Sunday, July 10, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Nominations Show Blog Party - July 10


Good evening, hamster voyeurs! Tonight's episode should be a lot of filler and then the nominations. While Veto has already played out in real time, please keep comments about the show that's airing here -- no spoilers!

I will be live blogging the best I can with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

As per the norm, we will sit through the "previously on" segment.

The show picks up when they come inside from the HOH comp. Lots of introductions going around. Alyssa says she will play her social game in hopes of staying in the game. The Backstage Pass holders are very confused. Brittany is lying, claiming she's a toy tester. That makes me think of an old Tom Hanks movie.

Hmm. The editing is already pushing a Monte/Taylor connection. Turner claims to be an artist/rug maker. Okay. Indy says she's in training to become a sex coach. Oh my.

The Backstage Pass three women get black t-shirts which read Backstage while Pooch has a yellow t-shirt that reads Backstage Boss. The girls are upset that they have to wear them all week.

BB has an announcement for them -- Have Nots. Michael volunteers, as does Joseph ... then Monte and Kyle. The Have Not room has pool floaties for beds and they get towels as blankets.

Daniel and Nicole seem to be bonding. Daniel tells us he has decided she is going to be his final two. Nicole is already considering him her ride or die. They're calling themselves the Rogue Rats.

Paloma tells Alyssa there are snakes in the house. They decide they're a final two, ride or die. 

They have the yard with the pool table -- there's a bumper pool table in the house -- and pool. Taylor is mingling with the men at the pool table. Paloma picks up on it and, whether jealous or not, fusses in the Diary Room about it. Now Ameerah and Brittany have joined in as Paloma trash talks Taylor because she's hanging out with the boys. She thinks they should band together and get the strong boys out of the house.

America's Vote -- Which Backstage Pass holder do you want to keep safe. Vote at this link -

Alyssa thinks Newark is a country. She was actually thinking Denmark. I live near Newark. It's not the happiest country (or city) in the world.

Ameerah goes to talk to Daniel. She tells him that the Have Nots volunteered to be such to avoid being nominated for eviction. He hadn't thought of that but now thinks it makes sense.

Jasmine lost her father with whom she watched BB. Paloma was talking ti to her about it and now respects her so much for opening up to her. Okay. 

Michael goes to talk to Daniel in the HOH Room. He's coming across as nervous to me. Daniel, who prides himself on being a superfan, doesn't trust Michael, who tells him he's a superfan.

Terrance wants to lay low and make relationships. That said, he mentioned that he hasn't spoken game with anyone. He feels he doesn't fit in.

Paloma is pushing Taylor as a nominee to Daniel.

Time for the Nominations Ceremony. Daniel nominates Terrance, then Michael. He says it is because they haven't spoken enough or at all any game to him. He tells us that Terrance is his pawn, Michael is the target.


Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Sunday Morning - July 10


Ameerah is on the anti-Taylor train

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Mean Girls, Mean Boys:

  • Ameerah, Turner and Indy were the three POV comp players in addition to Daniel, Terrance and Michael.
  • Don't ask me who picked whom. I don't know.
  • For all of those folks who were upset with the Cookout last year, not to worry -- the house is not divided by any racial causes this season.
  • It's more Many Against Taylor.
  • The movement started with Paloma and has spread through the house.
  • Monte seems to have made it his personal mission to get Taylor out of the house.
  • Why Paloma is so vehement, I don't really know.
  • However, she told Monte that Taylor said she wants him and Kyle out. 
  • That seems to be a lie made just to rile Monte (and Kyle) up to join her cause.
  • It's a mess.
  • Taylor cried. They are definitely bullying her and she feels outcast.
  • No one is talking about any sort of loyalty to race.
  • Meanwhile, Daniel has said more than once that he doesn't want Terrance to be voted out.
  • Um. Why did he put him on the block then? That was before the Taylor stuff blew up. Why risk the one "older" guy in the house at all?
  • Not everyone in the house is on the Anti-Taylor Train, just most. Joseph and Brittany seem to be staying out of it as of late.
  • Of course, all the Anti-Taylor hamsters are pretty much playing a game of telephone mainly based on lies and Paloma started it all. Each time a lie is retold it's becoming bigger and bolder.
  • The veto meeting and possible (probable) renom won't be until tomorrow.
  • Daniel hasn't said he is going to put Taylor up but I will be shocked if he doesn't.
  • This Anti-Taylor movement would make nominating her the easiest thing for him to do.

If Daniel wanted him to stay,
why put him on the block?


Uh-oh, Taylor looks a bit Audrey-esque

Now his sole goal is to oust Taylor.

Saturday, July 09, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Veto Comp Bulletin - July 9


The veto comp was held and the live feeds just returned. We do have a winner. I didn't catch -- or they didn't show -- who played for veto other than the nominees and Daniel (HOH).

Michael won the power of veto. Daniel will have to make a renom as Michael is sure to save himself.

The outfit has to be for veto!

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Saturday Morning - July 9


Indy, relieved she's not on the block.

Here's what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Misfit Toys:

  • As I previously posted, Daniel nominated Michael and Terrance for eviction. 
  • The Backstage Girls are still oblivious as to what their role will be on eviction night as is Pooch.
  • Paloma, Alyssa, Brittany have added Ameerah in their bizarre targeting of Taylor.
  • I'm still not seeing any logical reasoning behind their dislike of her. As far as I can tell, Taylor has been nothing but decent to them.
  • Paloma, in particular, seems to be growing more and more paranoid about people scheming.
  • Now, Taylor should be the one worrying about people scheming! Instead, she thinks the girls are just not talking game. @@
  • If she keeps up that gullibility, she will deserve be targeted!
  • To give the Backstage Girls credit, they were at least a bit right in one of their observations. They said the four guys who volunteered to be Have Nots did it hoping to avoid nomination. Sure enough, before nominations Joseph told Daniel that the ones doing Have Nots have been through enough already.
  • Michael is a bit upset with Daniel's choice to nominate him as he gave the reason the two (Michael and Terrance) didn't talk to him. He did talk to Daniel and Daniel pretty much cut him off.
  • Of course, I know from the feeds that Michael was Daniel's only real target from the start of his thinking noms.
  • Why, I'm not sure. But Michael seems to be rubbing a lot of them the wrong way.
  • Not that there's any massaging going on, mind you!
  • When He went to Daniel about it, Daniel told him he only talked once and everyone else talked twice.
  • Um. Really.
  • Daniel told Terrance he's not a target. Okay ...
  • Alyssa is already homesick and crying about it. @@
  • Brittany seems to be cozying up to Taylor, telling her she doesn't like the anti-boy vibes. Taylor does get along with the men. The Backstage Girls have it in for Taylor first, then the men.
  • Monte is all but insistent that the live show is Sunday. I guess he's not the show fan he pretends to be!
  • Hmm. After talking to Michael, Taylor wants to work with him and does not want him out.
  • They better get out of the habit of being up all night!
  • The backyard is closed and I expect the POV comp will be played today.
  • Laters ...
What's with the poof of blonde in the back?

Paloma was in the DR for over an hour.

Ameerah has fallen in with Backstage Girls

Pooch is very talkative

Open your eyes, Taylor!

Friday, July 08, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Nominations Bulletin - July 8

HOH is fun until you have to choose ...

Well, Daniel wanted to be the first HOH, right? He's been saying he wants to put up macho guys (not saying it to the macho guys, though).

So, who does he nominate? Michael and Terrance. Um.

Up for adoption, not eviction