Unlike the PoV show full of filler fodder, this show should rock along nicely. I doubt they'll have a jury house update until next week. I want action! Cliff or Jess will walk out the door. But … who will win the HoH and evict the second one tonight? And who will even be nominated and poofed away? I like double evictions!
For those of you in the blog pool -- SueGee has updated the pool and you can find your hamster right AT THIS HERE LINK.
For those of you who might have missed the news -- CBS has renewed Big Brother for the BB22 season, hosted by Julie Chen-Moonves. So, this cast didn't get the show dumped!
I'll be live blogging the major events of the show and constantly updating this post as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh this page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!
Julie put on a red dress for tonight's show. But then we have to sit through the previously on segment.
Day 79 and we have to endure more Holly/Jackson. Jackson explains his duos strategy -- seems to me a repeat from last night. Jess going and the two other duos knocking each other out.
Christie goes to Cliff, telling him Jackson is working everybody. She says Jackson is making it clear that he's working with Cliff and Tommy. Cliff doesn't quibble with her but heads to the HoH room to tell them. He tells Jackson that Christie is throwing him under the bus. Jackson tells him the final four with Nicole and Cliff is real. Holly knew Christie would be a problem. (Yet they haven't succeeded in getting her our.)
To the living room for the first eviction (and "surprise" them about the double) -- She tells them there is no jury battle back. Tommy overacts about the double eviction announcement. @@
Jess -- Shout outs half of her time, love you BB guys so much, one shot at the game, want to be here, if I'm good for your game keep me.
Cliff -- Shout outs too -- Speaks highly of Jess, want to stay, love you all, will walk out with pride if need be.
The votes to evict:
Holly - Jess
Nicole - Jess
Christie - Jess
Tommy - Jess
Oh noes! The outcast is unanimously outcast! Jess is OUT!
She holds the door open for the others to see a long time and then forgets to bring her hag out. When asked, she tells Julia she thinks Jackson will be going out tonight, too.
HoH comp time. On Thin Ice -- build ice puzzle, score hockey goal -- first one done wins. Jackson can't play.
YES! NICOLE WINS HOH! Tommy was very close behind her!
Cliff talks with her briefly. They discussed how each should nominate Tommy and Christie before. That seems to be the plan. Cliff tells her if one comes down, either Michie/Holly up. And we go to commercial.
Live nominations ceremony begins. Nicole nominates Christie and Tommy!
Power of Veto is ON. What the Bleep classic comp, all playing. Bleeped out word or phrase from previous hamsters, Julie will complete and they answer true of false, seven questions.
1. All right
2. All right
3. All right
4. Tommy and Jackson don't get a point
5. Cliff, Christie and Nicole get it right. I got it right.
6. Cliff, Christie, Tommy and Michie right.
I don't think he needs the two minutes to strategize. In a brief talk, Cliff and Nicole say the noms will remain the same and Christie should go. I personally think they should get rid of Tommy because Christie is nothing without him, but they didn't call me to ask.
To the living room -- Cliff does NOT use the PoV. Christie and Tommy remain on the block.
Back in the living room for the eviction.
Tommy -- Not prepared, obsessed with game and Julie, dream come true, proud of Nicole. Loves all.
Christie -- Cries, cries, cries, you're amazing and will probably win (to Jackson?)
The votes to evict --
Jackson - Christie
Holly - Christie
Cliff - Christie
Finally, the annoyance is gone but the actual game threat Tommy remains.
She cries, but quasi-recovers talking to Julie. She does think they should have taken Tommy off instead of her for their games. She thinks Jackson will probably win. Julie brings up her relationship with Tommy. Hurt or helped game? Definitely helped her.
Swaggy and Bayleigh will host the next HoH. We can also expect BB Comics veto.
Now, the next HoH will probably play out late tonight. When I know something I'll post an update in a separate post. I expect the live feeds to be blocked for it and, if they start way late, my update won't be until morning.
Julie put on a red dress for tonight's show. But then we have to sit through the previously on segment.
Day 79 and we have to endure more Holly/Jackson. Jackson explains his duos strategy -- seems to me a repeat from last night. Jess going and the two other duos knocking each other out.
Christie goes to Cliff, telling him Jackson is working everybody. She says Jackson is making it clear that he's working with Cliff and Tommy. Cliff doesn't quibble with her but heads to the HoH room to tell them. He tells Jackson that Christie is throwing him under the bus. Jackson tells him the final four with Nicole and Cliff is real. Holly knew Christie would be a problem. (Yet they haven't succeeded in getting her our.)
To the living room for the first eviction (and "surprise" them about the double) -- She tells them there is no jury battle back. Tommy overacts about the double eviction announcement. @@
Jess -- Shout outs half of her time, love you BB guys so much, one shot at the game, want to be here, if I'm good for your game keep me.
Cliff -- Shout outs too -- Speaks highly of Jess, want to stay, love you all, will walk out with pride if need be.
The votes to evict:
Holly - Jess
Nicole - Jess
Christie - Jess
Tommy - Jess
Oh noes! The outcast is unanimously outcast! Jess is OUT!
She holds the door open for the others to see a long time and then forgets to bring her hag out. When asked, she tells Julia she thinks Jackson will be going out tonight, too.
HoH comp time. On Thin Ice -- build ice puzzle, score hockey goal -- first one done wins. Jackson can't play.
YES! NICOLE WINS HOH! Tommy was very close behind her!
Cliff talks with her briefly. They discussed how each should nominate Tommy and Christie before. That seems to be the plan. Cliff tells her if one comes down, either Michie/Holly up. And we go to commercial.
Live nominations ceremony begins. Nicole nominates Christie and Tommy!
Power of Veto is ON. What the Bleep classic comp, all playing. Bleeped out word or phrase from previous hamsters, Julie will complete and they answer true of false, seven questions.
1. All right
2. All right
3. All right
4. Tommy and Jackson don't get a point
5. Cliff, Christie and Nicole get it right. I got it right.
6. Cliff, Christie, Tommy and Michie right.
I don't think he needs the two minutes to strategize. In a brief talk, Cliff and Nicole say the noms will remain the same and Christie should go. I personally think they should get rid of Tommy because Christie is nothing without him, but they didn't call me to ask.
To the living room -- Cliff does NOT use the PoV. Christie and Tommy remain on the block.
Back in the living room for the eviction.
Tommy -- Not prepared, obsessed with game and Julie, dream come true, proud of Nicole. Loves all.
Christie -- Cries, cries, cries, you're amazing and will probably win (to Jackson?)
The votes to evict --
Jackson - Christie
Holly - Christie
Cliff - Christie
Finally, the annoyance is gone but the actual game threat Tommy remains.
She cries, but quasi-recovers talking to Julie. She does think they should have taken Tommy off instead of her for their games. She thinks Jackson will probably win. Julie brings up her relationship with Tommy. Hurt or helped game? Definitely helped her.
Swaggy and Bayleigh will host the next HoH. We can also expect BB Comics veto.
Now, the next HoH will probably play out late tonight. When I know something I'll post an update in a separate post. I expect the live feeds to be blocked for it and, if they start way late, my update won't be until morning.