Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Survivor 39: Blog Pool OPENS! (and info, too)

Lifeguard Laurie has graciously offered to do the pool once again this season. She always rocks!

The season premiere is next Wednesday, September 25. The blog pool sign up must be made on this post only. The deadline for signing up is next Tuesday, September 24 at noon eastern time.

Jeff Probst doesn't seem to have a video assessment online.  But I found this link to an article in which he talks about each one with photos. Boston Rob and Sandra are not competing, so will not be a part of the blog pool.

BB21: Live Feeds Brief - Sept. 17

Happier days after BB Comics comp

I'm still having trouble typing. But I notice that my computer does that speech recognition I just had to set it up. It does not want to work well in Blogger. I have to type/speak into a document, then copy and paste into Blogger. It also doesn't like working on Facebook. I have a wrist brace ordered which might give my hand more stability. This is driving me bonkers. My left hand types fine while my right hand types gibberish. No good for live blogging, but here's an update:
  • Veto meeting won't be held until live show.
  • Cliff will go up and out despite deals he made with Jackson re: voting out Holly.
  • It's his own fault -- he should have listened to Nicole and broke up the showmance!
  • Holly is being sex-crazed and needy with Jackson.
  • Holly is being nasty to Nicole. She blames Nicole for Jackson's deal to have her throw the HOH comp and the fact that she went ahead and did it.
  • @@
  • Nicole is speaking up for herself yet often remains too nice to them (IMO)
  • That's where we are.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Saturday, September 14, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds - POV - Sept. 14

My apologies -- I'm still having problems with my right hand.

As expected, Nicole nominated Jackson and Holly. Cliff wants (foolishly) to have Jackson in the final three, Nicole wants Holly. Cliff is off the hook with deals, sounds like he could very well betray Nicole. Veto winner is the sole vote this week.

The veto winner is JACKSON

Thursday, September 12, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds HOH Comp Updates - Sept. 12

This post will be updated once the live feeds return, check comments too!

Um, okay.

Feeds came back a few minutes after the show to a Nicole win