a half minutes to hide their veto. Then they each get timed visits separately to go in and search for the hidden vetoes. Jackson found the first veto. (Whose they are will be revealed at the end of the comp -- last person's found is the winner.) Christie is the messiest so far, just throwing stiff around.

Spoke too soon. Jackson tells us he wants to trash the house. He finds another one. Tommy found one. Then Jess found one. The house is a mess but at least no one deliberately poured out milk or Froot Loops. 

Tommy's veto is the only one not found -- TOMMY WINS THE POWER OF VETO!

Christie is thrilled because she's sure Tommy will save her (once again).

Then they go into the house to look at and clean up the mess.

Jess is sure Tommy won't save her. She needs to think of a plan because she doesn't want to meet Julie on eviction night.

Oh geez … Holly goes back to Jackson. No sympathies coming from me! And, they hug. Gah. She tells us she adores him. She doesn't want to lose him. So, the showmance is back on.

Time for the veto meeting. Whatever will Tommy do? Why, of course, he saves his long time family friend Christie once again!

Jackson puts Cliff in Christie's place. Cliff is to be a pawn while Jess is his target.

Jess cries some more. They should show her falling in the HoH comp again to prove her point.

Christie would prefer Jess stay and Cliff go because she thinks Cliff and Jackson are her biggest obstacles who might thwart a win for her. 

Tuesday, September 03, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds into Tuesday - September 3

Pawning his way through the game

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dwindling Days:
  • Gosh, it's been so exciting in the house!
  • Er.
  • Or not.
  • They received the grill for the yard and Jackson decided he was the chef.
  • He burned the burgers.
  • He burned the buns.
  • He burned his hand.
  • Tommy and Christie actually think they have a chance to get Nicole to flip her vote, keeping Jess and evicting Cliff.
  • That's not going to happen.
  • While Nicole has really sucked in comps and played so few veto comps at all, she's sitting rather pretty right now with Cliff, Jackson and Holly.
  • Plus, Nicole has been saying for weeks she wants to target Tommy and Christie.
  • Why would she abandon what she has and work with people who would turn on her immediately?
  • Unless people cave and "house vote" once again (gah), I see it as a tie this week. Holly/Nicole vote out Jess, Tommy/Christie vote out Cliff. Then Jackson breaks the tie, voting out Jess in his big power move.
  • Yes, "power move" is sarcastic.
  • As far as I'm concerned, the only successful "big move" HoH of the season was Jess putting up Jackson/Jack and getting Jack out.
  • Back to Nicole sitting pretty …
  • She has a way with people. Although friends seem to be slim pickings, she has had Cliff in her camp all along (although he'd dump her in a second to further his own game). She's had Nick who, in the after-interviews, honestly seems to care deeply about her (not romantically). Now she seems to have Jackson under that same spell. While he doesn't look on her as a romantic kind of thing, he's having this brother/sister kind of relationship. I do think he also cares deeply about her -- and, in a more lasting way than his relationship with Holly will ever be.
  • After panicking last week that they're heading for a double eviction, they seem to not be thinking about that for this week.
  • Heh.
  • I just hope BB waits until the actual live show Julie announcement to clue them in!
  • Other than Jackson and Holly's breaking up/making up a few days ago, there have been no kerfuffles and definitely no brouhahas.
  • Everyone is getting along all too well.
  • It's boring.
  • And, there ya go. You too have now been bored.
  • You're welcome.

She'd be long gone if not for him

Like, y'know, like, I'm like on the like, block

Power duo. One needs to go.

Monday, September 02, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds Power of Veto Meeting Update - Sept. 2

The live feeds were blocked for the veto ceremony and a whole lotta minutes around it. As you recall, Tommy won the Power of Veto.

Of course, Tommy saved Christie with the veto. As he and Cliff had previously discussed, Jackson put Cliff on the block as a pawn against Jess (his target)

This was Jess's reaction after the meeting -- right here.

In other news -- Holly and Jackson broke up. Then Holly and Jackson made up.